Empress High Council

Yo Sexy Don't Match the Market featuring J. Fonixx

J. Fonixx Season 5 Episode 11

Hey, royal family.
We're back with J. Fonixx talking that relationship talk. This episode is about your sexual market value, though. What is the sexual market value? Do you have what it takes to qualify for a high sexual market value? If you're not sure, don't worry. We got you covered. We're going to get into all of that in this riveting episode. Pull up with your green juice, though. No wine goblets no mo. We must get our SMV's up, darling.

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Thee Alchemist

Great day kings and queens and welcome back to the Empress High Council welcome to season 5 episode 11 you can follow us @triempress on Instagram and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council. We are everywhere. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. Before we get started. Let's introduce our cast this is the alchemist coming to you in a frequency ah energy to transmute your social and financial currency into abundance.



Jaz Afrodite

And this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.



J. Fonixx

And this is J. Fonixx the multicultural dawn from way beyond was good family.



Thee Alchemist

I ah I like that I like that listen last time we talked about the sexual market value J. Fonixx brought that up. It was one of our most riveting and highly listened to and. Controversial episodes of the Empress High Council and because of your request we go bring it back now. We're not going to bring back the same thing but we definitely or J. Fonixx is definitely got. Um. Some updates to your sexual market value. So we talked about thinking about the last time you had a conversation with your partner. Um, did you wish a partner's tone was different. Um softer perhaps even use different words to address you depict a different more softer. Body language confident body language and tone ah you wanted to know how to become more aware of your own communication habits and how to improve them and then J. Fonixx hit us with the sexual market value now I'm gonna. Set the table a little differently than how I normally set the table last time I talk some crap on episode and I'm still in my current situation so you could applaud. It. You can put thumbs up. Thumbs down. Whatever.



Thee Alchemist

But um, nonetheless that had a lot to do with um the sexual market value in the conversations that we had that can fix your inner self and your relationships So I'm a set the table with just saying keep coming back. Y'all. It works. Ok keep coming back. It works So on that note pull up pull up pull up. Make sure you have your utensils tight in your napkin around your neck. This is going to be another another riveting episode. Ah, you don't want to drop your food out your mouth and when I say food I'm talking about the keys to relationships and the keys to own personal sexual Market Value. So Let's get started guys. Um.



Thee Alchemist

Jay I know you have an update to the sexual market value lay it on us.



J. Fonixx

Well, you know the market is the market as they say we see this thing the Dow Jones pop up every day they have a beginning and an end. The smv is that of human beings. Both male and female are responsible. But they all sexual market value and that's ah.



Jaz Afrodite

So what? exactly is the sexual market value break that down and.



Thee Alchemist

It. It's thought it's starting to sound like the SAndPFiveHundred to me. Ah.



J. Fonixx

You. So yeah smv is your sexual market value. So how sexy are you now 1 may just say to themselves hey I'm sexy, but that's you did the value determines. You know your value is determined by the market. Basically so how everybody sees you is your value and you know we're talking about majority you know making a generalization. So let's say you got a certain hairstyle you you may like it. But does it make you look attractive to get the the mate that you want see that's the key you you could you could do what you want to do but are you sexy to the people are you drawing and attracting the people that you would like in your life that. Is the basis of your s and v and a lot of people get that wrong. Both men and women you have to be honest with yourself. How do you rate that you take a look in the mirror. That's the only way to do it. You could you could have all kind of surgeries. You can.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

Get a bbl you can hide your ah tummy tuck with a waist Lip you could do what you want take them clothes off take the wig off take the makeup off that is your true S M V It's equivalent to your B and I you can't you everything.



Thee Alchemist

I Oh take my wig off. Are you kidding.



J. Fonixx

Take and stand straight up naked not in a not in a face mirror but a full body mirror that is your s and V and until we get to that place on the wall who's the sexiest of them all no sexiest because we talk about s andv.



Thee Alchemist

Mirror Mirror who's the fairious of them all who's the sex who's the sexiest let me talk cant you know what? Jade let me tell you something I I got to be very careful because i. Ah I got to be very careful I say this because I have ah a lot of we have a lot of listeners who are friends and family and um I'm you know what? I'm just going to go like this you know I what about the people who are.



Thee Alchemist

Shaped like a like humpty dumpy.. They're big and they think they're the sexiest people in the world I've seen people like that and workplaces come in with short short skirts on they walk around with all the confidence in the world. They look in the mirror and they really think they are very very sexy I know some people who are sized you know 24 and they look in the mirror and see a size two and.



J. Fonixx

And so you're talking about the um, the Lizzo ego chicks right? I call it Lizzo ego. Um Lizzo has a significant amount of confidence to do what she's doing and again by all means I don't know the.



Thee Alchemist

I I don't know anything about the Lizzo ego.



J. Fonixx

Person I don't know her. But if you take a generalization tally and axe men. They're not going to say that she's sexy. She believes. She's sexy and that's fine. You're supposed to be confident, but it's called market value. Not your value so you could you could again stand up naked in the mirror and really be honest with yourself. That's what sexual market value has to pertain to you have to be honest and yeah, it's got sexy people out here that no matter what they do. They're never satisfied though. Those are people you know sometimes they have insecurities and everybody has insecurities to a certain degree but what are you doing to be the best version of yourself and if you stopped doing that a long time ago. That means your s and V has dropped period. You have to you have to maintain it. So.



Jaz Afrodite

I see yeah I'm getting I'm here in all of this and I'm still sitting here I'm listening like who is the market who is really assessing the collective to say well you are rated this way like when is the day that the market drops and rises like how does this even work.



Thee Alchemist

Um I.



