Empress High Council
Empress High Council
The Severity of a Slap featuring J. Fonixx
Royal Family, well you know we, Empresses, had to weigh in on the Will, Jada, & Chris Rock controversy; but we invited a guest Emperor to join us at the round table. J. Fonixx of Hue Boudoir Art joins us to provide his straight, male perspective from behind the lens of a black woman's vulnerabilities and, in Jada's case, self-absorption. Join us as we talk about the male-on-male and male-on-female dynamic, alopecia, and all things concerning relationships. Goblets up. Cheers.
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The Alchemist
Great day kings and queens and welcome to the Empress High Council welcome to season 5 episode 7 you can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council. We are everywhere. You can also find past seasons and episodes on YouTube @ Empress High Council. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button before we get started. Let's introduce our cast this is the alchemist coming to you on a frequency of energy to transmute your social and financial currency into abundance.
Jaz Afrodite
And this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.
The Alchemist
Dr. Dannie has an important engagement tonight. So her presence and perspective will be missed as we talk about a very important and recent development and topic. But before we go on. We have a very special guest for you this evening. Jaz can you please do the honors and introduce our guest and the importance of his presence tonight.
Jaz Afrodite
Royal family kings and queens, queens and Kings we call you to the roundtable this evening to announce the presence of our guest emperor Jude Phonics Jude Phonics is a musician of forty years with steel pan as his first instrument. J. Fonixx started his musical career with BWIA pan s sonatas playing 4 bass, six bass and 12 bass. He's currently a tenor panist and hip hop artist who combines hip hop with rock soul jazz, soca, and reggae and a DJ at his very own company, Soul baby Entertainment but tonight our honored emperor is here to present his male perspective on all women and most significantly black women from behind the lens of his camera J. Fonixx is an entrepreneur and CEO of Hue Boudoir Art, a photography brand that showcases women of all shapes sizes and colors in their natural sensual and vulnerable essence empowering women through the lens you can follow J. Fonixx on IG @hueboudoir_art.
The Alchemist
Hello welcome Jude welcome um man it's listen. Thank you for gracing us with your presence tonight and your time we really appreciate and appreciate you so guys we're going to jump right into it.
Jaz Afrodite
Thank you.
J. Fonixx
What's going on Hello Hello pleasure to meet everyone. Thank you for having me.
The Alchemist
And I'm going to put it like this Thanos has the snap but will Smith has the slap keep my wife's name out of your bleep mouth as will Smith turns and walks away unmoved by. Retaliation Kings and Queens Queens and Kings Roundtable pull up pull up pull up. We're about to get this discussion started. It's about to go down. You're going to get the real perspective on what's going on or just ah whether our perspective of what's going on. However, we don't condone violence. We do not condone violence but we understand the principle and that it was necessary and why a necessity it is about time that we show globally that there will be repercussions when the black woman is attacked. Okay. Repercussions when a black woman is attacked as we have been the most abused in America and deemed as public enemy number one. It is about time that someone became an example and role model to protect the black woman and it is seen globally. But I want you to think about this. Some say that will Smith didn't slap Chris Rock because he was protecting his wife he slapped chris rock because he is controlled by his wife that Jada is a narcissist and as we all know narcissist they do like to control the narrative. That will Smith laughed and thought it was funny until Jada gave him the look should his Oscar be revolted. Let's get the perspective of the council What do you guys? think that.
J. Fonixx
Very interesting. Didn't know if his Oscar should be revoked, I think that's pushing it.
The Alchemist
Well Harvey Weinstein’s Oscar wasn't revoked, so that would be pushing it.
Jaz Afrodite
Hmm, but what do you think, Jude? Since you're the guest emperor for tonight. What do you think about the entire event, Oscar aside?
J. Fonixx
So, as mentioned this this particular event scenario is very very delicate because you have so many different perspectives involved. You have the female. On male perspective. You have the male-on-ma perspective you have the perspective of yo what is his wife doing There's a lot of people that have been following the shenanigans of. And I say shenanigans of red table talk because will as a man in my opinion will supposed to defend his woman. He's supposed to first and foremost my problem. And with many other men that who fully understand and back me on this is who is protecting Will because Will will go hard for his family He's displayed that over the years but yeah seems in my opinion that they're not representing for him. He's always been the do carrying the whole team like let's say a LeBron when is Jada gonna make a 3 pointer because if you flip the scenario.
The Alchemist
J. Fonixx
Yeah, you flipped the scenario. Let's say a chick was on stage clown and will would have Jada would have ran up there and slapped that chick she would have laughed. She would have laughed more so because she'd been clowning him. On her own TV show. That's how most men look at it you clowning your husband but he's still representing you and and defending your honor that I mean you can't get mad at will for that. But most men are looking at him sideways like bro. What are you doing you gonna mess up your money for her nonsense and it wasn't that serious because here's a Rit again here's the met. That's that's the man on woman perspective right. Here's the male-on-male perspective if Chris rock because again, you don't know who got what if Chris Rock had a piece on him and shot will right then and there what ah he would have got off why because he was assaulted. Right? man running up on you. This is how men think you you challenged me to a duel because back in the day you slap a man. No you somebody dying I don't know if you remember you take the glove back in the day as a whop.
The Alchemist
Hell to the Na.
Jaz Afrodite
Hell to the No.
The Alchemist
Yes, yes, Absolutely.
J. Fonixx
And they 2 dudes go to a separate ways and they draw papapa and they start shooting that water women. Don't do that women don't understand the severity of a slap a man will kill you. It's best that you punch him. But if you slap him you gonna Die. You you you got die you this you disrespected me and everything I stand on I got to kill you and he took that chance will took that chance he gambled because of his woman so that leads back to the perspective of what the show is about. Is Will under some type of controlling narcissism through his wife and if so he is the black prad pit he need to reinvent himself and his mindset because she will destroy him.
The Alchemist
Oh come on. Oh.
J. Fonixx
That's how men look at it.
J. Fonixx
That's how a man is looking at it.
Jaz Afrodite
And I'm just rocking I'm back and forth I'm just like whoa This is deep.
The Alchemist
Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hmm.
