Empress High Council

Contracts That Bind

Empress High Council Season 5 Episode 5

Hey, Royal Family. We're back to let you know that if you're doing business on verbal agreement only, you need to STOP immediately. We're going to explain the importance of a Statement of Work (SOW), contracts, cancellation clauses, and invoicing. We're also going DEEP with our first Amethyst letter to discuss the contract of marriage and what that does to the vibration of your name. So, get your glasses up, and let's get into it. 

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00:08.96 The Alchemist

Great day, royal family and welcome to season 5 episode 5 don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council. We are everywhere. This is The Alchemist coming to you in a frequency of energy to transmit your social spiritual and financial currency into abundance.


00:33.489 Jaz Afrodite

And this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.


00:40.37 Dannie

This is Dannie giving you positivity and providing you inspiration to become your authentic self.


00:46.98 The Alchemist

In this episode. We'll be talking about the number 1 template and if not a template the number one contract that you will need in going forward and doing business with other people. Yes, Kings and Queens, Queens and Kings we will be talking about contracts deliverables and scopes of work. Before we get started. Let me explain to you what a scope or statement of work is. Some people may call it a scope of work. Some people may call it a statement of work a scope of work. Best known as a SOW outlines a deliverables and project. Goals it is created to keep everyone on the same page about deadlines what to expect and what to expect again. Your project expectations. Okay, what to expect at the end of your project. A lot of folks go into contracts with other people. And they're normally verbal contracts. There's nothing written and then we have major discrepancies so to cut out all the major discrepancies we're going to talk about scopes of work and contracts so guys have you guys? do. Have a scope of work ladies empresses. Do you have a scope of work that you actually give to your clients to identify what their expectations are and what you're going to deliver them when you're going to deliver them what you're going to deliver as well as some expectations of them as a client.


02:17.53 Dannie

Yes, I do um first phase is in consulting. We call it the contracting phase in general That's what the what? The what the process is called contracting in the development of the scope of work or the statement of work. Ah, that doesn't happen. Right? away where you're drafting up papers right? You have your parameters and expectations mapped out based upon initial meetings. So your first meeting with your potential client. Going over what you can deliver and the services that you can provide and then hearing from the client what they would like to receive from your services. That's the first meeting this first meeting can expand out to 1 or 2 more additional meetings to fine tune. What could be the potential deliverables for the scope of work or statement of work and then of course discussing the timeline usually in the beginning. The timeline is touched upon at a high level so it probably would only show be it maybe a couple of weeks or a couple of months if you're doing like an immersion phase or an exploratory phase. You could say initially in your conversation and and showing in presenting what you can do oh this this piece could at minimum take four weeks or take take. a couple of days it depends on what type of services is being done or a couple of months like I said or if it's extended out long-term ah depending on the phase could be for a year or the whole project for a year Ah with the likelihood of renewal. So even having that discussed in these initial meetings as well. But I definitely like and prefer strongly encourage that you have all of these things in writing. It's great to have initial conversation and get get a feel as to the working habits and behavior of your potential client. That's the whole purpose of these meetings but following up with stuff in writing you want to protect yourself. And also uphold the integrity of the services that you provide and making sure that you fully understand what is the expectations of you in the work and vice versa. So that's my piece thus far. Jaz.


