Empress High Council

Jaz Trippin on Shrooms with Dr. Milayo Negesti

Dr. Milayo Negesti Season 5 Episode 8

Hey, royal family. We're back from our brief hiatus with an episode that'll take you for a ride--literally. While we were away, Jaz decided to go on a magical mushroom trip. Find out why, how, where, who assisted her, and what all happened in this riveting episode you don't want to miss. Goblets up, and let's go.

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Thee Alchemist

Great day queens and Kings of the Empress High Council welcome to season 5 episode 8 you can follow us @triempress on Instagram and Twitter you can also follow past episodes on YouTube at Empress High Council. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button line up line up, get ready to come into the castle. We have a very special and riveting episode of experience for you tonight. Don't try this without a professional as we do not encourage or support your personal experience. So, pull up roundtable. The doors are open come on in grab your see hole on tight and try to keep the food down as you eat from the buffet of strength and not the buffet of weakness. Before we get started. Let's introduce our cast and our guest this is the alchemist coming to you in the frequency of energy to transmute your social and financial currency into abundance.



Jaz Afrodite

You and this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the universal frequencies of numbers and love.



Dr. Dannie

This is Dannie, giving you positivity and providing you inspiration to become your authentic self.



Thee Alchemist

All right guys pull up pull up pull up you ready? Are you ready? Put your napkins in your lap because you don't want to drop nothing get your pens and papers out because you want to record everything. Jaz, please. Please, do the honors of introducing our special guest.



Jaz Afrodite

Well tonight royal family I am excited to introduce Dr. Milayo Negesti who has tapped into the healing arts of massage energetic healing empowerment coaching numerology and sacred healing jewelry design. Dr. Milayo Negesti spends most of her time educating and coaching women young and old about femininity womb. Well-being self-love and sensual energy. She uses the ancient tools of waste speeds to educate us about ways to use to healing properties of colors, numbers, herbs, Stones, and crystals. But now she is actively taking people through the healing journeys as a spiritual tour guide of sorts with magical mushrooms as a means of addressing trauma disease and facilitating past life awakenings. And she has taken me through this journey, and I want to do the honors of introducing Dr. Milayo Negesti welcome to the round table.



Milayo Negesti

Thank you, Thank you? Thank you? Thank you? Thank you? It's a pleasure to be here. Ladies Sisters Empresses goddesses Queens I'm in great company. Thank you.



Thee Alchemist

Welcome Dr. Milayo.



Thee Alchemist

Oh Thank you! We are so happy to have you on this episode this evening Listen I Just hope that everybody could just keep it together but at the end of the episode. We're going to give everyone an opportunity to be able to find out where you are. So please be prepared to share all your social media links that you have as well as your business number. But um, we're so excited to have you I know that you have been doing this for a good while now I've heard about you I've never gotten the chance to really see you or meet you in tonight. I am so honored to be in your presence. Thank you so much for being a special guest with the Empress High Council. So why are we all here tonight Really let's talk about that. Why are we here tonight jazz please tell us that.



Jaz Afrodite

And so we are here tonight because I want to say something little. Okay, so we are here tonight because this past Friday I went on a magical mushroom journey.

That was facilitated by Dr. Milayo Negesti and I know that sounds crazy for me to do something like that because I don't use any sorts of drugs alcohol anything to stimulate I'm pretty much like a reality chick twenty four seven so the fact that I even went on this trip is news to everyone but I thought it was important one to talk about it but 2 to bring on Dr. Milayo Negesti so that she can talk to us about the significance of using magical mushrooms. So before I even get into my journey and what I experienced. Why would someone be willing to take this journey, especially someone like myself who doesn't use any substances at all? Dr. Milayo Negesti.



Milayo Negesti

Okay, well what I really usually like to say to people is that the shrooms just like all other plant medicines and ah just spirituality in general from my point of view is something that calls us. Something that calls a person. Ok so um, the first reason to interact with it would be because it is calling you and interacting with you already. It is energetically interacting with you. You know you're. Getting messages. It's popping up in your awareness. It's in your consciousness people are coming and talking to you about mushrooms. They come to talk to you about ayahuasca. they're coming to talk to you about combo they come talk to you about um peyote you know they're coming to talk to you because these these plants and the earth herself or his self you know, depending himself um, has a message for you. So you you know the call will the call will continue just like you know when they say you know when you there's a message for you. Your intuition talks to you. And it keeps talking until you get it? Well, it's similar to that with mushrooms. You know it's gonna be there's gonna be around. It'll whisper. It'll show up. It'll scream at you and then maybe get quite a little while in it pop up again. You know during another cycle. So if there's some information that you need to access. That's within you. It's going to call you so I think that just from that perspective it it personalizes it because it's not I'm not convincing you to do it. You know it's not just a bright idea. It's not just something fun. Um, if you want to have a psychedelic trip. You want to experience some type of higher level. Um spiritual phenomena that you may not feel that you're able to access on your own then this is this is a support for that. This is a vehicle for that. So you know, even if you are clean as clean as a whistle. You still? um, can tap in and access these. So yeah I think it's for that. That's how I feel like it'll come to you but you know everyone's experience here is is different. So um, some people are just curious. You know, even if they haven't done anything. They know that there's something there for them. They may have started their meditation journey. And then like I feel stuck I'm not getting any further you know I'm not able to go deeper I'm not seeing or hearing things that I want to when I meditate on my own is there some type of help. Yeah, this is the help. This is a speed dial. You know what? I mean do do do do do you punch in and you you get.   Drop down a rabbit hole really quickly. Um, and and really are able to access information that you might take years to in meditation depending on your practice. So um, yeah, that's what I think um, a yeah if you're clean, you can still get a little dirty. Ah, with shrooms.