Jaz Afrodite

Because right now this is sounding so superficial and so artificial to me like this is something that y'all just made up just to get a rise out of women again. That's all this sounds like because a whole sexual market Value. Let's be honest and I know that you said you talking about men and women. There are a lot of men who look in the mirror and they will not be satisfied. But that bare gut belly that they have a lot of men knock knees no behind no shape so it goes both ways. My thing is why do we need to appeal to a market but it only takes one I don't need to be sexy for your market. Value I need to be sexy for the one who I want to rock with for this time being every rancid bread has its molded cheese. So for the one who's in the mirror who is a size 24 and she's feeling like she's the best thing outta yes because she has. Um, old cheese ready for her if she is molded bread. She has how shes they waiting in far so everybody has somebody that's going to see them and find them to be Attractive. So this whole sexual market value thing I'm like it sounds so superficial. Remove all of that What is underneath all of that. What's underneath all the layers and I agree with you take off the wigs take up the makeup take off for everything I think you've gotten really outrageous with all the makeup magic going on like a lot of the times when these women take off the makeup is like Wow is a completely different person I get all of that. But.



Jaz Afrodite

My thing is what happens once we remove that like are we all coming to the table with our true selves because everybody right now is playing a game everybody right now is hiding behind some sort of facade.



J. Fonixx

Yes, ah to a certain degree I would ah I mean I hate to get all my sisters you know Beauty is Beauty is number one when it comes to ladies. So.



J. Fonixx

Thing about ladies and men. They're very different. We we can sit here and go talk a war on gender all day but ladies have access to raise their sandv 4 to 5 notches in an hour by seeing a makeup artist men don't really do that. And if they do kudos to them. They are some catfish hunter type you know escapades but beauty is very important. It is actually one of the key points to. An attractive woman women know that this why they this this is why the makeup industry is such a lucrative business because women understand that if I look a certain way meaning your representative right? Your representative is a reflection of your s andv. So if you push up your reflection to be like your representative looks amazing at the caesar's ball I'm going to the caesar's ball tonight and your representative is tight work. You come in there with your highest smv possible. That's how that works. People ain stupid. They're not gonna show up to the dance looking crazy. They're gonna show up to the dance looking right? whether they trying to get a Mr. or not because it's the representative. So your representative all I'm saying is should be.



J. Fonixx

Someone that you present at all times you don't put the representative all day then when you go, you know you meet a person just to meet that person then when you meet them. Okay, this is how I I really am and then you take everything off and that person's like no this is this is wrong like why?? why'd you lie to me. It's not a good look. At All. So if your s andv is high. It attracts people if it's low. It does not attract people and it definitely wont attract the person that you would like in your life. That's what the smv is.



Jaz Afrodite

But that's what I'm saying if you're saying the smb is to put the representative forward. Get rid of the S andb because we shouldn't even be moving from the standpoint of the representative because that again is a facade you come into the table lion from the onset. I Understand you come in and you put the makeup Born. You got the Ri on you looking white body shape Waist snatcher tight. But that is all the representative. That's not who you want to be with either. So Why even go there. That's my thing. Let's just strip it down basics and start dealing with that. If you're telling me that Snb comes from the basics where we all stripped down. Absolutely I'm all for it because that is a real challenge coming into the dance as you walk and seeing who's liking you.



J. Fonixx

Well basically I hear you and we could sit here all day but people ain't gonna do that They gonna do that. They're gonna show up how they representative is telling them how to show up how they conscious levels Tell show up and.



Thee Alchemist

I I.



J. Fonixx

You know again s and V is very very intellectual and a in a professional manner to put hey show up and be your best and if you if you if you put it this way if you're looking for a mate if you look good.



Thee Alchemist

And out I.



J. Fonixx

You have more chance of getting a good mate that you want you want the best pick at a liter right? So you know what they showing up with they s and V that you know real talk. That's what they showing up with they showing up looking good because granted, you could get along with somebody. But if a nice dude shows up there without his caesar cut or whatever he his suit ain't fly his you know women look at shoes women look at detail. So let him show up there with a nice 3 piece suit and got some busted shoes you gonna make a you turn women are very very funny like that. If his ear lobe is dirty. You go you gonna be like yo. What the yeah said detail is for real out here. So men have a responsibility of keeping up their sandv because me as a man I'm must show up to the dance looking right? why. Because that's just a representative of myself and I could sit there and lie to myself in the mirror or I could get out there and do the work for real in the gym and guess what that's gonna do give me more options. You dig what I'm saying so when when ladies.



Thee Alchemist

So yeah.



J. Fonixx

You could put on the makeup. But when you stand in that mirror and you look but as naked in that mirror and your roles ain't a ain't a exactly straight up and down you need to do some that means you need to raise your s and V just you know it's how old school people said it. You got to take care yourself and if you're not taking care yourself. Guess what drops your snv your options.



Thee Alchemist

and and I want to make a comment in regards to what you said jazz and also to you um, Jay and ah this is in regards to you know men and um, one thing my my husband said to me he says, um, he says you know why men? um. More confident. Um, they could stand out there missing teeth belly hanging out all kinds of stuff and have a conversation and and Holla yell or whatever Kiss Tweet whatever um the most sexy woman is walk around down the block. He said that's because we see ourselves at our best. So if you were 1819 and that's how you were at your best at 1819? you look in the mirror. That's what they see so they don't see themselves as as how they look now they see themselves as when they were looking at their best and that's that's the vision that they have captured throughout their whole entire life. When women we look in the mirror and we see our truth and that's why we put on the makeup that hey that that's why we look at the mirror we see our truth.



J. Fonixx

I I have to disagree on that I have to disagree he speaks and so you you talk about you talk about Jerome's in the house I watch him out.