05:00.22 Jaz Afrodite

Yeah, I definitely use statements of work with my clients and as you said Dr. Dannie we first have initial conversations and what I've learned is during these initial conversations I call them consultations and I charge. So. If you are new to your own business. Definitely think about what your consultation fees are because you may find in these conversations that people will string you along or have you do a lot of front work in the development of this project and then decide that they want to back out of it. Once they see the full scope and what you're charging because you should always charge your value and that's something that you learn as you go through the business. You can only go through that and and determine for yourself. What your value is. So definitely those consultations are front but that I charge for and then based on the conversation as Dr Dannie so eloquently put it based on what the client wants and what my expertise are I draft up a written agreement. So first is the objective what it is that you want to. Complete or what is the outcome of the project in like a 2-sentence overview and then I do the summary of the work to be done where I lay out in paragraph form. What I'm going to do what the client is going to do what they're going to receive and such and then underneath that I put my contractual rate, so this is going to. Charge you or you are going to be responsible for paying me the x number of dollars an hour or however, you want to do your pricing and then I put a work and payment title work and payment timeline which talks about the work to be done who owns that work the start date end date the number of hours if I'm charging hourly and what that's gonna cost and I put a table so they can clearly see what each task is who's responsible for that task the start and end date and then the total of all of that and then I would outline what the course looks like I generally do this when I'm designing. Course for people and it's not something that I've advertised on my website but I do this through word of mouth and so I get a lot of clients coming to me to develop their online classes and so I do that for them and lay out what the class looks like and at the end I put my terms and agreement based on what we've discussed the  intellectual property belongs to you you get this I get this at the end you're responsible for this part of the work I'm responsible for that part of the work once you agree on everything that is written here your first payment seals this contract. I don't even really need their signature if I put that in the statement of work that says your first down payment says that you agree to everything that is dear than we are officially in contract and so I give them that in Pdf form. That they have a written documentation and once I received that down payment the work begins, and I do this because many of the people like The Alchemists said when she started out. They want to do stuff on verbal agreements. There is no verbal agreement in business. There shouldn't be cause there's too much room. for misconception misunderstanding things to be misconstrued too many misses and we need wins right now we don't have any times for losses so statements of work are imperative when you're doing service-based work.


08:21.86 The Alchemist

Kings and Queens, Queens and Kings you heard it here first. The statement of work school work is imperative. Um, the parameters assists the parameters, the expectations but I have a question guys. Do you. Have a cancellation clause because I know in one of my and my and my contract I actually have a cancellation clause and my cancellation clause is forty five days do you have a cancellation. What what is the length of time of your cancellation clauses. Because I know mine maybe be too long and I got my cancellation clause from someone else I know in business and I know that their cancellation clause was 45 days so I duplicated that and had my cancellation clause forty five days and guys if you cannot find a contract or or scope of work or statement of work. Google is your friend. You can find everything on there contracts are important. It will definitely like Dr Dannie said maintain the integrity of your business as the same time. It will also protect you.


09:28.24 Dannie

So, I do have cancellation clauses alchemist in my scope for slash statement of works or and or or contracts usually the scope of work that I put together incorporates a contract at the end. Um. The whole document and depending upon the level of work if the love if the work is more than three months the cancellation clause can be at minimum forty-five days I have seen cancellation clauses done by other businesses where there are thirty days and I've have seen them for 60 to ninety days based upon the time period of the work that needs to be done. So, if there's a project that's going for. More than 6 months the cancellation clause is is extended out and what I want to stress also to people to our community out there our Kings and queens out there in in the space is that the cancellation clause is put in there to show that the client cannot only cancel you but you as the individual providing the services can cancel them as well. This isn't a 1 ne-way street I need to just stress that it is a 2 wo-way street. It goes both ways. So, if the client is not fulfilling their commitment according to the agreed timeline and what you need to deliver to them in a timely fashion. You can get out of this too based upon your cancellation clause so I just I just needed to say that immediately because. Sometimes people have this perception that because they are providing a service to a client they have. They don't have leverage and that's far from the truth. So.


