Empress High Council
Empress High Council
The Sanctity of Black Relationships featuring J. Fonixx
Royal Family! We're Back! We missed you guys, but we made sure to come back hitting hard with our return guest speaker, J. Fonixx, to have a spirited debate about the current standing of the black relationship? How do we protect it? What is missing? How do we function outside of societal norms? What can we do to improve it? Is marriage even necessary? Yeah, you know we dig into the deep issues with a grown, thoughtful, and intelligent delivery. Goblets up! Let's get it.
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Thee Alchemist
Great day Queens and Kings and Empresses of the Empress High Council welcome to season five episode nine. We are back. You could follow us at try empress on Instagram and Twitter. And you can also find past episodes on YouTube at the Empress High Council. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button before we get started. This is the alchemist coming to you on a frequency of energy to transmute your social and financial currency into abundance.
Jaz Afrodite
And this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.
Thee Alchemist
And Jaz by all means please introduce our returning guest.
Jaz Afrodite
All right, beautiful people roundtable. We are introducing our esteemed and honored guest. He was featured on season five episode seven the severity of a slap he is back to give the straight black male perspective as we talk about none other than relationships. I'll welcome to the table, the round table, J. Fonixx.
J. Fonixx
Hi y'all doing good evening. Good evening, good evening, good evening.
Thee Alchemist
What up? What up? What up? What up? Listen before we get started. You know what I want to say you don't need to know the root of the problem to know the solution tonight we will be talking about the sanctity of black relationships where we will discuss. How do we keep them sacred? Where does the breakdown happen? How can we best communicate with each other without assuming traditional gender roles? What does the true partnership look like? And is marriage necessary? Don't forget to the like subscribe and share button. But before we get started. Let me set the table. The disparity in the wealth gap and access to resources given the gender roles and relationships play an extremely important role in how men show up. Their sanctity has been damaged by generations of inherited exhaustion racism fear. Bottled up anger and depression of violent times when our men have experienced PTSD and has now passed it on through their but bloodline for generations. It has nothing to do with slavery. Because slavery as it was in America did not exist in other cultures like the Caribbean and Latin America as classified as indentured servants and some Maroon societies. However, with the transport of people of the diaspora with Catholicism. Global greed manipulation of trust is the curse of the black relationship. The buck stops here literally physically spiritually and mentally now that the table is set pull up. Pull up and hold on tight. So the table is set guys. You heard it all. The sanctity of black relationships. How do we keep them sacred? Talk to me.
Jaz Afrodite
I think we keep black relationships sacred first by honoring them I don't think we take enough time to honor our relationships properly coming in and having a mutual understanding a mutual respect for the union. Different people aside like we understand that respect needs to exist for the two individuals involved. But for the union as a whole I think we need to have welcoming traditions or a rites of passage when we get into a relationship to say we're gonna bless this union we're gonna put. All that we have that we can possibly give at the moment because we're constantly grown and evolving into this relationship and then we protected by keeping other people out of our business. The outside noise in relationships creates so much drama and confusion and I know I am guilty of this in terms of oversharing or talking about things that happen in the relationship because sometimes you want to get a different perspective I don't think it's always healthy to keep. All of the conversations in because sometimes you need to talk to somebody who can understand what's going on and give you a different perspective to say well you know what you may want to approach it from this way or she's saying this or he's saying that you may want to look at it from their perspective. You need that. But the problem is identifying who those people are. And understanding that they have your best interests at heart because not all quote unquote friends do when it comes to relationships.
Thee Alchemist
They have to be non-judgmental.
J. Fonixx
Well said I have to piggyback on Jackie's response that has to be a union has to be respected if it's not, you're gonna get what is happening today more so than people think. There's a lot of there's too much freedom even though we live in a free country There's too much freedom going on with with the internet and the internet is definitely an influence that nobody can get away from in today's times only way to get away from it is that you condemn it in your home or in your union meaning nobody is on social media and everybody just deals with self and that is gonna be hard to find nowadays in the compute in the in the black community I don't I don't see anybody doing that. That's like unheard of that's like crazy. That's the times we're living in now.
Thee Alchemist
How does the internet play a role in that? Because before the internet we still had the same bullshit.
J. Fonixx
I I would say this. It's actually heightened you're right it it was the same shit bull. So it maximize this is is you you know you got Tiktok. Ah you have you know your social media Facebook and your Instagram Tiktok what it did is a study showing that Tiktok.
Thee Alchemist
It heightened. Okay, It’s heightened but we still had the same Bs Yeah Man. Yeah.
J. Fonixx
Actually fries your brain because of the short bursts of this is what you get not a wait. Not you don't wait on anything with Tiktok It's bam, right? there you got 20 seconds if it if it don't pop is garbage. So with that mindset. This is how people are actually doing speed dating. This is how people meet people online and if you don't give them what they want. They swipe left. It's too many options right now for everybody more so ladies. More so ladies social media was invented for ladies. Yes I'm a shocked jock social media was invented for ladies because ladies are more social. This is why they have all of the as a photographer I understand it fully. This is why they have all of the um, the things that you can use to take your picture to. You know, soften your photos and yeah, your filters why because predominantly women exist on social media. Most guys if they're hard at their job. They're not on there. They're not out on there all day ladies be on there more so.
Jaz Afrodite
The filters.
Thee Alchemist
So social media may have been um, you know because of the filters and stuff like that invented for women we have to understand that the women are addressing a need. And the need that the women are addressing the needs of men. So, the men are out there. They The only reason we dress Up. We put these filters On. We do all this stuff is to is we. We're not trying to impress each other, right? We're impressing. You know the men who's checking out our bios checking out our photos clicking the like. Subscribe button and share.
J. Fonixx
I believe that to a certain degree I um, um, believe that a hundred percent I would say it could be probably in. You know I may be wrong I would say 70/30. Here's why. Ladies are very competitive. So even if they don't have a man they still trying to look better than the other chick and that's facts a lot of ladies do that they go get implants and all that stuff for them for the self for their own image. It's not necessary to catch a man.
Thee Alchemist
So they get the implants and all this up to be better than other women to do what not catch the woman but to catch the better man.