Thee Alchemist

I I don't know be lot of me. There's a lot of men come on. There's a lot of men that be standing out there with missing teeth. You know trying to whistle and spit in it yourself woman Ohome all jeromes be out there trying to holler at a sister.



J. Fonixx

That's talking about.



Thee Alchemist

Walking down the street and I don't understand in their mind. What could they possibly be thinking they look like.



J. Fonixx

Well here's his it goes right back to what I started with you have to look in the mirror and if that and and people look in the mirror and there's a such thing called Delusion you understand yeah smv is the truth.



Thee Alchemist

That that's a lot of delusion.



J. Fonixx

Um, man a man could be delusional as hell if he has no teeth a pop belly and think in his mind that he is still 18 and got it like that with a jerry curl to the side and ah, what they call it Mcm Shorts so it's not gonna work. It's not going to work sf be smv requires so much but it begins with your look and how you take care yourself clothing your attitude all as a part of s and v. You know you know up up.



Thee Alchemist

It It don't stop from cho.



J. Fonixx

I'm sure there can be ah, a beautiful woman with a bad attitude Guess what happens to s andv if a man is on point. It drops. She's not sex. That's.



Thee Alchemist

I You know.



Thee Alchemist

Nothing nothing happens and that's why we got all on basketball players out there with these ah groupies because they picked them because it ain't they look s and B they got married and now now we have all these athletes who um, later on have been taken. To the bank for the S and B value.



J. Fonixx

They again that goes right back to what I was talking about before they didn't vet him properly. It's so much that goes into dating. They didn't vet them. You could look a certain way your s and V could be high but you you're faking you know I mean personality is something that people can fake. Let's let's be real. You got. People you work with on the job. They could be smiling your face all day and stab you in the back. So So personality is something you could fake Yeah s Andv. You can lie about it. But if you take them clothes off. You cannot lie and everybody don't see everybody with they close off until it's time to get down.



Thee Alchemist

And na s and b got to do with the clothes being off standing in the mirror. All that the s and b starting to salad very fickle like the Dow Jones like the like the stock market. Okay, as far as sound would be very fickle.



J. Fonixx

See I'm saying yeah.



Jaz Afrodite

I not start and and always did. That's what I said from the beginning smv is some BS it does not make sense. It is dumb it is dumb because I understand if it was backed by something real then we could say all right. This s and b.



J. Fonixx

And I I.



Jaz Afrodite

Has some credence to it or I really got to check my smd but the s andv is based on all kind of superficial shit. It's not really anything. That's real. It's about somebody looking at a mirror stand all right I got to put this makeup on put this big on put these stilettos on fix my attitude get the representative out there. Get that basketball player and then when I get him now.



J. Fonixx




Jaz Afrodite

And all of that is stripped then he's like oh shit I got me a friggin sack of potatoes like he's mad because the s and B was leading the way the s and B is a liar That's what it is. It's a liar and a thief.



Thee Alchemist

Damns like the stock market.



J. Fonixx

I I big to differ again. Ah I speak for a lot of guys s andb is very important. You know it's the very first thing you see when you it it draws attraction so you can have the sweetest person this is why catfishing is a problem. You can meet somebody online. That's sweet. You can have pen pals. They say the greatest things when you meet them that I'm sure you've heard nightmare stories when they meet them. They're like hell no, this is this is who I was talking to guess what they saw the truesmv. And it doesn't and it doesn't rank with their it doesn't match with their personality. That's what I just went over. You know are you are you attractive to the people that you want to attract that is the major question that is the major question. Are you attractive.



Thee Alchemist

Um, otherwise anything else that that is a lie. Okay, okay, okay.



J. Fonixx

Are you attractive? Are you attractive to the person that you are attracted to your s and V has something to do with that because I'm sorry if you're attracted and that's what's going on today with a lot of ladies. They want a certain type of man. He's got to be six feet tall they want him to have a 6 pack. They want them to make a certain level amount of money but a lot of old sisters. What are you doing a lot of them got 3 5 3 to 5 kids take £300 they lizz on it up. That's not going to work now if you if you if you boost your smv guess what you might be able to track the man that you want because the dudes that you want don't want you. That's the thing that's the harsh reality and and and I've been there I've been there listen I've been there, you listen I've been there as a dude who wanted a certain type of woman.



Jaz Afrodite

You You come in to.



J. Fonixx

But because I didn't look a certain way. Guess what my smv wasn't on point for her. She didn't see me the way I seen her and and it's it's sort of like what she was talking about last time the alchem is.



Thee Alchemist

I'm loving it.



Thee Alchemist

And wow.



J. Fonixx

You just talk about matching. So if I'm here and you're up here and that's just with sexiness. Yeah, that's rare. It's It's an exception that some people may say well I like their personality. But if you're sexy, you want somebody Sex. You got to be sexy too. That's real talk. That's that's only fair who gets off or saying hey I want this but doesn't bring what they want who does that.



Thee Alchemist

And listen ladies. Ok um, you need to take them wigs off take off them eye lashes ah go natural. Ok. Go get you a facial shame and do all that stuff to increase your sexual market value. Ah your true sexual Market. Value. So That means you got to strip off everything compare yourself to the other women young and old so that ah what?? what? What I got it? Oh okay.



J. Fonixx

I I don't ah I don't think I don't think I don't think you got to compare yourself to the person here's the thing here's the thing you know it's not a. It's not the way y'all bringing it down. It's like a race. It's not a race. My thing is this, you have to be honest. But being the best version of yourself. That's you get your s and v is to his highest potential How do you do that? You work hard at taking care of yourself think about it I heard a joke today and it was kind of crazy a guy got ah on on in transit. And he said how do you turn a Fox into a cow I said how he said you marry him I thought that was so cruel. But I understood where he was coming from. We was talking about complacency last time so you could meet somebody with a with a high s and v. And they get lazy and that's man and woman that's real talk. You know mean married people men and women meet each other. They super fine and then something happens.