Thee Alchemist

Wow. Ah so I'm hearing that that a couple of things when the student is ready because you have had bits and pieces of knowledge here and there has come to you in different forms. Um, the teacher will appear, and the experience will appear. In addition to that the experience that you helped take people through is pretty much like you said a support or vehicle for tapping into you, or you did not say this I'm going to say this and I'm I'm going to ask if this is the right word. And to you are your akashic records.



Milayo Negesti

Yes, you can access your akashic records. But you're not only accessing your akashic records. But yes you you definitely can says your akashic records. Yes, you can have um past life regression, and you cannot.



Thee Alchemist

Okay, okay, wow.



Milayo Negesti

You know everyone's experience is very unique sometimes um your time traveling which would you know, kind of create a point to um, having an an akashic record experience. You know or some exposure to um, your previous lifetimes and. Some of the lessons from your previous lifetimes but you may stay in this lifetime and just be in different timelines. You know you're seeing different versions of yourself that exist now within this timeline and then aren't in the past you may um so find out about or communicate. With your um spirit guides which may come to you in the form of animals or come in the form of Angels or Ancestors or celestial beings. You know so there there are so many things that you can experience on a trip that.



Thee Alchemist

Wow wow.



Milayo Negesti

You know things that you ah people can't put into words. It's just a very deep. What I can say is that is a deep experience and how deep is contingent on you but it's deeper than you've been Guaranteed. So. You know, even if it's you're putting your ankle deep you know and before it was just you on your own just the foot in um, a toe in you're gonna go ankle deep and depending on how open you are depending on the timing depending on what's going on with your body depending on your mental state emotional state and all these other environment.



Thee Alchemist

Right. Right.



Milayo Negesti

You know all of that stuff will determine how far you can go and and also how much you take? let's not forget that and the strain right? because they're different strains and then they're different doses and then they're also um, how it's administered.



Thee Alchemist

Yeah I was just going to ask about that. And yeah I was going to definitely ask about that about the strains if you can explain just a little bit about that. We're not trying to give everyone everything we're not trying to you know, give away the baby with the bath Water. We just want to give people a basic understanding of the delivery. The strains and you know the experience that you actually take people through before we get into Jaz Afrodite’s experience and with like I said we're not trying to give away the baby with the bath water. The baby with the bathwater comes with them actually. Ah, reaching out to you and utilizing your services.



Jaz Afrodite

Though you can describe how you prepared it for me and the strain and a doses that I did just to give them an example of what that was.



Milayo Negesti

Okay, boom boom boom um, so um, Jacquii or Jaz Afrodite pardone moi had um the penis envy strain which is. Um, one of the more potent strains and penis envy is known to have the potency that feels like twice the amount you take or up to twice the amount you take so she wanted to have a seven-gram experience um and so we didn't we didn't give a 7 gram experience but we did a 5 a gram experience which could give her a 7 to 10 so there's this window. Um in terms of dose and and the effect. That it could have on her because she has a clean. She eats clean, um, and doesn't have any um vices you know, chemical vices. The absorption rate is going to be a lot faster. Um her body weight as well. Impacts. The effect of this shrooms so she had a a pretty potent dose for her first go round but she's a G. You know what I’m sayin. She went all the way. All the way. Okay. She went to the middle of the school yard,



Thee Alchemist

As we would expect the Empress to do so. Ss we’d expect the Empress to do so, yes.



Milayo Negesti

Yes, yes, she did she did she she wore her crown. Um, and so um, so she had five grams of penis mv and then i. Gave it to her in the form of what's called a lemon tech where um, the mushrooms are soaked in lemon juice before administering it. So, I soaked them for about um 30 minutes and then I poured some hot water and made a little bit of a a small tea just a little bit of liquid to it so to be easy for her to swallow. Um and she drank that and right on down and sat for about 20 minutes before they started to land on her and she started to exhibit some signs and um before that and then also before that I I gave her a cup of um tea. A heart opening tea. Um Jasmine tea the as actual flower and some kratom which is a leaf that is used to for people who have depression and anxiety and depending on that dose as well. It's used for. You know, many um, mood related and emotional and psychological things even pain management create Tom is used for pain management. So. It's really good for the body. So I like to give that as an opener um just to. Give some heart any in nervous system prep so she had that first and you know she got that settled in with that and then maybe 30 minutes after that she had thirty, forty minutes she had her her dose.



