Empress High Council

We Ridin on J's Bus featuring J. Fonixx

J. Fonixx Season 6 Episode 2

Hey, royal family. We're back because Eboni K. Williams took us out of our busy existence to tell empress, Iyanla Vanzant, "She'll only date a bus driver if he owns the bus!" Sooooo, J. Fonixx drives one, and we wanted to get his take on the situation, plus add our two gold cents. We dropping gems in this one. Shout out to poet, Erica LeShai, for our closing Black Love remarks. 

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Thee Alchemist
Y'all we is bad.

Thee Alchemist
Queens and Kings of the empress high council welcome to season 6 episode 2 you can follow us at try empress on Instagram and Twitter or you can also follow and find us on past episodes on and on Youtube on the empress high council girl by That's what I'm just gonna say girl by you'll get the gist of it later would you date a bus driver I am offended Mta and Brooklyn means a t m allah at a boy if you know what. So we are discussing the Ebony K Williams statement and her disconnection from real life recently she had a discussion with iyala band z and she stated that she would not date a bus driver at the she was prompted. The question by Ayama she has been in the hot bus drivers seat ever since staring her way off the cliff with her response pull up pull up. We about to serve this meal. The table is set but before we continue on. Let's introduce our cast this is the alchemist coming to you on the frequency of energy to transmute your social and financial currency.

Thee Alchemist
Into abundance.

Jaz Afrodite
So what's up y'all this is Jaz Afrodite coming back to you on the 3 frequencies of love numbers and music and.

Good evening everybody this is the multicultural down from wavey yellow on this is Jay folis you know I'm saying in your st every every ye.

Thee Alchemist
And Jay I need you to say that 1 more time a little louder in your microphone because we did not hear all last sexy.

What's happening everybody good evening. This is Jay Phonnis the multicultural dawn from way beyond on your sterry every area old. Let's go.

Thee Alchemist
let's go let's get into it let's go let's get into it so we're talking about Ebony K Williams guys what do you think about the statement that she made ah when she was prompted by a young then za I mean I was highly offended I dated a bus driver. My dad was a bus driver. During a certain point in time in his life for mta and in Brooklyn all the Brooklyn girls know that they when they see they mta badge that me badge me a t m we know what they talking about. So what is her problem and what is your take on that.

And well first and foremost I work in public transportation. So you know she's gonna rub a lot of people the wrong way. Um, it's actually our honorable job. It's a job with benefits. It's actual career.

It's an actual professional career. You have to have training for it on 1 hand I understand what she is saying when she made the statement unless he owns the bus because that right there sets a bus driver from an entrepreneur. Me myself being an entrepreneur I fully understand that point of view but you can't discount a whole team of plus drivers in and you know in you in United States and other countries. This is an occupation that is needed. This is a civil service work of labor that. Actually has a lot of admiration attached to it so that absolutely so for her to say that that'll be just like saying hey I don't I wouldn't date a firefighter unless he owned a fire truck or hey I wouldn't date a police officer unless he owned.

Thee Alchemist
Essential. It's essential.

Police force You know it's just it's not really smart to say she could feel what she'd feel but to say that is gonna rub everybody wrong away. It didn't bother me personally because you know I just see it as a hot pergamous statement. So you know.

Jaz Afrodite
So it did rub you the wrong way and not so much what she said because as someone who was 39 at one point in life I understand her perspective as somebody who's making money and wanting to be with somebody who can match your finances match your sexy match your fly match your lifestyle.