11:28.77  The Alchemist

Because clients can be fired too. Yeah. Not only is the cancellation clause at the length of time that we're talking about the cancellation clause because a lot of people don't know that like you said Dr Dannie Dependent upon the amount of work that you've put into the project that cancellation clause is extremely important in the timeline. Some people's cancellation clause can be two weeks some people's cancellation clause can be thirty days forty five days or whatever. But the reason why that cancellation clause has to be extended that long because there is a project close out stage so you want to protect your brand the integrity of your business and what you're doing so you don't want to leave a client. In a worse space than where you met them, especially given the fact that you've already done so much work on a project. You may have you don't want to burn any bridges grandma we told you don't burn any bridges you may have to go back to them for something so that person can say well I did work with them. Um I was you know. I had to exercise the cancellation clause or they exercised the cancellation clause and then the cancellation clause being exercised. There was a close out stage and that close out stage helps to get the client and to wrap up the project where it is right there and and you guys need to know. When you have a cancellation clause you still get paid during that time because there's work that you're still doing exactly you're still doing work.


13:00.56 Dannie

And that is correct that needs to be stressed. Yes, that you're just closing it out. It's it's just that you and the client have come to an agreement that this didn't work. However. The work that has been done based upon whatever is written in the contract can be still received by the client or not be received by the client it all depends on what what is crafted in that in that binding document that agreed to binding document. Also want to add that within these documents. What I like to do not only provide my rate. But for each phase I show how much each phase costs so nothing is hidden. And it is very clear that this is the amount of time that it's going to take to do this and what is specifically being delivered during these phases. So, this is this isn't a walk in a park and I'm just doing this work just to do this work and and we're just gonna get paid. When it's done even with that there is a payment schedule. That's also put in the contract either you you you're accepting 50 upfront or you're breaking it into intervals third or fourth, whatever dependent upon what your invoicing schedule is ah. Making sure those things are in place. So, I even think back to previous episodes that we've done talking about specific platforms that we use for our businesses for accounting budgeting and invoicing purposes. You got to review all those things and make sure you have them in place. Because what you have in place has to align with the documents the contracts the scope of work. The statement of work that you draft.


14:53.25 The Alchemist

And everyone wants to get paid right? or right? I'm a be honest with you guys. Invoicing is no joke but it's a necessity that you have to do because I know that. Ah, invoicing for I'm invoicing for 2 businesses right now and a lot of times I spend a lot of time sitting down making sure that my invoice is aligned with 1 either a product or sale and everything is still a product whether it's consulting or whether it's a. A tangible product making sure that the invoices align with where you are in the project. So right now I'm doing 401K reviews right now 401K reviews the 401ks are reviews. Can take at least about a good 10 hours of work you have to sparse that 10 hours out it's not going to all happen in the same meeting. It's not going to all happen in 2 meetings and now I have to invoice for the 3 hours here another 3 hours there where we talked about and discussed this that and yeah, other another 3 hours there and then talk about our results. So invoicing is a necessity It's not simple. You want to make sure that you pay a lot of attention to your invoices queens and Kings and so your invoices can be clear and concise for your customers. Guys. So we're still talking about statements of work in contracts. Let's talk a little bit more about the contract because I think we got pretty much handled everything on a statement of work. Do you think or there any any any boxes that we may need to check when it comes to the. Statement of work order scope of work.


16:38.25 Dannie

I would just also just like to add in that your statement scope of work also will identify individuals that would be working on that particular project. So if it's if it's not only just you as the business owner doing the work. If you're bringing in additional resources resources or third party vendors to assist it with the work. You are. You are also identifying that within the scope of work statement of work so just wanted to make that clear because what you don't want to happen is as you go through the process. Having your meetings with the client as it pertains to the project be it status meetings or updates. What have you it it is made aware upfront in these documents that this is what the team is comprised of this is the team composition and. These are the individuals who are going to be doing the work along with me as the main point of contact.


17:43.44 The Alchemist

Roundtable, you know the importance of having a scope scope of work or statement of work. Let's talk a little bit about the contract and what a contract really is because the contract is illegally binding and enforceable. Um, agreement between 2 or more parties now your contract could be between 3 or more people number one. Okay, here's the other thing about your contract that you need to know your contract needs to be iron clad. Don't put fluff in your contract that you know you cannot deliver that will harm your business make sure that you can deliver everything in your contract. Your contract will also include your terms in agreement just like Jaz said and it will also include your cancellation call laws in your contract as well. So, you want to make sure. That your deliverables are on point now sometimes maybe your client will come back and say well I want to make some changes to the contract you need to be you need to know what you will negotiate on and what you will not negotiate on. Guys have you ever had to negotiate any contracts with any clients?