Jaz Afrodite

So let me talk about it so we been on the balcony and we did our prayers to the ancestors and 1 thing with the mushrooms. Okay, so 1 thing with the mushrooms is that. Have to speak into them to tell them what your intentions were so my reasoning for doing this was to go on to figure out why I was having anxiety prior to singing and so I had just recently joined a jazz club a jazz workshop that I belong to prior but I haven't been 2 years because of everything that's been going on. Obviously. And before I go to sing I notice that I get like severe anxiety which is not anything new but normally in a workshop. It's not really as serious as it would be if I'm going up on a stage and so I said to myself I want to find out what is the root of this fear. And then remove it and also to open up my psychic abilities in whatever fashion way or form that they want to open it up I was particularly going toward the psychic mediumship. But I said you know what I don't want to dictate to the universe how they should do it. You just show me what it is that you want me to know. And I put on my moldavite I put on my black obsidian and I wanted to have something that would 1 take me to other dimensions so that I can commune with our cosmic ancestors but I also wanted something that would keep me grounded and so we went through the full 20 minute process after the 20 minutes was up however I'm on the floor, we're doing our yoga movements on the yoga mat and after 20 minutes I just fall out fall out my head is leaning from one side to the other. Then Melina tells me to put my legs up on the mat I can bridge pose I believe it was and then my legs are up in the air and I'm shaking my pelvis and I'm gyrating with my pelvis and so it was like you haven't used your sacral chakra in a while like you have an orgasm like really orgasmed in a while and so you have this energy this kundalini energy that needs to be released and so that's happening then I lay back down and I'm transported into what I believe is Chinese Empire and I'm seeing the outlines of scales from fish and lotus leaves and flowers and I'm saying I'm definitely in a Chinese empire I'm seeing temples I'm seeing all of this and then after that I know that I'm either an emperor or a buddha or something because but I noticed too that. During 1 of my prior readings. My grandmother came through and she pointed to my Guanyin not in this trip but a regular psychic medium reading and she said that Guanyin is you the Guanyin is you and so it makes sense to me now that I was in a Chinese empire because. That would make sense because Guanyin is Chinese so that trip made sense afterward then I start crying bawling ball and crying and at first I did not want to let the tears out and Milayo was like you got to let it out. You got to let it out and with her rubbing me and taking me through the process. Start bawling crying ball and crying because I feel like a severe separation from my mother like I'm not sure if it's the same mother that I have now but it felt like I was disconnected from a mother's love and I was just balling through the entire experience balling for that. Bawling for relationship rooted issues bawling for that and just stay on the floor just crying until I start laughing because that's what happens you cry profusely and then through your emotions you start laughing then Milayo leaves the room. And when she comes back. She finds me in the bathroom. So, I'm going to pause before I go through that episode but I wanted to find out from Milayo what her experience was at the first part of the trip.



Milayo Negesti

My experience with observing you what what part of what you mean? Okay, um, To really just be present. I was super present with you. Um, listening to you monitoring you monitoring everything that comes out of you everything every utterance because so much of the journey happens internally and you have different. Different parts of your psyche um are active. You know like your ego they call a shroom journey or shroom trip. An ego death because there's no place for your ego there but your ego is out trying to keep you safe trying to keep you doing this in the state of sameness. You know the usual. We don't want to deviate so your ego is saying different things to you so that you cannot let me know what's really happening right? because when you let me know what's happening something might change is that there's a vulnerability there right? So. I have to pay close attention to what is not being said, you know and pay really pay attention to what your body is doing um to see where you're tensing up. You know? Um, if you're going inside and you're going inside really deep. Sometimes you might need to be pulled out. Right? So I'm looking at you? Um, you are on the floor on yoga mat and you are doing the pelvic thrusts and I'm like okay so this is ah so and and I'm engaged intuitively. So even though you're not saying things like when. You said that you're never doing this again. I got that message before you hey I was like oh ok, that's all good. You're here now. So you're gonna do it now right? You can't bail out. We're here. Ah, and um I got the insight that you were. That your root chakra was blocked and that your sacral of Chakra was blocked and you started to do the the um pelvic thrust and I knew that you needed to move the move that energy. Um and let it let it rise so I was before even coming to you. It told me that I I should do energy work on you so I was already. You know there doing energy work on you and prep for to move that for you? Um, so you did that and then just you know making sure that you were able to release. Comfortably like when you felt when you felt like you want to cry just reassuring you that it was okay and and maybe even necessary for you to let that out. Um, because so much of our conditioning across this planet is to swallow our tears. You know. And so I didn't know you were in China but I knew that you needed to cry even if you were in China right? So um, just having some tissue there for you and then you and making sure that you were you were comfortable temperature wise because I opened the windows so that it's. Whatever energy was coming out could get out and not be bouncing all around the walls. Um in your room. So um, the windows are open and I know it would be a little chilly so I want to make sure that you warms and your robes seem like the comfy cozy thing to put on you which you have on right now. Ah.



Thee Alchemist




Milayo Negesti

Comfy, Cozy. So I Just you know put your robe on you and um, made sure that you your your skin was covered and stuff like that and then you rolled over to your side and I was like what's happening here. You know. But what I'm gonna tell you this watching you was very much like watching myself when I journey so that was cool that was really I was like Wow this is the same exact stuff that I do when I'm journeying like just with my body the positioning you know. The rocking side to side change your position side to side trying to get comfortable as if as if you could get comfortable when all of that's happening inside of you but you try your best right? You try your best. So yeah, that that was my process just but just hold this space for you and and um.



Jaz Afrodite

That is right.



Milayo Negesti

Not acting like I know because I don't and um, being empty. You know to receive what comes up so that I based on the guidance I get I can respond and then also just utilizing the the tools that I've amassed. Over the years to assess people you know is helpful was helpful that is helpful during the session was great during yours.



Thee Alchemist

So I'm I'm hearing the body language that you spoke about and it sounds like you know a body language of you know, multiple births. That's what I'm hearing and I'm like Wow this sounds phenomenal, and you know I'm thinking that. I'm thinking that most people should do it. But I know that everyone should not do it because some people do not survive these experiences like because just like you said they may not be ready. They just may not be ready and Jaz has done the spiritual work prior to for a number of years to be able to get to this space is there a way that you can determine who is ready and who isn't ready.



Milayo Negesti

In all honesty that is not a call that I ever make because the call comes from within and so yeah, so I don't I don't determine that I do determine what they're ready for you know. Like what the extent of it will be cause some people do it by themselves like I have client many clients who do unassisted Journeys for themselves. You know?




Thee Alchemist

This from the client. Yes.