Thee Alchemist

Jaz Afrodite
Understand that prior 40 I also understand what it means to be over 40 and having a very different perspective so I was listening to Iona today and she clarified what she said she was asked the question why she even asked her about the bus driver and ion list said a bus driver. As Jay just mentioned has to have a certain set of skills but he's also paying attention to the people who are inside the bus. He's paying attention to the people who are driving around the bus and so having that set that skill set and being so alert means that that bus driver can protect her in a situation when she's in danger. But ebony k williams fails to understand is having a man of a certain stature is nice on paper. But when you translate that into real life that man of stature is always on the go always traveling always hustling always working to maintain that lifestyle. And so he may not even be able to provide the love and attention that you ultimately seek the money is one thing it gives you access. Absolutely We're not going to argue that point the money does not take care of you when you're sick the money does not hug you when you're feeling down. The money doesn't make you laugh the money doesn't rub your feet the money doesn't cook you a nice meal when you can't even get to the stove to make it yourself and so we really have to put things into perspective and move away from the financial capitalistic ideals that we have around relationships.

Jaz Afrodite
Ultimately relationships are about love and if you start on the basis of love and friendship. You have a long sustaining relationship as opposed to starting from a business standpoint and then trying to flip it into something else that will never successfully translate into love if you started with the money. Have to finish it with the money how you start is how you finish and so I'm giving her some grace because like I said she's only 39 and she hasn't reached that forty year old Mark where she wakes up and she's like oh all, right? I get this shit now this shit is making sense. She hasn't gotten there yet but she still has a lot of spiritual work to do. And lot of maturation to go through to even get to understand what it is that we're talking about today.

And I have to agree with that I second that um men have a term that a lot of ladies get offended by and I'm just gonna say this. She's you know, close to her 40 s she does look you know, fairly marketable. She's a very. Beautiful woman. Ah, but here's the thing. Ah she fits in the category of 1% so when I say 1 % meaning it's not a lot like her everyday women who go to work and have a life. They don't look like her.

Thee Alchemist

On top of that they don't make that kind of money she she makes or has um and what men What most men know is that there's a term called the wall Now this thing is it offends ladies big time but but but you cannot.

Thee Alchemist
Um, and J ism.

You cannot and you will never defeat the wall the wall cometh the wall cometh and it's Undefeated. So just to piggyback off what?? what? Jas said when she hits over 40 or whenever her face begins to look different or. You know, certain things don't look the same perspectives change. Ironically, It's like you just get a light bulb because the wall is undefeated so Cold. So.

Thee Alchemist
She may be dating a dog on trash picker the way she keep talking and if that wall turn upside down she better ah catch her levels as the guy needs can say catch a levels.

Well, it's gonna take her to lose something to gain wisdom wisdom costs it's very expensive. You just don't get it for free. You have to actually lose something to gain wisdom. You have to lose something to to gain. You know the knowledge of. Not doing something that you thought was right? you know and we all call it experience but sadly it comes it comes for everybody. Not just a lady who thinks bus drivers are beneath her That's that's the problem. She's you know she's arrogant with the statement. As if they're beneath her. But ah if that Lexus or Mercedes or Eventley breaks down and she has no other way of getting around guess who's gonna be there to pick her off.

Jaz Afrodite
The damn bus driver.

I put it this way and and a uber driver is is 1 notch under the bus driver. So we you know you just you dog and out all public transportation people like who drive I mean that's like saying hell I would never date. Ah.

Ah, driver. It's crazy driver. Amazing people Some of the jerks but they're amazing people I'm one by the way. Ha I.

Thee Alchemist
You know listen I dated a bus driver I'm not gonna lie I dated a bus driver and he lived a very nice, comfortable freaking lifestyle. Okay, so um, I don't think there's anything wrong with the bus driver. I think it's a noble profession. Um, and in addition to that I think that and I was hearing on a bus and on the um of the breakfast club quote unquote they had said her elitism cannot put down every day working class people. Because those are the people who support her god damn show. She's an attorney the let me on let me pull back. She's an attorney not practicing in her damn area of expertise who the heck is she to talk about. The class of people when she is not even practicing her class. She's practicing in a class that's beneath her reality Tv are you kidding me? She's making her money off of it offer the people who ride the bus.