J. Fonixx
You hit it right the first time. They trying to catch a woman or man. That's today’s times, but they they do it for self-gratification, first.
Jaz Afrodite
I don't know if its self-gratification. They do it out of low self-esteem because they're looking at these images of these quote unquote celebrities who tell you that this is the trend of the day so therefore in order for you to be Appealing. You must look like this image. And so what they do is they trick themselves they mind fuck themselves and say well you know what? I'm not doing it for a man I'm doing it for me because they know that a lot of men don't even approve of these alterations that they're making to their bodies and so now they have to justify it and say. But was never for you. It was for me because I like this look I want to make sure that I look like no, you don't you ultimately want to get a man. But now you've gone and invested all this money into it the man no longer wants. It. You're not going to the gym to maintain it. So now you have to keep going back. To re-up and modify and modify and modify because it does not stay as is after you get the surgery because you're not changing your eating Habits. You're going to do the same thing you were doing before so you're going to get fat and frumpy with all these enhancements in your body and then you're going to lie and say it's for you. So, it's a complete mind trip.
Thee Alchemist
Have you have y'all seen the latest image a Lala Anthony she looks like a Kardashian now Carmelo and you you don't you can't recognize us you she look. She was just.
Jaz Afrodite
I don't but know who she is.
J. Fonixx
What the.
Jaz Afrodite
That's what I'm saying.
Thee Alchemist
Yeah, you can't recognize a Lala Anthony looks like a Kardashian she could be a sister Kardashian sister and um so that leads me to go into and I'm going to get back to the areas that I set the table with but that leads men to going into a question that um I had with another girlfriend in regards to how this man made her self- esteem so low and I I'm just I'm just saying That's the conversation made her self-esteem so low that she went to extreme went to the extreme to change her appearance. However, we need to identify what low self-esteem looks like in the first place.
J. Fonixx
It's underlining of issues. Um the size the mirror take for instance little li Kim who I thought was an amazing looking woman and she went and altered herself to the point where she looks like a beauty and the beast character.
Thee Alchemist
She was, yes.
Thee Alchemist
Yes, some crazy cat.
J. Fonixx
So it's sad, but it it begins within yourself. It begins with self-love and um, some people look in the mirror and they could. They could be beautiful to others and they see ugly within themselves take for instance Michael Jackson was never satisfied. So I think it's a problem amongst people doesn't matter what nationality they are but I would say that as black people sometimes we grow up with stigmas that stick depending on your household That's why it's important that you. Fulfill your kids with so much you know outgoing things to get them to you have to build your kid's self-esteem you play a role parents play a huge role in how a kid feels about themselves. You must encourage them. You know and if you got. Again I work in public transportation. You got kids getting on the bus and a mom cussing them I heard it over and over and over and they cussing a little boy three years old what do you think that does to him or her self-esteem as a toddler. It tears them down before they even get started and then that has that has to start within you. And that is a vicious cycle that continues to happen in the black community self-love is is definitely an issue.
Thee Alchemist
Well, how do a parent builds a child's self-esteem when you know they don't have any number one and going back to ah how I set the table. Their sanctity is damaged by generations of inherited exhaustion racism fear bottled up anger depression of a violent time and when and PTSD. This is passed down through generations you know through their but their bloodline. And this is all built upon you know the transport of people of the Diaspora coupled with Catholicism global greed manipulation of trust and that is the curse of the black family.
Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, but it has to stop at some point and so I understand that all of that has been the reoccurring theme and is the crutch that we lean on but people who have made a difference in their relationships and their families, it’s not because their parents were different. It's because they decided that they were not going to repeat the same thing that they experienced and so growing up with a mom who always said that she never received that emotional love from her mother. She said she was going to. Make a concerted effort to change that and show that and have the relationship with her own children and so yes, it It is pathologies that are passed down from generation to generation. But I think we are wise enough at this point to know that somehow it has to stop. And you didn't enjoy it as a child. So now you have the opportunity to do differently with your own it’s you making up your mind. You're going to take that responsibility and just change the pathology of your family.
J. Fonixx
I I have to agree I think the breakdown comes in when one person is doing that and the other one is not. It has to be a joint effort and I think that is one of many reasons as to why? the black family breaks down One person may want have that attitude hey. Buck stops here i'mma change everything the next one would be like yeah yeah, I'm on board and then when it's time to do that work somebody jumps ship and that creates a major problem. Major.
Jaz Afrodite
That's crazy and it's so true because I don't think that we sit down as couples and really have check-ins with each other we need to have like Couple Goals Day where we sit down and draft out goals. For our relationship and if we say that we're going to stop as an example, the things that we experience in our past generations. What does that look like and what are some things that we can do and how we gonna hold each other accountable because relationships are work. I, don't care what anybody says a relationship is a job and in any job you got to set yearly goals milestones have action steps timelines I think we need to incorporate that into our relationships and then have days where we check in to be like yo. So how are we. Making progress on this how far away are we from the target and then to assess are we even still in this together like do we still want to continue this like a check in to say is this relationship moving in the same direction have we changed to the extent that we are two different completely people. We cannot even stay and coexist. In this shit. Any longer. Let's just split I think we need to start incorporating that.
Thee Alchemist
I think that is a I just think that that's an imperative um in order to keep our relationships sacred. And um, and to stop the actual breakdown. So, Jaz you I mean guys, you got to rewind twenty thirty seconds a minute send that segment to copy it. Recorded send that segment to your spouse your partner and start to work on that because relationships honestly just like marriages are actually a business because there's either success or failure.