Thee Alchemist

It's true I can I can attest to that I do believe that my s and b has gone down since I've gotten married and it has nothing to do with complacency. It got to do with There's a lot of god damn work that needs to be done and I don't I I kind of find I've lost time and take is only 24 hours in a day. And some things had to go and that some of those things have have been my my personal self-care and the things that I used to do because I had the time I don't have the time so ladies. It's understandable. Some things happen you you get older. You have more responsibilities.



J. Fonixx

But it is.



Thee Alchemist

So you have more responsibilities within 24 hours than you had when you were in your twenty s thirty s forty s the responsibility list grows. It does not shrink and.



Jaz Afrodite

I yeah I'm still torn about this s and d like normally I'm Malcolm with you j but today I'm like not because but because what's no, it's not. It's not. It's not because what's crazy is that what we think is attracting to each what we think is attracting us to each other is not.



J. Fonixx

I Mean that's that's the reality of the world though. It's not. It's not just me. But.



Jaz Afrodite

S and b like of course you see somebody and you ah you look at the physiology and you're like okay that's the first thing that draws you in. But if you're looking at it from a deeper perspective. We have contracts. So the people that you get with you've already have a predetermined contract. And we don't even recognize that there's other forces moving in the background. Besides the way we look and what we decided to wear and what makeup we decided to put on. There's something greater work. So the people that you attract comes in with a lot of spirituality. So forget about the how you look situation. There are people who can be fat and fluy. And because they have a certain essence a certain aura they walk into the room. They attract the person that they like this does not always go against the grain of I understand that' Kevin Samuels right now and I get it. But there are a lot of women who are not the traditional look who have no problem attracting the man that they want. And it has nothing to do with looks it has a lot to do with contracts so contracts. It has a lot to do with aura it has a lot to do with you just knowing how to assert yourself and be in a room and exercise a sexuality. It has a lot to do with a lot of that and women don't have self-confidence. That's where a lot of women lack. They don't come into the room knowing how to master their essence because it takes more than just a track and a ma of what you wear I can go outside with a baseball cap hor right now and pull a man that I like and not have to put on no maker I get the most men without makeup without.



Thee Alchemist

So true.



J. Fonixx

But but my my question to you Jackie all that's fine. Are you over £200 okay that's my that's that's what I'm talking about. It's not about your clothes but you're not.



Jaz Afrodite

But I put on the makeup. They're like oh you look like you like we you're unapproachable.



Jaz Afrodite

No I'm not.



J. Fonixx

Ah, overweight person you dig I speak for the men and I'm a hold on to it. You can't be a listen. You cannot be overweight and want a fit man.



Thee Alchemist

O o.



Thee Alchemist

Um, you know what I know a lot of men who love a big woman and they is thin as I don't know what looks gay. Yes, what.



J. Fonixx

That ah, you're absolutely correcting. You know that's called I'm I'm a man I'm a talk to you i'mma tell you what that is. That's called fetish because I don't know any I don't know any rich rich dudes wiping up a 4 a pound chick.



Thee Alchemist

And and the rich is only 1% so don't worry about that. You don't have. There's only one percent right.



J. Fonixx

Unless he started with her and had babies with her. No no, it's got wealthy people out here your basketball player. Guess what? they're not choosing a £300 chick to marry I'm telling you you know this? why you think they come to the dance. Okay, they choose black women.



Thee Alchemist

They and they not choosing little black women either.



J. Fonixx

But I guarantee you the black women are fit That's what smv is about fitness. Not what you wear? Yeah, all that is aesthetic all as accessories. But if again stripped down and look in the mirror and if you over £300 or close to it. You have to get some work done and that means that means don't be lazy and get a tummy tuck because it's coming right back because you didn't work out while you had the tummy tuck yet. All of that is s and v I'm calling it out.



Thee Alchemist

Down down.



Thee Alchemist

What I was just getting ready sign up for Sono Bello because of this episode.



J. Fonixx

Um, f that f that get in the gym put the right foods in yourrigerator connect with your spirituality and your femininity pause stop the junk food stop eating in your car with a big ass. Big Mac or Burger why you drive into work I see that all the time cut it out cut it out. That's what your s and B is your physical. You're physical because guess what I know many men out there. They'll take a fine chick.



Thee Alchemist

And Anna.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

Over a fat chick all day you you your prit your face is is a part of your beauty right? But your body has to do with sexiness you day and that's man and woman because here's the thing I don't see women gawking well. I don't see any fat man getting up on stage stripping down half naked twerkin and and and women are cheering him on saying oh my gosh. He's just so hot. It's bullshit. It's bullshit. Nobody's attracted to the fat man. But.



Thee Alchemist

You is this old Hol career. Oh my goodness. Oh Jesus Jesus Jesus



J. Fonixx

We got to be attracted to the fat lady cut it out cut it out stop the bullshit this this is. That's what it is. It's ah it's a bunch of BS out here. We've been. We've been we've in society have been taught to accept. It's ok.



Thee Alchemist

Ladies and.



J. Fonixx

For a lady to be £300 and want a fit man that's bs I can't get away with that I got to be held accountable for how I look I got to shave my beard I got to keep my haircut right? I got to have some money in my pocket I got to be doing something with my life to attract a certain level woman that I want. It now if I want a squaggler guess what I ain't got to do too much so it becomes easy and I think that is the problem when people get lazy and complacent. They feel that they don't have to take care themselves and that's.



Thee Alchemist

You husbands buy your wife a treadmill for christmas.



J. Fonixx

You know that's wrong.



Jaz Afrodite

And so let me ask you? What is the acceptable smv for both men and women. What's the rating. What's the cutoff this would have to meet is it like a 6 or a 7 How is the scale even measured. So.