Thee Alchemist
They're watching her shows on their cell phones when they're home. She's making her money off to everyday people and I honestly believe that the everyday people should freaking turn their back turn turn your back against her because she have just shunned you your family. Um, the everybody your friends. The people that you know the quality of life that you can purport to live in your community get out of here that.

Jaz Afrodite
And but it's crazy because she went on a breakfast club and she was speaking about she tried to clean it up First of all and she was back pedaling and she was saying that she was speaking to the bus driver who does not maximize their full potential and skill set and so if you are a bus driver. You should have a side hustle meanwhile meaning like how Jay is a photographer. He's a deejay he is maximizing the full potential of his being by tapping into all of his talents and abilities and if you're just driving the bus then. You are scooping to the lower levels and restrictions of racism and not rising above. So she's trying to conflate 2 topics into one. The topic is you felt the bus driver was beneath you bottom line. That's what it was. There is a misconception amongst successful black women. That people who drive buses and trains and firefighters and police officers are not educated I drove I dated a guy who drove a truck and he was one of the most well-read men I've ever dated books that we can talk about. Books upon books upon books he had that knowledge stored in his head and we would just go book for book having discussions. We cannot continue to stereotype people based on what they do day to day. We cannot continue to do that and quite frankly.

Thee Alchemist

Jaz Afrodite
A man who's making $1000000 does not want to come home as a lawyer and talk about law like let's be real women like because you do this for a profession doesn't mean that the person that you're with wants to come home and talk shop a home is where you come as your sanctuary where you rest your head where you relax where you laugh where you have fun.

Thee Alchemist
So right right.

Jaz Afrodite
A lot of us are very uptight you bring that same shit from the workplace home and want to have these combative intellectual exchanges nobody wants to do that I know I don't want to do that when I come home I Want to talk shit I Want to talk shit. And laugh because I don't want to think about anything cerebral I spend the majority of my day trying to figure out how to run a business and by the way that entrepreneurial shit that she was speaking is not all roses. It is not a bed of roses. It is not fun all the time. Every day you are constantly hustling trying to figure out how to make a dollar and if you are true to this Meaningwhile. You're not going to go out and get another job to supplement you gonna dedicate your time to this entrepreneurial shit. It is not easy and it is not for everyone. You have to have a certain level of skills a certain mindset. Spiritual fortitude to believe that what you're doing is going to succeed and it takes years to manifest the money that she is talking about so before you go and quit your job just be prepared, be prepared to know how to run a business how to manage a budget How to market.

Thee Alchemist
Discipline. Ah.

Jaz Afrodite
How to use social media how to use technology to build a website how to write books because you constantly think about different ways to make money how to build merch. There are so many things that go into running a business on an entrepreneurial level that people don't teach you and they don't tell you. So she can get there because she has spinoffs from show. She's getting show money. She's getting podcasts money that is not and I'm not going to downcry what she's doing because she's getting a lot of millions of dollars for it. But she's not running an actual business where she's exchanging services. The platforms are marketing for her. So very dipping ball game and you're doing it yourself.

Well maybe maybe that That's why maybe that's why she ah based up a statement like that.

Thee Alchemist
And what wait, but what? what? But here's the thing jazz you said that? Um, but here's the other thing she is an attorney. She's not making a penny offer all. Ah, shit that she went to school for like are you kidding? what? Ah what is what is she really talking about. She's um, what does she really mean girl by by Felicia. And I'm taking the dishes the tableclo the I'm taking everything if ever and I'm and I'm pouring to drink in your face because use a damn liar you done. She got to a place where she feel that she is marketable. On a particular level and that she should be paired up with whoever she should be paired up with the millionaires. Whatever because maybe she may have first a million dollars ain't shit the how the Raggedy ass houses in Brooklyn which is the new beverly hills they cost $1000000 there but everyday people bus drivers, transit workers teachers who are buying those houses. She not saying nothing guys. Do not let this flip.

