Empress High Council

Navigating The Wisdom of the Seven of Hearts Year featuring Neena Dunham

Neena Dunham Season 6 Episode 1

Heyyyyy, royal family.

We’re back with the spiritual goodness for you. We had to release this episode on the genesis of the Chinese New Year. Now that Mars, Mercury, and Uranus are ALL out of retrograde, the new year can, truly, move forward like a … new … year. But, this is not just any new year. We’re in a 7 universal year or the 7 of Hearts year, as we’d say in cardology. We have a special and esteemed guest, Neena Dunham, known as Neena Diamond, to discuss all things political, spiritual, relational, and financial in the 7 of hearts year. Pull up with some water, empresses and emperors. We’re changing our diets this year, and let’s jump right in.

Follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter.


Thee Alchemist

Great day kings and queens of the empress high council welcome to season 6 episode 1 you can follow us at try empress on Instagram and Twitter you can also Google some past episodes on Youtube. At the empress high council but we got some freebies for you tonight. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button it will cost you nothing. We are back the empress high council with a phenomenal bombshell and riveted podcast for you. We have the legendary diamond eight who is going to speak to you tonight in regards to what you should expect for 2023? No one is given it to you like this diamond is going to talk to you talk to you about 2023 predictions and if you don't know. But just going to ask you just so you can catch up just Google Aquarius New Moon in spirituality because we got to get you caught up I'm pretty sure you will be empowered with the information 1 thing for sure. This will be an interesting year for us. All but let me set the table. You know how we do so pull up pull up before we get started I want you to know that you are about top and bark upon a 12 course meal you feel it you see it.



Thee Alchemist

You know that it's real. This is live and not Memorex. We have entered a new astrological era the age of Aquarius and this is how it will be shaking up our lives in 2023 pull up pull up. This is a meal for you. Finally here is everything you need to know about your 2023 year so without further ado let's jump right into it and introduce our cast before we get started. Before we get started and introduce the legendary diamond who jazz will do the introduction. This is the alchemist coming to you on the frequency of energy to transmute your social and financial currency into abundance.



Jaz Afrodite

And this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.




Happy New Year everyone this is Danny yes I'm back guiding you to your true authentic selves. Yes, let's go. Okay.



Thee Alchemist

And all right and now for the moment that you have been waiting for jazz do the honors.



Jaz Afrodite

Well tonight royal family. We have the honor of sitting with Nina Dunham known as Nina Diamond and if you do know Nina Diamond she is a retired social service advocate who uses metaphysics such as cardiology astrology and numerology. In her practice. She fell in love with the cards at 17 through bidrist and spades. But today Nina Dime is at master Carder Asrologist a master teacher a holistic nutritionist a certified master life coach a relationship coach. Community organizer published author and poet. You may know Nina Diamond from clubhouse where she shares her knowledge of the cards and teaches you how to decode the energy of the day we are honored to have. Miss Nina Diamond in the room with us today. y'all? yeah.



Thee Alchemist

I Need some hip hop music going on with that I need some hip hop music to that introduction. Ah, ah, Welcome Welcome Um, it.




Blaplap pick come nika.




Um, oh like oh like who is.



Thee Alchemist

A pleasure to be in your presence tonight and thank you so much for being a part of this episode of the empress high council. We love you how you doing tonight.




I Am after that man that was the that was the day I needed that that I like I don't know I don't just say that's it you put all that out there. You got to show up now right? girl.



Thee Alchemist

Absolutely we But you know what it's not even like you put all that out there. You got show up. That's who you are you shows up does that. Okay, that's one for all the books. So.








Who their part yale.



Thee Alchemist

Let's just jump right into it what year are we in what what? What should we expect about with 2023 who are we where who is the United States like what's going on in our lives start some weird tell us something we hungry. Yeah.




B It's on me. Yeah, it all means well.



Jaz Afrodite

All you. The floor is was he.




I Saw you yes it is.



Thee Alchemist

This is this platform was created and generated just for you diamond 8 and that's that.




Okay, well we really are we got some amazing alignments of course astrologically, but we're in a ah very um, interesting year because. It's only like it's not even three 4 weeks in and it feels like it's been years already right? It's like I'll just say that like can we get comfortable. Nope you off the rip. It's been very interesting and when we look at the configurations and the cards and alignments. We get a chance to see why cause it's a seven years a 7 a heart year and the last 7 heart year was in 2014 so this is a nine year cycle where this is about wish fulfillment of the work that you've done or not done. You know it's a go depend on what you've done. But if you go back to 2014 and and remember that year it would give you a powerful indication of what you should be expecting this year if you've done the work you have the completions you have gone through the cycles going through the paces and did all of that 7 work and we know 7 work is introspective. And we know the 7 hearts is emotional and it's not by any strange coincidence that we're hearing a lot about health and food because that's the 7 the hearts 7 s definitely would have something to do with that. That's Dr. Saby's card so we know.