J. Fonixx
You if you you look? Yeah, yeah, if you're looking at it like a business or sports teamwork. It's not one person. It's 2 people that has to like like Jackie said coexist you have 2 brains you know an old saying 2 heads is better than one. But if one is Arguing. It's always either indecisive or not backing the other you're gonna have major problems. This is why you must be able to vet your partner Correctly, that is something that we're not teaching young people because what's going on in the black Community. We just like what we see and that's it It starts there. No no, no, no, it has to be a list A checklist, an organized checklist of what to look for in the suitable mate and that is what a lot of parents. I would say single moms again we dealing with the black community dealing with a lot of single moms and they tell their kids what they want versus what is gonna actually catapult them into success overall success. Not just oh he got a Mercedes. Oh girl, he he got money so what? what does his what does his character say about himself. What does his family look like me I would tell my daughters what kind of parents do he come from. If she's dating a guy I don't care. Um, how much money as what does his parents look like as far as how do they get along. It doesn't matter if they're separate a divorce What are you dealing with who are you dealing with not what they look like because that's that's physical attraction. That's what comes first? We see the person first we like oh I like that you know's going on between their ears though and people are so quick, especially again, this is a do we live in a computerized age where everything is fast fast fast so you're not asking. Hey slow it down. Nobody wants to slow anything down. Everybody's moving a hundred miles an hour.
Thee Alchemist
So I'm going to take this back to it into to None areas. One area is I'm going to well one area. The overriding areas is numerology. However. I'm going to talk about a high school friend of mine and I don't mind giving him him a plug DeWayne Perkins who he's a a comedian in California and he did a skit about ten years ago and in this skid he spoke about dating should be according to a class number system. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the fives should only date five s and the four should only be a fours. The 3 should be with threes the twos twos and ones ones and in doing that there was a particular marker that you needed to set or to have. In order to be in that class. So if you will course one. It's somebody in a in a 2 and you were five and you're like you know oh you you you look good I like meet you so you pull out your dating what class are you I'm a five you one, you need to keep it moving There's no joke. Dear, ok, you need to just keep it moving by sayonara so long arrivederci ok and then that goes back to um, Jaz Afrodite and we need to get back into. Understanding your numbers or your numerology and what this date looks like according to your numbers because guess what we can get rid of a whole bunch of so whole bunch of grief and strife right there we are not equally yoked and now I don't have to go to the lord. I don't have to go to church I don't have their expert need to have experience to understand and we equally yoked the system was already put out there. We just don't know it. So now. It's like ok this is is what out here I know that you are 4 and and and and I'm a 6 and we don't go together. Boo point blank into the story. That's it. Yeah, but we don't know thats yeah we see now we got information to be able to back it up but the people are not they don't get it they're not they're not conscious maybe I should say that.
J. Fonixx
I but it's always been that people Don people don't back it up.
Thee Alchemist
There th ere needs to be a consciousness to that you know so the breakdown pretty much happens because there's no level of consciousness on who you are supposed to be with.
Jaz Afrodite
That’s well said. That’s well said alchemist.
J. Fonixx
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the um, there's I think T D Jakes said it that most arranged marriages are more successful and I was shocked to hear that so arranged marriages piggybacks off of what you just Said. Have a certain criterion you know and a number system where they can only be with certain people.
Thee Alchemist
I disagree I'm so sorry I'm a rock I'm a jump right into that feet first belly flop all that into the pool and I don't ah I can say that the arranged marriages may be successful because arranged marriages are based on. A woman who cannot make her own choices. So they're successful because she goes along.
J. Fonixx
You That's ah, that's untrue. You got you got you got men men who are princes, and their father has to choose a bride for them. It's not. It's not so only that it's not only ladies my point my point is that the marriage is successful due to the point system.
Thee Alchemist
Exactly exactly exactly.
Thee Alchemist
I Don't know if it's a point system I think that's a class system. Um, and and we have seen that in plenty of movies where the woman never loved the guy. She's unhappy. You know her father arranged a marriage. It was an arranged marriage and they just stay because that is their culture. That's that's. That's cultural. They may not be a match. There is I understand I do understand that I do understand that that that did success on that level.
J. Fonixx
That you use just. Ah. I was something to be said about that and something that yeah, something to be said in right something to something to be learned about culture right? order because it worked. We're living in a time now with all that's out the window I get it. I'm a modern.
Thee Alchemist
It's out the window because they didn't have to work. They didn't have to work the range marriage they married into hey you have this crop. You have this Land. We could marry our people we could keep moving generations of forward and we could grow and build the conglomerate whether there was love or not Love. Is excluded from an arranged marriage I Want you to understand that.
J. Fonixx
Absolutely, but some some people I'm sure you know Bond Bond to that. What I'm saying is that there's some success in arranged marriage versus he fine or. He he got a he got a arm. He got a nice house or like those standards are what's hurting the black community. That's what I'm trying to tell you that that that is like a blind leading the leading the blind. You know they're not vetting properly as I said before they're not vetting properly. And that's that's what's going on a lot a lot of people are not vetting other people properly I'm guilty of it. That's how I could speak on it. You know what? I'm saying it wasn't no standard. My dad didn't tell me a standard again. He he was doing what he wanted to do so if a girl got a nice fat fat tail. Yeah. She's pretty yeah, but no, you know all that other stuff is secondary and no, that's the stuff that should be first. It's okay to be attracted to somebody but are you vetting them for a purpose or just for sex.
Thee Alchemist
I think is I think Love is excluded from that betting process when other people have to choose your mate but go ahead, Jaz because I see you ready, sis.
Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, I don't know that love is excluded from it in these arranged marriages a lot of wives I've spoken to especially in the Arab communities say that they grew to love their husbands over time and at that time develops the relationship and the love is stronger. Once they have. Understood the character of the man that they're with but that again goes back to culture and the fact that I'm sure there are some social ramifications of them divorcing and so they stay in the marriage because it may be frowned upon for them to separate. But as far as. Vetting goes. Yes, you vet your mate Sometimes these are not people who are in the same caste system Sometimes they're marrying off a woman whose family is poor to a family that's rich, but the thing that is excluded from the relationship definitely in these arranged marriages is that the woman does not have the pressures of having to be in a western society where the man expects her to be beautiful in Shape Cook have the bomb as sex go to work like it's just ridiculous amount of obligations and requirements that a woman has to fulfill in this day and age so in these arranged marriages most often they're housewives who take care of the family and maintain the house structure which is a job within itself I'm not going to minimize that role at all. But they don't have the added pressure of having to go to a man's job and deal with that other headache on the side and then come home and still be required to be the Nurturer. So, if black men were willing to say you know what. I'm going to retire my mate, or my wife and she will deal with the house structure with the black woman understanding that she is taking care of the home and she's comfortable with that, that might be something that may work but that's not our reality right now.
