Empress High Council

Talk To Me Nicely featuring J. Fonixx

J. Fonixx Season 5 Episode 10

Royal family, we're back with J. Fonixx. We came bearing gifts in the form of juicy conversation around communication-- Yep, communication within relationships. Where does the breakdown happen? Is there an effective way to communicate? What external factors get in the way of proper communication? What is the result of poor leadership and communication between partners? We get ALL into this, and then some, in this riveting episode. Glasses and goblets up and let’s toast to a communication resolution.  

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Thee Alchemist

Great day kings and queens of the Empress High Council. We are back with one of your favorite guest co-hosts welcome to season 5 episode 10 of the Empress High Council. Listen I'm not even gonna tell you what the title that episode is right now you guys will get it. You can follow us at try empress on Instagram and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council. We are everywhere. You can also find past episodes on YouTube at the Empress High Council guys that don't cost you. Anything. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button that is free 99 before we get started. Let's introduce our cast this is the Alchemist is coming to you on the frequency of energy to transmute your social. And financial currency into abundance.



Jaz Afrodite

I and this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers and music.



J. Fonixx

What's going on everybody. This is J. Fonixx on you on your mic on your horns and tools on your stere stere stereo.



Thee Alchemist

Ah, loud.



Thee Alchemist

All right listen you guys know stop playing y'all know. Yeah Love J Farni stop playing every time he comes to the studio. You love it. You love it. You love it.



Jaz Afrodite

You Jay put your microphone by your mouth because when I edit your very low.



J. Fonixx

Okay, you could hear me much better. All right.



Thee Alchemist

Go ahead Jay introduce yourself man. They love you when you come back to the emperor's high council. They can't get enough for you.



J. Fonixx

Was going arm. What's going on was going on was going on hello everybody greetings and salutations to all that are listening. This is J. Fonixx on your radio in steri every areao. Let's go here.



Thee Alchemist

And in syndication boo ba. Okay so listen last time we were here in the last episode we talked about the sanctity of black relationships. We had Jay boniks on you guys went wild. So we brought them back again for you because in this episode we're gonna talk about and the topic is quote unquote talk to me nicely. How to reduce friction and relationships and possibly get. But you want I'm going to set the table the way you communicate may be part of the problem. Although that may sound discouraging. It's actually good news so they say. Because you don't want to wait until your partner changes just to start changing your relationship think back on the last time when your partner when you and your partner had a conversation. Did you wish your partner's tone was different perhaps softer. Even use different words to address you depict a different more softer and more confident body language the more you become aware of your own communication habits the more you can improve them does your body sail. Maybe I should say what does your body say.



Thee Alchemist

When you're talking to your partner. What does your body language say when you're listening to your partner. Do you have your cell phone in your hand texting or playing a game or watching something on social media guys. We about the change the nature in the scope. Of your relationships I heard researchers say that it takes about 5 to 23 compliments and positive statements to counteract just 1 negative blow I also read. And you know that book love languages. Do you know your partner's love language I read there that you're supposed to leave notes of appreciation and practice habits of giving verbal appreciations. What do you think about that buckle up. Hold on tight because we have 3 or maybe 3 very different opinions on this and you know your girl is going bring it to the table i'mma pull a carpet out so round table. Kings and queens listen up Jaz, J. Fonixx let me know how you feel about the topic of discussion tonight I set the table. Let's talk about it.



J. Fonixx

Well I'll I'll actually so begin shortly and then um, you know we could interject and play the kungful grip fights you know, with with the with the response I know you ready. So how do you? um, communicate better.



Thee Alchemist

That that's right, That's right I.



J. Fonixx

To your partner whether be boyfriend girlfriend friends or marriage. They're all relationships and there's a formula that I I ah actually stick to and it's very simple. Um, going to give you the formula later on but first I'll start with hey it it breaks down with just a matter of respect an ongoing consistency keyword consistency of respect. This is how you get the the you know the best type of communication out of any. Anyone your partner your lover your friend you have to remain respect even if they become disrespectful to a certain degree. You still have to remain your composion I think as people we sometimes lose that we get complacent. We get very complacent and. You know I was talking about this earlier sometimes ladies are notorious for getting complacent with their man and then they begin to become disrespectful over time now. There's things that can trigger that but we'll get into that I'll just I'll just start with that.



Jaz Afrodite

I could agree with that in terms of the respect to complacency sometimes we get so caught up in life with the stress of life work to children. Whatever it is that you have externally going on us. You just lose sight of communication because you get wrapped up in everything that's going on around you. And so sometimes you may be talking to your partner passionately about something and they responded a way like yo why you screaming or why you have artist with a wife or in my case, Minus twenty S so he' be like a you he ease with me ah take your time at me. It sort of makes me know that's that something something is off right. That is the way that you bring each other back to the table to say well listen, you need to recalibrate because you're a bit off your square right now and I'm not hearing or receiving what you're seeing so take some time reword it calm down and then come back to the table and let's talk. But that takes a certain level of maturity and likeness for your partner because if you genuinely like your partner you tolerate a lot of stuff because you know where it's coming from. But if the like and respect is gone then that's a lot to come back from.



J. Fonixx




Thee Alchemist

And there you have it listen I'm in 1000% agreement you know with complacency and you know you get in in the complacency can breed a bit of.



J. Fonixx

Absolutely absolutely.



Thee Alchemist

Disrespect and a durespect goes on both ways I mean I was reading or and I read because that was a part of um, a Obama marriage counseling the love languages.



Thee Alchemist

And I was doing all that stuff in the beginning leaving the little notes on the bathroom mirror leaving a little note in the car on the steering wheel I did it all I'm not gonna lie I I did it all I followed all the rules guys I followed all the rules. But Ai n't nobody congratulate me for mopping the floors or say I appreciate you for mopping the floors washing the damn dishes washing the clothes cutting the hedges keeping the house up wiping the walls down the windows, the woodworks and going work. Anybody's tell me. Thank you? So um, yeah I got complacent and. Ah I don't want to say disrespectful but I just got bitter I was pissed nobody congratulated me nobody said you know I didn't get a note no saying. Thank you for washing the dishes every day it takes a hour. Outer a 2 hours out of your week that may take a good you know 3 years offer your life if I was on my deadbed I want that back boom yeah, what you got to say now. But.