J. Fonixx
Well I like they used to say on Living Color you ain't heard it from me. Ah, ah, ah own say but you know all jokes aside it could have went very left field I'm sure Chris Rock got some goons next thing you know he wouldve got jumped after the show here's the thing is a way to It's a way to do things as well. Um, people always saying if it was me you don't know what you'll do in that moment. But if you're if you're still want to get that point across will could have walked out it. It could have been a scenario where he could have walked to the backstage and said Chris let me talk to you for a minute. man and man I don't like that you know could have said it. However, you wanted to you owe my wife for apology right now right now and if you ain't feeling that now he now he could have you know, slapped them or through blows what? that's man to man Helen but that's 1 scenario or. He could have got up custom right? then and there the same way he did with the same energy sat down or he could have ran up there got the Mike was like y'all this is what you don't do to black women when they're dealing with a disease. That they have no control over and you think it's funny. He could have put Chris on the spot and made Chris look like a straight up donkey of the day and everybody would applaud it the same way he still would have defended his woman. So. That's just my take on it.
The Alchemist
Jaz Afrodite
Mic Drop in the building.
J. Fonixx
You know because as we know the older you get the more expensive your mistakes become you know you really don't have time to make mistakes the older you get you know the repercussions are highly damaging the older you get, You can't do 20 year old stuff when you 50 something years old and lived to tell about people get killed in the streets for that.
The Alchemist
Well, you know he wasn't really in the streets. He's in Hollywood and we understand that in Hollywood women have been slapping people when they have been insulted for a long long long time and I'm I'm not talking about women of the diaspora. We know exactly who I'm talking about.
Right? right? right? right.
The Alchemist
And that's how they have come of course oh you have insulted me slack will smith train real will Smith played. Um, um, um, um, what was the boxer he played um Ali if real will smith really wanted to hurt him he would have because he can't he trained he played Ali.
J. Fonixx
Ali. Yeah.
J. Fonixx
I Absolutely agree.
The Alchemist
So that was just that was just a warning number one that was the second warning because a lot of people do not know that will Smith and Chris Rock have prior beef because Chris Rock did come after Jada before. And there could have been because I remember you mentioned the scenario that maybe he could have went backstage. They could have had a discussion about it I think that already happened Chris Rock tried to play his self. There was 5% of 5% of the women there at the Oscars were minority women just 5% he couldn't win after any 1 of them women. He went after a black woman and that's what I have a problem with.
J. Fonixx
I absolutely agree I mean all all things you know put first as far as you know I'm a man ah of dignity and I believe you know you supposed to protect your woman period. That's that's what you're therefore to protect. That's what we do? Um. We protect our families. But as I as I mentioned when you know the women have an ah obligation to protect a man too by what governing themselves accordingly in front of the camera behind the camera. You can't be clowning your husband that's protecting. You can't be doing that.
The Alchemist
Will just started protecting how that's new since he'd been doing his deep dive his discovery and this discovery of Will.
J. Fonixx
But so well I mean most ladies look at protection is just a physical thing. Protection is a financial thing. Protection is a moral thing I Ah you know what.
The Alchemist
She he just asked her. He just asked her for a divorce eight months ago and she told him absolutely not I will not divorce you when I decided to marry you I said that we were going to be married to the end so that's that's also a sign of her narcissism she was like we're not getting a divorce. We may have an arrangement but we're not getting a divorce point black into the story he Will shut up and went and did his discovery his whole his whole discovery where he went and did his documentary.
J. Fonixx
Well again, you don't need a person's authorization to get a divorce you just being ah you know cordial by telling them. But you really don't need their approval.
The Alchemist
And oh so so you're saying that she really is a narcissist.
J. Fonixx
Of course. Come on, Jacquii.
Jaz Afrodite
I So let me interject so we don't really know what is going on behind closed doors. So now when to step me this clip I was looking at it like is this really real because we got to remember too. This is Hollywood right? So you’re looking at the screen.
The Alchemist
Thank you? Thank you.
Jaz Afrodite
Saying to yourself. This could be staged but then when you see people's reactions. You're figuring. Well you know what? this is real. This has happened in real time. The reason why I say this is staged is because this is a Hollywood ritual Hollywood has a way of introducing or bringing in the advent of women empowerment. We already know that Hollywood is about emasculating men particularly black men. So there's no way in any logical thinking human being, especially Will being as bright as he is, that he would not have known that his actions would have repercussions. So, you go up there. You slap him you sit down you verbally assault him and then you get to receive your award and nobody escorts you out the building I'm like this is some way that they told him you know what we're going to have you guys set up this play to make it look like you're assaulting. And then you can both come up or rise up in rank because you are defending a woman who we are ushering into as the new world leader the woman. But if we but if we go back and look at the women that they're ushering in back to this core of what the conversation is. We're ushering in narcissistic,
The Alchemist
Oh shit.
Jaz Afrodite
Evil women not saying that Jade is evil but if you're a narcissist. You're coming from an evil perspective because you're not really taking in other people's considerations and feels you can't because you can't feel other people's feelings. You're just not capable of it. So that's the kind of leadership that we're ushering in through the woman because this has been a prevalent conversation throughout social media women are coming to take over and run the world which I have no problems with but I understand as a collective we have too much trauma hurt and things that we need to work through before we can really take the reins on and be a different example than the men. So I'm still on a fence with this. I think this was our Hollywood ritual.
J. Fonixx
I Don't doubt that at all I don't I don't I don't doubt that that theory that that that's a real thing I mean yeah.
The Alchemist
I Love the fact that you don't doubt the theory and that it's a real thing here's a thing I stand on the other on the opposite side as I always do because that's just who I am I'm gonna stand on opposite side because I love Drama Controversy and all that other good stuff.
J. Fonixx
Um, the wild style. Wow.
The Alchemist
Yes. So, I think that this did not identify and touch on the ah dynamics of marriage as well. Um I do understand that Will Smith did not slap up. August Alsina you know for his role in. Ah. defiling his wife. Ah so.
J. Fonixx
But again he did. He shouldn't have to that's my that's me in a lot of men's perspective Will shouldn't have to slap up August if it's not now I'm must say something that might be cold and people shake up but I come from a old school.
The Alchemist
I got you.
J. Fonixx
He shouldn't be slapping up August he need to be slapping his wife straight up and and nowadays you not allowed to say that but here's the thing men are not allowed to check their wife. You saying no.
The Alchemist
Oh oh.
Jaz Afrodite
Not anymore.
The Alchemist
No listen, No, no, no, let me see no.
J. Fonixx
Okay, you saying no all right? Let's let's balance it out. Let's balance it out. Everybody got the their theories. Let's say if she was with a Tupac a man who she basically respected more than a husband. Do you think Tupac would would have just just you know, been clown like that. Um, red tape so he was slapped the crap out of jade a long time ago. So again. Okay, you saying no, there's men out there that don't tolerate disrespect period because.
The Alchemist
No, no, no.