That this is a year where people are gonna be looking at their health changing their diets and and wanting to have you know more nutritional um options. You know when we look at the stuff that they're talking about out there now. People are looking at it and wanting to make sure that what they're putting in their body is beneficial right? So that's the 7 hearts here. So when we look at where we're going. We're going into uncharted territory right? because it's about allowing and in these times where're.



Thee Alchemist

I absolutely.




You know there's so much fear and so much going on. It's like how do I allow you know how do I just lean in and it's about faith when we look at the United States spread at 66 we'll be going in to a new cycle. Um. On the twenty ninth which is the attendant clubs in the sadness cycle which is the master teacher. But the ancestor is a challenge in it. It's like we got to act like we got 50 main ancestors on outside are they coming for them is like this is about this is a year about reparations and it's about reparations because. The king of hearts which is our president his his um lifetime um neptune which he's in is a 6 anonuss is the transformation car this year so before he leaves here. He has to pay those debts right? So they're trying to stop him from doing that right. So we know those dead they're coming but we have to have good conversations. It's like you're out here and you're having these dead conversations that they're planting and you're preventing yourself cause I'm gonna get mine I want you to get yours. But if you keep having conversations that are blocking you if you get it. You might not even see it. Right? You may not even appreciate it because it could be right in your face but the pain body is so toxic right now because um, that lineup that we have we we look at it we can look at the United States spread and we can see how things are playing out and how they're being mastered their mastermind behind it.




But we can optimizize it. It does not have to go that way. Everything can change but you got to change the where you have conversations with yourself your spi to practices you have to alkamize these things because the same you have two ways to go. You have a high frequency and a low frequency. You get a chance to decide. Nobody can tell you which way to go So when you you popping along and everything is amazing and you're like Wow everything is Amazing. You feel good stay in their frequency Dis Stayin The frequency is that simple when you feel bad learn How to. To have yourself some good spiritual practices that you can bounce back because you want you don't want to be in frequency with them. You don't want to go down. They know what's happening right? The fat lady has sung. That's it would say right.







Thee Alchemist

So pretty much you need to stay in your lane and.




Yes, me.




I Just ah Diamond I Just think this is so spot on that you're coming right on time with the message because it's so funny before you came on um, jazz was like daddy what you eat I said Kiwaa salad.








And changed up my diet went back to the gym I have a whole workout regimen in the early in the morning to get my mind right? So It's just it's it's It's really something um the you know the message that you're delivering delivering is coming right on time and is definitely resonating with me. So Thank you thus far.




Yes, this is spade season and we start january in space season with the queen of space and the queen spade is a master healer so we want to heal. We definitely need to look at our mental health but spades are preparing us. To break through the ground and you know when you break through and you're not sick. It's not good feeling so we think about how can we fortify ourselves so we use the hearts which is our emotions we use the diamonds which our resources and then we use the intuition and the communication of the clubs. So this is the time where we're preparing January starts the preparation for the harvest in September. So if we get it right and we make it through those nine months by the time we get to harvest and and we just came out of December how many people are broke how many people are went. Shopping and did all of the things in November and December but they didn't have a good harvest. We got to look at that today and this month and start preparing to plant our seeds you know because we get to harvest season and we're standing around and we don't know what that looks like. That's a harvest. So. We start taking care about health and making sure that we're doing the things where we can sustain ou ourselves because every month is adding on to something right? We got the one. We got the two. We got the 3 we're building to get to that 9 which is wish fulfillment.




So this is a great time to really you know start these things and keep them going right.



Thee Alchemist

I. absolutely absolutely I mean just like what you were saying I mean my belly went down ok in the morning time I my coffee my coffee a lot of people drink coffee. My coffee is soda. And I said you know what you got to change up on that. That's like diabetes the other 7 saying as so all this gas in my stomach and I said okay I got to change up so I have changed up and ah, we're on the twentieth of a month I'm able to get into some pants that I have not been able to get into.




Um, for our game you know.



Thee Alchemist

And the husband is like you looking kind of sexy. What's going on. You know the belly is going down or la you know instead of kissing on my forehead now he won kiss me on my lips like would you kiss me on my lips now look exactly right? like really was kiss me on my lips in December when my belly was hanging over. But.




I Oh o.








You and you you're like you're like you're like don't touch me don't touch this now don't touch this now I.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Ah, but I'm like I'm looking sexy now like what's going on I'm looking like today I got a dozen of red and white roses I was like oh kind early this morning like Eight o'clock this morning he went out I guess he would go get breakfast when it came back with some roses from me is like oh you know here's some roses for you.







Thee Alchemist

I was like let me look at you with the side I pick in a brow raised your Thursday what you're trying to what you're trying to say I wasn't looking good before years I'm still yeah right? What you're talking about wo is okay, yeah.







Jaz Afrodite

I Like what you talking about? Will it.




It. It's one. Ah, it's one of those you want to ask what planet did you visit. So I don't visit like what's going on.



Thee Alchemist

So ladies and go ahead I'm sorry.