Thee Alchemist

Guys, we at the Empress High Council do not condone ah support or profess for you to have these experiences without a professional. I'm sorry Dr. Milayo, continue please.



Milayo Negesti

Boom. So it's all good. So there are people who do it unassisted and depending on the conversation because we have always have a consultation with every person that I work with. Even if I'm not going to be the person assisting them. Um and depending on their comfort and that comes up in the conversation. You know, um, their their comfort their trust in the process which is key. I would tell them some people I'm like you know what do one gram and see how that feels and then do the remainder of it another time and then I I walk them through the setting and how to clear their space and. Um, create a space or go to a space that they feel is neutral and safe etc. So there're people who you know will go where they need to go to to make it happen for themselves because they don't have anyone around them and um, they want. They want access to what wants to access them so there are those experiences some people just go do a deep dive and don't even do one gram um and they just go right in and have their experience. You know, maybe they get a trusted family member. Usually I always ask if they have someone and they say yeah you know my friend or my partner or my mom or whoever somebody's going to be with them to do it and then there are people who don't have anyone with them. I've had 1 person um say that they've had what would be considered a bad trip and and out out of the many people that I've worked with and she didn't follow the instructions so that's why she had a bad trip and she she actually it wasn't. Bad trip technically because she went and um, she didn't let her sister. Do it after that and she guided her sister. So even after what she thought was a bad trip. You know she still trusted it enough to um, support her sister in it because her sister had experienced a lot of trauma growing up. Um, and have recently been through like a divorce and she really wanted some healing so you know everyone's experience is different, but I don't I don't make the determination about who can and who cannot do it I have not to answer your question.



Thee Alchemist

Don't forget, don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You heard it here first at the Empress High Council. You could follow us on try empress on I g and Twitter we are bringing the real real to you. We walk in our own we walk in our own experiences we bring you to truth and Jaz Afrodite is bringing to you Dr, Milayo to let you know her her guided experience so Jaz, please continue on.



Jaz Afrodite

Yeah, so when Milayo came back into the room I was in the bathroom and the reason that was is because with my mushroom journey I had to use the bathroom quite often. It made me pee a lot and so. I went into the bathroom thinking I was just going to have a normal pee session and I get inside the bathroom and it turns into what doesn't look like but feels like and has the energy of a drug den. So I'm peeing and all of a sudden I'm a heroin addict I'm on the toilet. And I am literally high like if I just had a heroin binge. My legs are open eyes close I'm just drooling and I'm just there by myself because at the point Milayo was in and out because she's giving me time to go through and then she'll come back in and so I’m on a toilet fall off because as you know if you've seen addicts the floor is a place of safety is of kind of foundation. So I'm there on the floor as well and then I'm laying on the floor waiting just comfortably waiting because at this point I don't want to be on the toilet anymore. And then she comes in and she sees me. She's like well what are you doing on the floor and I'm like I have no control I'm like I'm just sitting there and she's like you know you have no control over this experience I'm like no I have no control at the same time I'm like I look like a hot mess like why do I even look like this. My hair is messed up like i'm. Um, and out of different time zones I'm in the present I'm in the past and so it's crazy because I'm having these conversations with her and she's regulating the conversation but she's also telling me to continue on the journey and to allow myself to feel and so she takes me up off the floor puts me on the bed. And at this point I'm into bed and again I start with the pelvic thrust. But now I am panting and I'm panting like a dog so I'm on the bed on my side and I'm shaking profusely and I'm like breathing in and out like a dog so kundalini energy again. But she's putting music on so that I can move the energy around trying to get me out of the bed to dance and I'm like but I don't want to dance and every time she leaves the room and comes back in I'm being transported into another another era so she comes back in the room and this is when I start telling her like. I'm John Coltrane with the way I'm saying it I'm not saying it like in my normal voice like I'm repeating it and I'm like I'm John I'm John and she's like John who I'm like John Coltrane john Coltrane I'm John Coltrane. So, turns out I was John Coltrane in a past life. So she's getting me from.



Thee Alchemist

Yeah Wow All right? all right.



Jaz Afrodite

Trying to get me out of the bed again because she's like you got to dance I'm like but I don't want to dance and I like I got a piece. She's like you know you said that 15 minutes ago and I'm like it's only even 15 minutes it feels like I've been awake for centuries like I haven't slept in centuries and she's laughing. She's like don't worry about time. There is no such thing as time. The past present and future are all 1 continuum so you can't study the time and so she gets me up out the bed and she's getting me toward the bathroom and I'm like I don't want to go back in there. Please stop I don't want to go back in there make it stop make it stop and the reason why I didn't want to go back into the bathroom is because once I knew I got back into the bathroom I would be. Again addicted. So I go she throws me into the bathroom again I'm on the toilet. It's zoned out this time I didn't fall off or at least I was trying to fall off, but she literally saw me on the toilet looking like a heroin addict again legs sprawled out drooling on myself leaning on. Like leaning not on anything but just leaning in the ear to suspended in ear on the toilet eyes closed and so when I'm trying to get on the floor again for that safety. She picks me up and then she changes the music, and she puts the music on because she was playing jazz but it was more like Stevie wonder kind of jazz. And then she puts on a type of jazz that I usually perform which is more like improvisational jazz and if you follow John Coltrane at all in his later works. He used to do a lot of free improvisation when it had multiple horns playing at 1 time and that's what was playing and it was sounding like pure madness.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

It was literally like I was stuck in my own hell and it kept looping and looping and looping and I was like I don't want to do this I don't want to do this I don't want to do this I want to get out make it stop make it stop and she's like well do you drink coffee and I'm like I don't drink no damn coffee. And she's like oh well then you got to you got to consume you with you gain get out and so the music is playing and I'm holding my head because it sounds like pure madness I literally was descending into hell and into madness and that's what. Came to me like I honestly believe because at a certain point even when I was applying for a grant in real life, I had put that. Ah John Coltrane was searching for something otherworldly now I can tell you he was searching for a way out. He was searching for a way out and couldn't he was stuck.