Thee Alchemist
Okay, flip Flip Wilson woman freaking. Get you screwed up in the head. Don't listen to her ban her I'm so sorry take um, um, remove her from your Facebook instagram I'm so sorry, remove her. Your Facebook Instagram all that because she's given you a false sense of what of reality a for She's she's she does not have no man so she is unfricking happy she ain't getting no sex she talking bull shit you know how it is women who do. Get sex are mad they get online. They start talking a bunch of shit. So she's mad we already know that she's not even working in her own career path that she has went to school for for 4 years studied but the bar exam for probably another year and then pass the bar and you don't hear them talking about. She's a um, an attorney for ah entertainment attorney she is a reality freakin star. It's all reality is all about the bullshit and the fluff don't be fooled listen to what jazz just said what it takes that goes into it and if your man is a bus driver. Guess what you got a freaking pension. She could lose her job tomorrow.

Thee Alchemist
And be a one hit wonder she would have wished she had a bus drop at that time.

Absolutely I was just getting ready to touch on that. Um you know we have quick money we have quick money we have ah you know, slow money. It's the tortoise in the hair. You know if everybody's familiar with that story the tortoise and the hare eventually. Tortoise one. It wasn't about how fast it was about how he kept going and never stopped. That's what it's about in life quick money. Everybody needs money and wants money that's fine. But what I'm saying is this young lady got on national tv and rough. People the wrong way. Um, and she's you know she going'nna feel it. She's probably already feeling sometimes we say things that we really don't think about before we say them so I would give her past to because hey again, the wall cometh the wall cometh in in different forms. Um. Being humble is gonna actually put her you know in a place to see why people are upset you know reality tv is this. It's not even reality I work in production and Tv as well. A lot of that stuff is set up to cause drama. The original television show that brought reality was Mtv's the real world if anybody really knows that show it was they was just trying something and it worked it got so much attention that they said. Okay, we think we're just gonna have to keep it like that. This is why we have reality shows.

A lot of times those producers put people that are against people in those situations because chaos is bound to happen. So we're dealing with a young lady that does that on Tv every day all day and like tish said to draw money. You know people do some things and say some things that really ain't cool but on the um, the high pergamous note I want guys to know I want fellas to know that even though she's a voice unfortunately a lot of women think that way they just don't say it and that's the society we're living in today. Where it's never enough so where's the cap where is the cap when does a woman say okay, you know, let me just fall back and focus on life money is 1 thing but what about his character. What about you know you you got to make a decision you rather his character or you rather what he's driving. You know everybody want them trips to do buy and fly me out and all that. But ah, when are you gonna spend some quality time doing something that's really good. What are you gonna do when you're at home. Here's the thing a lot of people get together now and even like this once you figure out you don't like the same tv show you got a problem because you're supposed to be in the house watching Tv together if you can't watch the same shows. What are you gonna do so ask yourself? ladies.

When you when you go out and you're dating a um, a male act yourself am I being a little bit too high pergamus. Yeah long he got a job and he could take care of himself after that you should really be paying attention to who he is not what he has. Nobody wants to date somebody who doesn't have anything but you also have to look at what a person is holy instead of ah what they have in their pocket. The potential is another thing potential. So Why do I say that women date men. With the future Men. Don't want to date women with the past.. That's just the way it is a lot of ladies. Don't realize that I'm dropping some gems men when they date a woman. It's a problem if she has a past.

Thee Alchemist
Oh wow.

Women are not really concerned with a man's past they're concerned with his future and like the tortoise and the hare when you're building as a man pay attention for us pay attention to the ladies that don't really check for you. They're not waiting on you. They're not going to help you build. They're waiting at the finish line for the winner. Not you if you're second place so never be fooled by that you know just pay attention to the dating. You know if you're building keep building focus on your purpose. Don't don't don't let ah a beautiful lady. With wealth ah steer you into saying okay I got I got to level up I got to level up. Yeah, you got to level up but do it for you not for her if you're comfortable being a bus driver be a bus driver bro be a bus driver. Don't don't let a chick talk you out of being what you like to be or what you want to do.