19:13.49 Jaz Afrodite

I didn't have to my clients are so laissez fair when it comes to business that they are even shocked that that that I would send them a statement of work or contract. But I know I'm doing that just to make sure to let them know that this is a professional business and this is. Going to be legally binding. So in case, you try to do anything that goes against what we've Discussed. We gonna be in court then I'm gonna win.


19:39.91 Dannie

So, I've had to renegotiate contracts in the middle of the project I've had to do it at the beginning, especially once reviewing the draft of the contract and scope of work and statement of work. Ah, and. Providing rationale as to why certain things are priced at the the way they are priced renegotiating mid-contract has occurred if I see that we are experiencing scope creep based upon the client. Asking for more things that are out of scope out of scope means what was initially agreed to at the beginning and what was signed off by the client and myself to do the work. And then as we move along. They want this or they want that and coming back in in including an addendum to change the scope of work and adding in the additional services and pricing and providing that explanation as to why. And if there needs to be another third-party vendor involved with that additional means of services so signing off on that Addendum that would be included in the current ah scope of work statement of work slash contract that has been put together. And again, as Jaz said this is about protecting yourself and if a client wants to come back and say but wait a minute that's not what we agreed to um, hold on wait one second on such and such a day you started the communication. That you wanted this because of x y and z I then sent you this document this addendum that you signed off on and agreeing to the additional invoicing terms because now you have another aspect in the invoicing schedule that needs to be added. So you can't wiggle your way out of it. It's it's it's imperative to have these things together and you even do these contracts with people that you know I've done work for for individuals that are good friends of mine and I'm not. I'm not playing around with that because again I'm protecting myself I'm protecting the integrity and upholding the integrity of the work that I do and then I'm also quiet is kept because they're not. They're not seeing it that way because they're like well we're friends I'm also protecting them. So yeah.


22:26.73 The Alchemist

And that leads me to that statement I think there's like a little quote going on on Instagram means that that says black business. Don't me free. Okay black business. Don't be free y'all and even though you may have a contract. And your scope of work and your expectations clearly identified what happens at that time is scope creep does set in because now you want the extra rhinestone on 10 fingernails. You understand what I'm saying you get what I'm you guys get what I'm saying when you talk about the extra rhinestones. Any place else. They're going to charge $5 for 10 rhinestones. But. You know when you're dealing with your your people you're like oh it's just one extra little thing. It's not 1 extra little thing the contract the scope of work is to protect the business professionalism that the business owner is showing you right. Is also to set parameters guide your expectations and it lays out the responsibilities of all parties. So we implore you guys sitting here at the roundtable as we continue to deliver to you? Our truth our authentic selves our experiences and what it is that we are doing and where we are in our businesses to be able to help you. Understand the importance of certain and necessary business tools. If you do not know where to go and find a contract or scope of work like I said Google is your best friend go to YouTube University. You'll be able to get the information there. Roundtable round table queens and Kings, Kings and queens of the Empress High Council. We have an update for you 2 things 1 you can go and find our episodes now on YouTube at the Empress High Council so you can find us and find our episodes on YouTube at the empress. High council. Another thing we have instituted I know you guys may have seen it if you are on our Instagram if you are on our Twitter we have the amethyst letter Thank you guys. You have been writing in now the amethyst letter is you can ask and. Empress anything on numerology coaching counseling money and finances business startup love relationships. We're answering it all for you. 2022 style. This is not your old dear aunt Abby. So, we have a letter that came in for those who would like to be anonymous. We are going to maintain your anonymity for those who are going to be anonymous. Otherwise, we're just going to read the letter that we're still not going to say any names, but we just want you to know that if you did say that your letter is anonymous. We got you. So, Jaz Afrodite is going to start out with our first letter Thank you guys for writing in. We got you.