Thee Alchemist

Wow Wow! wow.



Jaz Afrodite

Because that's how I felt in that trip. So I was trying to get out of that shit and so I honestly believe from my experience that there is something about that musical canon that just sends people off the mental rails something spiritually baked in either 2 composition, if it has too many diminished chords it diminishes people's minds but many of the jazz legends the jazz greats have either lost their mind or been addicted. Some substance at the height of their career. So, I know that all of the music now has some sort of demonology involved in it because of the 440 Hz but there's something about the great American jazz standards for the great American songbook. That I believe is a spell a book of spells and so with that it's just opened up my eyes that this is the reason why people who go into this art form always feel the need to go back and sing those old songs over and over and over again. It's a book of spells.



Thee Alchemist 

It they had succumbed to madness drugs you know ah ah madness um addiction do drugs sex. Whatever and it has taking them all out. They have yes, they do have great works but it has taken them all out. And um, I am so glad that you had this spiritual opportunity jazz and you're able to share it with us so that we can realize it because even if you look at the music today you know the music today is so called quote unquote controlled by the illuminati. Whatever. So. But um, please continue on I don't want to go I don't want to deviate from your experience. Please continue.



Jaz Afrodite

So I'm going through that get back into the bed and at this point the music stops and I just have to deal with the fact that I have to go through the trip. However, long it takes it takes and so again I'm I get into the bed and now I start withdrawing. I'm going through a physical withdrawal. So all of the binging that I was doing in the bathroom is now coming out of my system in the bed and meleo takes the road and she's covering me because I'm like it's cold it's cold and I'm shivering and I'm shaking on my side and I'm literally feeling like give. My body's convulsing I'm going through this withdrawal that kind of alternates between me doing that gyrating again to get that sacral energy moving and then laying straight with my leg straight out and shaking my head yes, shaking my head no shaking my head. Yes, not um. Like I'm just shaking no nodding. Yes, no nodding yes, like profusely and she's so at a certain point I remember she's sitting by the bed eating and she's like Hey and I look at and I'm like what and this time. I'm no longer Coltane like I don't even know who I was at this point but I'm looking at her and I see like she's Eshu if you guys don't know what Eshu is, Elegua, he is the Orisha of the crossroads and I'm seeing her channel through Eshu and I’m like are you my friend are you my enemy and she's like. I am both and that's just mind fucks me because I'm like what do you mean you are both I mean in true Elegua energy. She's right because he is friend and fo so that is the right energy because he's a trickster, so you never really know what angle he's coming with but to hear it. Now I get super paranoid like everybody was right like I shouldn't have taken it. She made me do this to trick me to make me get stuck in this zone like I’m never I'm never going to be able to get back I'm never going to be able to get back I just want to be the same Jacquii and in my head you're saying you're never going to be the same like after this you're never going to be the same. Like your life will never be the same as I'm like this is a trick this is a trick and then I see Morpheus you want the red pill or the blue pill the red pill or the blue pill and listen listen at this point I am literally stuck like I don't want to be here.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Like this is too much too much then she puts on Rapid Glasper better than I imagine and I start winding on the bed like yeah yeah, like this is what's supposed to be in you. Wind on the bed like hmm on the bed singing It’s Better Than I Imagined and I'm singing it softly and so that felt good and then she switches to music again. So with all of the different music switching like is taking me through different experiences.



Thee Alchemist

Well, it sound like the music that she was taking you through with through different decades. You know of music which allowed you I mean I wish I think is so brilliant on her part. Because it actually allowed you to be able to find who you was during that genre especially given your spirituality and your musical talent. You know, right now here it allowed you to Revisit. You know those spaces. This is.



Jaz Afrodite

It sure did it short did at a certain points she put on I can see clearly now that the rain is gone and as she put that on a Jimmy Cliff and she's I was not seeing clearly but I was hearing them clearly interacting with them like my mom came into the room at that point.



Dr. Dannie

Were you seeing clear?



Jaz Afrodite

That was like my mother loves this song but at this point now I'm feeling like Janice Joplin like it doesn't feel like me because I'm sounding like a white girl. Even though Milayo says that my voice didn't change much I'm hearing myself sound differently and so I'm singing it loudly but I'm not singing it the way that I would sing it if I were singing. But I'm singing the words clearly to the song and then my mother comes in and I'm like I was just saying you love this song but it's like super exaggerated the way that I'm singing it but we're all just happy singing the song because that song is just a nice song to be singing. It's gonna be a bright day and it also made me realize that all right. Is a reprieve like you do have the opportunity to come out of this and see the other side of it because there's still a question as to whether or not I'm going to be stuck in this Mania or come back to myself.



Thee Alchemist

And I'm a respond to that and I'm going in the way I'm going to respond to that is this I am going to say um, do not try this without a professional as we do not encourage your support your personal experience. So. You can get Dr.  Milayo's information at the end of this podcast and we suggest that if this is an experience that you would like to encounter or try then we suggest that it be guided by Dr. Milayo.