Thee Alchemist
Boom boom.

Because at the end of the day if you lose it. You're gonna Hurt. You're gonna hate yourself. You gotta live with you So That's my message to the fellas ladies please pay Attention. Do not use hypergamy to get your man to do what you want him to do love him for who he is and what he does for himself. And you and you'll be a happier person and.

Jaz Afrodite
And stop with these laundry lists for relationships like we have these ridiculous lists I remember when I was in my twenty s I had a list that was 10 items deep and my girlfriends because you should always surround yourself with.

That ah fact that.

Jaz Afrodite
Elder wiser girlfriends but like Jackie now that lists down to 3 things because you're not gonna get all 10 you're not even get get 7 just 3 3 main things so I try to stack those 3 sentences or make a real beefy because you know I still wanted to keep some stuff in but realistically after going through. My last relationship and if you read my book. You know what? I'm talking about having to be with someone who I'm pregnant for him. He doesn't want the child I lose the child I'm home recovering from being in the hospital and having a topic pregnancy. He. Orders he calls and orders food to be delivered to the house. He doesn't come to see me. He doesn't come to figure out how I'm doing. He could kill less now. That's the type of man that makes money that's the type of man. Who has options because a man who's making millions has options trust them believe you are not his only woman.

Thee Alchemist
Thank you, Thank you I was praying that you would say that jazz I was praying that you would say that Thank you? yeah.

Jaz Afrodite
You are not his only woman and so what I had to do was really get realistic about what I wanted in a man and I said to myself I want a man who treats me well that's it. Um, ah I want a man who's simple I don't want to sit here and play these mind games with anybody I don't want to have to figure out. What's you thinking about and do these mental so bars and play these mental games I don't want that I want a man when I love when he looks at me I know that he loves me. He loves my body. He loves my mind. He loves my soul. He loves my bullshit because a lot of that comes with us. We have a lot of bullshit. He has to love that. And I found a man who I had had before and that's the thing too. We need to recognize the man that you're supposed to be with is probably already in your sphere of influence. He's probably already in your life. You're just overlooking him because you're looking for the man who's supposed to be making the millions. And when he came back. We have a very simple understanding what he says is what he means he cooks for me, he takes care of me when I'm sick. We ride together we laugh together. We dream together. We build together when things are tough. We lean on each other. And we always say whoever gets on first we gone poked up. We're gonna bring the other one up. It's a very simple relationship. We don't have any complications and what he's teaching me is how to love unconditionally because that's his main thing if you love somebody you love them in all their floors.

Jaz Afrodite
And he's the first one to say that and so I'm learning that from him and we have to get back to the basics moment we got to get back to the basics this complicated sexy 2023 new age shit is not working.

Thee Alchemist
You yeah complicated sexy new wave 2023 ain't working get your life, get your life.

Or here's here's my thing here's his his where I chime in for the fellas and ladies please listen up most ladies, want these 3 things they want a man that's six feet tall but a 6 pack. And make 6 figures. You ask let me tell you some hit hit right for. So.

Thee Alchemist
They and theyin't got none of that they fat fuck they fat they fat as fuck they fat as fuck I'm no I got a fat girl living side of me I'm not fat but I got a fat girl live Simon but keep talking.

Jaz Afrodite
And that frumping and foul.

So what I'm saying is what most ladies who want this most ladies want this and it's okay, wanting that but can you match that that is the question is your s andv that you know on that. Never yeah stand because it is it is it. It is.

Jaz Afrodite
I Be back with the smv talk. Oh boy.

Thee Alchemist
I Ah damn and back I knew it was gonna get there eventually I knew it I knew we was going to go there.

It is it is so if a if a man is six feet tall with a 6 pack has 6 figures his s and v is through the roof women want that that's fine. But.

Thee Alchemist
I Wait a minute wait a minute his s and B is um' I don't know maybe it's through for who I don't know but his s and B is not the truth if he has a little D I see gay you do know that because you get there.