Thee Alchemist
So, going back to setting the table. Do you think that that is because of the disparity in the wealth gap that access to resources and gender roles and relationships? That show up in how men show up in relationships.
J. Fonixx
I Have to agree. Absolutely there's a lot of men speaking from a map or male perspective. There's a lot of men including myself are working working working towards fight financial. You know freedom and sometimes. It It can be draining if you're on somebody's job and you know life happens but the ultimate deep down will to provide for your woman is a natural thing. You don't have to tell a man to do that. The problem is. We live in a in an age where everybody doesn't have wealth. We're moving into times where's no upper class middle class and they're rich. No you either rich or you working like everybody else. That's where we live in at now and the delusion is so high.
Thee Alchemist
Yep, yep.
J. Fonixx
With a lot of ladies now that they think because a man works always supposed to just take care everything he can't afford it. He would like to but the truth of the matter is he can't afford it and he's trying to do it. There's a lot of men hustle. 2 or 3 jobs I am a workaholic why you think I like to be tired. No because I'm chasing success. That's all I want to be put put putting put my family in a position where they ain't got to do a dog on thing so that requires work that requires labor that requires. Thought process that requires meetings that requires focus. So guess what? the the men that want to do that for the woman have rarely home. They're always working and and men get shamed for that. So when the man want to. Little break me tell you why lot of ah this lady asked me today. Why Don men cheat. Oh my god I said I can't speak for all men I said but what I will tell you is men chase femininity and what happens is when a woman is working so much she loses her femininity therefore it's gonna push him to look for Femin femininity this piece for men I'm telling you when a man can just lay down and just be talked to in a nice tone and see a nice pretty face. Guess what he gonna chill. Going. No damn way he is chilling but the minute she turn up the minute she will. Why do I Love he out I'm telling you I could say it till I'm blowing the face I So I speak for men I.
Thee Alchemist
The minute comes at a cost J. Fonixx but it still comes at a cost. it comes at a cost to you. It comes out of course to the woman and I understand that I I understand that I believe you I believe you.
J. Fonixx
And I'm telling you what it is and we have a this is one of the reasons why black couples struggle you have women who are masculine as hell and the dude don't need another dude in the house. That's a shim not a she. A Shim we got trannies going on in the household. It's not gonna work So put let me let me flip it let me flip it. Let's say your man comes home every other day and. You say hey babe how you doing and you say I'm I'm ah right? you know I just I just wanted a hibiscus flower in my head today you would look at him sideways like what the hell is wrong with you. What the you were you? you would get pissed you be like ah this dude is on some mess.
Thee Alchemist
Big time.
J. Fonixx
So Flip it the other way This is how men look at black women when they start turning up like a man we we more man than you We know what it is to be a man. So when you start with the with the hot tone and raising a voice that's masculine Behavior. This is one of the major problems in the black community. If you have a single mom raising children. She has no choice but to be masculine because she's working so much So The kids see that and they think that is That's okay, how many young girls grow up seeing Oh My mom was a strong woman. She don't have to be but she is because she's single she right.
Thee Alchemist
And neither do we want to be neither. Do we want to be.
J. Fonixx
Right? Ah, but that's that's what I'm saying that has a lot to do with money that has a lot to do with hey the guy can't provide in a certain way so i'mma leave his ass. What? Ah, it's it's all kind of stuff going on drug problems all kind of stuff but the average dude who really wants to take care his family. He will work. 2, 3, 4 jobs you see what I'm saying and all he wants to do is come home and rest and he can't do that sometimes so then there's conflict. There's static. There's beef because it's not enough money come on. You already know if if a do they bring no bread you ain't gonna deal with him fight you go You ain't gonna deal with him Youin't gonna deal with.
Thee Alchemist
That's why the statement well because we all want to be evicted. We all want to be a street is not enough.
Is not enough to take to to eat to take it to kids and you know and that's why I talk about the sta the disparity in the wealth gap and access to resources given the gender roles and relationships it play an extremely important role in how men show up in relationships then on top of that. We have to look at the the PTSD that has been passed down through their bloodline because of not having that access and they pass it down to their children. So now when we talk about the sanctity of relationships and where the breakdown happens the breakdown happens because it's a spiritual curse.
Jaz Afrodite
Spiritual curse. that's powerful. You know it's crazy. That's something to introduce into this relationship because not enough couples practice spirituality when I say spirituality I'm not talking about religion. We're not talking about your church all right? We're talking about the practices in the home meditating together. Praying together lighten candles and setting intentions together taking spiritual baths together understanding how going out of the relationship and sleeping other people and bringing that energy home affects your spiritual energy within the relationship.
Thee Alchemist
Pow, pow.
Jaz Afrodite
I think the spiritual aspect of relationships is so important and it's something that we rarely talk about as a couple, but I know as a woman I cannot be with a man who does not respect my spiritual practice. And numerology aside I'm talking about all of my spiritual rituals in terms of just keeping myself whole and healthy and mentally sane all of that he has to be a a willing participant whether you understand it or not you have to trust in the process that I'm not going to do something that will harm you I'm going to introduce you to methods that will keep us together. But you got to be a part of that and a lot of couples are not doing that together. The women are out there doing other things keeping a men under trances putting stuff in they food to keep the men in Relationships. It's all kind of stupid shit going on.
J. Fonixx
Just Wow as wild as well. I I I I don't think I've had anybody put anything in my food I could be wrong. But I know that there's things out there that.
Thee Alchemist
Oh go ahead, you go ahead. Jude you look like you busting out the seams go go go let us know.
J. Fonixx
Jackie is speaking of like if you again if None people practice that like hey let us let us respect this union you have no way else to go but to win if it is practiced over and over again. Practice makes as they say perfect. No perfect. But it makes you better. So if you're learning from each other. You ain't got no choice but to win that spirituality thing is big because when you bond and you make love and you have sex that is a form of connection that. That is the ultimate connection that creates life. You understand what I’m saying? Right, that is that is the ultimate connection. So when you do that? Yeah, you're bonding remember before marriage licenses and all that that's what solidified a marriage sex. So if you had sex.