The Alchemist
One thing about women. Ok, let me let me the I think Jada married Will to be a honest, good wife I think most women I'm not saying all but most women marry the man that they love or or will grow to love with some great intentions wait but Will did not go at most I say all.
J. Fonixx
So okay, stop the cap stop the cap stop the cap I must stop you right there this why I would get masculine this one I'm against i'ma get masculine and this is why Jacquii you know on me me and Jacquii talk a lot because you. This whole dot. This whole thing is being ran by by women tv is being ran by women, everything talk shows radio who is who the hell is representing men meaning it's more women on the planet than men right. We all know that women outnumber men right? but men do matter men do matter so when a woman disrespects a man. Everybody turns other cheat but the minute a man disrespects a woman all hands go up. Why did he do that? Oh my god yeah. If you if you're going to have a fair argument. You have to have fair reasoning. You have to have fair reasoning if you don't have fair reasoning then hey that aren't you somewhat of a narcissist talking to ladies out there if you not really. Looking at it from a man's point of view men have feelings too. Men have have egos too you know and if you.
Jaz Afrodite
That was another part of it too because Will was tired of being the joke for 2 years like he was getting clowned by everybody. Everybody has something to stay about Will and not so much about the whole entangling conversation and we don't even have to revisit that. But they were talking about the fact that when they had the conversation at the red table talk that Jada was the one leading the conversation and her energy was one of like a mafioso like she was running the show and he was basically taking cues from her and so when you hear that repetitiously.
He's taken out his frustration from the fact that he did not respond to her the way that he probably wanted to the fact that his peers are looking at him like you and your wife is just running all over you roughshod at the end of the day a man has to be a man and so he took his frustration out on Chris Rock yes, they did have prior words. But the words that they had prior weren't even as detrimental or as serious as what he mentioned today's far as the alopecia but he took all his frustrations out on Chris Rock because he saw an opportunity to show people you going stop talking about me.
J. Fonixx
Right? Yeah I mean it's weird because I don't know if it was a editing thing but in the beginning of the show I did see what everybody else saw Will was laughing at the joke. So.
The Alchemist
He sure was.
J. Fonixx
Again, that's where the narcissistic thing come in. Um, was it editing bad editing on the program or was he really laughing and does she have that amount of control over his emotions and here's the thing as a man, you're not supposed to we all know that ladies are. Predominantly emotional as a man this is the difference. We're supposed to be able to balance that emotion. We supposed to be able to when a woman is not able to we supposed to be able to and vice versa. How many time. You know how many people you know how many brothers is in jail because of the same scenario you you understand I'm saying how many brothers doing Tom cause somebody disrespected a woman and they win a little bit overboard and now they lose everything. But there's a time and a place. Ah, you don't know what's going on in people's homes so it could be. You don't know what's going on in the household. Um, but you know being previously. You know in a marriage myself; I do understand how that can play a role like ladies have a way of wording things and twisting things to get you to do certain things and before you know it, you don't forgot who the hell you are as a man your principles. Become backseat riders and that's the BS that most men are seeing because a man's supposed to stand on his principles. Your woman ain’t supposed to override your principles period just like a woman has principles. You gonna let a man overrun your principles?
The Alchemist
Do you think that's because of guilt?
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You could follow us a try empress on I g and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council we are everywhere. You can also find some of our prior episodes on Youtube at Empress High Council. I Wish you guys at the roundtable could see how I'm looking right now. Ok because as a as a married woman right now I already know that there is a dynamic of marriage that may not be fully expressed here. Ah sometimes and I and I and I kind of I feel a little way about what Jada has been doing and I do understand that Jada had to do what Jada had to do to make Jada happy because. Ah, husband was ignoring her for a long time and we all know that Will Smith was ignoring Jada for a long time.
J. Fonixx
You believe that? How do you? How do you believe that?
Jaz Afrodite
We don’t know that. We don't know that we don't know that that's the thing she's been public with her perspective.
The Alchemist
Oh absolutely. She's been public. She's been public about it for a long time now.
J. Fonixx
Listen. Okay, so so so here's here's the thing This is what.
The Alchemist
And public and Will's been pi public with his perspective when he's been gone traveling around the world and going on a vacation with his little other woman that did not happen until um, Jada and August Orin or stina did not happen until Will was flamboyantly traveling into third world countries and taking pitches with him. And his freaking side chick.
Jaz Afrodite
I I disagree with all of that they they have an open marriage and people need to stop thinking about the fact that Jada was an innocent woman who was swept off her feet and she loved those she did not like Will the way Will likes her Will loves her more than she loves him and so she did not even. She did not even want to marry him. She said that she did not want to marry him so this is her relationship that she's in for security purposes. So yes, she's doing what what Jada needs to do to be secure and to be happy. That's her happiness. Okay, but they have an arrangement. It's like that movie, Lackawanna Blues, sometimes a man and a woman have an understanding that no one else understands not even themselves they have an understand it and we're watching it from the outside. We're not seeing the full view. They're not coming to the red table talk and telling you about all of the escapades that go on. It's a reason why their son filed for emancipation. At 16, 17 years old the lot that goes on in that household. But at ranch that we do not know about so all of these current happenings is just the tip of the iceberg. It's just what they want you guys to see a little peep of it. It is not the real.
J. Fonixx
It's a circus it's a circus that's just my pick on it. Um I agree. Totally agree with Jacquii young. You don't know what's going on I do know. Ah. She didn't want to marry him see I I recently um I recently lost my mom and I previously lost my dad and.
Jaz Afrodite
So sorry to hear about that.
The Alchemist
Our condolence is sorry to hear about that.
J. Fonixx
Um I appreciate that but I started looking at things very different I looked at my parents pictures when when I was ah when I was a kid and I looked at how my mom used to look at my dad in those pictures. Realized that my father was the prize meaning he was in love with my dad crazy in love with him and all ladies understand and know that the dude that you really love and you really like you put up with a lot of his BS. But the dude that is chasing. You could be all right for you. The minute he does something wrong. All hell has to be paid because you never liked him so with Will’s and and Jada dynamic, what I'm saying is Will shouldn’t. In my just is my opinion I'm entitled to it like many men know you don't marry somebody who's not really into you. That's a recipe for destruction. So the way I look at it he he shot itself in the foot should shouldn’t married her. He gonna get he gonna get problems. You married the wrong person you get problems I'm coming from um, ah listen I've been married for a very long Time. So This is straight up you know facts you married the wrong person you're gonna get problems. Sometimes ladies married and wrong dude because of security purposes. We all know that but um, in his case, he was just crazy about her but she wasn't really checking for because they know her. Ain't no ain't no wife gone clow a husband on National TV and adore they husband.. That's what I say when is she gonna when is she gonna bus a 3 pointer and stand up for Will so they have a saying in Caribbean culture pressure. This bus pipe. Ah, y'all just seen the cracks.