J. Fonixx

Ah I mean it goes it goes a hundred it goes one eighty it it. just goes full circle. It is no I would not say one is higher than the other you would have to have understanding as far as position.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

So if you're a couple if you're a woman that wants a man to lead you have to be able to be cultural. You have to be able to listen to this man guide you? That's if you want that type of man now if you want to lead a man which I don't recommend because it ain't gonna work Oncet you start leading a man. Now, you're opening the doors to be very disrespectful.



Thee Alchemist

J Every woman wants a man to lead them honestly I do want you to know that? Okay, but not every man is a leader.



J. Fonixx

Absolutely. But here. Okay, so here's my quarrel if you're not with a man that that you respect as a leader you you need to leave that man. They stay they no, it ain't even that these women stay.



Thee Alchemist

There you go but guess what there's not that many leaders out there because they know there's something out there. That's worse and they're not that many leaders they're like finding.



J. Fonixx

That's what I'm saying then they yeah but the.



Thee Alchemist

Ah, needle in a haystack I'm so sorry.



J. Fonixx

No, that's cool but I get it but see you're talking to a guy who understands at this point in my life I understand I understand it fully but I also understand certain females nature. So there's ah, there's a thing called Hypergamy that exists. So let's say a woman don't like a guy.



Thee Alchemist

I Appreciate you.



J. Fonixx

Remember Jackie was saying you have to like this person so they would already you know there's ladies that already check out of a relationship they already know they not stand with this dude but they stay with him why because he's he might be a good good provider. But what they're doing is shooting themselves in the foot. Why because they're creating chaos in the house if you don't like a guy you don't need to stay with him because you're gonna become disrespectful. There's gonna be a breakdown of communication and he's not gonna appreciate that and that could work both ways. So if you know you're not gonna stay with a woman and you're gonna disrespect her all you're doing is shooting yourself in the foot making it hard for yourself. For whatever cause you're staying it. It. It doesn't equate to respect it equates to hypergamy or using somebody or manipulating a situation and a lot of ladies on the tourist for that but they won't raise their hand and said I'm guilty.



Thee Alchemist

They oh you and a lot of ladies are notorious for it. A lot of men are notorious to not take to being league. They're out there trying to be Queens they want to be taken care of. They want to be they they want to be just like.



J. Fonixx

Of that? Yes, yes, lost a lot but but what a.



Thee Alchemist

How women are being taken care of they. Okay, they want to be queens we call them guys queens whether you you know heterosexual what you're a queen when you decide you want to be taken care of like a woman is taken care of flame black out there. So when I talk when I when I address the Kings and Queens At Empress Council some of the Kings may be queens.



J. Fonixx

Well, you know that's that goes right back to what I said in in the previous um the previous argument I agree with you but it goes right back to what we discussed early in one of the podcasts and that was vetting ve you got you got to vet them correctly.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Fool Jackie let it out. Let it out. Let's let.



J. Fonixx

You know, saying if you ain't veetting them correctly. You get what you get.



Jaz Afrodite

So let me ask that how long does the vetting process take because you can vet somebody for years and still end up with a lemon like when do you stop the vetting process.



J. Fonixx

It it.



J. Fonixx

Absolutely that That's a great question here's the thing you don't I date I I dated a girl and it was very short and I is a long time ago I dated her and I said um, she said so when are whenever you gonna you know. Start moving forward and doing some more things together. You know when can I ah become a little you know a little bit closer I said what are you? What are you talking about? she said? well you know I want to start coming over and being able to to spend nights or whatever I said you can't do that. She said why? not we're dating for a while I said hey.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

You don't understand you on probation.



Thee Alchemist

I I hate vergoman.



Jaz Afrodite




J. Fonixx

I Say it's a process. It's just like a job. No and I told her I'm on probation as well. Here's why both parties are on probation. It depends. It's up to you to say Okay, they passed probation process but truth be told you'll always be invented.



Jaz Afrodite

Ah, and she didn't know she was on probation.



J. Fonixx

Cause the minute you you screw up the red flags go up, Something's supposed to tell you hey this person don't need to be in your life. So It's It's a ongoing thing you could be married and still vetting your wife or husband. That's the absolute truth people get. That's where the complacency comes in because. They have a title now so people be so people become entitled when they have a title whether they be boyfriend or husband you see what I'm saying So that's where they get lazy and they get really confident and they just feel that they could do what they want to do say what they want to say be disrespectful and next thing you know.



Thee Alchemist

Um, oh wow.



J. Fonixx

Somebody unchecked out and they let the other person know.



Thee Alchemist

Profound profound J but true words have never been spoken that is it right? there.



J. Fonixx

I Male E females are guilty of it. But I know I I am through my experience. Lady's notorious for it like it's really hard on men to date and vet a woman because you really don't know when a woman is genuine. It's hard to tell you have to kids.



Thee Alchemist

I Oh yeah, I'm saying that? Yeah yeah, I'm agreeing.



J. Fonixx

You have to actually vet a woman more so in my opinion I'm I'm coming from a man experience and the reason why I say that is because there's ulterior motives as men we are leaders and if you know, um, a leader knows when he's a leader So A lot of people want to a lot of ladies. Want to be with a man like that. But everybody that comes to you that way is not Genuine. You see what I'm saying so you get a lot of women who may want to just use us. They want that man that leads but they don't actually bring anything of value to that man that leads. Said him saying he has to get what he wants as well and what a woman wants is totally different to than what a man wants and that's where another breakdown of communication comes.



Thee Alchemist

And I'm sorry I Just want to throw this out there I heard what you said I understand but all men are not leaders and just because you're a man does not mean that you were born a leader I'm not bashing men but you have to learn leadership if you have not had. Anyone to show you you have to you have to learn that by example by finding mentorship by understanding to see things that in the mind's eye by being able to switch the lens that you see the world through by having exposure by having experience and by being around other leaders. Men who are leaders who are taking care of their business.