Thee Alchemist
So yeah, it combines the bloodline.
Thee Alchemist
The confirmation conservation .
J. Fonixx
Somebody right? That's like hey Solomon Solomon had mad wives because he was a player. He was a pimp so he had a ton of wives. So if you if you take those terms today. A lot of men have a lot of wives.
Thee Alchemist
You but Solomon was able to take care of his wives so you take these men today you understand saying they a they ain’t got no wives. They just out there doing some Bs you understand I'm saying that's going in stark contrast to you know spiritual compare them into Solomon. They are not on Solomon's level come on now guys don't listen Kings, Emperors that's some Bs yeah, not Solomon. I’mma let you know because you left one baby mama to go to the next baby mama.
J. Fonixx
I Listen I'm I'm not condoning that I'm just I'm not.
Thee Alchemist
And yet and you ain't taking care the last baby or the last baby Mama and the last baby and last baby when you got None baby mamas and you ain't taking you're not Solomon I'm let you guys know that right now you are not Solomon and at the Empress High Council. We don't condone that bs. And get your life together. You Solomon when you make us some money you pay. You got the baby Mama over here you paying her rent you taking care to kids. She not working it you taking kid kids over the yeah there and I'm and I'm gonna tell you I know because my brother has None wives. He works like a dog but he got None wives and ah. He's taking care of them and I'm taking care of him in his physical and mental health because that leads to high blood pressure and all kinds of stuff like that and somebody got to look at them because them wives ain't looking after him but I say that to say you go ahead. You.
J. Fonixx
Well in today's time so it's want 1 wife today's time 1 wife who will drive you crazy I mean multiple wis normal kind of stuff one 1 wife is enough to to make any man jump off a cliff if he's not careful.
Thee Alchemist
Oh, J. Fonixx.
J. Fonixx
That's all you need is one because today's women are not like the women of solomon today's women can actually ah actually upstage you financially and they and and they could they could ah still ah. But they call it ah cry for help and do the ah damsel and distress mode and you before you know you're you're being in Jail for foolishness that is untrue. Yeah, that's guys we living in a me-too age. That's what I'm saying a lot of these ladies be lying. So they be lying. He did this and it and next thing you know he's ruined financially so that happens Solomon didn’t have to go through that.
Thee Alchemist
You I'm so sorry I don't know any black women me too. But I'm gonna go up her go.
J. Fonixx
What you mean so on the job every day. What do you mean? you don't know any me too. You don't think that destroys ah black black relationships. Also that's another that's another Strand.
Thee Alchemist
I Just don't know any person I'm just talking about me I don't know any personally that's all I'm saying is I'm not saying it doesn't exist on me personally. But here's what I here's what I want to what I want to go I Just actually saw them the series them and it was a black couple of excellence who moved from I don't know some way in the south to California and they moved into a house that was actually haunted and the reason why the house was haunted because it was on land. That was blessed not to house any people of other blood outside of pure white blood. Any black blood were all kinds of stuff like that. So, I want to say this you. Given that California; and Compton is so beautiful. These people got homes they got houses. They’re next to the beach. Why do they got so much crime why the home so terrorized we have to realize and understand that these curses are Real and we're not doing the necessary spiritual work to release ourselves to bind these curses up. Damn them back to hell and not to revisit our future generations.
Jaz Afrodite
I I'm saying if you talk about California the whole the California's on freaking fire that whole shit gonna burn down and be built back up because that whole freakin state is on some devilish land so we can't even guess a whole another episode right there.
Thee Alchemist
Um, yes, exactly.
J. Fonixx
I, I, I never visited I never visited so I look forward to someday visited no just to visit I just want to deal with the weather I heard this beautiful weather all the time.
Jaz Afrodite
being a part of the devilish lands.
Thee Alchemist
Yeah, it beautiful like to see was going on. You see what's going on this is to know so guys. Let's just continue to move on because we have such a great time in this conversation. So we identify where the breakdown happened but let's talk about How can we best communicate each other with each other without assuming um gender roles. You know, Jaz you mentioned Um, ah talking about how we can ah communicate based on. Um, what was it that you said how we can communicate based on understanding having these meetings and figuring out if we're on the same plane if there's any milestones that we have accomplished and stuff like that. But and I said guys here if you're hearing this now. Ah, rewind 3 minutes to get that plan back because I think that is really the perfect plan to be able to communicate with each other without assuming the gender roles. But for those who don't know how do we go forward and communicate? Jude, from a male perspective. What are you looking for from a woman to be able to communicate with her without assuming these gender roles and you be careful because you know I'm always the person that takes the opposite stance.
J. Fonixx
Well I mean I'm gonna be extremely. You know transparent with my response. Um, you know a woman nowadays in order for in my opinion this is based on my opinion.
Thee Alchemist
And appreciative gratitude.
J. Fonixx
In order for a relationship marriage any kind of union to work both people and you know and I'm gonna follow up with what I'm saying even more so the female should be teachable here here. Yeah I know you're gonna take it back more. So. The woman should be teachable here's why is gonna make logical sense if a man is designed to lead the woman should be you know able to be teach teachable because if you if you have a woman that don't don't respect you and don't listen to you. How are you gonna be able to lead so it goes back to vetting if you vet the right person you trust that person to lead. You'll be fine because everybody be operating in the in constraints of their own natural self. You got to remember take take things back. We're living in modern times but some of the things that were initiated still remain a man is supposed to be a leader the woman though if you have a woman leading a relationship. It is doomed here what I'm telling you she can lead with she can lead with advice but she is not designed to lead. And as far as build a house with her bare hands. She is not designed to pick up a gun when she hear that bump in the night that is what the man is there for to protect and lead that is his job and a woman should hold him to that the minute. See and it's not always about leading with your pockets. It's about leading with your knowledge your wisdom you know your experience your patience. A man can teach a woman how to be patient and it's like as soon as a woman hears that you don't tell me what to do this is what happens in houses I'm telling. You this is one of the breakdowns of the black black couples they arguing because the guy is trying to reason and the woman don't want to reason she want she want to be heard so a lot of things like that has to it probably stings but a woman should be able to be taught by her husband. Okay, so if you want.