Where you won't know that to see that's that's you won't know that until you sleep real.

Thee Alchemist
You get there. You get there because if your s if you think your s and b is through the roof you jumping on that and you jumping on that and they'd be like ah a thumb heart and you'd be like on that I don't give a shit about the sandv for him. None of that. Ok, or maybe some people do they want to cut themselves short on the pleasure their life because they are you know frivolous I have no idea but ah that as less the s and b needs to have some more some something else on it when it comes to men. It can't just be men looking at women like oh your s and b is down. You can make 6 figures drop a sports car have a freaking mansion you can make 7 figures who to hell cares drop a sports car have a mansion look good all this education but your penis is hard 2 to three inches it's like a baby it's like ah your thumb not even a baby thumb your thumb come on I've been there I'm let you know and I let that s and b go brain.

well well piggy well well before before you got into all of that what I was what I was saying is these are the 3 things that ladies look for in a man first first right this is what they want so what I'm saying is.

Thee Alchemist
And and I.

Before all of that penal Envy talk. Ah.

Thee Alchemist
I in Penal envy that got to be included in the S and B when you talk about it Got to be includ in the man's s and B Otherwise what's gonna happen. You'll be talking about the next episode. You'll be talking about women who'll be cheating on good men.

That Well, that's a topic. It really is but um, no, no, no I.

Thee Alchemist
Hey there your s and B is lacking you missed though you missed a very critical point about the S and b.

Well again, that's just the market bedroom activity is bedroom activity. That's stuff between 2 people the market the market deals with your appearance ti the alchemist is on fire tonight. yeah' like.

Thee Alchemist
You You got to be including s and b.

Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, she on fire all right all right? So disclaimer this this sim V includes big penis sizes and tight Vaginas let's just say that. Okay, okay, cool. Let's move on.

Thee Alchemist
I'm on the par about this a B but we Go't go back that we gonna go back. We gonna go back. Oh Wow Now I think that.

It so what I'm saying is it that thats so it's a different topic. So so so what I'm saying is is that ah all of the these these 3 things that ladies want.

Thee Alchemist
Okay, we'll have another conversation about the vaginas as one size fit all but we have another conversation about that at another. Um, but ah, let's get back to Nicole.

The six feet tall a 6 pack and 6 figures ladies before you ask that of a man please understand you have to have at least 6 grand in the bank. You have to have at least six inches of hair. Yeah. A lot of times the ladies who's who's actually asking for that or want that my point is this they have to they have to do something and and and have something to offer as well. So that's all I'm saying.

Thee Alchemist
6 six six sound like the market a devil to me.

Jaz Afrodite
You y'all. It's silly less than you done took me off with this damn six inches a here I have 6 layers of waves my shit is spinning right now y' all are getting dizzy and wavy relaxed I do not need to have six inches of weepve here.


I Yeah, the alchemist on fire tonight help me. She's just.

Thee Alchemist
Ah, ah.

Jazz jazz you know jazz we're not, We're not, We're not talking. Yeah.

Thee Alchemist
Oh al.

Jaz Afrodite
In my head.

Thee Alchemist
I got eighteen inches a weave here my hair so boop who who what you say about that and this good hair too.

I but my point is the ladies that want all these 6 is they don't have a 2 that's all I'm saying they know they don't have a it's just simple mathematics. So I'm breaking it down for the guys I'm trying to keep them.

Thee Alchemist
So oh alright.

<unk>fast because because of a woman's beauty men want women they want beautiful women and when a beautiful woman says something as prolific is is what she said a lot of good guys. They can get stunned a little bit. Let me tell you something. Ah, speak for men men deal with this every day if they're not making a dollar.. They do not feel worthy of anything. Yes man So What she said actually hit home I'm I'm one that stands on my own. So What she said just you know just fell off my shoulders like.

Thee Alchemist
No no money. No harm me.