Milayo Negesti

I suggest that too. Thank you kindly? Um, because there are so many questions even though during the consultation, I'm really clear I'm really you know thorough and trying to allay any fears or anxiety I can't do it all. I'm not in your head you know I'm not there with you and so there is the risk you know the inherent risk of doing it on your own. Because ah, you know the consultation helps with so much. But it's it's wonderful to have you know?? Um, the the way that indigenous people have traditionally done. This have always been guided or supported you know so I like to recommend. That it is done that way with someone who knows what they're doing a healer. You know a priest a priest um ah a shaman someone who acts can access and and interpret you know a therapist now the movie is therapist.



Thee Alchemist

Ping bong.



Dr. Dannie

He asked.



Milayo Negesti

You know everyone, they’re specializing and creating these um certifications so that psychotherapists and psychologists and psychiatrists can be the ones to walk people through these Journeys That's the that's the direction. Um, that this is moving in as they try to the pharmaceutical industry and clearly the mental health industry attempt take this thing and make it their own as they do with everything else. So.



Thee Alchemist

Trying to monopolize off of it.



Milayo Negesti

You know I consider myself to be an an urban shaman or I don't know round round away priestess. Ah so you know on the ground doing the Lord's work. So you know I I'm sure as a psychotherapist.



Thee Alchemist

All right now.



Milayo Negesti

Would be great at handling and managing it as well. But I know how I received it and I received it in the hood in an apartment in Brooklyn the first time and the second time and the third time. And it was effective, and I got what I needed um because of my relationship to spirit. You know, not everybody has a relationship to spirit so they need a psych I they need a psychiatrist or ah, um, a psychotherapist to support them I'm good with the urban shaman I'm good with the hood priest to come through and give it to me the way that I need it.



Thee Alchemist

And I want to support you in that and and Milayo I Want to support you with in that saying that um I'm good with the um, the hood priest and the um hood shaman because there's a there's something to be said about big pharmamtrying to monopolize on spiritual entities now that they have made a lot of money and big farmer Now they're moving into another whole line of medicine which is Spirituality. You have no soul. You've screwed people for centuries. Now you want to be in and in spirituality and you have no soul. You cannot guide souls to a spiritual experience when you have no soul So I'mmanna put it like that exclamation point point Blank end the Story. So I'm gonna say to our round table our listeners who are out there listening to this right now and think they're gonna go to somebody who have all these. You know, big pharma certifications to go and have this experience. You're being robbed I'm so sorry I'm I'm that one.



Milayo Negesti

Um, you not with it. Not with this I hate that keep your money.



Thee Alchemist

Not at all I'm not with the shareholders in the stock price. Okay, there's no shareholders and no stock price when you spiritual and you in hood doing this out of your apartment your house because you have a spiritual calling. You're not doing this to influence the stock.



Jaz Afrodite

You can find Dr. Milayo Negesti on IG @monarch_of_loving. L-o-v-i-n-g @monarch_of_loving. You can find her there. But the experience was very deep, extremely deep. I mean at one point, I was even asking like am I going to be good like I just want to be good I don't want to hurt anyone like I want to be good and it was like I was having I was like this feels like an exorcism because I'm going through all of these different personalities and people are coming in and out. And I'm seeing different people at one point she made me look in the mirror at myself and I had to jump back because I'm seeing Baron Samedi in in the mirror looking back at me and I'm like okay this is just too much. This is not me like the sunken eyes the whole skeleton face I'm like okay all right I'm good and I run back on the bed and so. With me asking of the physical or the psychic mediumship. That's what was happening all of these different spirits were coming through and talking and so I'm able to see them. But of course you have your knowledge but you don't really know how much you know until you see these entities and they know all so what do you really know in comparison? And what can you really say? So, I jump back onto the bed with which seemed to be the grounding place, but Milayo had a feather in her cap and that was my safety so whenever I would look and see the feather, I’d be like all right I know she's around so that was something that kept me. Grounded and also what I think anchored me back into a space of wholeness was the fact that my mom was there and so when it ended, and Milayo dragged me out of the bedroom and took me to my mother and I saw her I was able to embrace her and just stay there hugging her until I fell asleep like that was. And mind you that's like 8 hours later like this was like a full day's work, full day's work and it did not come out of my system until I want to say Sunday night like it was in my system for a long. Time no matter how much water I was drinking like it did not want to leave I just still wanted to show me different things and reveal certain things and so I saw more than I'm I'm speaking of, but it was a full full weekend's work.



Thee Alchemist

Wow Jacquii um, Jaz I'm so glad you said that because I was gonna say I was gonna ask you outside of Milayo and your mom being there. You know what? what brought you back, you know because I know people have who have um had.



Dr. Dannie

They've done it and they have not come back properly. Yeah.



Thee Alchemist

Mushroom experiences and they have not they have not been the same. They have not been the same. They have not returned I'm glad that you made sure that you spiritually went to this um, understanding that you needed your grounding utensils number 1 ah, that you had a experience with um Dr. Milayo who was a professional in this particular space. You had family support there I mean there's so many factors that aided to bringing you back to this you know, um, better than you were. And a lot of folks don't have those factors so that's very important to mention here on this syndicated forum right now to let people know that you have to do your research. There is some factors that you need to have um you need to have a professional um you need to know what's going to ground you. You need to know. What what energy that's going to allow you to be able to go further in than where you are now. Jacquii had her moldavite. She had a black obsidian she had ah you know Dr. Milayo who's a professional in this area. She takes people through this you know all the time she's been in this industry for years she had she had her mother there. So. That's important for people to hear and understand that you need to do your research first because this is an experience that you need to have help in and like you said this thing was in your system for you know a few days and you had access to Milayo and your mother. Snap of the finger during those times and so that really wasn't a question because you had already answered it but I did want to make sure that I pointed it out that those things did not go unscathed or missed.