Thee Alchemist
It does sting, Jude. It does sting. It does sting, and the reason why. It stings is we're gonna go back to um, like you we're gonna go back to the class status I can't be a 5-star dealing with a man that's a 1-star and now I have to listen to his ass quote unquote he don't have no experience. No sense anything and now I have to lead so yes, a man is designed to lead but based on the the cultural norms and what has has happened to him. Over the last two hundred years and I'm talking about black men. They have not been given opportunity to lead. Okay and I do understand that you're saying that you can't only lead by money but money is masculine and guess what the man don't have it and in in. Not culture I don't want to talk about culturally but I want to talk about society society has put the black woman over the black man. So now there's an issue he can protect but he cannot lead because he does not financially have the backing or the education. To be able to do so and I'm not talking about every black man. We're just talking about the baseline.
J. Fonixx
That that's absolutely correct. Yeah, so so so I mean yeah, so your problem is gonna continue and getting worsen you you think this? you think it's just automatic all of a sudden. It's just the stroke of ah hey.
Black women. ah ah celebrated they're getting all these big jobs these financial ah opportunities they're making six-figures. You think that's a fluke that is on purpose that is on purpose and a lot of unfortunately. Ah I'm glad you said it because a lot of sisters. Believe it's just them I did this I I'm this yeah you went to school which is honorable. Yeah, you got your degree, but the system is designed at this point to e masculate black men I am I am a man, right? A black man a masculine man or old-fashioned man I am not the hot topic I am not what's needed on television I am not. They're not going to book a show around my my theories they want me out of here. They want me to wear a skirt. They want me to put on lipstick or they want me dead that is that is America right now with black men a few may get in and say okay, we'll give him this and give him that. But.
Thee Alchemist
J. Fonixx
We don't want too many black men uprising and taking care of their homes and their own community. This is why Malcolm was killed because that's what he preached take care of your own.
Jaz Afrodite
So, I got to jump in because y'all will monopolize this conversation. So, I have to go back to a few things that were said and in terms of a woman being teachable. We make a lot of assumptions.
Thee Alchemist
Yes, yes, as yes, please.
Jaz Afrodite
When we talk about men and women and that's why the question was posed in terms of us, not adhering to the gender roles. The assumption is that everybody recognizes the value of their name. The assumption is that everybody recognizes the day that they were born. So, J your birth card as a king of clubs the king of clubs is the master of knowledge. So, for you, you're incarnating into this lifetime with knowledge that you've carried over from years past lives generation you come with infinite knowledge based on your past lives so you can speak about. All sorts of topics. Your mental abilities are strong. You cannot assume that every man is a King of Club because they're not and so they don't have your card, that’s one. Two, your name starts with the j a j is the card of a leader That's the one vibration. So naturally, you're going to want to lead because that is the energy that your name starts with what you said applies to you solely it does not apply to the collective and again it comes back to the consciousness of us knowing our birthdate and our name vibration. I'm a woman whose name has seven letters, five of which are None vibration meaning that my name is spelled j a c q u I I the j is a one. The a is a one. The q is a one the 2 I’s at the end are ones. I have 5 one vibrations. There is no man that's going to come into this relationship thinking that he is going to run me or teach me I can learn from him. Absolutely I'm willing to learn you show me something new I will not somebody who's opposed to learning but I am a bossy lady. You just have to understand that. That's the vibration of my name It's not something that I want to do that is who I am based on how the universe said my name is going to be constructed in this carnation. So the communication has to start with us understanding our strengths and weaknesses what we lead with. And we have to be able to come to the table and put those things down and say well I know technically you're the most aggressive person whether be the man or the woman and so you can handle these areas but we need to have these transparent conversations. And the conversation has to be None where there's vulnerability. We have to strip it down basics bare bones a man should be able to be vulnerable in front of his woman. He should be able to cry a woman should be able to be vulnerable in front of a man. She should be able to say I'm afraid and allow him to see her in her weakest points. And then we come to table and we talk the things that we don't do is we do not have conversations we talk over each other which is a common thing especially for black women. Black women. Love to talk over black men. It happens all the time I can't stand it sometimes you got to sit and listen. That's the receptive energy of a woman to listen and a lot of us are not in that strength because we don't know how to just be quiet and listen when a man's talks if you will just listen, you will hear all the things he's telling you you will hear all the things that he's not telling you and the more you just listen and the more he feels comfortable telling you shit. A man will tell on himself because he's so comfortable talking to you because you're just listening, and you can bust him in all kind of shit like I thought you said yesterday x y and z was the case. Oh, I said that yes you did you know why because you were listening a lot of us. Do not listen and so the conversation has to be one where we're both vulnerable. There is listening and then we again have our action steps. What are we going to do? I know I have a habit of just running away. But I don't want to hear shit or I don't like shit or I think that I have been violated I won't even come to this table and say this is how I feel. This is what I think you did I'm just out I'm ready to be like you know what? I'm done. There's no conversation to be had I'm just not even having an I come I'm not even answering your phone calls. Everything's deleted. It's like we were never even in existence, which is horrible. And I have to see that in myself, and I have to change those things but that's something that we're not taking time to do to have those introspective moments where we sit quietly with ourselves and say what do I need to change to make this relationship work. And so, there's so many levels to this. But I think we just need to go back to basics. Let's just talk and listen.
Thee Alchemist
The problem is Jaz that people don't know the basics, people don't know the basics like you just broke down your name and Jay's name that's the basics people don't know that like I know the basics. I know that I have a 2 a 9, 2 ones and a 8. I understand that I'm a boss two times you understand saying I understand my boss energy I understand my energy around money I understand my energy around creativity. You know my and my voice I understand my energy around. Um. My fire. You understand what I'm saying people are not really understanding who they are. They have no clue. They have no clue of the basics, and they really need to get down to the basics and that's why there needs to be a class system on dating. You got to know who you are you got to know who the person is that you're dealing with. Based on their name based on their birthday based on their life path based on their destiny based on their karma. These are things that are that needs this these are the real basics because we have gotten in trouble so many times if we because now give. Now with our our knowledge based on where we are when we go back and we look at our past relationships now and we like damn this person's name was that this day birthday. All last shit is right? come on guys, jazafrodite.com, for real take the class figure it out.