Jaz Afrodite

Our first letter is from Kyla B. and the letter is my name is Kyla B. I'm born on September 12th 1996 my mother who I was not in touch with unfortunately passed away on November 1st, 2021. Her name was Doreen Mitchell. She was born on August 12th, she passed in apartment 111. I feel that because she died on November 1st in apartment 111, this seems to be a significant number and I was wondering if you can tell me about this number in numerology our relationship was Far away but very close at the same time I also wanted to ask about if a woman marries someone and changes her last name do her numbers change or should she stick with the name given at birth, how does that work. Well Kyla thank you so much for your letter. This is a beautiful letter. Please accept my condolences about the passing of your mom. I hope that you are not grieving too much even though the grief is unbearable, and it will take time for you to even reconcile with that so looking at the numbers. You're born on September 12th and your mom is on August 12th so we looking at the birthday numbers first, the 12 resolves 2 or 3 because you would add to 1 and 2 so you are a 3 as well as your mom is a 3 so you did say that the 2 of you are far away but very close and the reason why you're very close is because you're a Virgo 3 she's a Leo 3 you guys have the same birthday number. So, you're both youthful. And joyful and optimistic and like to be around people and bubbly and love to dance and love the arts and love to communicate love to talk love to socialize. So the 2 of you are very much involved with other people and you love to entertain and just have a good time and so that was your commonalities to 3 your mom lived in apartment 111 which is an angel number that I'll discuss in a minute but when you resolve the 3 ones that comes up to a 3 so your mom was born on third meaning that the 12th equals a 3 her birthday number is a 3 and the apartment number. So your mom’s birthday number was compatible with her apartment number, as it should be. When we’re looking at apartments, we want to go with apartments that go well with our birthday number. 3 so that is extremely significant in and of itself now looking at your mother's name Doreen Mitchell because I didn't know if it was her full birth name, I used the Chaldean alphabets because that's the alphabet that you use. You are looking at names that could be aliases or names that don't have a middle name if it's not the full birth name and her name Doreen is a 28 which is a 1 her last name Mitchell is a 28 which is a one and so you add those 2 names together you get 56. Which is an eleven because we reduced to 56 to an 11 that's a master number so your mother had a lot of one energy. First name is 1 her last name is one that resolves to an eleven look at the 56 so she's a master number 11 meaning that her destiny was to illuminate to enlighten to spread knowledge and. Spirituality to those around her she was someone who was also in the spotlight whether it be somebody who was famous or she could have been very popular in her close knit circle somebody who had the light was shining on her because she had something of significance to share with humanity now her destiny number. But the 11 that I just spoke of her person. Yeah, her personality number is a 33 another master number. So that means that people saw her as a master teacher somebody who was giving a lot of information on a spiritual realm, so she had a lot of responsibility with all of this master number energy because that meant that. She had evolved in previous lives to a level where she was now equipped to teach people on a heightened spiritual level now looking at you Kyla, your expression number or destiny is a 33 as well. So, you guys have a lot of Master number energies in your chart your birthday number is a 3 your destinies are 33 so you yourself are a master teacher whether you do that through teaching or through writing or through singing because 33 is a 6 but a lot of 33s are musicians singers so you're advanced in that. Area as well. Your soul number is a 3 meaning that that's what you really want to do on a soul level is to be an artistic person and your personality is a 3 so you guys are all in this 3 energy. 3 is your number 3 is your destiny so that's the reason why the 2 of you are so close. Though from time-to-time you guys did clash because you're a Virgo. She's a Leo those numbers clash with each other so as close as you were there was some distance in between you two for a reason. 