Yeah, whatever chick you know what? I mean like ah I'm not confident within myself. You can't you can't buy confidence. You could be a a billionaire. But if you're not confidence within yourself as a man, you won't get nothing I don't care if you got a 6 pack six feet tall you can be seven feet tall it's all about your confidence. So I'm telling the fellas don't let a chick like this stir you into a windmill of depression because there's men out there that deal with depression because something a woman said that they really adorreed. So if your if your wife or your woman says anything to you of that nature. Don't let your ego be crushed just work harder on yourself and love who you are as ah as a male you know what she said was really, it didn't rub me the wrong way. But I could see how I can rub a lot of men who don't really have a outlet. All they have is a job. You know they don't have nothing else. You know what she said was was very disrespectful so to a lot of them is disrespeence.

Thee Alchemist
It was very disrespectful and there's nothing wrong with a man having a job. A man is supposed to have a job but she was disrespectful on a multitude of levels. She talked about which is what they said was a systemic bias in Education. She talked about you know, C's and D's she. Not have any understanding of the level of of of ah and the multitude of what students go through who are from you know, broken homes or whatever the case may be and wind up being see students. But you know what they got they got freaking grit because the the educational system I'm sorry because of the educational system. It cannot.. It cannot measure the level of grit or success that anyone have I with the school with a whole bunch of a students. Was not an a student and I fared very very well and far past most of them and when I say most of them I'm talking about at least 97% so she does not know.

So would you say you was a like you was a late bloomer Would you say you were a late bloomer.

Thee Alchemist
Absolutely I'm still a late bloomer. Yeah I'm I'm even a late Bloomman Menopause Yeah I'm still a late bloomer. Yeah I was a late bloomer. Yeah I'm late bloomer. Yep yep, yep Yeah I'm a late bloomer. Yep.

Well, here's the thing. Um that young lady once again, it's just a it's a lesson everybody's you know, fellas don't take a l take a lesson out of what was said understand that hyper pergamine exists. It doesn't take a reality Tv star to. Aren you that some ladies think like this stay stay clear away from ladies like this they they serve you? no no good. They serve you no good. They're gonna give you a stroke and a heart attack. So it's like jazz said you know you deal with somebody who you can watch you know Tv with somebody who can actually be there when you get sick.

Thee Alchemist

Somebody who's concerned about your mental health. You see them saying these are the things that are very important not about what's in your bank account. You could always make money but you cannot replace your health when it's gone and if a person's there for you A that's where you need to be so.

Jaz Afrodite
I let me just say this to as somebody who has been ultra successful and then decided on my own accord to leave and get rid of that profession and start from scratch. There is a certain level of humbling that comes with. Leaving a lifestyle that's relatively easy because when you work for someone and you've established a rhythm and you've established a let's do what I'm looking for no my mind is frozen today but an executive income but you've established a certain reputation.

Thee Alchemist
An executive income amen and.

Jaz Afrodite
But people know the marker of your work and then to leave that behind and to build something brand new in a new field where no one knows your name and start from scratch. It is an humbling a very humbling experience and so you go from one spectrum of making. Hundreds of thousands to a million and then coming to making absolutely nothing and having to go on public assistance like it is real out here. It is real so I'm saying this to say that one day you can be up and the next day you are down life's lessons are really difficulty and it has really difficult and it has nothing to do with failure. It has to do with building and building takes time. You don't walk into something brand new and build a foundation. And then say all right? Cool. So the house goes up tomorrow. No, it's brick by brick windows piping all kind of shit that goes into building a solid house and so that's what business is about and so when we get here and place these unrealistic expectations on the men that we want to date. Understand it could be you. It could be you women. It could be you deciding. You know my baby' more quit my job tomorrow and this man has gotten so used to the bes that you were driving and the red bottoms that you were buying for everybody in the house and eating at Philippe C Cha And Ta and buhacan every weekend and then now.