J. Fonixx
And then you'll vet better.
Jaz Afrodite
True dat.
Thee Alchemist
Your Vt, you're not you. Not only will you vet Better. You will create a better. Ah harmonious future Generations. You will dispel and remove some of these curses that have been passed down through Generations. You guys have no clue what's going on people got no clue what's going on. They don't even know why the hell they hear sick of it sick of it and that's what partnership look like so you can't really be because the next question is what does. Partnership look like you don't even know how to vet a partner. You don't have the necessary. You don't have the basics. You didn't inherit them and and and um, be honest with you. The reason why you didn't inherit them because it was not us. It was not a. Spiritual and and and I and that hate using the word spiritual, but it was not a staple practice in your household ok because of the curses you guys live it in houses that were not meant for black people. The land was cursed for you. You're living in and and and. And these buildings that was built on land that was that that in the first deeds of these land that said, no Negro blood and now they them both a whole condominium and a whole project on it. You real are you trying to figure out why we're killing each other get out of here. Get out of here come On. You don't and you don't and y'all name do know it and and here's a thing we don't even have the concept to do any spiritual work to get rid of it. Sage your house, sage your community go around your community plant some da on some some flowers to protect you in the community. Keep. Some flowers in some particular plants in your house. That's going to be able to protect you and your family for your growth and your development your spirituality to remove all negativity Hate Jealousy Envy Yeah come on man we ain't got it. We ain't doing it right with this skin. We can't talk about we black. We The best we this we that and we don't have. And we not doing the practices that this skin has afforded us to be able to do.
J. Fonixx
In that case Americas we don't we don't belong here because America is not.
Thee Alchemist
Oh we belong here. We belong here. We belong here I'm go tell you why? No we belong here right? because I'm Native American I didn't come here from nowhere area by black. Ah, we every all the black people came here from Africa and all kinds of stuff. No, my family been here, you could find us on the none census my whole entire family I'm not mixed with nothing I go no wearing and all kinds of stuff. So there's a lot of the the culture that's been written in books that's full of lies. See because I have a family history I can't I can't go out there and Stark Face America like oh yeah, we came here in slave ships. No not at all I cannot say that. I cannot say that especially being raised by my great grandmother. She don't know nothing about no slavery. She brought off when when the great migration happened, she brought her father which is my great great grandfather to New York and took care him. Wasn't no slave. He was born in eighteen hundreds so there's some there some big lies that's been happening and going on for a long time I'm not going to say that there was no slavery. There was slavery.
J. Fonixx
Yeah I get what you saying and every every black person doesn't have a a history of slavery in America some most most black people not not. yeah yeah I don't i.
Thee Alchemist
Exactly and and as well as in the caribbean black people migrated here from the caribbean ah, don't have a history of slavery. Maybe maybe a little bit of history of indentured servitude based on the british rule and stuff like that. But there's no history of slavery like. America tells the damn story.
J. Fonixx
But what is real is that we're enslaving ourselves as couples as black people as families as as as Mothers and Fathers we're enslaving ourselves with the wrong way.
Thee Alchemist
J. Fonixx
Of obtaining family and community. We are enslaving ourselves by our choices. We're enslaving ourselves by our ignorance and lack. Of community lack of partnership lack of self-lessness. Everybody selfish nobody's selfless. Um, that's going on a lot between man and woman everybody out for themselves. So who's gonna be out for us I've been married for a very long time and what I can say is I could put my hand on a stack of bibles I don't care if the woman hears this I can say I was self-less 90% of the time. Somebody else was selfish a lot of the times and that doesn't equate to success. 2 people have to be selfless in order for it to work it all. It takes is one person to be selfish and you're done. Everybody pays the costs including the children. Including your finances but it doesn't hit home until your ass is sitting by yourself and you realize you ain't got a goddamn thing. That's when it hits home damn I shouldn't have been selfish. But if you're doing it right from the door you got to look back at that. Yeah, everything to look forward to and that's what people are not setting themselves up with you have to have the right attitude to be in a relationship. It boils down to attitude.
Thee Alchemist
Why got the smile on your face, Jude. It's Golden is Golden is Golden and you know it goes back to.
J. Fonixx
Because silence is golden.
Thee Alchemist
When you talked about selfishness and all kinds of stuff like that that and in in you know we all started that goes back to Catholicism global greed manipulation of trust you know. And I'm just going to say it here when I say buck I'm not talking about buck as the dollar I'm talking about buck as how they called the black man the buck I'm talking about it both literally you literally and physically the buck stops here and you heard it first at the Empress High Council hit the Like. Subscribe and Share button if you want to get your man and your family right.
Jaz Afrodite
So, since J defined a partnership, is marriage and necessary? Is marriage a necessary part of the partnership covenant?
Thee Alchemist
Ah, just had this conversation with us. Good good good friend and you guys know how I feel about marriage I will tell every young girl in America don't do it I'm so sorry it's a lot of work. And this a ah thankless job. Okay, where you lose yourself and all kinds of stuff because before you had Tom to take care yourself and do a little read in the his did all kinds of stuff now you ain't got no time for shit. However. If you live in America and based on these American laws. Okay, the partnership the social security that being able to have somebody to ah be able to make decisions and all kinds of stuff. Yes, it is necessary because. It is a business. My ah, my son was just in a major major car accident his baby Mama thought he was going she was won't come in and make all these decisions I had to remind her that she is not the next to kin and so all the decisions. Will be made by me and if I have to deem him incompetent then I will and those decisions will be made by me which I will not but this it's that partnership is big. You could be with somebody for a long time like my Auntie was with her husband with her man. Sorry now husband her man for 30 years and he passed away. They did not get married his wife that he was with for 20 years past that wind up getting his social security his pension and all. His former stuff so we have to realize we in America and America is built on contracts and marriage is a contract. Ah ugly one but it's a contract.
Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, because what's in the word contract? Con, all right? So never forget you getting conned when you sign the contract.