And that ah, but yeah, that is did this is important for you to know because this is what we talk about on clubhouse that starting last week this is all things relationships. And the relationship card for the next nine weeks is your sa card the ada diamonds so that's why he's kissing you because this is about this about renewal of relationships and seeing you know doing that post because we getting ready to go through some real regenerative times. With that ada diamonds. So that's why he's looking at you like that boo boo.



Thee Alchemist

I Ah I was like something wrong with my butt. He said ain't that wrong with you but it's just high I saw really I thought it was dropping I was like ok so ah, ladies and gentlemen men if you significant others.




Um I.



Thee Alchemist

Spouse Love Interest They are all looking at you in a different light if you have started to make the necessary changes to go along with what is happening this season. Okay, so we're just and and so Diamond could you tell.







Thee Alchemist

Little bit about what may happen and with business. Do we anybody have any business interests this year like how is that working out.




Well definitely with the new moon and then we also have pluto going into a quarius so and that's going to be briefly and then it goes in next year so we definitely got innovation if you it's this is about getting outside of the box this about the underdog this is about all of the people that are willing to take the risk you know? Yeah, definitely new innovation anybody did and that's the thing about this time that we're in.



Thee Alchemist





You have to be able to take a risk right? because and this is the best time because if people don't want to take the risk they need you right? So you got to figure you got to figure out. Okay, what's lacking and that's how you create your industry.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Wow And then.




Anything anything with beauty anything with the beauty care industry. Especially we're helping people because it's been so long that we have been doing not me but people have been doing things have damaged their hair and their skin and stuff like that. So now we're looking at the holistic approach. So if you're a person. That is has any kind of holistic things that you're um, working on this is the year for you because the queen of diamonds is in the sun so to help people because you know a lot of women put all that makeup on every day. Get your skin really can't handle that every day. So helping them to um, you know, get the moist and get all the things back to the hair nails. All of those things if you make it holistic products you are going to be very wealthy.



Thee Alchemist

I Ah shucks I need to pull out my arsenal with all these herbs and all this stuff I got going on here I need to renew myself and reinvigorate what's you know all these ideas in my mind because you know we have a lot of with this.




You need that.



Thee Alchemist

Lot of talent in our community. However, with all the things that we have to do we never get the opportunity to really develop our talent and our natural gifts and for those sisters queens and for those brothers out there who are Kings. This is the year for you to set aside ah hour two hour hour 2 hour hour two hour hour 2 hour hour two hour hour 2 hour hour two hour hour 2 hours a day in quiet supolation just to develop your natural talents diamond. Thank you so much for that because I think that is something that everyone needs to hear. On a high frequency level and those who are vibrating right now on a low frequency level. They need to hear it a different way. This is your time this is your time to develop your talents. However, like I said time time. Okay. Time is the operative word. There. You need to take your time and have some quiet supolation some meditation time to be able to develop the best of you.







Jaz Afrodite

And now diamond I wanted to ask because since we in the seven and we know that 7 is all about the introspection and doing a spiritual work for people who live in the pain body. How do they deal with the 7 personal year.




Well pluto's gonna help you deal with it so you want to do it on your own is I find that a lot of us, especially in relationships we're looking at the other person in this 7 hearts. It's about the introspective work sevens want you to do that work. That's that. Be able to a time with that 7 you can be in the warmer creation or you can be in the dark out of the soul you get a chance to determine which one that you want to be with so doing that that work really sitting with yourself and making sure that. You're not you know in that in that place of um, you know fear because fear definitely is something that makes us lash out at people. It's like we get afraid for all kinds of reasons and then we the stuff that's inside of us comes out and we lash out at people and you don't want to do that with your want to do that. In in with a 7 because that's jail that's that's you know you? that's institutions those are all of those things that you're going to feel trapped in so you want to make sure that you're looking at each situation because the 7 is also about allowing so when you allow. Then you're opening up to the universe and the universe wants to dance at our feet. It wants us to have everything that we desire. But when you're dealing with pluto. That means you got to go down in those crevices and you got to go down into those places where these things are hidden and you know Pluto is shared.




That's those those shared intimate relationships and shared resources and things that everybody wants so you got to think about that the transformation is gonna make you be more. You know you're gonna be more beneficial to the universe because when we start dealing with those outer planets. we're dealing with people when we're dealing with our individual planets. We're doing at work once we get to a planet like pluto sad and uronus neptune we're not in shock like oh my god what's going on do the work sit with this seven the hearts and like I said think about the times the last nine years if you can. And determine whether or not you're in that place. We could always recover. That's the most beautiful thing about the universe. It's like you still gonna go through the comma but you can recover you can stop today and look at yourself and say okay I'm going to make these corrections and the universe is going to dance at your feet. Yeah, you still got to do what you got to do but leastsh now you understand and you have a focal point of where you're going as opposed to staying in that pain body because the seven s are not receptive to the pain body right? Ah not this is ah a very. Spirit to a year for us and it's still a four heart decade right? So we're still going do the 4 hearts for 10 years and we're only in the third year of that right? So that 7 added on that 4 you know fours bring disruption. You know 4 us bring changes. They bring shifts.