The Alchemist
Oh wow.
Jaz Afrodite
Mic drop. y'all that’s @hueboudoir_art on IG. You need to follow, one time.
The Alchemist
And share, like, and subscribe. Make sure you share, okay. 10 times.
The Alchemist
You oh man, a man Jude I'm so loving you your perspective and loving you being on this podcast right now. Oh this is this is refreshing. We needed this. Although. We do love and Miss Dr. Dannie, because Dr. Dannie does give us a, an amazing perspective I know she is really missing this tonight because she would have really been here and and gave you a run for your money, as well. Um, we got to definitely have you back on many, many, many more podcasts to have your perspective. We need you to set aside time on your schedule twice a month to be here with us. Okay, so but um, but I'm loving it. This is not this is not the end of concluding the podcast I'm just letting you know how I feel right now. Ok.
J. Fonixx
Will do. Word, word. I appreciate that.
Jaz Afrodite
Jude let me ask you so you have a very productive and lucrative business Hue Boudoir where you take pictures of women of all colors in their natural essence dealing with the issue of alopecia have you ever had a woman who has it take pictures with you and how should we as women, especially black women, treat this subject and just treat ourselves in terms of being vulnerable in front of a camera?
J. Fonixx
That's a great great question. Um Yes I've dealt with women with alopecia Um, you know like I said, I was in a situation, married. I have to actually be an advocate for Alopecia. It is is a part of our autoimmune disease I'm very familiar with it. Ah, you know my my wife has alopecia in Understand. So Yeah I get why Will jumped up because I felt him on that you you can't talk about my family and their illness I'll break your neck. You know I'm saying like I felt will on that. But it's a way to handle it. A lot of people don't even understand what Alopecia is I've shot women with alopecia I've talked to you know my own situation her you know with alopecia, It's a it's a it's a hurtful thing and ah and it's a woman's Crown and as black women it it probably stings even more here's why the Caucasian woman and all that they could just go and get a wig and sometimes you don't even know they win a wig but we have black women that voluntarily wear other people's hair. It's ironic. We're talking about alopecia Chris Rock. He had a movie out called Good Hair.
Jaz Afrodite
J. Fonixx
So, it's ironic he of all people should understand that you don't go there. Black women deal with a lot of hair issues. Um, a lot of self-esteem and black women's crown. Yeah, it's Self-estee I've lived it. That's what I'm saying I seen it firsthand. It's very hurtful to watch a woman cry because she's.
The Alchemist
Thank you, brother. Thank you very much. Thank you, brother.
J. Fonixx
Doing all she can to keep her hair and her follicles are slowly disintegrating. It's hard. It's hard for men to accept being bold some men go through so much imagine a woman because that's her Crown So I get it. There. There ought to be some empathy for that. Ah, but you know with this what I do is with my brand I ah celebrate ladies and I and I big them up for even having the courage. It's not just a picture but the courage to get in front of a lens I'm a stranger but. I make them feel very comfortable because I Express my story I tell them why I started the brand and I started the brand because I had a wife that felt bad all the time didn't feel beautiful. And to me she was one of the most beautiful women I ever saw I should tell her that through the whole marriage and she never believed it and that was crazy to me because everybody who said every like man you got a pretty wife I'll be like yeah I know but she don't feel that way. Alopeia is one of those things that will do that now. I see I'm saying now I'm living a life and I'm trying to it's like it's like having a Cor V and can't drive. It. It's in the garage I can't go out and stunt I can't drop my top and and roll because the engine 8 working meaning her mindset. She's hurting so it's a very deep issue that ladies need to big up themselves I get it. This is why a lot of ladies support each other and they say go girl no matter what. I get it I understand it the whole Lizzo movement I get it I understand it. But again I think black men just needs to support that sometimes like really listen to ladies just listen to them. You know, check it out. So some people they don't they don't think it's that serious but it is a woman's head crown is very important.
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Wow. Thank you so much for recognizing our struggles as women and especially recognizing our struggles as black women you know with our hair hair care. And a lot of the other things that we go through our dynamics with our ah our mates not feeling that we measure up to what we want to measure up to but in your eyes we are so much more and thank you for for recognizing that. Jaz, you want to say something before I start the grime?
Jaz Afrodite
Yo, I'm just saying that this is definitely the universe at work because we've had several conversations and I don't remember us speaking about your wife having Alopecia. so this is so timely. That you would be the guest that we bring on to have this conversation that is a global topic tonight and will probably be for the rest of the month.
J. Fonixx
Right? I mean I just felt to share it because it's it's it's Necessary. You know I kind of don't talk about it because I don't want to pull on Blast Not to say that I am but she's verbal about it to a certain degree but um. How? how are you gonna fix anything if you don't bring awareness to it. How are you gonna correct the problem if you're not addressing it correctly in a positive manner and that's what ah we need to do as people Alopecia is a real thing I don't even think it gets enough airtime personally.
The Alchemist
It It does it in Alopecia is much more common now that our women have been wearing other people's hair these wigs a lot of women starting to experience alopecia right now I remember back in the days when I was wearing fake eyelashes I started experiencing um eyelash alopecia so I wind up having to go to an extremely expensive dermatologist it was Wendy Williams dermatologist and Barbara Walters dermatologist at the time and she was like you have to stop wearing these eyelashes. This is very common now I last alopecia is starting to be extremely common and this was fifteen years ago so now couple that with wearing hair and everybody know I'm notorious for wearing you know some other people's hair. Um. But it really is a common thing I have ah a few friends I can name on one hand I can name on 2 hands 50% of my friends have alopecia right now and that's because of wearing other folks hair or using products. That are commercial that are not made for our hair type. This stuff is not test. It's not for us. So we're not taking the time to be able to make our own products. But ah, you know I just wanted to mention that I'm the let us keep going on because I still have some other stuff I'm going to mention. Cause I'm about to start this combat to blow this up I got some stuff I got to say I bought to blow it up about this but we want to get controversial.