J. Fonixx
And you know I have I have mixed feelings on on marriage I can say I would have to piggyback on both of you to say? Yeah, it's somewhat of a con for men more. So um, it is a. I would say marriage benefits ladies more if she marries the right man it will benefit a woman more. It does not necessarily benefit a man long-term. You know if you weigh it out. If if so on a scale. There's more benefits to a woman marrying the right guy. There's more benefits and I say the right guy meaning he got his shit in order. He's not a cheater when he dies. There's a retirement plan she will eat from his labor. She will have shelter from his home, so marriage benefits the woman more so if done correctly, because let's say the guy is not a cheater. Husband is a good husband He's a god-fearing man yada yada the woman and the wife dies he still has what he has he doesn't gain anything unless he takes out a policy on her but he doesn't inherit a home you understand where I'm coming from. So that's just a small narrow thing and this is why you see a lot of men not marrying today. This is why a lot of young guys are running from marriage today. So you could say ladies. Don't do it. But there's a lot of young guys. They are terrified. Because they are seeing dudes getting taken to the mill in a court system your average None figure million-dollar guy can be get get married in a year later or whatever timeframe it the laws contracts carry she's out and she didn't. Do anything. Okay, this is I'm telling you why listen I'm a man on here for a reason I speak for men men are men are terrified men are terrified of marriage.
Thee Alchemist
Jude you're talking about the 1%
Thee Alchemist
I I believe that I trust the judge is.
J. Fonixx
Because if you don't do your contract correctly, she will take everything that you have built you understand ladies don't have to deal with that unless it's like a Wendy Williams situation and she didn't get a ah prenup, right? So she subject to that but the average woman wants. A provider so she's gonna marry a man that provides he is at risk, so this is why a lot of men are afraid to marry in these modern times like you said as a contract. I believe in the construct if your marriage is gonna work. It has to be Spiritual biblical. However, you want to put it. It has to be some order. You can't just marry because they fine or they attractive but they got good good WAP. He got a nice he blow my back out. No no, no, don't do that because after about 5, 10 years it's gonna get old and it's gonna fail. So, if you want your marriage to be successful I would second that faith is one avenue culture is one avenue two adult it takes adult people to stay married. That's a strong statement you you got ah marriages for for grown ass people. Yeah some saying your mental. Not your body your mindset got to be yo I am married your discipline has to be on level 10 at all times this way you could shun away temptation this way you could shun away. Ah your female co-workers in your ear with the Bs and you shun all out of way because you're mental is Not of a child not of adolescence. You're on a higher plane of thinking a higher plane of spirituality. There's a bigger picture at all times bigger than yourself that you adhere to. That's when the marriage is successful So marriage can work but it takes a lot of consistency something that people are short of okay, that's just my opinion.
Jaz Afrodite
Well, I'll defer to the 2 of you because the 2 of you are both married, I have never experienced it nor am I rushing. As J said to do it. But I think it's great that people are afraid to get married I think there needs to be a reset in that. If we all decided if these younger generations all decided not to get married. We can come to the table fresh as a collective and redefine what marriage can be so it's a good thing if people aren't rushing into it now because like J said it's a grown man's game. And I say man that means man and woman. So.
Thee Alchemist
And and not everybody is grown says so sorry is a lot of people that come to the table and they of they are of grown age but not mindset and I can honestly tell you and I understand what Jay said.
Jaz Afrodite
Ah, speak on it.
Thee Alchemist
But I have a couple of girlfriends that are going through divorce right now and um, their husbands are seeking alimony. Okay because they have made in Stark Contrast a ton of money over what they have made And and and then we and then we have you know the vice president of the United States of America as being a woman and these judges are now throwing a book at these women in divorce court. Is ugly out there really ugly.
Jaz Afrodite
So, what did that have to do with the vice president being a woman.
Thee Alchemist
The judges are like okay women wanted to be treated like men. We're going to start treating them like men. They want to hope with it it it it It doesn't make a difference. It makes a difference and.
Jaz Afrodite
But she is just a figure-heard. She ain’t doing shit. When was the last time you even saw her?
Thee Alchemist
Ah, trying to put this put this lightly There's no other light way to put it. It's a difference in cracker America town. Okay, and in their mentality with having a woman with such and high esteem and so now the women in courts. Are paying for it.
J. Fonixx
I Mean you you got to look at it if if you want and and don't don't don't think I'm a misogynist by saying this. But if ladies want equal rights. That's what bos down to So if you make him more money and you get a divorce because let's let's be real when you get a divorce. You ain't separating. Love you divide in assets and if the female makes more money. Guess what them assets still should be divided because if this dude was making all his money and and she was a stay-at-home wife they would award her. So. That's all they're saying what's good is for the goose is good for the gander. That's what's happening because this is it. We're not, we're not even we're not even we're not even 100 years into women's lib that came out in 1950 s so what you're seeing is a revolutionary uprising of women making more money than they ever did in these times innocent.
Jaz Afrodite
I think what I think what we're seeing is the universe restoring some balance in terms of restoring some sort of role establishment. That existed in the past and so we're seeing things Rise Climax and then plummet because everything needs to be built up from scratch and so yes, women are being punished because. This whole women's liberation movement wasn't a movement that was created by black women who were movement created by white women shepherded by black women because they know that anything a black woman gets behind will have power and conviction and will be successful, but it's really their movement. We had nothing to do with that. We don't need women's liberation. We were born liberated, and we were born feminine. And we step into the room that shows like there's no question about our existence our presence so that's never been a black woman's movement and so anything that's happening now in terms of the reversal of Roe versus wade and all of these women being treated as men is a reset. The universe is. Breaking down these constructs and giving us time to reset and establish balance in order as ah as it was in the beginning with the original man and so we're going to see a bunch of chaos happen. So that things can be restored and some balance. Set back in place because shit has been crazy these days.
Thee Alchemist
Guys you heard it is marriage necessary that was our last question you heard the response from Jaz Afrodite you heard the response from J you heard my response, and you take marriage as a necessity based on where you are based on what we just spoke about guys. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. We. Really hope that you enjoyed this episode. You could follow us at try empress on Instagram and Twitter and you can also find past episodes on YouTube on the Empress High Council and don't forget you don't need to know the root of the problem you just need to so know the solution.