J. Fonixx

I'm not even calling numbers all I'm saying is be the best version of yourself. So that means you know if you're working hard on you on how you look guess what you could have one eye if you working on your sexy guess what? you a sexy chick with one eye That's what I'm saying. That's all I'm saying that's all a men that I know that's all they saying I mean it's some dudes again. They'll take a £400 chicken. They'd be like oh I love it that hey that's a that's them all I'm saying is I'm not rocking like that. If I'm out here trying to look good. You need to be trying to look good. Guess why because as a man most women want a man that's a leader so most leaders you know they tell a woman you represent me. So if I'm out here trying to look nice and part of it is looking nice for you as a man. You gotta do the same thing you can't get lazy and just put on £200 because you depressed okay get depressed, get some get some help and change your meal plan and get back on track. It happens just get back on track. That's all I'm saying don't go and let 2 3 hree years go by and you just you know want a man to just accept. You £400's not acceptable you're not gonna accept a man ah coming home with with a $10 ah an hour job for 2 years you're like no no no brother you got to do better than that you day. That's all that's all it men are saying most men.



Thee Alchemist

I just want to say let me upgrade you switch your neck ties to purple labels upgrade you we talking about an upgrade here honey don't be getting complacent and ah you know sitting home for 2 years and not doing anything. And expect Joe man to come home. You know have more than a ten dollars hour job. It works both ways. Okay Jay I'm starting to see I'm just starting to see a little bit. It is I'm fine to see just a little bit of it I I get it I'm I'm getting it slowly but surely so sisters I'm one of them. Ah. You got you got to get your workout on. You got to take care your body self-care you got look in the mirror and be real with yourself I'm looking in the mirror I um be real with myself I don't gave £30 as I've been married.



J. Fonixx

But yeah, but so so here's the question to to increase anybody's s andv. You have to be honest with yourself. Nobody's in the room look in the mirror and say is this the best best version of myself once you've peakd to that and you say yes, guess what. Your set your s andv is high what number it is hey that that's all you know to each his own. You know, beauty and out of beholder all that I get it. But you have to be confident knowing that you're not lying to yourself. You know and and unfortunately a lot of ladies lie to themselves. And except that the Liz old thing is all cool. It's not, you're unhealthy you four hundred pounds you want a sexy man that could lift you up who the hell trying to lift up £400.



Thee Alchemist

J Houn got to you.



J. Fonixx

Ah, unless I'm in the gym I know it's not who got to me I just see it out here. A lot of these chicks be having some attitudes out the world like chick yo you four hundred pounds they're being a drive through you know I mean I'm I'm ordering some basic food and they got a attitude.



Thee Alchemist

Um, you are.



J. Fonixx

They got a attitude for what they mad why I have no idea but guess what when you're pretty and the police pull you over everybody knows you might you might get off. You might not get a ticket before be £400 exactly



Thee Alchemist

What a met.



Thee Alchemist

And you know what that has Beauty has a lot to do Beauty has a lot to do with opportunity has a lot to do with opportunity and many articles that's written about it. So I'm going to put this caveat out there if you get in the shower tomorrow. You can't see your koie cat. You need to do some work.



J. Fonixx

Okay, it's okay, absolutely.



J. Fonixx

Thank you That's all I'm saying your s andv is at its highest when you can look in the mirror and say I am the best version of myself I did the work I took off such and such pounds. You know what? I mean not nit pick and say hey I need a breast implant. Or I got to have a butt lift to no, no, no just make yourself healthy. Take care yourself. So so sustain so that's a bunch of Bs that's bullshit from such thing. Everybody got the same size damn bones.



Thee Alchemist

What about the people who big boneed. What about the people who just big boneed. They just can't yeah well all get people.



J. Fonixx

It's just it's just different structured. We have wider bones or longer bones because we're taller or we have a bigger mass but it's no damnest thing is big boneed yet a he put down. Damn they put need to put down and damn Porkryb bones. That's what they need put down them. Chicken bones.



Thee Alchemist

Yeah, they big Bolt did and they got bigger math. That's the first thing they say I'm big bone this sweetheart I'm big bone to.



J. Fonixx

Yeah I mean like yo your health is important. Why do we live it? listen you know what kind of society we live in America and obese society real talk. So that's why people are delusional because they think it's ok, it's not why are you £300 of the female. Why there's no excuse.



Jaz Afrodite

I so Jay let me ask you this in terms of the snb what happens to these women who went and altered their bodies and got the bbos and the breast implants from what I understand talking to men in a barber shop that they are tired of seeing that and they want natural women. Natural hair natural bodies natural nails natural everything now how is that affecting the sm feet.



J. Fonixx

Well, you heard them. They they want a natural s and v. They want a natural sexy woman. They want the sexual market value. They want that woman to be true again. Everybody's built different and I'm talking from a man perspective. We are tired of seeing. Every chick look like the same shit. It looks like an assembly line of big booty retarded as females running around what they ask? Why than they got damn elbows for what for what again? Yes, someone make money. Yeah, understand if you got you got women in the sex industry. Ok, it's gonna bring more money to him so I get it. But you don't need that a lot of lot of women. They just want to see themselves as that they think that they're goingnna feel better about whatever the reasons they got I don't know all the yes I'm not in a woman's head. But I know men are tired of seeing that. Yeah they might click on it on Instagram you know it might be ah recreational. They may hire a prostitute for that but ai n't no dude running. You know the generalization the majority of men are not running to wipe up those kind of chicks something wrong with them and I hate to step on tolls and people don't hate me for saying that. But it's something wrong if you're just doing that just because everybody's doing it and which is common amongst ladies.