J. Fonixx
Ah, ah I'm just glad you said it because I didn't want to touch on that and then I'll be the you know oh he's the big bad wolf. He's ah cause I don't wear what ladies wear but again in that film, Good Hair, if you're putting toxic things in your hair what do you think is gonna happen. We're the only race of people that are wearing other people's hair I do not see Caucasian women running around to the store spending 8 to 900 hundred, to a thousand dollars on a black afro wig. It is not happening. Why are we doing that, ladies? Why are we doing that the the men don't like it. That's for you. You like it dudes do not like it. Okay, okay.
The Alchemist
I My husband likes that sorry but I listen I could take this hair off right now. I'm go take this hair off so you could actually see my hair too bad I'm so glad other people My Husband's like put that hair back on he' but like put that hair back on I don't understand why you run Around. It's a bonnet. He' like why. Got the durag on? Some men like it.
J. Fonixx
I Mean you you, you? you're probably,, you're probably an an exception to the rule. But I'm telling you most men take it from me ladies ladies talk more about their hair than they talk to men about their hair isn't that a fact. Ladies be like gear girl I got this ah talk to men about your hair. Ask him what he likes not what you like what he likes and I guarantee you there's gonna be a conflict and you know who wins the person who's wearing it The ladies.
The Alchemist
True, Facts
Jaz Afrodite
True dat.
J. Fonixx
So it doesn't matter what a dude says this is why most guys just just shut up. They don't you know they may say something but in all in all, fairness, it's unhealthy for you as black women to wear other women's hair listen I know about. I know a little bit about what they call it double o 7 glue stuff ain't good for your hair come on who the help us double 7 glue come on no nationality is doing that except black women come on. Do is the thing. Why aren't black women saying yo. Bees other the nationalities are laughing at me listen I work in public transportation as well. The amount of crayola I see a day and I call it crayola now people may be like what are you talking about the reds the greens the purple weaves. Why why sisters? why? Why can't you be happy in your own skin and attract the men that you want because guess what a craola head how you expect a man to take you serious?
Jaz Afrodite
Well god damn I was about to dye my hair lavender but I'm having second thoughts.
J. Fonixx
But just saying like okay so when I'm I'm talking about the the the crayola weaves.
The Alchemist
Yeah, I we had to understand what you said I to say what you I say what you said Jacquii but I just ah Jaz.
J. Fonixx
Now, now. Now Jacquii you now if you're man solid with it right? You rock your purple you might have a you know experience with prince or some you know you might you know be on Prince week I get it. Do you think if your man is with it then fine. But if you got a man. I I mean again, it's your hair you're gonna do what you want to do but ask your man ask your man. Do you like this hum mean.
Jaz Afrodite
And that's the thing, I do I ask him because he cuts my hair, and he maintains it. So, I ask him before I get a color you like this, or you don't?
J. Fonixx
Awesome! So if he if he feeling it and you feeling it then it's okay, but I'm talking about these women that go against what they man want and out hear stunting like it's the rainbow coalition on their neck like for what. Not a good look ladies. It makes you look bad. It's not cute and guess what ladies end up dead last on the totem pole as far as being taken seriously and then wonder why they can't get him a serious man or man to marry them.
The Alchemist
Oh wow you that go you, you're old. You're black and white, you’re straight corporate.
J. Fonixx
Yeah, like it's real. You got a ton of waste out here you right here playing with creyola in your neck. You're supposed to be trying to get a husband. Yes, if you.
The Alchemist
Supposed to be trying to get a husband? Listen there I listen you know what? a friend told me a long time ago and I think I agree with her at least 95% marriage is a place where women go and they dreams die boop.
J. Fonixx
Why? Why would she say that?
Jaz Afrodite
I say that because it's true: Marriage is a place for souls and dreams to die because you're stifled and you're a classic example because you're stifled at what point in your marriage did you feel like you were free to be who you are?
The Alchemist
And I and I believe it. It's true. It's true.
J. Fonixx
Okay, for. Okay, so here's the. I You know what? you you know? what? You're absolutely correct I just felt that what she said meaning I never heard a woman say that because in my opinion in this country now other country but in this country women win more. So, in marriage, than men. They went black women all white women in american women. That's what I'm talking about american women date when when a man when a woman is married in America the laws the bylaws. All that stuff sets them up to win in the end.
The Alchemist
What wait wait wait What what race of women is this?
The Alchemist
I you know how many women I know they have gotten divorced and have lost 50% of everything that they have worked hard for and owned it. So so but it doesn't make a difference you were still talking about the constitution and marriage. So we're talking about marriage all the way around all the way around this this has nothing to do with marrying a right dude to the wrong Dude you said marriage set women up wait wait you said marriage sets women up and to come out better. No, it does not know because now you're saying that because they're married they married the wrong dude. So it's.
J. Fonixx
That's because they they married the wrong dude.
J. Fonixx
Yes, it does he. Um, yes, yes.
The Alchemist
Not the constitution of marriage is not marriage but he but here let me let let me make you real mad make I'll make both of y'll real mad I want to ask you guys. Why is there big problem with Jada and the comment that Chris Rock made and her alopecia with Jada been bald and shaving her head way before she started having alopecia?
J. Fonixx
Nah. I don’t get mad.
Jaz Afrodite
So let me say this the GI Jane reference is more about than being bald GI jane is about sexuality, when you're calling a woman g I Jane you're basically calling her a bull dyke.
J. Fonixx
You're calling her a man. I agree I agree I agree that I I I can see that meant. Okay, so men meant it You know what makes it funny to some people because she's a woman who looks like a man.
The Alchemist
I was going to say that. Thank you that you said it because you you heard it from a guest you heard it from a guest at the Empress High Council. You did not hear that from the Empress High Council that is not our perspective that is our guest perspective. But what we believe but what we believe is that. We decide that we we get we provide a platform to give our truth experience and real stories of everyone who shows up here. We're better than the news.
J. Fonixx
That's that's that's the that's the punchline that that's that that no, but that's his work.
J. Fonixx
I mean that's how he sees her. That's the joke. That's the punch line. He's he's trying to imply that she's she looks like a man and that's the and that's disrespectful.
The Alchemist
And he did a good job.
Jaz Afrodite
That's what I took away from it I was like oh he calling her flat out dyke in front of our husband on National TV. That's crazy, and it goes right back to the whole storyline of her controlling Will.
J. Fonixx
Yeah, yeah, well you you like you said you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. You know that that dominatrix game is for real for real you know I mean I take pictures of that stuff. You know so some who's like getting on their knees.