J. Fonixx

I. Well ah, okay, so i'manna put it out there when I speak whenever I speak on this podcast I I come from a perspective of a a full blown leadership role I'm I'm talking from the perspective I'm speaking for the guys that are quote unquote good guys i' I'm speaking for them. Don't speak for the the dirty Dick rodneys I will call them I don't speak for those guys. Those guys are not leaders. we' we've established that but unfortunately sometimes women get wooed by the backb blown out process and then they they want that dude to lead him but he's not he's the corner. Dude. He's the dude that we good pipe. He's the dude that could blow your back out but can't give you a prescription for your problem and you know lead you in the right direction. That's gonna be beneficial to you to become the best version of yourself as a female respectably That's part of the vetting process. Ladies don't you understand that it all he cute. Oh he got a bench. Oh he got good sex. Is he a leader. All.



Thee Alchemist

You you write when you write you write you write.



Jaz Afrodite

The alchemist looks so despondent right now listen communication in a relationship is key and I don't care what anybody says the best way to have communication and a relationship is to be in a relationship with somebody who is your friend. Because you're going to take the time that's necessary for you to groom that relationship. You understand the way the 2 of you communicate and communication is bigger than just a love language because let's face it in relationship sometimes the love is not always there in that romantic sense of the word.



Thee Alchemist

Praise the Lord god.



Jaz Afrodite

So you have to fall on the friendship and so what does that look like if you don't have one so communication needs to be established on a friendship level because that's where most of the relationships stay in the friendship level until something happens and me spark up the romance and then you get that cycle going again and then. Ebbs and flows ebbs and flows. So when we're Roman in the communication is usually sexual and so everything is going to be nice after that because the sex kind of sustains you for some time but when Nasha starts to die down. What's goingnna sustain communication. It has to be the friendship. So if we're not in relationships for those reasons.



Thee Alchemist

I think there's 1 more factor that we're missing and I'm gonna use. Yeah I'm gonna broadcast what's going on with me and I'm broadcast my my marriage which I know my husband would not approve of it but not only to communication I think my I think my husband and I we are really good friends.



Jaz Afrodite

I Don't know.



Thee Alchemist

We are extremely. We're great as friends. Um I think there has been a lot of complacency and um and well I won't say that because then I don't want the people to be ringing his phone down and banging on a door if Y'll get what I'm saying.



J. Fonixx




Thee Alchemist

Ah, but um, but I do want to say that because of the communication we can Communicate. We're great communicating. However, what has creeped into our marriage is a level of disrespect on both ends. That level of disrespect whether we can still communicate as friends and we can still laugh as friends and watch a movie as friends but because of a disrespect that it has broken down a trust and because it has broken down a Trust. We don't want to be together. No more. You understand what I'm saying so but that does not mean that we won't be friends like we can be friends. We can be friends separately not in a not in a marriage not in a relationship because of there has been some disrespect because of a complacency but as. Some nice week is still. We could watch a movie. We could laugh and have a great time and in the morning we wake up like you know what remember that shit you said I am fucking with you and sound I'm saying point blank into the story that movie was good though. I had a great tie we laugh that we had a good time but I remember that shit you said I fuck it with sure.



J. Fonixx

Nothing. Ah.



Thee Alchemist

Packing my shit right now. Yeah that what I'm saying So we so respect the communication? Yes, but respect is I think is definitely a major key to.



J. Fonixx

It's so it's a lot I mean it's It's a big deal for both parties Again, you have to come with your a game every time you communicate with your partner and a lot of people are not up for that. That's you know that complacency thing kicks In. You had learn their work this this person that your wit is supposed to kind of understand you to a certain degree so they could kind of know your your likes dislikes you come Home. It's almost as if you expect that person to know you what? and what you're thinking and truth be told Yes, there are people that. Feel each other's Energy. You know when something's off, but you still cannot read a person's mind so because we are social creatures as we are without without social Activity. We don't really do well. You know we actually have mental breakdowns because of social a lack of social encounters. You know I'm saying you know hate to sound like some kind of professor but it's absolutely True. You look at the Killer whales you look at any form of Mammal. They're social creatures very few of them. Ah. Lead a life Alone. You know you be talking all this noise. Um, but I'll do bad all by myself. Yes, you can, but you really don't want to be by yourself. So if you had the right person to communicate with you. You'll be fine. Your life is great.



J. Fonixx

But take away that person to give somebody all the money in the world. They will go mad the average person will just lose their mind why because we have to communicate is is built in us in our Dna to do so and if we're not doing it correctly, you know we fail we be. We actually shoot ourselves in a foot with poor communication. We could be. We could be notoriously destroying our own lives because we do not communicate properly. All of us are guilty of that I included that.



Jaz Afrodite

I So let's talk about it What does communication look like because a lot of people use that word and throw it around but and people don't really know how to communicate and so when I'm in a relationship where communication means to me is I'm speaking you're listening. You're not talking over Me. You're waiting until I'm done then you say what? I think I hear you saying is Paraphras it for clarity because a lot of times people hear things or they think they hear things but they're not really interpreting it the same way that I am expressing it and so.



Thee Alchemist

Right? right.



Jaz Afrodite

Ask for the clarity give me the opportunity to say yes or no and then you retort with whatever it is that you have to say and then I do the same I listen I don't speak over you but Dee that doesn't happen in a relationship most relationships people are talking over each other It's volatile. People Ai n't listening people already have the answer in their head wait into this get back at you because they just had that shit stored up all the time. So what does communication look like.