Jaz Afrodite

Yeah I wanted to say I had to remove the moldavite during the trip because one spirit told me to because it just kept sending me out to the cosmos and back sending me out and back and that's why I kept tripping my body was just shaking when my legs were straight and I was just repeating myself like ah yeah, yes. Yes, yes, ah like everything I would say I would say 4 and 5 times and I would just be going back and forth, and my spirit was like take the moldavite off.



Dr. Dannie

I was. Yeah, it was blocking it. Yeah, it was it was it was blocking it so you needed you needed clearance for the path.



Thee Alchemist

You want the blue pill red pill.



Thee Alchemist

So, guys you know every time we have a podcast I act as if I'm a regular Joe Schmo listener and I take my notes so Dr. Milayo this is for you Could you please let us know. What type of shrooms. Do you have because I heard you talk about the penis envy which is a lesser strain but it's more effective than you talked about the um, the lemon. Um, how you soaked it in the lemon and. Um, so that it made you soaked in the lemon for half an hour and made like a juice and then added hot water to make a tea and then you talked about this heart opening tea with this Jasmine and this I think you said cremation. Um for depression and anxiety. Let us know what type of shrooms. Do you have we we I don't need to know all the rest of the stuff just just the different experiences that you have like you know it's like ordering from a menu. What what is your menu?



Milayo Negesti

I've worked with a a variety of strains a variety of strains golden teachers which are very popular. A real popular entry. Um Shroom. Strain. That's really is popular common and pretty easy to get gives great visuals and is ah literally a guide like they they're called golden teachers because the caps of the mushrooms are golden but the teacher. Ah, name comes from the fact that they are a really gentle guy like people feel like when they take golden teachers they feel supported and like they are. They're taken in to have access to information that is coming from a place of wisdom. So golden teachers is really popular people First timers will come and say um, you know do you have golden teachers or I've heard about golden teachers. So that strain is pretty popular. Um I've also worked with penis envy the most. And I've worked with amazonians I've worked with blue menies I've worked with the hero strain I've worked with ah metas which is in a really powerful strain that is you can't find it anywhere. Um, I've worked with hillbillies, golden caps as well.



Thee Alchemist

Well, it sounds you know what it sounds to me that if there's someone that has a need for something that you have the experience in working with it and delivering. Um.



Milayo Negesti

As well. Yes.



Thee Alchemist

It to them. Um, how how is it what you do and I we're gonna conclude this in a moment because our episode is um, teetering on a long time now. But um because I've heard about ayahuasca a lot and peyote um could you. Blame just a little bit of what I know because a lot I've seen that ayahuasca on YouTube and the people come on YouTube and have the ayahuasca experience and that's guided well the thing about it is a guided experience.



Milayo Negesti

Oh ayahuasca is totally different. Ayahuasca is um, a tea. Essentially that is made of more than 1 plant blended together. And yeah and going through like the the creation of the the ayahuasca um drink is a really spiritual process within itself And, ayahuasca is like the grandmother. It's a very old big mama spirit and these are so these are all spirits or energies that our spirits are. Interacting with and engaging with so ayahuasca is giving you a motherly type of journey and it is very much a purgative even though you feel nauseous during both because you feel experienced nausea during um. Mushrooms and Ayahuasca Ayahuasca is going to extract what does not belong. Okay, so right away she's ready to get to clear the way so you can have your journey so there's always a a puke. Ah, puke bag and sometimes it's a puke bag during mushrooms but there is always a puke bag or basin for an ayahuasca experience, so purging is a major part of Iowa experience and you you do the same deep dive down the rabbit hole. But um. The intensity is different. The intensity is different with an ayahuasca journey and the messages. Um for me in my ask ayahuasca experiences have come from a broader. Base. Um, and although most people report that after having mushrooms that they feel loved. It's a different type of love when you take ayahuasca different kind of holding that you experience and you go through you can go through the same type you know, um. The the shaking and that type of um, release that is happening because of your your nervous system. Um yes, your body going through it. You know you can have the same type of shakes and symptoms during Ayahuasca Journey but ayahuasca. Is to me Ayahuasca really takes you through like you go through at ayahuasca is like it's gonna drop you I feel like ayahuasca drops you on your head you know where shroom's like drop you on your butt. I wasn't drop you on your head by you know? So um, and also that's a call that's also something that calls it calls you and when you it calls you you're ready I don't think that it's you know, right? now it's glamorized like everything else. It's like popularized and it's. I this talk about it. Talk about it. Talk about it? Um, but it's not something to play with you know people people take this journey so that they can break addictions so they can break addictions and and clear out past life gunk. You know karmas and to like really um, break habits and um ancestral patterns you know and and really do deep deep spiritual work and often do it. In a series. You know like ayahuasca is not necessarily a 1-time thing you take ayahuasca 2 time 2 like a Weekend. You're doing ayahuasca 2, 3 nights in a row. Um, what you can do with shrooms as well. By the way if you if you built for it. Um and supported



Dr. Dannie

That that's that's that's that's that's a lot that's a lot I'm listening, and I was that oh lord all right? you you go you you about to set flight you go fly.



Thee Alchemist

It sent me back to 1913 and put me in 1 of them British institutions with the white jacket on and stuff like that off that one.



Dr. Dannie

Oh oh you want you want to do a Downton Abbey you want to do a Downtown Abbey?



Milayo Negesti

No, you don't.