J. Fonixx

You know, not saying y'all. But when late when a certain amount of ladies do something guess what? all the other ladies want to do it and that's silly how can you be at your own true keyword unique smv how by doing the work looking in a mirror and saying you know what. Need to take off £20 I put on £20 last Thanksgiving it's now January what? Um, what are you gonna do about it hey curb your meals take care your skin eat the right stuff drink more water. Why the hell you drinking all this alcohol. What are you poisoning yourself with you smoking cigars. And you and you and are you inhaling because I smoke cigars. You're not supposed to inhale. You got people I here women are in inhaleling cigars. You know how bad that tobacco is for you women who smoke cigarettes guess what it's messing with your skin in your hair and your paws. It's messing your eyes up whether you believe it or not you can't have ah. Clean white eyes if you smoking and weed all day every day so you try to tell me smoking weed and drinking and bbls is going to encreia smv. It's absolutely not no no SMv



Thee Alchemist

I Well that's what the media is portraying So what are you talking about.



J. Fonixx

It's your sexual marketplace value that means your best version of yourself. So if you know you got the work to do just do it. It's hard but just do it. You got to give up some things to get some things.



Thee Alchemist

I I.



J. Fonixx

So you could win at some things and if your smv is high and you're satisfied with your health Guess what you will find a suitable mate.



Thee Alchemist

And men I need'all to work on your s and B because all this work can't be on the woman. Okay, we didn't come here to be nobody savior and we don't owe y'all shit.



J. Fonixx

That that's men and women I'm talking about dudes too. Everything I'm saying to you applies to men. Also you can't be posted up under the tree with your boys you know back in in my day you can't have a forty every day and expect to be able to to be marathon man in the bedroom. Yo old lady's gonna pick up on that your stro ain't gonna be en gonna be long enough. No more. You know why your s andv is low think about it men who drink a lot of alcohol. Guess what? they don't perform too well in the bedroom they do all. They do all that talking and it's what 5 minutes who the hell wants that. Why why are you a 5 minute man because your health is your health is bad because you're not taking care yourself. Your s andv is low. But if you're eating the right things and you drinking the right drinks and you getting enough sleep. Guess why your s and v is high as hell you could be 50 and sixty year old making kids as a man.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

You could be pulling 25 old chicks if your Fs andv is right? as a man you don't need no money in your pocket. You ain't gotta be rich. You could just look good. Guess what you go draw 20 you can draw 25 year old women as a man. Like how am I doing that I don't have no money in my pocket. They see your s andv. They're like yo this dude take care yourself here. Fine pops pops got a nice shoulder. He got a 6 pack. Oh shit I give him some you know what? I'm talking about you. Don't seeing some of them papa smurs out there with the white beard.



Thee Alchemist

And yeah, yeah, they call them Silver Foxes and.



J. Fonixx

Like damn me fine I call them papa smurf because that's they look like you know me you mean hopefully one day my ass would be a papa smurf. You know me 6 packing shit six years old you like damn me still.



Thee Alchemist

Oh boy.



J. Fonixx

God damn that dude is amazing. he's he's he's he's take care of his Fmv is high. But if I got the pop belly if I got the pot belly and no money in my pocket. That's a low s and v actually money makes a man's SAndV go up. That's the sad part.



Thee Alchemist

Oh my goodness.



Thee Alchemist

I And you know what for women if we had the money our s and B will go up to believe it or not oh, that's not that's no, no, it would.



J. Fonixx

That's the reality it.



J. Fonixx

You You're dead wrong. That's where you're dead wrong here's why see you you see see we go bump his. Let me tell you why men look at Beauty right? Women women are attracted to to ah support right? So if a man has wealth.



Thee Alchemist

We security security support and.



J. Fonixx

He is now attractive if a woman has wealth put it this way I could walk in a restaurant as a rich man and see a waitress that is dead broke if she's beautiful enough. Guess what she' gonna get wiped up versus the chick who's a millionaire and look good. The money doesn't matter That's the point um with men money. Don't really matter money. Don't really matter if really don't if you a man and you stand up on your own you make your own paper you ain't really checking for her. Check you want to you want to give her things i't need your money if you if you if you're working and making money and we have. Ah, home to take care and then fine contribute right? because it takes basically 2 incomes to basically run a home out here. That's the economics of America right now you know most people make a certain amount of money that doesn't clear or take care of all of the bills. So. Need to make a certain amount of money. So all I'm saying is hey you have to understand that women cannot have the same thing as men and attract the same thing so you could be rich, but that's not going to make you attractive your beauty is Goingnna make you attractive your beauty and how you take care yourself. That's how a man is gonna see you this' is how you're gonna draw the right mate look at look at the ah the lady who ran for Atlanta is I don't know her name offhand I should have studied it but ah she she's a very wealthy and very brilliant. Very intelligent minded woman. Well-poken.



Thee Alchemist

And she and she big and she big too.



J. Fonixx

What a gap a gap in a team. Thank she £300 with a gap. She ain't even pretty so here's what I'm saying Ai n't no men Ai n't no men really looking at her. Yeah, that lot a lot them and but the general. Okay, the general meaning the the most the majority.



Jaz Afrodite

A lot of men like the gap a lot of men like the gap.



J. Fonixx

Don't see her as attractive. Okay for Sir again. That's the fetish thing but but I'm talking about majority. Okay, okay, no I'm not okay. So so if you take a tally if you take a tally on her s and v.



Thee Alchemist

Gaps are sexy.



Thee Alchemist

You're talking about perfection J Please stop it.



Jaz Afrodite

I Yeah and that doesn't make sense.



J. Fonixx

She's not gonna score Well, you know why? no because she's overweight and she ain't taking care herself in ah in a way that that gives her best version of herself you dig don't matter as an adult you have to do adult things.