The Alchemist
Will, I still think you did a great job. Will, I'm still for you I'm in your corner 1000% I still did I Still think you did a great Job. No one is protecting the black woman. We're public enemy number one I'm glad you got up and made a stand globally. It It will globally because that's internationally but I'm glad you got up and and you made a stand so that anyone know if they're coming after the black woman and her husband is there that there is an expectation of him to do something and make sure it don't happen again and for everybody around. To know you could you better talk about somebody else but don't talk about my wife.
Jaz Afrodite
Jude, let me ask you because you mentioned this earlier in terms of who's protecting will and you made that as a general statement like when the black man protects us which some do but for the majority they don't let's just say in a best case scenario we living in a utopia. And all black men were protecting black women. What would it take for us to protect you all and feel comfortable doing that?
J. Fonixx
You It don't take much men are very Simple. Men are very Simple. Men are not complex. They don't need a lot in order to protect your man. You just gotta stay feminine like stay and people I don't understand people taking. Stay feminine as be controlled, No just be a woman Just love this man. Love the man if he if if if something if he's doing something wrong, right? It's a right in a way wrong way to do say something So here's for instance.
The Alchemist
I'm so sorry so here's your for instance is that we protect your ego.
J. Fonixx
Ego is very important. That's a part of masculinity. So if you think about it if you if you're the wife and you're stroking your husband's ego which is necessary in a in ah in a in a dynamic. He's gonna feel more He's gonna feel more. More manly. The woman is gonna feel a little bit more more feminine. You're gonna have balance think about it because it every other nationality. These women you don't see them clowning their husband on TV. Yo, that's not a good look. I am not giving Jada a pass.
The Alchemist
Because of every other nationality. The woman is not out there being abused mentally physically. Emotionally she has no protection. She's taking up for herself. She's building a home for her ah stroking her man's ego building a home for him. She has to pay 50 presented the freaking bills she has to take care 100% of the children a hundred percent of the household What other woman is doing that?
Jaz Afrodite
Yes, but that's the societal construct that is larger than us that is larger than us.
J. Fonixx
Black but right you can't put all that on black men right? You can't be putting all that on black man.
The Alchemist
But that's what you're expecting? Oh no, I'm not putting it all on black men. That's what you just told me that you expected.
J. Fonixx
That's what listen black men white men. Any man should get that from his woman I mean let's flip it. Let's let's let's flip it. Let's let's let's flip it right? Everything you just said right? All these all these are statistics that are real. You know black women are are the least married.. Ah they they have children. They have more high rate of being a single mom right? All That's a fact when when and my question is you. You get the right man these these young ladies that that have you know single parents and also you get the right man in front of you ain't gonna know what to do or you know why because they so used to dogone dysfunction. We as a people need to go and get some damn help will need some help sit down sit at all. All Black people matter of like here's my thing here's my thing and I could run as a president and get voted for by this statement everybody black in America should get free therapy for the rest of a life period why because we all know about what happened in slavery and. All these different things We’re the most tainted people in America that still has to pay. We don't get government assistance people think it's government assistances because you get your your WIC checking on. No no, no, no other nationalities get funding for houses all kind of stuff we get redlined. We get thrown into projects and when the project is over they they bulldoze it and they make it what gentrification right? So we're the only people that get pushed back pushed out and hey come and get this check but you just can't have no man in your house.
The Alchemist
So, Jada don’t need help?
Jaz Afrodite
Both. Everybody.
Jaz Afrodite
The Alchemist
Facts because we have the ukrainians this billions of dollars now slated for them and and and they're coming here and here's the problem. We still have a very high homeless population in America.
J. Fonixx
Exactly what my thing is all these different dynamics of problems right? It's it's crazy how all this relates to this and can it and relate to the will Smith Jada Pinkett dynamic everything starts in the home. But if you ain't got no home, we lost people think a home is just you know concrete walls and no, no, no your home is your family dynamic and if you and that's why marriage is important why because if yeah, if you gonna be single and you don't want to be married. That's fine, but the minute you make children. Best believe you want the best for them. Children. What do those children deserve to parents in a home the best the best opportunities possible by 2 hardworking parents and I don't think anybody gonna argue with me with that. So if your marriage and your kids if you want kids you need to get your marriage right? If you don't got no kids. You don't want on marriage that's fine. You'd be a free spirit. You know, do your thing but the minute you have a kid your whole perspective got to change because it ain't about you no more.
The Alchemist
Ok so I'm I'm hearing what you said So you say marriage is important but the woman needs to be submissive in the home is stroke wait wait. Ok so ok you say marriage is important I'm going to go this you say marriage is important but the woman. Needs to be a woman pretty in pink stroke her husband's ego. My question to you is did Jada learn to be a narcissist through her marriage?
J. Fonixx
I think she learned that from her mother. But yeah it it don't have to be through a match. She could have learned that for a mom most most young girls they mimmicked a mother. But that that hello that's my point exactly peep it, peep it. If she had a mom to teach her and show her how to be a wife, guess what, she wouldn't be clowning her husband.
The Alchemist
She she didn't have a mother to mimic because her mother was on drugs. She didn't develop a relationship with her mother too much later on I got you well taken Well taken.
The Alchemist
Jaz, please say something about her clowning her husband do you? Ah do you really think she was clowning her husband.
Jaz Afrodite
I don't know that she was clowning him I think what she was trying to do is get in front of the story Rick comes into clowning is the way that she presented the story. So as ju was mentioned in her whole body language and the way that she led the conversation even when will asked. And entanglement. She's like here an entanglement like here like son. No ask me no questions like you heard what I said like yeah, she basically sunned him at the table. So. It's your body language and so I understand what you to saying about being feminine because a lot of us are not feminine. And I've mentioned that in my show in terms of doing the numerology a lot of us have too many ones in our name if you look at Jada's name and using the chaldean alphabet she has a 4 letter name of which 3 letters is a number one. She's a boss. She's a man in a skirt. Her name is Jada it has three ones. And ah, a name that only has 4 letters that the majority of her name is boss energy. So that's what she's going to bring at the table. This is why I say when people look at their children. They really have to start looking at names that bring feminine qualities out in women and masculine qualities out in the man. And so yeah, she sonned him just by not being feminine. She wasn't receiving him. She wasn't listening to what he was saying she was listening to respond a lot of it felt like it was already pre-scripted and so they already came to the table with an agenda but she wasn't in a feminine energy and I think we need to. Embrace that and being feminine doesn't mean being submissive it just means that you're in a place to receive. We are the ones who receive the men are the ones to give and we fail to realize the more that we don't allow ourselves to receive we block off our spiritual gifts. Our psychic abilities are numb. Our sexual abilities are numb because we're not coming off in a sensual and sexy way that men would want to be attracted. They're looking at us like oh you're my competition, you're not my partner.