Thee Alchemist

I know but um, listen Jaz Afrodite we applaud you for your strength and your courage understanding your spirituality and going through this process. And and telling us about it and educating the the council and the roundtable in regards your experience but not only that to be able to to not go through it on your own but to bring someone who has a who has a. Years and years of experience guiding people through this so people have a resource now. So 1 thing about the Empress High Council. You know we we live our experiences and and and we bring you our truth our authentic experiences but we also bring you you guys know we always bring the resource. We don't keep it to ourselves. So um, Dr. Milayo we're so um, glad that you can grace our presence tonight and provide a resource for us to be able to understand. And have someone to call to break these generational curses.



Jaz Afrodite

So I just want to say in regards to my takeaway from the whole trip. What came to me is that you no longer have to pursue a career in jazz you've already done that now what that means in regards to the singing I'm not sure. But. Me being a part of that jazz workshop in real life in real time those same people this is not our first rodeo they were showing up in clubs. We have done this several times before and it is interesting because Dave Chappelle is a constant staple in a jazz community. Not just in this life but over several lifetimes and so that's why you'll always find him in a jazz club because he was with us during my trips as well and so me working with these people in the jazz workshop in karma times triggered something and that was why I had so much anxiety. Around it. You know is crazy because we always take our decisions for granted when my father came through with the reading with the psychic medium the same one where my grandmother was saying that I am Guanyin the Chinese buddha. My father was saying every time that I perform blue and green Miles Davis is blue and green I wrote lyrics to that song. It makes him cry because he's sad that I had to go through that in order to write that song and so I was thinking that he meant what I went through in this lifetime but it makes sense. Why I like that song so much because cold train is on that song. He's on that song with Miles. He has the saxaphone solo as well and so just that whole entire experience is coming back 360. And also just in case I wanted to tie in the numerology angle as well. I know some people may be saying that? Yeah, right, you were in cold train listen it's up in the ear I know what I experienced, and I know that he definitely wanted to find it out which is why he was looking for something spiritual something that was beyond the music, but getting back to the numerology. My name Jacquii the way that I spell it j a c q u i i,  if I'm using the older alphabet. The Chaldean alphabet. It's so 14 and 14 is a karmic debt number meaning that in a past life I was addicted to either food sex drugs. Going through this trip I realized that I was a heroin addict, so I was addicted to drugs as well. Fourteen is the number of true incarnation, meaning that the soul that possesses the number 14, descending into matter is ignorant of its past experiences and I could never remember my past lives whenever I get a reading people always say we wish that you had bought the gifts from your past lives into this life. So the 14 is significant here I am thinking that it was just a fluke that I had to change my name but. Your soul calls for name changes based on these events and so everything is related everything is related and so I left that experience once I realized that I no longer had to do that. It was like a purge and a cleanse, so I took all of the sheet music that I had. And I threw it away and I withdrew from the jazz workshop because I just need to regroup and figure out what my next steps are and so I know I no longer want to sing sad songs most of my repertoire were very complex sad songs if you know my repertoire I sing. Like I'm a horn player because I always wanted to pattern my singing as if I was playing a horn. Now I know why. So, this is just showing you that this is amazing when you take these steps but understand too that. I left it with clarity of knowing who I was in a past life. But I'm still very uncertain now about my future because it's like I had a big tower moment like my whole life was blown up and now I have to figure out the pieces and move forward, but right now I'm just sitting in the uncertainty of it and allowing the universe to guide me and so. The beginning is the end you have no control in and the beginning that was the thing that Milayo told me when I was on the floor in the bathroom and me started and now, I realize I still have no control. And so, if you're going into this looking to find a way to control and understand and orchestrate. Then this may not be the move for you in regards to taking a mushroom trip. But if you are open to the process and allowing life to move through you and you move with it then I say by all means definitely do it with Dr. Milayo Negesti @monarch_of_loving.



Thee Alchemist

Wow and that was your genre you you were you? you are then you know that you are you are great at it. You just did not reach the level of Popularity. Ah. Ah, however, you've definitely reached to a level of greatness but not the popularity that you probably were at and past Lifetimes. So Um, and it's Understandable. It's really understandable now that you've gone through this experience. Wow, wow.



Jaz Afrodite

And absolutely.



Thee Alchemist

Well guys, don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You could find us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can also find past episodes of us on  YouTube at the Empress High Council and I'm not gonna say at the. At Empress High Council. It takes nothing just to hit the like button guys just hit the like button just hit. You know you like it hit the like button. It takes nothing for you to like but it's not gonna hurt. You don't and it doesn't cost you anything and also share it. Before we end the episode with our stone of the evening. Um, Jaz can you please give us 1 more time doctor Milayo's contact information I'm so sorry I did not take that information down.



Jaz Afrodite

Yes, so everyone please follow and reach out to Dr. Milayo Negesti @monarch_of_loving, with a g. @monarch_of_loving.



Thee Alchemist

Guys. Thank you so much for listening. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button and you could follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter and you can also ah pick up last former episodes of the Empress High Council on YouTube at Empress High Council I was stone of the evening. Will be Mystic Merlinite and Mystic Merlinite is such the perfect stone and a beautiful gemstone. Ah for tonight and based on this episode because of its well-known powers to bring luck in life and to attract useful magical energies. It is famous for stimulating deep intuition psychic knowledge and spiritual mediumship like other gemstones it has its vibrations that are shamanic. It also allows us to communicate with the subconscious mind that helps in accessing. Natural world energies guys Mystic Merlinite. You can look up the stone on your own. There's a lot more that you can find out, but you want to look up Mystic Merlinite you want to get your Mystic Merlinite. It is the appropriate stone for this particular episode. We're gonna leave you. With our one final thought: Know your worth.