So, looking at the angel number 111 yes, you are right? It is a very significant number because, but that number is. Saying to you is that when you are seeing 1 one 1 you need to be aware of what it is that you're thinking because your thoughts are manifesting at rapid pace and so 111 is asking for you to be positive to keep an optimistic attitude which is easy for you since you’re a 3. And to say exactly what you want when you see the 111 is for you to focus on the things that you want to bring to fruition and manifest and not the things that you don't want because whatever it is that you're thinking about in that moment is what's going to manifest. So, the angel number 111 encourages you to assist and inspire others with their natural abilities relying when your inner wisdom your intuition and to being inspirational light that brings what illumination to others and help bring their spiritual awareness so that is a part of your mother's destiny because she was an 11 her name Doreen Mitchell equals and 11 and it's also a part of yours Kyla B. which equals a 33 so both of you have that responsibility to illuminate and to bring awareness to others. What I'll also say about the 111 angel number energy Kyla is when you see that 111 because your mom was living in a 111 apartment that may be a message that she is around you at that particular time. So pay attention to what you're thinking about if you're worrying about something or if you're thinking about her and you see 111 that may be her sign and her signal that she is with you at that time as well. So, in addition to what the actual angel number means, 111 could be your mom coming in to let you know that she is with you in spirit.


Now the second part of your letter I wanted to ask about. If a woman marries someone and changes her last name do her numbers change or should she stick with the name given at birth. How does that work I always say look at the name that you were born with and if that name has been positive for you and working for you and bringing you a lot of. But luck and opportunities I say you clearly assess changing your name and what that would do to that energy if you change your name. Yes, you can change your whole destiny at taking on your potential spouse's last name so you can never escape the name that you were born with because that is a name that you made to contract with when you came into this earthly plane, so you can never escape the letters and the destiny of that name that you were born with. However, you can add additional karma to it or you can change. Any situations in your life or you can even add some positive things, but it depends on the name that you're taking on for 1 instance, let me make this concrete for you I had 1 of my numerology warriors asked about changing her name to her husband's last name because her spirit kept telling her not to do it. And when we looked at her name and added her husband's last name it was equal to a 43/7 which is a death point meaning that everything that she would take on would be disastrous, and who would fail, so you definitely don't want to take on that energy. I mean she does have the energy of her birth name. But what she's going to add is that anything that she does moving forward when she takes on the vibration of that name will have disastrous effects will not work to her benefit plans will fail. She will be unsuccessful in future endeavors so please assess it closely before you change the name consider what your name is doing consider what adding their name will do to that vibration and sometimes it's best to just keep your own sometimes it is best to keep your own. It's nothing wrong with that, and I understand that men don’t always like that you won’t take their name, and they’ll want to say that not taking they’re name means you're not going to be a part of them and listen if you need to school them first so they can really see what the numbers are saying, then I say you do that right. Kyla, I also wanted to say too before we close on the letter you also want to think about if you change the name of the last name to your spouse's name. What energies you're removing from your name. When we first started this podcast, and we had our previous co-host Nadia on and she was speaking in episode 3 or 4. She mentioned that she lost her discipline to budget money when before, she used to be very good with money. And then she wasn't as good anymore she wasn't really taking time to sit and date her money and it's because she changed her name and was taking on her married name and even though she was no longer married. She's still using her married name and with that, it removed the 8 frequency from her name and so she lost the discipline to budget her money. So you want to think about all of the vibration and number vibrations that you may lose if you change your name to your spouse's name. And thank you for that letter darling. How do you ladies feel about changing your names?


36:04.63 The Alchemist

Jaz, you are absolutely right. because you know, um, when I got married I had a consultation with you in regards to the vibration of including my husband's last name and some things I included it on. And some things I just 1 thing I included on and then we once we figured it out and what was going to go down and we started to see some of that stuff start to happen. The rest was history I did not change anything so everything is still my maiden name and yes. He does have a problem. He has a a feeling with it and even when I take on contracts and contract positions I do not put the last name. It is first name middle initial last name born with because it it actually did start to change the scope of what was going on. Even all my credit cards. Everything still in my maiden name. Not no way it made a difference, guys jazafrodite.com but you better get it there because. You start figuring out, hey everything was great before I got married and I had all this and all that was going on and then I got married and everything went the hell in a handbasket, what happened? You changed your vibration.