Thee Alchemist

And I'm ah give you a prime example of what you said Jackie and and I can only go 1 thing about me is I'm transparent I tell people I expose myself before someone else exposes me. Um, so I had a conversation with my husband. About his mother at 1 time because we were at odds and I said anytime your mother comes over here. Please just let me know so I can leave so you can have time with your mom. He turn said to me. So are you saying fuck my mother and I says oh no, there's no way I did not say that I you understand what I'm saying oh yes you did yes you did I heard it I was like. The f word did not come out of my mouth I was just saying you know, let just let me know so that I can go until we get to a better place because I don't want to come in between the relationship that you have it was a big thing. He heard me say fuck his mother you understand what I'm saying so. You are so right about that because sometimes people have things in their head. They think they they hear things that you did not actually say so ah communication has so many forms and the way you explained it.



Thee Alchemist

Is the way that it should go with a level of respect because you have to make sure don't just listen to me and just repeat what the hell I said right? you want to paraphrase it so we want some active listening and don't active listen don't actively listen to me while you're playing a game on your phone. While you're texting you understand while you're you know, not looking me and I not turn my direction when your back is towards me, you're not communicating with me I'm sorry and that's not communication in the relationship. So um, ladies queens kings gentlemen. If you have a problem communicating with your with your significant other please pay attention to what your body language is like are you looking at your phone playing a game or watching Tv at level 100 when your spouse or. Your apartment is trying to speak to you because when they disrespect you, you brought it on to yourself. Gunshots.



J. Fonixx

I oh I don't know about that one I I really don't know about doubt had to agree with down some people just blatantly disrespectful some chicks out of pocket. Let's talk about the New York Harlem chick come on. You be a gentleman all day.



Thee Alchemist

Well drop look look drop the mic. Yeah.



J. Fonixx

And some a grab they jump they crotch and be like yo son suck my yo for real. It's women as that's like that but see the do at that point you know what the guy has to do walk away. Period.



Jaz Afrodite

She does she come into the same category as what you said, but dirty Dick Harryy if as you call him dirty Dick Rodney's right? So we're not making her.



Thee Alchemist

I yeah yeah, yeah Rodney Harry and.



J. Fonixx

Um, you only Dick Rodney that's right



Jaz Afrodite

Ah, comparison in this conversation because we understand the same way that you're speaking for the lead. The the men who are leaders. We're speaking for the women who are classy so we not hold the no crotches and talk about suck My that's ridiculous like come on.



J. Fonixx

Absolutely yeah, it's it's chicks doing it's chicks with that mentality and it's like yeah.



Thee Alchemist

You ah Jay you haven't seen a chick or Metachick with that mentality in at least 20 years



J. Fonixx

That's not true. Um I mean him every day I work in public transportation know I I know no no I will not I willt I refuse to I get this. That's right.



Thee Alchemist

Okay, but I'm talking about you meeting them as far as meeting them in courting you have a met a woman like that in 20 years exactly there. We know that they're out there just like the dirty Dick Rodney's out there. They go together. They go together. Okay, so with.



J. Fonixx

Yeah I spot them right? So maybe I was a little extreme but what I would say is there's some blatant in my experience. It's not for all men in my experience and I have to hone in and I always get on the black women out here because that's who I am actually.



Thee Alchemist

Another level. Okay.



J. Fonixx

Affiliate with my mother's black. My sister's black. My cousins are black females and I watched them I seen them with a man I'll be like yo. What's wrong with you. You know mean I'm like what you talking to do like that my own mom notorious was at it's my own mother. 1 time. I'm like yo. What is your problem why you talking to him like that communicating to him you know talking loud to him making she trying to son this man and if you from New York you know exactly on toma you can't be son and no grown man. You can't do that why because when a man sons another man outside. Those are fighting words and people lose their life over disrespect men understand that this is a dangerous dangerous area you you got to be very careful to disrespect another man this exactly will cross that line and disrespected this brother.



Thee Alchemist

You might get slapped like some people you know.



J. Fonixx

Blatantly and if Chris would have shot his ass. It's nothing nobody could have done. He probably have been walking right now and will could have been dead so what I'm saying is when you're in a relationship we have to remember his men. We cannot do that with a woman if a woman becomes disrespectful. We either give her a pass or we have to leave and that's where it gets kind of crazy because like this is where the leader the leader comes in the leader says to himself I can't tolerate this man unless we go have to have a conversation and if the woman is not listening and not adhering to what. Leader is saying that makes perfect logical sense then by all means you have to leave you know and unfortunately you know that's that's the end of a relationship but.



Jaz Afrodite

And so then J you were speaking earlier about a formula that you have for communication break down this formula so we can understand how you see it from ah an Alpha Male's perspective the proper way for. People I'm assuming is how both of you will communicate in a relationship.



J. Fonixx

Okay, so the the formula I actually came up with it I was actually talking to a friend of mine who happens to be a female and she mention some things and then I came up with the formula so we was talking about the workplace. You know we was complaining about the job I was like. Just think that this will work in relationships. She said what do you mean? I said check it out when you when you apply for a job. You're you're at your best behavior when you get that job. You're at your best behavior where on probation you're on your best behavior. You could be at that company for 1020 years you know what to get away with and what you cannot get away with you know you you could have a problem with your boss but you not go going there going off over talking your boss You're not gonna go in there disrespecting your boss why because this is where you get paid and the minute you do something wrong. You are fired. If we can adhere to that as adults in everyday life. Why cannot we do this in our relationships meaning treat your relationship as if it is your workplace if marriage is a business when you show up to work. You cannot be disrespectful if everybody adheres to that formula. Guess what? a lot of people stay married how many people go to work disrespecting they they employer. The only time they do that is when they got money in the bank and they ready to leave. They'll get a boss the metal finger f you. But when they live in check to check.



Jaz Afrodite




J. Fonixx

When they got bills. Yeah, your your boss could say some real stupidness yell at you but you not going going in there flexing on your boss. So if you treat your spouse girlfriend boyfriend as if they have that type of position meaning it is shared. It's no body. Is the is the head you treat your woman with that level of respect. No you treat you treat your woman with that level of respect. You treat your man with that level of respect. Everything will be Gucci period Try it I dare you couples.



Thee Alchemist

And I'm glad you said that? and.