So that's coupled with the house and the home and this week we got a lot of um of of the 4 hearts energy around us so there will be things going on in the home, especially with children if you have special needs children this week they already started off today coming for you. Right? Cu they the 5 are hearts. So they you like you looking like what is this extra because they're restrictions of not being able to communicate this week they'll feel it. You know that children fail at first. So we got restrictions on communication this week we have changes and we have things that are going on. But that 7 will point to to to you know, pulling back. It's like taking your hands off of it and allowing things to to and I know that's difficult when you have children and especially in the winter time you they really can go outside but you gotta to find outlets for them.



Jaz Afrodite

That's crazy I think about that and I think about the climate politically in this 7 hearts 7 personal year and we are of the impression that Biden ain't gonna be around too much longer either. From the ousting from his position or just nature taking his course but it doesn't look like he's going to be around for a long time like he might be going out soon.








They would wish that but that's not going to happen according to the cards this is going down to to the to the wire we have this is like when we look at the the plan is we know their principalities. And we have 2 planners that are war right now and and they they're represented with Biden and Trump so it has to play out. This is not this isn't about them. This is about the the energy that's out there that they're able to use and regenerate themselves Biden has been regenerating his himself forever.




And I was I was just about to say that with Biden I mean this is an individual who literally waited 30 years to become president of the United States and it's funny that you mention about you and jazz like jazz stating that people think he's going to be out on.




And so is Trump.




You know in a natural way like just this morning there was a discussion on the radio about Biden and um, his level of ah is he becoming senile or or ah suffering from dementia and um, you know will he be able to be reelected. So I just I just find it. Very interesting that we are having this conversation I feel like things are just coming like full circle here. Yeah, that part.




Yeah, but we won't have a reelection. He's not going to be president. So if not not a reelection. It's going to be an appointment a takeover knock down a dragdown and he we won't get. We won't have a president Anyway, after the pool returns so it doesn't necessarily.








I hope.




Matter but the things that are happening in the configurations because Donald Trump had to lose the election because he had to be placed at that pludo return so he is the 3 of diamonds and the 3 of diamonds is the card that shows up whenever the United States is getting ready to have something important. And because he's the 3 a diamonds. His energy is very much needed. So yeah, it's interesting. The see to think about, um, you know praying for buying to go away but that wouldn't necessarily be a good thing. You don't want him to die nobody wants the president United States to die that opens you up. To a whole different kind of karma but the the war the universe right now. Yeah, the universe is this is we going into the pledo return and the last food or return that we can look at was in 1955 which was Russia and we know what happened in Russia is that. Did their their um person died and it was a takeover so we they pretty much know and understand how to play the game because of that because the United States has never had a pudo return. It takes 248 years but they can understand that because of what happened in Russia that the country fell but the people are still the same in Russia right? So it's not like we can look at it and say well we're going to benefit from it. No, we got to position ourselves to benefit from it.




Because russian people are still living the same way they were living right? So when we look at Biden and Trump yeah, this is like a war the world's going on right now and it's heating up that 2 of them have so many similarities still, it's ridiculous. You know, but.



Thee Alchemist





As far as health wise Biden's been sick for he's gotten over cans. You gets over everything and I saw him'm on Tv the other day and I'm like I don't know why y'all won't see what I see you you know I see him be generating himself all of the time. So I don't think you know I don't force I don't see. He can't according to the way the cars is sit situated. He has to live this out and he's going to pay off his comic debts that he owes he owes a lot of karmic debts. He has a 6 a diamondmes in neptune and before he leaves here. He has to pay those debts off. So. Um, don't see him going anywhere.



Thee Alchemist

I well just in case I'm still waiting for my forty acres and a mo a mule and I will still take my forty acres and a mule just don't give it to me anywhere south of South Carolina or even now North Carolina for that matter.











Thee Alchemist

However, I do want to say I I think it's so I don't know if it's Florida or wherever. But um, some way one of these states are giving ah rapper reparations to black like $5000000 count is California $5000000 to each person.











Thee Alchemist

I Do understand what this other congressman was talking about but I'm just talking about the fact that we're saying that reparations ah coming some you know the president is paying off his debts and he has a debt as a president as well that he has to pay off for past presidents. Okay.




Um, and.



Thee Alchemist

So guys we're just saying wid it with. We're just so we're just telling the truth here think about it.




Just proper keep him healthy for you. Better pray for you know our ancestors pray for the president. Our ancestors did not pray for presidents to die. They knew better than that pray for the president. They never want you don't want know.



Thee Alchemist





A that's true that year




You don't want no president to die sitting in office that touch not um, you yeah anywhere. Yeah, did.



Thee Alchemist

No, you don't not in America I mean not anywhere but definitely not in America because you've seen what you've seen it in other places and it was you know did not fare too. Well.




Yeah, that destabilizes everything we are. We can't afford that we are very susceptible to Russia because we're in the midst of our pluto return and because of pluto and how vulnerable you are rush is already going through a pluto return so we cannot afford our president to die. Pray free the president cause we could be speaking russian.