Thee Alchemist

And that's because of the media.



Thee Alchemist

She' been over away since she was born.



J. Fonixx

So you're responsible for your health. Nobody's responsible for your mental health but you nobody's responsible for your physical health but you why is it a problem to duck listen why my thing is why is it okay to duck accountability when it comes to you This is your life.



Thee Alchemist

I j I want to see your 6 pack right now.



J. Fonixx

I ain't got one I'm I'm dead as I'm straight up honest with it. So you know what I need to do bring up my smv the men and I do that guess what I'm now going closer to the best version of myself. Physically, you see what I'm saying.



Thee Alchemist

So Jay we're gonna do ah a build the bear workshop right now with you that build a woman and I want you to go into some deep be build the bear. It's like build the bear because like a build the bear works I build the woman I want you to tell me what your ideal woman.



J. Fonixx

Um, so build a woman I.



Thee Alchemist

Looks like height skin complexion Hairstyle Nails Toes I Want you to get just build it for me because I need to see what this in your mind what this s and B look like right.



J. Fonixx

Well again, everybody has their own in ah for me, it would be.



Thee Alchemist

I I'm talking about you iin't talking about everybody I'm talking about you. I How tall she needed to be.



J. Fonixx

Anywhere from five five to she could be six feet



Thee Alchemist

So okay, wait.



J. Fonixx

Ah, weight is a funny thing so I would I wouldn't want her over one seventy I can't hear you know I went what okay went up.



Thee Alchemist

You you could just go with dress size 8 7 10 if you know anything about that. You don't know anything about that.



J. Fonixx

But yeah, um, I'm absolutely when I when I met my spouse she was a size 6 She was the baddest chi on a planet to me you dig so I don't you know a perfect dress size for most wealthy men is like a 4 They don't want.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

They want Anorexic one because they don't want them to eat up all a food and they money here's anorexia. Okay now tell.



J. Fonixx

And don't want women over a hundred and twenty pounds but but what I would say is I just don't want a woman who is bigger than me eats more than me.



Thee Alchemist




J. Fonixx

And I mean I'm not I'm not being mean but you know I'm being honest, that's you asked me a question to me that is that is my preference of of beauty to be.



Thee Alchemist

So okay, tell me a little bit about their hair.



J. Fonixx

That's a great question again that that varies. So here's my take on it just where you own I don't give a damn if you got a low haircut I don't care if it's long I don't care for short just wear your own. It's a problem where I don't care.



Thee Alchemist

They can. They have a perm can they have a perm. Okay.



J. Fonixx

Doesn't bother me, you see what I'm saying you could have a afro a perm but I think it's a problem when a woman is rocking somebody else's hair and you have your own right up under it and it's just as long I don't understand that.



Thee Alchemist

I I'm rock to somebody else's here and I got my hair up under this and it ain't just as long as this here. This here is down to them. You see how long this hair is look how long this hair is okay, this hair comes down the hair. Okay I'm letting you know.



J. Fonixx

My but put it this way if your man like it then hey that's all that really may if you like it and your man like it. That's all that matters right? but you have to act your partner and see that's what we didn't cover. You have to actually what why? why.



Thee Alchemist

Yeah, my s and V is a.



J. Fonixx

Why can't we just ax our partner hey do you like my s and V have a conversation with your partner. You know what? I mean get to get down to it because once you lock in a partner. Guess what people change after certain money is they have they might might want different things so they might have met you big but they want to. They want to be reintroduced to you with a healthier you you know.



Jaz Afrodite

I yeah I hear you I disagree for is not anorexia or is still ah a healthy size. 1 thing 1 thing to like I eat more than my man and I weigh you much less than he does it really depends on.



J. Fonixx

Yeah I don't I don't I don't want a small yeah healthy realistic. See you see.



Jaz Afrodite

Metabolism I could eat a whole house and still not gain anything so that to me is neither here nor there but I think in terms of how we need to look I just think as women I think we need to stop wearing other peoples here just as a collective. But we fail to realize is that that here has been processed that here came from somebody else their own traumas their own hurts their own phobias. All that shit you putting on your head and absorb it. That's why after I when I started to wear them hiss out after I a week or through two weeks I gotta to take that shit i' like this is just too much It's just too much energy that we're putting into our bodies and we have our own that we're carrying around so you have additional. We have yours and the person that the here came from. It's just too much energy and people don't stop to think about that like whose energy are you ingested when you put it on your hair.



J. Fonixx

For my sisters out there and and I must say in this podcast who suffer with alopecia I have to give them a pass you did because that's that's very serious and um, again your hair is one of the.



J. Fonixx

Lifelines to a woman's Beauty. So if your crown is not right? You're not gonna feel right as a woman so I get it Some ladies have to design their own crown because their crown is is missing some Jewels you day. And and I'll say that with with deep empathy. So I'm not a jerk. You know everybody is not built the same. But again if you're making again where you lack in your alopecia you can make up in your physical you can You can. Take care of your your skin. You could take care of your weight you dig it on saying hey yes it would Yes, it was.



Thee Alchemist

You Yeah, but then that doesn't mean that they are go to attract the man that they want see you. You attract the man um see you attract the man that you want based on what you portray right? You're saying that right you track the man that you want based on what you portray.



J. Fonixx

No I'm saying based on the best version of yourself. That's what I'm saying here right? That's your s and V yeah.



Thee Alchemist

And you sometimes you're based on the best version of yourself. Ok, but then don't forget that the man that you want has a version of the woman that he wants and that version has been tainted.



J. Fonixx




Thee Alchemist

By what they see on television.



J. Fonixx

That's not true. Each man is the individual and Beauty's in the out of beholder and you got to have a conversation you kind of have a conversation. Yeah, but that doesn't mean that the smv is no, no, no, no it means something.