Thee Alchemist

Um, Jay I would really like for you to do a couples retreat or some type of couples. Um program online where that is clearly explained.



J. Fonixx

Sorry, but.



Thee Alchemist

And a clearly defined job description is given because we can say that and we have these job descriptions because of gender roles and that's where the disrespect happens the disrespect happens because of the gender roles. And 1 of the reasons why you know your mother and your you know cousins and stuff was trying to son up you know, um, was trying to son up you know whatever man, but they were trying to son up is because they have showed. Multiple moments of weakness where they were not able to take care of their women and women still chose to be with them. So now you get what the hell you get from me, you leave then you.



J. Fonixx

I So let me ask let me ask you let me interject there. Let me let me ask you let me interject. Basically what you're saying is anytime a woman is disrespectful to a man. It's his fault. That's that's what I'm hearing from you. Okay, so there's so you this.



Thee Alchemist

Choose to leave dammit.



Thee Alchemist

I Absolutely absolutely and absolutely and I'm gonna and I'm like wait I want to clarify the type I say woman I ain't say grown girl I did not say grown girl I'm talking about a grown mature woman who is out there handling her business and has as some.



J. Fonixx

Okay. Okay.



Thee Alchemist

Point in time been submissive to her man now all sudden. You're not submissive. There's a reason for that. Don't you think that.



J. Fonixx

I So No I agree but what I'm I'm telling you from my experience as a man. Ah I do understand that ladies are a little bit more emotional than men than Logical. So You can have a great woman who's an outstanding mother. Great daughter, great accolades all day if she becomes emotional She is increasing her possibility of becoming disrespectful if she does not know how to manage her emotions correctly. And there's a lot of scholars out there females ah with with great degrees and and they don't have a grip on their emotions and if so so so what? I'm so no, no, no, No what I'm saying to you what I'm saying to you is You can have the best intentions and you can fall short of communicating properly.



Thee Alchemist

We school and we should. We don't have to. We can have a grip sorry go ahead.



Thee Alchemist

Yes, yes.



J. Fonixx

Whether you're a good person whether you're a good man or a good woman as I'm saying so you cannot. That's my argument for you. You cannot say it is just the guy's fault. No, there's women out there that get out of pocket because they're emotional. They don't know how to manage their emotions. And and the do can only check them. But so far and what happens is some ladies they play on that and they manipulate that that is a female trait to manipulate a situation. Okay, you got away with one time. So Let me try it Again. No no. And it goes on and on and on now you got a major problem now you got a disrespectful female in your presence and this where the breakdown of communication comes in if you don't practice that Formula. You can get out of Pocket. So I don't agree with you. Every good Female is not a good communicator.. That's what you're saying.



Thee Alchemist

I No I'm not I'm not saying every good female is a good communicator I'm talking about I was talking about the emotions as I agreed with you about they get emotional and that's where disrespect can creep in now. So ah, women are emotional beings. Yes, and all.



J. Fonixx

That's what it seems like it.



Thee Alchemist

And you say we're not logical minelogical right? So if you move us to the point of emotion and the man is a lot is is logical where what is his role as the man and the manager of the job.



J. Fonixx

No I said.



J. Fonixx

Well, again, if a man is doing his job. She's gonna always basically do what you did and that is blame him why because if if he loses his composure as a man, you're gonna blame him if he if he becomes emotional like the female you're gonna blame him. But if he remains sound and staying logical on the path of guiding you to be the best version of yourself to communicate better and you do you choose not to do that who whose fault is it. You can't blame a man after that. You can't if he's silent and listening to you and you're going off but but but but and he's saying hey come come talk to me a little different and you just continue to do that this this is what's wrong with with society today. This is what I I don't have the formula to fix that. But. Ladies get a pass a lot of times why because they're the ladies so they get to be disrespectful and the world doesn't spank them. They don't have to pay for it and they bring that into relationships and they and they use this thing that is a female trait called manipulation. And that tears down marriages boyfriend girl I'm telling you that manipulation thing is serious. You could be the best woman. It's designed in you in your Dna for hypergamy for for you. Manipulation.



Thee Alchemist

So talk so talk to me nicely. The title of this episode How to reduce friction in relationships and possibly get what you want. So if you talk to me nicely is that manipulation.



J. Fonixx

No, that's that's logic that's respectful. What I'm saying is it that that goes out the window when a woman starts putting her emotions over what? What should be shared in a relationship and that is the mutual respect meaning when she. She gets more entitlement in her own mind and puts you to the side meaning her feelings come first what she she women want to be heard men want to be respected, you sit him saying and when that happens and and somebody is not getting what they want that is that is a. Red flag you're gonna have a war in that house because think about it how many times you're man you're talking to your man like you said he's playing his video game. You're not being heard you you look at that as a form of disrespect right? So if he's not listening to you.



Thee Alchemist

So absolutely.



J. Fonixx

He could be Preoccupied. It doesn't have to be a video game but he could be preoccupied with something else and you will get emotional and get upset and he could be literally on a phone call making a business call and and ask you politely to wait and you because you don't have patience or it's happening too many times. You'll probably say something sideways like what you heard and then when you say something sideways Now. He feels disrespected Now you got a war I've been there I lived it So I know exactly what I'm talking about the smallest thing could trigger the the most humble person and on a bad day. Your home is supposed to be a sanctuary. Your partner is supposed to be the one that you fight the world out. This is how men look at it. You fight the world all day you work in you you deal with all the chaos when you come home. This's supposed to be the Zen. It's supposed to be like an invisible shield of of. Understanding and love and then you start fighting with your old lady on some nonsense, you're like oh what the hell am I doing I don't want to come home to that. This is why I do sleep on the couch and after the couch is out the house. It's not a good look and ladies do hold some accountability on Communication. Just as much as men and if you're not checking your emotions Correctly, you will slip into that disrespect Mode. It's not always the guy's fault and.