Thee Alchemist

Listen speaking it read it. Okay and we ain't gonna get that far. We done been. We can't if we could barely speak spanish and ah, there's spanish population out here in New York so okay and all of course America so forget about it. But.




So hello.



Thee Alchemist

I'm a dude I do that humble Brooklyn thing for gi back it. However, they say forget about it. We don't have ain't nobody got no time for that that sets you back a whole 200 years da gone near.








Um I did I get of yeah yeah, well this.




Um, yeah for sure.



Jaz Afrodite

Um, so diamond what's the state of the black man in the 7 ah parts year.



Thee Alchemist

All sure all is shit Oh shucks. Oh.




We oh my God here we go we we we going we go on into another matrix. Let me let me.




Um, yeah.




Well this is a time for us as a divine feminine to really understand we have a we got. We got a dime in this quarter. You know the the plight of the black man throughout history has been marginization. They have not. Been able to do the things that anybody would want to do for their family and mental illness is serious. This is not something that yet. We really? um and I wouldn't say you know some some people dependent on their generations. Get it. But the younger women don't understand that they don't understand the plight of the black men in mental illness mental illness is serious. This is not something it's like it's handed down. It's like you know you did there something is preventing you from being who you are. That's a big that's ah, a lot to carry. And the black man is the call of the black man is the 5 of diamonds and we know the fires are ruled by mercury. We know that it's definitely about you know, um, freedom and expression and communication and stuff like that. And that's what they want not necessarily saying that you want to be in relationships all over the place but because you've never had a chance to really have healthy relationships your relationships look like that right here there and and having other children and baby mamas and stuff like that.




Which would make sense because they sit inside in Neptune so not wanting to be restricted and definitely not being able to be as spiritual as they should be so this year with the 7 hearts. The boundaries allowing learning how to um, you know, um, allow things and to do their introspective work is was on their plate when they have a jack of hearts and Mars. And this is ah a very fixed card and unfortunately the year has started off but a lot of black men just have a heart attacks and dying because with the jack of hearts being a Mars car. There's a very fixed card. Your heart is a muscle and if you are carrying all of that pain and the way you're eating and we can look at some. People's stomachs and you see all the toxins and stuff that they're carrying as we're going in. We didn't even start in a year you're ex you're overstressing your body in space season excuse me. Yes, that's that's very um, telling with the amount of black men. And even young men on the football fields in these sports that are having heart attacks and stuff like that. So we got to really be mindful of that and have better conversations about the healing cu sure as black women we need healing to. We can have better conversations with each other as black women.




But we need for our community to thrive and to be healthy. We got to. We have to figure out how to talk to each other Better. We Just gotta be a figure out how to talk to each other better to have better conversations open communication if someone is is going through. The things that black men are going through. Can they come home and have that conversation with you Ah, or do they come home and just you know go into their shell. You know we got to think about that at home is where you should be able to have that conversation. And really wanting them to get some kind of mental health you know and I see that this year that there the reparations that I see I Definitely see black men getting some sort of reparations and helping them with mental illness and stuff like that. How that's gonna come about is we have to be the ones. Yeah, all going to school. They want to be mental health practitioners that are social workers and stuff like that We got to get into into those places where we can then have those productive conversations because I know this year there will be money for that I I see it in the cards. That that's a part of the reparations is having those conversations with how to assist black men in um, being able to have the conversation that you need money for that community money in community places due to churches to ymcas.




And anybody that's on the forefront of that is going to be very successful of how we can do it because it's a big.. It's a big job but it could be done. We did it in the past I know we did it I grew up in a time when we had those kind of um places where people came. And we're able to talk and so we can definitely do it So We gotta just get you know tight you know roll up our sleeves and do it and I understand black women the way that they feel but somebody got it somebody got to um, beat a bigger person right.



Thee Alchemist

Right? okay.




Somebody got to be the bigger person and have those conversations that are are more you know more forgiving and more understanding even in even if that person doesn't want to have that conversation. It's gonna take time for them to be comfortable enough to trust you to talk right.




But what are the steps that that we as black women can take to get to that point because I hear you um and at the same time I'm I'm thinking about what a good majority of our. Our demographic would say in in saying like retired you know I think there's a lot of facets of of this life that we as black women consistently and constantly Carry. So How do we. Implement some so some form of even self-care in doing this work. You know and and the steps that need to be taken from what you're saying in addressing the needs of our black men.



Thee Alchemist

I Don't even think they will receive it from us.




And then there's that part I didn't even get to even say that but you know I'm just on the first part of it but you're right? yeah.



Thee Alchemist

And I think the brothers need to help the brothers we need. We got enough on our plate already. We need to mine our business so this is for you Kings out there.