J. Fonixx
Exactly, men don’t, and and Jacquii put it in in a female perspective. She broke it down. She's saying everything I said. men get tired of that men get tired of that. Let's I saying that's the argument. That's the that's the what they call the ah the infinite argument of a black couple this one has wants to be heard this one wants to wants to fix it this one wants to be heard this one wants to fix it who's doing the work; so everything could fit together? Nobody.
The Alchemist
What the hell you think we get tired of?
The Alchemist
Well sometimes no some I honestly believe it's not that there's no one doing the work I believe that the work is not being done in conjunction together with the couple that one person is doing to work say January through March and You know the other person is doing the work you know March through I think it just flip flops.
J. Fonixx
Do you know what … I should have been most specific specific. Do you know what the work is? The work is staying within your own lane and going to get some therapy. The work is men need to be men women need to be women. And guess what your home is going to work period.
The Alchemist
Oh no I don't please explain to me what what work you're talking about.
The Alchemist
I love I love that I love that the work Kings and queens and queens and Kings of the Empress High Council. You heard it here first by our honored guest Jude the work is staying in your own. Lane take a moment and think about that as a man the work stand in your own lane as a woman. The work is staying in your own lane.
Jaz Afrodite
You know it's interesting too. Yeah, that's profound because we're living in an industry. Not an industry a society now where men sometimes don't want to stay in their lanes either like they're getting very comfortable some of them with the women being the men in the relationships and when it’s easy for them or convenient for them to relax their standards. They feel very comfortable saying, “Yo babe, I don't have it so you go cover all the bills this month?”
The Alchemist
J. Fonixx
yep yep! yep I I heard ah ah I heard a friend of mine tell me that her homegirl works 2 jobs and a man worked 1 job. That’s some bull crap. Sorry! that's BSBS some b s we live in a society where it takes 2 incomes and if it has to take 3 The woman should not be working to.
The Alchemist
Tell them sir tell them sir tell them God Peace King God Tell them.
J. Fonixx
That's just my take on it unless this guy's disabled. You know, got 1 leg. Whatever's going on but women AiNt design listen again I work I work in transportation women. Women's bodies and minds aren't designed for all this stressful work period. So when I see female but I don't kill nobody says to me I'm telling you straight up when I see female police officers I'll be like you gonna do that you gonna work 30 years doing that damn. Not for husband's a cop and they go with it. That's fine if she's not married. Okay I get it. But if you married you are here shaking people down. You know, physically for 30 years you got a problem your white face will be doing that. Yeah.
Jaz Afrodite
I agree with that.
J. Fonixx
That was making her more.. That's what's making her more masculine her workload. Look at some of these occupations that ladies are they in masculine jobs so they'll not turn it off when they get home.
Jaz Afrodite
That's the truth.
J. Fonixx
They like oh um, ah I got a daughter who's an officer. She don't know how to turn it off when she get home. She lived that twenty-four seven I'm like yo good luck. We're getting a husband oh man putting over that.
Jaz Afrodite
She knowingly went into the police academy? Wow.
J. Fonixx
Yep Yep when I I mean I tried to discourage her and say hey just just do the the office joint but she wanted it because she's seen the dollars money is not everything. And again, sometimes you know sometimes you know we all have choices and sometimes ladies look at it I got it I could do it. You could do it. But what is it gonna do to you? What is it gonna do to your femininity? Like no no woman says to herself wait a minute. What is this gonna do to my feminine energy is this is this occupation. Gonna improve my feminine energy or it's gonna have me run around here like Gi chain.
Jaz Afrodite
Its the truth I used to work in a phone company. My mother reminded me of this with this whole conversation I used to work in a phone company and I used to be a cable splicer outside with the guys and they used to want to keep me on the pole because that was light work doing all the the wire work and I wanted to be in the manhole. And I used to be throwing the manhole cover around with my hands and they'd be like you Jack like what are you doing like you're in your twenty s why are you throwing this manhole cover around a shit as heavy as hell and you might want to have children someday like what are you doing relax. We are here. To do this for you to carry the ladders and take the man who calm yourself down. I sure was not.
J. Fonixx
Facts. You know why you wasn't standing in lane see I'm saying That's a great. Great example.
The Alchemist
It is facts. Ah Jacquii I you know I love redoing apartments and construction I will carry some sheet rocks. Um, a bag of £10 bag of sand Twenty thirty pound bag of sand do whatever and um, yeah I was not staying in my lane but guess what. There was nobody else there to do it.
J. Fonixx
Yeah, no, but when nobody's there to do it. You gotta do what you got to do right? but that do what you gotta do those moments become more frequent and then you got what masculine women out here and again, that's the problem you know is so many other dynamics. But that's one of the main problems between you know in black ah marriages or or couples or how do you want to put it ain't nobody in they lane everybody tripping man.
The Alchemist
So sure. Do.
The Alchemist
But do you think that a woman does not want to be a woman She does these things based on necessity not based on the fact that I'm just I just decided that I'm just going to do this even though there's a man Around. There's a man around and you're just like look at this dude you know he's just sitting there laying there or he can't do because he wasn't taught by he didn't have a father to teach him. So.
J. Fonixx
I I would say both because you're absolutely right? There's men out here that never got taught how to be a man I'm blessed I'm fortunate I look at the world like y'all crazy because I had a dad who was a hardworking man came home. Took kids family. My mother didn't have to work many many for years. My mother didn't have to work. She chose to work but he didn't want her to work but again economy changed and it's not even like that you need more than one income now that I mean the average person you know ain't making ah 6 figures. You need 6 figures in order to take care of a family home and it and that depends on how many kids you got and sometime it take to a husband and a wife just to make 6 figures. This is why a lot of ladies want to want these six figure men so they don't have to work and I get it. But most men ain’t making 6 figures.
Jaz Afrodite
Listen I was making 6 figures before I resigned from my job and most men will look at me on my job and be like you're Jacquii you don't need a man. You are a man and I'd be like you crazy like when I leave here. My options are limitless like the line is long like don't get it confused but. I'm just looking at me the the car I drive my haircut I'm coming in I'm the executive director like I'm running the show. You're like you got it all like you don't need us.
J. Fonixx
Yeah, and it and it does something to a man because technically real talk. It's a lot of men out here that don't make the money that they want to make to take care they families. That's real.