Jaz Afrodite

I don't think it's always the guy's fault I just think there's so many external factors in relationships that when you come home and it is supposed to be a zen but again I think maybe this goes to the vetting process. But you're with somebody you come home into the sanctuary that's supposed to be a zen spot. And something's out of place or your spouse or partner knows that you like things a certain way and it's not that way and there they're playing the game or watching Tv or whatever it is that they're preoccupied with and you feel out of place in your space as a zen because you are not upholding our zen space. These requirements I should come in and see things in this proper order things clean I understand things won't be clean all the time but the place should be tidy things that I like should be done if you're home and I'm working food should be cooked or ordered or something we should be functioning as a partnership. So. There's so many different things that create a zen experience that if I come home and these things are not there and then you know what? I'm not in a relaxed mode and now communication is not always verbal. Communication is nonverbal so now sometimes you come in and Nas shit is not done. You're communicating to me. It's you don't care about what it is I like.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

In my zen space because I don't feel like this is a sanctuary I don't feel calm I don't feel relaxed. You're telling me without saying anything that you're not going to adhere to the things that make me comfortable and then that creates a problem. So yeah, you're going to sleep on the couch and you and you're going to go to the outside woman me because she's not going to beef about you creating that atmosphere because she's just happy to see you come so whatever the stupid shit is that you can't do in your house. You're gonna happily do it at the side chicks house because she's know she got you for 2 hours 3 hours so she's allowing all of your nonsense. So how do we fix that communication.



Thee Alchemist

I like that What? what? what? what.



J. Fonixx

What what? this is what I would ask? No no, no because I can go at it So many different angles. This is what I want to know and I ah I kind of could project answer from the alchemist.



Thee Alchemist

I wait wait, wait please wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ja just hold that thought give me 30 seconds hold hot hot hold up hold up jake hold up all if I gotta lead foodo for that.



J. Fonixx

Why is it.



J. Fonixx

Ah, ah, ah, okay Ja you got unmute. Oh gosh, Oh go.



Jaz Afrodite

I I'm trying to figure out what dramas she bring him back for her Schwaville for a bathroom break is is hilarious. It can go back and forth.



J. Fonixx

This is a great topic. It's just it can go back and forth.



Thee Alchemist

Um, know. Ah no change about the tickets. Go go off and take it down. You're about to go to I really want to tell the truth but I had to take a I really wanted to tell the truth but I had to take a walk so I wouldn't have to be exposed in my business. Yeah Jj please help me Adam.



J. Fonixx

Yeah, you're coming, You're coming, You're coming from your experience. So I get it. Everybody's has a different experience so you might take it a little bit personal but here's my question if you. With the man that you chose the man at well let mephrase that if you're with the man that chose you and you agreed to be with and you see him as your leader. Why can't you be consistent on giving him what he wants so that you can get what you want. That has to be a practice that has to be a mutual Disgust thing you know you have to give your partner or try your best. It is work. It is work and it requires communication. Give them what they want.



Thee Alchemist

I agree I agree with you 1000% okay



J. Fonixx

Give them what they want be Consistent. You can't get okay sex is needed. Can't give your a man sex and then next week you you sting you with the with the puss. That's not gonna work if you want him to be. In your life. You want him to be loyal faithful to you want him to speak to you Correctly, you have to submit black women. Don't like that word but you have to to a certain degree if you want it to work why because he's coming on to you you want him to come to you not a minute he the minute he violates that by all means you have you have. Grounds for objection and to throw them out or do whatever.



Thee Alchemist

J have you realized and have you noticed that women used to live longer than men now they are dying at an at an alarming rate where they are dying. And the men are living longer than them. That's because they are dying tired. Okay, we continue to be submissive and give them what they want and give them what they want and just as jazz said if I want to come home to my sanctuary and you know you have been here. In the sanctuary and I come home and the sanctuary is a hot mess in a piece of work then I am not in my zen space so that is the form that you have disrespected me because they have gotten complacent because we have kept giving them what they what they want.



J. Fonixx

You You're speaking for everybody but it sounds like you're speaking from your experience. There's a lot of ladies that get good men and they screw it up why because they they get selfish. They get greedy. They want more and more and more they keep pushing back The goal posts they keep they keep pushing it as far as they can go that. That's. That's what I see you're speaking of your personal experience but from what I'm seeing the world is designed in a way where ladies have to work now you understand so you can't really blame a man because women's live did that you understand and that's what that's what is that's where we're at right now in the future women have to work.



Thee Alchemist

Um, if you.



Thee Alchemist

I I'm not. We're not blaming the man because we have to work because you were talking about partnership. You were talk about the partnership and the communication and giving them what they want. It seems like nobody's talking about what the black woman wants or what the woman wants. It's not even the black one with the woman's one because I'm a life coach I.



J. Fonixx

So when no, they're ti it youget.



J. Fonixx

What? what.



Thee Alchemist

I coach so many women that this is the issue. So it's not just my experience.



J. Fonixx

You like? So What I would say to you is. You're coaching women but you you don't know too much about Men. You have to you have if you want to know about men you have to talk to a man. You cannot speak amongst your sisters and think that you know about a man it. It'll be foolish of you to do that. It'll be foolish of me to say. I Know everything about women and and I don't communicate with a woman that'll be foolish.



Thee Alchemist

I Stop coaching the men because at the end of the day they don't want to pay their bills which is the same reason why they're having problems with their women. Not gonna say I'm not going to say I'm not gonna say it's true.



J. Fonixx

This that's comedy I'm I'm just gonna laugh at that because listen listen listen here. So so for you, It's a personal business matter but I would say this you cannot lead you as a female.



Thee Alchemist

It's true I got 6 male clients that owe me money right now doesn't make any sense I just don't even understand it.



J. Fonixx

You're not designed nor can you lead the alpha man period you're looking for 1



Thee Alchemist

I And you know what I don't want to I don't I don't want to lead the Alpha male I'm tired I don't want I don't want to be if I wanted if I if I wanted to lead a Alpha male I'd go die I'd be single and go adopt some male children and raise them otherwise in that Oh no I want to alphabe I want to Alpha male.