Yeah, but that's not that's not the brothers definitely can. But if you live with these men you got a diamond at quarter we have to learn how to have you know, even if it's reading books and and researching topics and having conversations together. As women or how we can better support this we gotta to do the work know. It's not the saying that we're going to be doing their work but we can have conversations together. We can have forums. We can have things that help us because I ah. Do the conversation has to be had. My husband is gone and my husband suffered with mental health in his heart. He's not here. My husband is disobeated third year without my husband so I got a dime in this quarter I know what it is to live with somebody who's trapped inside of their head and was a great person. So me, yes, I'm gonna have the conversation I'm gonna love I'm gonna do all the things that I can do in honor with him and in honor with my sons I have ah 2 sons right now that had good lives but grapple when they go out in a world with the fact that they can't be their authentic selves. That they stay stuck in their head and they have um you know, um, mental health issues around being stopped and all of that. So as a mom as a wife as a sister. Oh yeah, I'm on the front line I'm about that life I'm going to be there for whatever capacity not to not to.




Be the person that says you have the answers and stuff like that be but be open when I'm needed I'll be there I don't know it's a lot of work. But I'm willing to do the work I'm willing to be the support person. Of course men have to come together. But first they got to trust each other that way. It's like they have to have the trust to sit with each other and do that so with so many facets to it that I'm open to anything anything that anybody needs from me I'm going to be there.



Thee Alchemist

This sounds like a men's conference soon. It sounds like a men's conference soon. A well needed highly attended. Men's conference from all walks of life.




Yeah, we already talked about that. Yeah.








Her her.



Thee Alchemist

Um'm putting it out there. We're in a 7 year I'm put it out there I'm manifesting that boop and and mode it be and boop there. You go. So.




Death. Yeah, yeah, it's gonna hurt in the beginning. It has to but that's okay Wein't afraid of no pain black women say what they you know they did. But if you that's how you feel That's how you feel.








But if you got a dime in accord this our community. These are our sons these our brothers. These are our fathers. These are people that we genuinely love this all We got to do is lead with love everything else or fill in itself. This love that's it. That's all they want to know is this somebody loves me. That's not. And too much.. It's not.



Thee Alchemist

And Wow guys I'm going to just say this is free. It's free. It is free. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. Okay, it is free. You get and you get you didn't even.




Um, he.



Thee Alchemist

Have to pay to be here. You didn't have to go on Patreon you didn't have to do anything just send it to your mother sister father brother your neighbors all your friends and family is free. Come on spread the healing.




Just read it.



Jaz Afrodite

Now diamond what's the state of the black woman I know you were talking about the work that we have to do and you just spoke about us not having the communication amongst each other What do we have to do in this 7 parts year. Not only to facilitate our brothers through their healing process. But first establish a community of healing amongst ourselves.




Yeah, and it's you know why I love chotology because there's so much texture to it. The black woman's car is the ada clubs right now this is a generd. This is one of the 3 most powerful cars in the deck. But this caused this in Mars neptune and what's the black woman's problem. Is that she feels nobody appreciates her that's Mars so that's your personal planet. So. That's you have your personal planet which is mars and then you have neptune so the work that you do you gotta figure that out if nobody appreciates you then you gotta work differently. That's Mars. Mars is you? It's your persona is how you show up to the world. So if you show up to the world and you doing everything that's on you, you gotta learn how to parcel out the things that you do because you go smack into Neptune right and neptune in this is a 7 har year. And Mars and neptune monster doesn't want to be in the water so you got mars going down in the neptune with all that passion and drive and what's it is being diluted so we don't feel seen. We don't feel heard because we are doing too much literally doing too much. Right? We got to learn. We got to get our spiritual essence back the spirit 2 part of Neptune Neptune being that that part of us where our faith is unwavering. It's like we know things are getting ready to change because we got faith. We don't talk about that enough we got faith we can change anything without faith.




But we don't know what that faith looks like Neptune is all about that. It's about allowing. It's about things happening over time neptune erodes away at things and brings it to the top of the of the ocean takes time though. And we've been in this game where we think has been a long time. But if we haven't been doing it right? How do we measure it we got to learn with Mars mars is how we approach the world Mars is how we use our passion in our drives our own personal orbit. We can't hold anybody accountable. If we don't know how to use our own personal orbit because we we look at the world and we're like nobody appreciates us because we do too much. We do too much. We literally are out there. All of the time stepping up and doing everything. And then people are like what says you want to do it. Do it. That's how the world feels right.



Thee Alchemist

You and the we also feels like if you want something done right? Hire black woman or get a black woman to do it. Okay I'm a let'all sisters really know and for the folks who are non sisters who are listening you already know.




Um, yeah, um.




Yeah, yeah, but that's on us. It ain't on nobody else. It's like you don't know your worth. We don't understand our worth. We have to learn our work. We're not supposed to leave our square. We're not supposed to be over there in Charlie's house in Sue's house we're not we got to stand on our square. And be the generators and bring them to us. They got to come to us. We are the mothers of the world. We carry something in our wounds for nine months that we don't even appreciate it after you stop having children if you've never had children everything that's planted in you takes nine months to to maturate everything we got to learn how to get those things planted in our womb at a life. So when we birth them is life. We got to move out all of that stuff that is no longer serving us and get out of those pain bodies and know that yeah I am that woman I can do it all. But I don't have to I don't have to. Have to sacrifice myself anymore we sacrifice ourselves Mars is not a sacrificial planet but we sacrifice ourselves and we have to fix that we got to be the ones that stand up and say no let me use my I'm gonna use the spirit 2 part of me. We're extremely spiritual but our faith. We got to learn how to lean on our faith more.