37:28.21 Dannie

No lies told there I have not written the chapter of marriage. However, after having consultation with Jaz I go by my full government name or i. Remove my middle name. Um and just use the the first and last name dependent. Um, but having just my middle initial in my name affected everything. That I had been doing so I give my whole full full government name and folks notice that they're like oh my goodness you just put in your whole yes yes I am because as The Alchemist said your name. Speaks volumes and it depends on that on the amount of volume you want your name to speak. So if you want to add your married name or not add it. And there is a big difference in how your life path is gonna go you. You need to strongly assess that and review that I know for me when I am completed with my degree and in the midst of me going on my journey academically and I meet someone I get married I'm not put in his. But his name on my degree you weren't with me in the gym shooting in the gym shooting in the gym. That's right you you weren't there you and that's no tea, no shade but it's a fact this is something that I worked on and then I would do what The Alchemists did.


39:03.96 The Alchemist

Boo boo wasn't with me when I was shooting in the gym.


40:08.73 Dannie

Assess as to whether or not the vibration is going to falter or elevate if I add your name to my point blank period. It's nothing against you as the individual. But. I think people have to remember you came in this world alone and you gonna leave this world alone I ain't never seen a coffin with 2 people up in it unless they unless they were you know connected and that was something they agreed to and you gotta find a coffin for 2 people I'd never seen 2 people. In in in a coffin Usually it's one so you you gotta like think about those things and I think because of for me being aware of the importance of this now I'm very particular. So. That's not gonna happen right? away you know, getting caught up in the in the whole whole ah mirage of marriage and and being like I'm gonna take his last name. Do you really want to do that I mean I was sitting here listening to you were talking about that individual 43/7 death point I was. Like I couldn't hide the way I was feeling I started like stuff crippling up my but my spine that's that's not good so you got to do? What's right for you.


40:46.43 The Alchemist

Jaz, that was a great letter.  I can't even express to you guys. How important that letter is and how on point that letter is because I experienced it once again and trust me. Jaz Afrodite is telling the whole truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because it has been my experience where I actually had to make sure I drop the name off of everything in order to go back and pick up the vibration. That I had so guys make sure that you get your numerology reading you guys know that I don't make a move without numerology. First of all, so make sure you get your numerology reading because you want to make sure. Make sure make sure that you don't change the vibration in your life from something positive to a negative vibration and I know a lot of us are ecstatic about being married and carrying the Mr's last name sometimes it's just not worth it.


41:59.01 Dannie

Facts upon facts, upon facts.


41:59.34 The Alchemist

You're still married. You're still married so on that note guys we are going to leave you with our one final thought. But before we leave you with our one final thought I want to highlight once again. That you can find our episodes on YouTube guys the Empress High Council. You can find the Empress High Council episodes on YouTube you'll find our older episodes on used to on YouTube we are migrating our episodes in addition to that you can also reach out to us and ask an empress. You can send an email title your email the amethyst letter where you can ask your questions in the form of and in regards to finances numerology finances include money you know money wealth. Ah, coaching ah relationships everything so we got you guys. You could send your letter to the Empress High Council. That's cil at empresshighcouncil@gmail.com send your letters to the empresshighcouncil@gmail.com and I don't want to say the as in the the is not in there is empresshighcouncil@gmail.com send your letters empresshighcouncil@gmail.com and we will answer your letters on air and we will keep you anonymous if need be. So thank you for tuning in to the Empress High Council. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us on @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council. You can also reach out to us at empresshighcouncil@gmail.com and you can also catch our episodes on YouTube. Empress High Council. We're going to leave you with our one final thought.