J. Fonixx

You or you make or you make them or you'll make a movie called the woman King that's out right now. Actually so movie coming out called a woman king which is so so.



Thee Alchemist

I'll just let you know that right now and.



Jaz Afrodite




J. Fonixx

Backwards and ah oxymoronish to the title alone I'm not interested The the woman King it's the it's disrespectful and they got black people in it and it's a true story to a certain degree. But.



Thee Alchemist

I Wow I didn't hear about it yet. Wow.



J. Fonixx

Imagine flip it on the other side and and they make a movie called the man Cool Yes, people would have a serious problem with it. Black men would have a serious problem with it. They keep put listen Society Hollywood keeps putting black women as the man.



Thee Alchemist

The man queen.



J. Fonixx

It's a problem for black men. Do you understand what I'm saying if you look at all corporations.



Thee Alchemist

I Yes, it is but do you think the black man is starting to think that that is what we that how we should be up um, uphold things. So now now is now society in Hollywood is like well the black woman in the movies did all this with the hell you you subpar.



J. Fonixx




J. Fonixx

And we talked about this in other the other podcasts this is this is all planned you know guys like me again. They hate me why I'm a leader why cause I'm not gonna.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

I'm not gonna won't run around here and get emotional and try to beat down my woman because she got a a higher paying job to me? No, but she's disrespectful I leaver in a heartbeat that's called that's called being a man that's called having structure. They don't want that good times was a show that was invented to what keep black people in the ghetto. Mentality of it. Yes, it was funny but the what the lead act that John Amos left the show because they would only project on Jj he wanted them to focus more on the daughter and her education and Michael and they chose the focus on jj who was a buffoon he left the show. And was successful in roots and that's what I'm saying they they don't want us guys like me. They don't like stand-up guys. They don't want guys that have a family structure and demand order in a home with with ah a loving wife and you know holding everybody in the house. Accountable. It is. It's like a boat. Everybody has to row a certain way for us to get somewhere. They don't want guys like that they want guys who sadly so and you know and I don't want to offend those but they want guys like me either dead or gay and you cannot lead a family wife and children in that manner.



Thee Alchemist

So what do you think? Okay, so my question to you is were you like this twenty years ago or even you know twenty years ago were you like this? What do you think happened to you? What do you think you saw what do you think was the changing factor in your life that. Brought you to this this full you know bravado of a manhood.



J. Fonixx

I Well I have to always give credit to my father. He was a stand-up leader his father was a stand-up leader. So he my father grew up in a home where it was a mother and a father and the father had said so when I see my dad I see my dad work.



Thee Alchemist

And the a you go.



J. Fonixx

Like he would leave for days My dad used to work on the railroad prior to that he was an officer but ah he was a leader so leaders only produce leaders. You see them saying this is why it's so very important for a man to be in a home because.



Thee Alchemist

I and.



J. Fonixx

He is the example, a good man is example of what the daughter's gonna look at him and see okay that is what a man is not a dirty Dick Rodney my father is consistent. My father goes to work every day. My father makes sacrifices for me because he loves me my father adores me every young girl needs to have that and if they don't have that. They miss a very huge part of what's going to help them in their relationships to come in the future. This is why a lot of sisters pick dirty dick rodneys they don't know any damn better. But if they got a hardworking father that that teaches them sacrifice that teaches them love and and balance and discipline.



Thee Alchemist

Right? right.



J. Fonixx

Then they don't mind getting led by a man because they know what a good leader is and vice versa with sons. So what I tried to do was recreate that structure with with my family you know I was successful to a certain degree. You know.



Thee Alchemist

Right? m.



J. Fonixx

And unfortunately the marriage dissolved but the kids still respect me, they still look at me as their father I'm still a leader I'm consistent in a life whether me and a mother's not together or not so as a parent that's a lifelong commitment a marriage can dissolve and you can get divorced. But. Being a parent is is 1 of the most highest ranks you could get as a human being in this lifetime, you're responsible for a young person and they're out and their life. You're responsible how they become an adult so it means you have to be a teacher.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

But so I wasn't always like this but I was a young father twenty years old I still had the same mentaly almostma take care minds is to bring my son to practice and everything I never left left left my son with people and just no no no no I keep my kid with me. And that's a leader I don't you know every woman wants that every woman wants that that's fine, but you got to have it. You got to know it and you got to be able to communicate so let's say you were dealt. Ah whatever card you had dealt as a child and you never seen that. Is still your responsibility as a female adult whether you're black white hispanic or different to you're responsible to take care of your mental health so that you can prepare yourself if you want that you have to do that and if you don't do it and. You know you can't blame nobody but yourself if you have to be prepared for what you want, you have to do the work that is such a simple thing that people get wrong all the time everybody want to be a me and there but nobody want to do the damn work that me and as je. Everybody want to eat but nobody don't want to do no damn dishes in damn show. Nobody don't want to fucking cook but everybody want to eat though and they and they get a carry out play after they get a carry out play after.



Thee Alchemist

I And one one there you go.



Jaz Afrodite

So what would you tell her? What would you tell a man who is in a relationship with a woman who's constantly berating and talking down to him.



J. Fonixx

You lever leave a give a get get yeah you you can't you can't bluff with it either see a man is very Stern. You got to mean what you say say what? you mean me what you say so you know that's the thing about being a leader leaders have to make hard decisions.



Thee Alchemist

We need to go. We need to go? okay.



J. Fonixx

That they really don't want to make. But if you're not doing your job as the woman in a household I'm gonna get rid of you I'm gonna get rid of you you out of here you fired yourself you shot yourself in the foot.



Thee Alchemist

Ah, but you fired yourself chat hour as fared I just once shouted up as fired I find myself hu.



Jaz Afrodite




J. Fonixx

You you know say.



Thee Alchemist

Oh round table. Your girl is fired. She's fried herself. Ah who oh man.



J. Fonixx

you you you Donald Trump yourself you know sir you are fired cancel them in the words of in the words Nino Brown new jack city cancel it. You know me and.