Jaz Afrodite

Now Diamond you and I are embarking on a journey to assist women in the healing process and you identified one of the challenges amongst the women's community and that is their relationship with their mothers.




Oh I.



Jaz Afrodite

And we started a movement called the sisterhood of the traveling spreads where we were traveling around the country even internationally to assist women with learning the cards and the numerology so that they have the tools to deal with the Traumas and even the hurts trials tribulations. All of the things that plague us. But we have solid tangible tools that help us to decode. What are some of the things that you think can attribute to the breakdown between mothers and daughters.




Well, the first thing that I think is not not understanding the dynamics of mothers and daughters because you know that that um that that rivalry it's a natural rivalry between mothers and daughters. The significance of it is it. Your mother is alive and you always have to respect her and we don't talk about that enough the respect of your mother. You are not a queen unless you've married a king and he set you up somewhere. Your mother is the Queen. So we don't have those conversations about respect how we respect and we revere our mother. We don't gotta like her but we still got respected. We still got respected. She gave us life and all of the things and we got to heal those wounds I remember sitting with myself one day and I was like you petty. I was like we mean you petty I said cause you married at your mother cause she wouldn't let you go see somebody. She knew you weren't supposed to be grinding up on no man and you want I held there all these years. That's why you married mother right? I was mad at my brother because you didn't want me to have a boyfriend f at. Fifteen years old and kept it well into adulthood right? I said that's why you raised your mother so there are some things you got some legitimate things. There's some legitimate things out there as a social worker working for social services for 30 years there are some.




Seriously legitimate reasons why we have some of the pain body connected to the mother but that pain is yours it's the trauma of mercury mercury houses the trauma. It's like we know we happened and now we assign ourselves the rest of our life to figure out why it happened. Could happen because your mother was in trauma could happen because she was in a pain body and she didn't know how to she didn't know how to heal her pain body so we need to have those conversations where we can excuse me understand that at that time. Bestly with the cards because if you had something happen to you say at 15 years old. You can look at your mother's cards and see what she was going to and have a better understanding on how she related to you and why because of what she was I have grown to this and I have conversations and I'm like so what? about. You now understanding that when this happened I was at this age I was going through that and having those conversations, especially now since they're both in their 40 s with children I'm like um, you get it now so we don't have those conversations there while. You're raising your daughter you are going through the things that you're going through. So it's just so many ways for us to just to get a little bit of feeling toward our moms and say you know she did do what she was supposed to do. She bought me here right? then start there right.




But the pain. No, you can't you could just for me. It's like you would want to to get rid of that pain so you could live a better life. That's me, it's like I want to live a better life. So I don't want to constantly be mad at my mother.



Thee Alchemist

You know that just takes me back to you know, just on the on the on the very just spiritual context of of the relationships with the mother when you really don't even understand Spirituality. When your grandparents used to say to you or say to your mother you know I'm glad you got your own daughter Now, you'll see you'll see because they understood something could not explain it. However, they understood that. There was something there that was rooted that is going to continue to recycle itself unless we unless we deal with the the trauma the pain it is a cycle.




Um, yeah, yeah, it is.



Thee Alchemist

So guys for those people out there sisters out there who are interested and understand their relationship with their mothers I mean come on we need mothers to come. We need their daughters to come where there's 2 sisters and the mom 3 sisters and a mom. You know we got. We need you guys? Ah, we don't even need you guys. It's beneficial for you to start your healing to clear up these traumas in your life so that this is not revisited. You know it is like a um, a virus in the root of a tree you know it can as it. The. Still going to grow because it's maintaining the virus at this small virus level. But it's still poisoning the family guys you want to join the sisterhood of the traveling spreads you want to go for this healing. You know this mother and daughter healing of the wounds with cartology and numerology. This would be a great family event. A great treat. It is going to be in New Orleans on February Twenty second to the twenty fourth go to stshealingdotcom to get some more information I promise you this will be. The best family medicine.



Jaz Afrodite

Now before we go just want to plug for those who want to follow diamond follow her on Instagram at Diamonds Underscore 8 8 is spelled out e I g h t go to her website to purchase her cardology workbook and planner. Levin University Dot Com that is l e v e n university dot com you can also jump. You can also join the clubhouse conversations every morning starting approximately around ten a M Eastern standard time in the astrology club. But I want to end this with this last question because you know everybody wants to know this what is to deal with the money in the 7 hearts year will the money be flowing. How is that gonna go.