The Alchemist
I And my situation was ah I was an executive in finance and I met my husband who I married to now in that industry during that time and I was like I don't need a man I actually told him and hit in his mind he was like you don't need a man. You won't get a man. And I didn't say that I didn't want a man. It was just the fact that I did not need a man one to validate me to take care of me and to do all these things and so we wind up subtly still being a woman but ostracizing men at the same time where they go On. To say Well She's one of them because I've been called a man woman. Yeah no Im not a shame him, not a shim. There's a difference with a shim and a man woman kid know that so you know there's a difference and ah.
J. Fonixx
A Shim as ah, that's a ah she a him. Ah. Ah, a wo a wo man a woe man wo.
The Alchemist
Ah, a whole wo man I. You know and it's not that it's not that I did not want a man I just wanted the man to know that I did not need a man and so whatever you came in with right see because then that that then you have to look at ego you have to look at. Um, self-esteem in those areas. So It's not that I didn't I didn't I did not need you I wanted a man but the understanding came across as I did not need the man or want the man that.
J. Fonixx
Did you have did you have children at that time. Did you have children at that time when you told them that did you have children?
The Alchemist
No, I did not have children. Um I had children ah took care of but I did not have my own children at the time, no.
J. Fonixx
Okay, okay, the reason why I asked you that if you were to say yes I had children.
And I would tell you yeah you need a man why because yeah, you could take a man sperm but you again you want them kids that had a best best opportunities possible and guess what to italy how they say they take a village. Yeah, take a village and that includes a father. I had a father that's why I'm saying that I understand the importance of it my my old man was very important in my life I would not be the man that I am today without my father because it wasn't my mother's job. It was my father's job. He did his job. You dig? And a lot of brothers don't have that but they got start with they own kids if they didn't have it. You got to start somewhere. Now. They're rather here from a man than then they're their own old lady I tell you that because if a a woman tells him hey you need to be a man h ey he rate a fight could you talk about. But if a man tell him look man need to be a man and take care your son or your door. You need to take them Out. You need to take your kids out everything and about spending money. You gotta spend that time.
The Alchemist
I agree.
The Alchemist
Truth truth truth truth.
The Alchemist
I Like facts because I do not remember how much money my father spent with me I Remember how much time he spent with me.
J. Fonixx
There you go. Ah, that's very important. That's what you that's what you're doing you know and some guys just never get that. Sadly so so they grow up highly resentful. And then now you got a woman barking down his neck like think about it. He grew up without a father Now. His woman is is you know the the term is know emasculating she emasculating and don't even realize it about chopping them Up. You know you ain't making as much money as me dudes don't some dudes ain't got no college degree. Coming straight out of high school cause they Mama put him to work and now you gotta compete with a female who went to college come on.
The Alchemist
Exactly but so let me ask you a question because I you know I think that our conversation is so dynamic I think it's timely I Do think that it's needed and we would definitely love to have you back? Um, as more than just a guest. But I want to pull this back to the Jada and Will Pinkett. Um I'm sorry so you say I said you heard me say Will Pinkett, right? right? heard? Yeah I did that on the purpose.
J. Fonixx
Yeah, that's right, That's what he is. You should have said you should have said Will, Will, henpecked Pinkett because that's how he's looked at as a henpack.
The Alchemist
Jada Smith and Will Smith and I want to bring this back around to them. Do you think that the reason that Will has this position because I don't know what his what his dynamic was if he had a father in his life or if Jada had a father in her life I really don't know I know that you did say that Jada is like that because you know her mom but I don't know if Will had a father in his life and and if his father showed him anything or if his father was a um. Ah, was a and and and here's what my my husband says this all the time he says I've noticed that all the men that the women in your family are married to are silent and I refuse to be silent I have the only boisterous husband that puts his foot down. Whether whether it needs to be put down or not he still puts it down. Um because all the say oh absolutely has a very great relationship with his father's father is a um, a green beret they speak every day.
J. Fonixx
Did he have a father raise him? See That's the difference he was taught masculinity from the door. A woman can't teach a boy masculinity unless she's a man right? unless she's a GI Jane right? And that means she ain't in her own lane right.
Jaz Afrodite
He he did have his father. He had his father around know his father was very abusive what he wrote in his book I didn't read the book so please give me some grace with this but what I'm hearing today with all this conversation going on is that he said he often felt like a punk when his father used to physically abuse his mommy because he felt defenseless because he had no way to protect his mother from his father.
J. Fonixx
That's right, come on.
The Alchemist
But was his father one of those quiet men?
J. Fonixx
Dysfunction How you gonna be successful. It's dysfunction in the house come on. You won't again is's why people need to go get some damn help get some therapy. You can't be beating on your wife and expect her to be feminine I'm saying.
Jaz Afrodite
Royal family if you listening you got to follow J. Fonixx @hueboudoir_art on IG. See us in action see us in living color because he captures us, in all shades, beautifully through his photography.
The Alchemist
Jaz, thank you? So so much for introducing us at the roundtable to Jude we love his perspective. We would love to see him come back many more times at least once a month Jude at least once a month?
J. Fonixx
I got you. I got you whenever you'all want me.
Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, we would love that.
The Alchemist
Ah, ah, we would love that because we we bring our truth our authenticity and we are the first to bring the real issues to the table with no snuff. No fluff. We are not We're not editing anything is just who we are and we are part of the community. So we bring the real community issues right? We bring the real community issues. So guys. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council. We have our ah past episodes you can find us at on YouTube at Empress High Council. Don't forget to send your inquiries to empresshighcouncil@gmail.com because we have the amethyst letter you can send us anything you want ask an empress we will answer this is about relationships numerology finances coaching whatever it is. Ask an Empress so write to empresshighcouncil@gmail.com and we got you. We will keep your information anonymous because that's what we do, we will keep your information anonymous jute. We want to thank you so much for coming on and so and spending your valuable time and and your life with us giving your life to us your truth your and your authenticity your real story your perspective to this issue and just thank you so much.
J. Fonixx
That's a fact I want I Love it.
The Alchemist
Royal Family hit Jude up. You guys got his social media contacts guys. Is there anything else anyone want to say before we conclude this episode?
J. Fonixx
Thank you? No thank you for having me I Really appreciate it. What did the 5 fingers say to the face?
Jaz Afrodite
Seriously seriously?
The Alchemist
I'm so sorry I hope you got me choking. What did the 5 fingers say to the face, Jude?
J. Fonixx
Get therapy you know Sarah get some gift to get some help get some help before we kill 1 another.
Jaz Afrodite
And what do we say to the five fingers? S.L.A.P: Sounds Like a Plan.
The Alchemist
So guys we're gonna leave you with our one final thought: Know your worth.