Thee Alchemist

And that's and we end that and there we have it. Thank you for saying that Beauty is in the eye of beholder. So you s and B value Don mean nothing. So.



J. Fonixx

Just like okay I can say hey this person likes me for who I am I'm just Goingnna not wear my teeth anymore. That's bullshit. You got to put your teeth in you got to look like bullshit beauty an ado beholda right? But it's real though.



Thee Alchemist

Extreme extreme.



J. Fonixx

It's real. You want your man to check for you Take care yourself. That's all I'm saying.



Thee Alchemist

Yeah, ok so you were talking about nails right? So I have nails I got my nails on like I got nails I I keep I keep my nails that and I keep my nails done because it makes my hands look better and I feel good about myself because I have some you know that I'm a very hard worker. And so the nails make my hands look better. So don't tell me that I have 10 nails and I put on 10 1 nails and now I got 20 nails I'm not trying to hear that.



J. Fonixx

I Like Nails What are you saying I never say anything wrong I Love when a woman takes care of her hands. That's that's self- care. My thing is this because hair is your crown.



Thee Alchemist

So what's the difference with hair.



Jaz Afrodite

It. It's not a difference. It's not if we want to get technical. It's pretty much the same thing the nails look sexy but that's again chemicals you put in your body with all that shit and they put all that shit over their face because they don't want to ingest the chemicals but you putting it in your body. So it's the same thing but my thing is.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And this is what I know from experience not preaching but half of the times women the men that you want is not the man that you need. So if you looking at a man and ask the man you want then you need to run away because that is not for you. We Never really truly like the man that we're supposed to like and be with the person that we truly need. Always want the man who is the Harvest show and that is the man that you want. So if you can't get the manager you want. That's actually a good thing and.



J. Fonixx

You could say it again because I would have to agree with that A lot of ladies are attracted to the wrong Dude you know they like dirty dick rodies. Let's face it they like toxic men they like like toxic men.



Thee Alchemist

Um, ah.



Thee Alchemist

I pullloy back to Rodney.



J. Fonixx

They love with toxic men. Why I have no idea the nice guy gets gets the last place because guess what they're attracted to the wrong. Dude they try to look good for the wrong Dude Guess what? the nice guy's gonna what. I Love you Just the way you are you see what I'm saying so I have to agree with you on that. But you still got to come to the dance looking Good. You're want to look crazy for the for the nice guy. The nice guy got standards. He gonna love you just the way you are he gonna love you unconditionally. But guess what. It's okay to go ahead and and look is good for the nice guy right? The way you want to look good for the bad boy because women go out there way to look good for the bad boy why you not going to are you not going out your way to look good for the good guy.



Thee Alchemist

I so I got to I got to I got a question Jay. So um, I go tell you a little bit about my schedule and my um and and my ah £30 twenty five £30 whatever that I put on so I work from. 8 ight thirty in the morning. It's eight p m at night I have to you know somehow manage to do some housework in between that time. Um, you know, clean up. Do some laundry and just have them up a minute or two for myself. Now, let me ask your question when am I supposed to go to the gym. Yeah.



J. Fonixx

Your morning it depends on your body chemistry and your work. So so you could have you get youin't got to go to the gym. You could do a 20 minute in your bedroom. You could do so you don't even need weights you could do some crunches you could use the furniture in your place to hold your arms to stretch.



Thee Alchemist

And and it it's all oh.



J. Fonixx

Remember stretching gets you ready for the day. Some people don't even understand that stretching is a form of exercise. So if you take 10 minutes to stretch every day I guarantee you you'll function a lot differently that is self-care guess what that can be up there with ah putting up a. That can be up there with with with ways to keep your s and v just by stretching stretching drinking water like you're doing now that's a part of your s and v that's self self care. She's drinking water versus ah what they call it. Um. 1800 you know I mean you got some chicks to take whip out some do say ah ten o'clock at night yeah but all that.



Thee Alchemist

I I'm a whip. Um I do say right now. What Tom is it ten o'clock and night here's my do say what do you call it 1800 and all that.



J. Fonixx

And and that's every night they doing that you know it got occasions but they doing that every night and they want a bag a do with a 6 pack that has discipline that works out. No no, no, no cut it out. Society is letting people. It's telling people. That they can want what they want and don't have to earn it. Don't have to compete for it. Smv it's just sexual market value and that is it's tied into being the best version of yourself period. You can't go around it.



Thee Alchemist

And listen and you heard it listen guys you asked for this, you heard it from jphonnis you asked for this and I'm going to tell you how you asked for it. You asked for it with your likes which are subscriptions because you subscribe. And with the multiple times that you listen to that last episode about your sexual market value and communication with Jphonnis first introduce, the sexual market value I hope you guys get on some type of regimen to increase your second your sexual market value. Oh. Work on your your own naturale to increase your second your sexual markets I'm going to call your second market value to increase your to increase your sexual market value because that's go be your second market value hold on tight hold on tight to it. Um, but listen guys I want to thank you guys so much for listening to the Empress High Council for coming back. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button and you could follow us on try empress at you could follow us @triempress on Instagram and Twitter or you could just Google the Empress High Council. We are every. Where and don't forget to please send your um, don't forget to please send your letters and because we do have a amethyst letter and we can talk about anything that you want to talk about. Ah we have jazz that goes into the numerology and the cardology.



Thee Alchemist

We have me I go into the finances and the coaching we have J. Fonixx who goes into everything relationships so we got you guys covered. So don't forget to hit the like subscribe share button and make sure you go to. Our Instagram page Twitter find the email and send your letter and we have the amethyst letter out here for you and let your letter be the next letter that we read decode and decipher on the Empress High Council.