Well a 7 horse is the mogul so you got think about what a mogul is you know if if the money is flowing this year we take it back to 2014 Tis this is we fulfillment. So if you haven't been doing the work money is never gonna flow for you. And 7 their hearts has the 7 the diamonds which is Beyonce's card as the Mercury card and that's all about investment. It's like everything that you get has to be invested back into that's what makes moguls so you got to find a way to invest in yourself first. And. Invest in your family your community and then invest in your business because the money comes back spiritually 7 the the 7 the horses and the 7 the diamonds a very spiritual card. So if you don't have a spiritual connection to the ancestors and this is the year that you better act like you got 50000000 ancestors behind you. Because they bring in it. They said they talked about this time and we're in this time do we'll we're not gonna live 248 years the ancestors are getting at they said I'm not coming back to broke people I'm not coming back to down and out people I'm coming back to people who are rich, healthy and wealthy.



Thee Alchemist





So we got to get there so when the reparations come my ancestors is like I got for you I got for you I got for you because I need to come back I have 15 grandkids and every last one in them is the ancestor every last one of them says Grandma I need a bogati I needed this I needed that I said and you could have it. Since you see that I can do these things for you I never tell my grandkids no never they see wealth in me. Whatever is it. They want they ask for. So we got to get ah into their habit of prosperity and what wealth looks like because the 7 horse is the card of allowing. It's got to come to you. It's currency right? So wherever you are. You could go on the gas station tomorrow saying oh let me get that scratch or scratch it off and they say you just won a million dollars that's ancestor money crypto currencyrency is ancestor money. All of that money is ancestor money do. But do you believe that it can come to you.



Thee Alchemist

I yes, yes and yes I'm getting answers to Monday I'm getting answers to Monday I'm getting answers the Monday okay, you got come on come on affirm. It confirm it bring it in weo live. Don't just sit there listen.








Yes I.




Now Yeah, that's right.




Be around it embraced it? yeah.



Thee Alchemist

So and let the words go behind you when manifestation year embraces say yes, raise your vibration be open to it I'm talking to the Kings and queens the queens and Kings of the empress's high pal council who are just listening and they just say h.




Um, move the name.




And well I always said the alchemist I Always said to you I like to put myself in spaces and places of of of abundance of Beauty of wealth. You know, even if even if at that moment in time.



Thee Alchemist

No, you need to respond you need to respond.








I May not have it in my hand at that moment but the abundance and wealth is always in circulation and you need to constantly just put yourself in in the presence and that's what I continue to do when I can.












You know on a daily basis. You know, even even things that can be deemed a simple pleasure isnt also is also an aspect of abundance. So still having that thinking you know nonstop 24 7 three hundred and sixty five days in a year you know.







Thee Alchemist

Exactly because wherever your mind go your behind follows. Just want you guys and is that part Just want you guys to know raise your stinking thinking.




Is it.




They have part. Yes, speaking speaking from the 10 diamonds to center the universe one of the most fortunate cards in the deck. We all are trying to get to the tender diamonds house. But we know we don't know what it takes to get there though. That's the thing. It's the work that it takes to get there. We don't understand that so we can get there and then we like well now what it's too late.




I I'm a 10 of diamonds.



Jaz Afrodite

I exactly and people don't even know the route to get there and don't even understand how to define what the work is and we teach that in our classes but be forgot to mention. Because diamond and I have carddiology and new merology classes. We're going to start back up sometime next month late next month so get ready to learn about these cards one way or the other because you guys are going to come to us kicking or screaming.




Um, yes.




Yeah, that's right next. My february.



Jaz Afrodite

You might as well come willingly because you have to surrender to the energy of the 7




Have to wear it have to serve up.



Thee Alchemist

And for our kings and queens out there queens come on stop playing just skip a month or 2 if you feel that you pretty much cannot afford it skip a month or 2 and getting the nails done and buy some extra hair.







Thee Alchemist

And take the class. Okay, really, you have the money stop thinking that you don't have the money you have the money and for our kings out there. The healing needs to start somewhere but it starts at a level of understanding you really need to understand the world in which you live in. I understand that you guys have been beat up bogged down. But how do you expect to grow and know if you don't have a basic foundation I took the class. It was a phenomenal class I loved it and I'm going to let you know. We didn't did we did we have any we have 1 man 1 male in the class didn't we owe we have none I don't think we had any males in the class but none fantastic guys. It is so well worth it so well worth that. But.




I Don't think you got to making a neck class.



Jaz Afrodite

And yeah, your cohort had none. We have 2 now.



Thee Alchemist

We have approached that time and you know we would love to continue on this conversation to give you all of diamond but we got to keep some to ourselves so you got to come back for another episode where she's back. Okay, but listen. Don't forget to hick the like subscribe and share. But and you can follow us on try empress um at try empress on Instagram and Twitter you can also find some old past episodes of the empress high council on Youtube don't forget, it's free y'all it is. Free. We're not charging you anything and we're giving you everything send it to your mama your neighbor your sister your brothers sit just pass it on pass on the information so we are going to conclude this episode with a very warm and loving. Thank you to diamond 8 for showing up and showing out on the empress high council diamond. Thank you so much. We appreciate you.




Yes, thank you.




Thank you for having me you.



Jaz Afrodite

Thank you.



Thee Alchemist

So guys we're gonna conclude this episode with our one final thought.