Thee Alchemist

Oh but you use fire to fight yourself Priceless priceless.



Jaz Afrodite

So now on the flip side. What are we telling a woman who's in relationship but a man who doesn't communicate with her well or communicate with her at all or is disrespectful because there's so many different layers to a man's miscommunication.



Thee Alchemist

Thank you.



J. Fonixx

That That's a good that's a good one. So It's the Same. It's the same guidelines. However, men are a little bit different and sometimes men don't communicate they do. They should get their mental health together as Well. You got to get your mental health together so you can be a better communicator because a lot of people lot of men. Don't talk. And then a lot of ladies complaints is well. He don't talk, you'll You'll be Surprised. You got some women that will do all kind of back flips in the bedroom and do all kind of sexual things why because they want that pillow talk. They don't even want to have sex. They just want the man to talk. They just want that time that camaraderie they want the man to to say something all he does is work. That's a lot of ladies complaint. All he does is work come home sleep Hey, he's doing his Job. He's doing what's required he provides but you want him to talk and that's fine too. But now they do all kind of stuff just to get talk this ladies out there that create chaos in their homes just to get their husband or their boyfriend to talk. Real talk. They create something they they create ah a whole hurricane in the house and a problem just to get some type of attention from him some type of response to.



Thee Alchemist

So men. Do you hear that men you hear that men. Do you hear that? Okay, you want to be respected and your woman wants to be heard and they want to have conversations with you So when there are no conversations naturally. They may create chaos or pillow magic one or the other.



Jaz Afrodite

And what's pillow magic when the pillow talk is sweet.



Thee Alchemist

You know you know you you heard with j foics said they create pillow that they'd be talking. They've been in the bed talking all that sweet is why she pillow magic sheet magic no more sheets take off the sheets. Whatever you want to call it they create in magic in the Boudoir.



J. Fonixx

Um, me.



J. Fonixx

They Yeah they yeah they want to get they want to get that bedroom action on which is good everybody benefits but when the guy falls asleep. Oh That's like a red like what the what and he just falls asleep women get pissed off for that because they did some of them. They do that work for conversation. So It's like iin't talked to him all the week I'm um'm a put it on him and he gonna talk to me and spend time on me then after that he bus guess what and they met it that sex could have been good but they still Mad. It's like he't even talk to me. So now if they feel used not it.



Thee Alchemist

Um, Wow jave.



Thee Alchemist

While that's a perspective with yeah.



J. Fonixx

That now they feel used now they feel like damn he just got where he got in the now he just fall asleep now's more chaos in the morning now she gets it with a attitude and there's no more sex because the night sex You didn't talk not na.



Thee Alchemist

And there's no and there's no breakfast and the pots and pans is being slammed around and the the cabinets are being slammed shut all that. Ah, ah.



J. Fonixx

Not so some instances the ladies get up and leave early in the morning do wake up by itself and he like yo why you left I had stuff to do and then things linger and it goes on listen relationships is not easy. But again.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

Practice that formula treat your significant other treat that relationship as if it is the job of your lifetime and you don't want to mess it up. Yes, and you go? Yeah yeah, no, that's good practice.



Thee Alchemist

You So you so you got to have your conference calls. You got to have your meet. You got to have your your meet is okay, your checking got to manage the project all that so you got to manage the relationship like a job all day but see here's.



J. Fonixx

That's right, you you must create. You have to create a certain culture if you don't create a certain culture. Well you know I would have to say it's no boss. It's a leader see I'm saying no, it's no boss. It's a leader.



Thee Alchemist

Who's the boss.



Thee Alchemist

And of the later the boss.



J. Fonixx

Because the minute that leader starts screwing up Guess what the other the woman could check out sim saying.



Thee Alchemist

You Boom you fight yourself.



J. Fonixx

That exactly you got to lead it. You got a pilot a copillot That's how would put it you you haven't seen an f sixteen fly. It's It's a humongous loud jet a fighter jet which requires a lot of responsibility. But.



Thee Alchemist

Buy the sell.



Thee Alchemist

So hey hey I.



J. Fonixx

There's no one pilot even though they show it to you like on on a Tv There's a wing man. You see them saying there's There's an an extra ah plane behind him or her whoever's flying all right? and that's your wing man. They watch your back. You go out there by yourself. You gonna get shot. You know I'm saying so you need both.



J. Fonixx

You know we we want to do the gender war thing and argue about manness and woman that but to truth be told we cannot do we need each other we cannot do much of of much without each other.



Thee Alchemist

absolutely absolutely I completely agree so Kings and queens out there queens and Kings please know that there is a give and take in the relationship communication and respect is key and you need to understand.



Jaz Afrodite

And that's correct.



J. Fonixx

And you know.



Thee Alchemist

What respect looks like to your significant other whether it's having watching a movie with them for 1 or 2 nights a week or having a conversation and not being on your phone giving them some eye contact paying attention making sure that you have some best. Practices and giving you know, ah verbal appreciations or bring flowers. Maybe once a month if it wants to sick every six months. Maybe your woman don't like flowers who knows but please also know that as researchers have said it takes. Nearly 23 compliments and positive statements just to counteract 1 negative blow to the ego. Guys you heard it here at the Empress High Council continue to come back and eat from the buffet of strength and not the buffet of weakness put your phones down. Turn your tvs off and make sure you practice having that communication with your partner and ask them what is important to you so that there are no miscommunications there and that you can understand.



Thee Alchemist

What they need to see so that you don't cross those lines of disrespect. Guys are we concluding this podcast right about now. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us on try empress or you can Google us at the Empress High Council. We are everywhere. Don't forget. Hit us up on the gram. We'll see you on our next episode and we're gonna leave you with this one final thought.



Jaz Afrodite

What was the thought maybe you changed it.



Thee Alchemist

So ah I thought we were gonna put the other one in the one final thought is.



Jaz Afrodite

You But don't fire yourself come up with something one spot.



Thee Alchemist

The one final thought is communication is key respect is the foundation. Otherwise you'd be fired from the job.