Thee Alchemist

Jaz Afrodite
When we like all right? So we bought to go get this Chinese fool real quick and spread this shit right? and he looking as you like what what you're talking about.

Ramen noodles up in this house so Rama noodles and spam you know and me.

Thee Alchemist
Yeah, but there but but she's she's also a young woman. She didn't get to the point wish at Burnout yet see because and you have to look at what's going on with all these um these news anchors and all kinds stuff has been.

Jaz Afrodite

Thee Alchemist
Ah, ah fired from their jobs. This can be you Nicole. Okay, this can be you exactly this can be you do it? Humble yourself do not exalt yourself over the most and all all over.

X Ax Dawn Ax Dawn lemon and.

Thee Alchemist
Ordinary and ordinary ordinary men and women who are working to feed and take care of their families. Well okay, it's not.

Jaz Afrodite
We This shit is not a game listen Love is not complicated. Love is not complicated we overcomplicate but all these rules and regulations that society has put on us and Society's only putting a shit on black women like I don't see white women have in these discussions white men have in these discussions. It's black men and black women because they have purposely.

Absolutely absolutely I.

Jaz Afrodite
Set systems in place to divide us divide and conquer right? And so we know from the show. What was the show Claudine I was aiming the show where she was collecting assistance public assistance welfare and they were coming into her house every week to check to see.

Thee Alchemist
And if the man. Yeah yep, yeah.

Jaz Afrodite
But like work what appliance this we had and if the man was there and a man had to be out of the house so they sitting here publicized and it's in the 70 s to let a black woman know you you go to get this public assistance. But the man can't be in the house with you so already they're showing you that the man doesn't need to be there. We're going to give you the money to keep the man away from you. So that's 1 thing then they take the jobs away all of the trade work. They take it out of the country so they're no longer electrician jobs cars are no longer made in the usa all of these things but people were able to make an Island dollar are now exported out of the country.

No longer in the schools neither.

Jaz Afrodite
So These men can't work then they throw drugs in black neighborhoods and so everybody's trying to get the hustle on if they're not on it. They're selling it and then they locking you up, but something that they put into your community. All of these systems were designed to destroy our households. And we have fallen into it and then they decide they want to elevate the black woman which we should be elevated because we are the pillar of society. But then we give us they give us these positions this money and make us feel as though we are better than the men that we once loved and who we were with.

She got a Ph d.

Jaz Afrodite
And not give them the same opportunities. They're incarcerated and we have four and ° I'm one I have ° two from ivy league universities. So I know what I'm talking about and then when we come together now there's this feeling of superiority. Oh I'm better than you. Why.

Thee Alchemist

And absolutely. Absolutely.

Jaz Afrodite
Why am I better than you You weren't given the same advantages that I was given they were purposely stripped from you and we can't see past that you cannot open your eyes to see past that. Yes, it's gonna take some work. We're going to have to build our men back together. We're going to have to teach them how to budget.

Thee Alchemist

Jaz Afrodite
Gonna have to teach them how to hustle and grind. We're gonna have to teach them how to write a resume. We don't have to do that shit. That's the reality of it.

That That's the next that's fact.

Thee Alchemist
Well jazz you jazz you see how you so eloquently put that we have this woman who more than likely if they ask if she's black or white. She probably c circles in white. Okay, we already know what that looks like. But she is a black woman and I'm gotten going to let you guys know that Nicole is a black woman number 1 her name went being the cold if she wasn't a black woman number 1 okay then on top of that she.

Jaz Afrodite
I Thought her name was ebony.

Thee Alchemist
Well ebony k whatever whatever her name is Nicole even if her name is ebony she more black than a Nicole ok Ebony. So but here's the other thing we also have to look at the fact that how you eloquently put that jazz. And then we have to look at this girl is a freaking attorney her whole life. Her career is based on critical thinking seeing things in the mind's eye and understanding how to relate and defend. To people on a multitude of levels and she just let social media stardom the the clicks from the camera remove her from her whole entire. Being in bases of thinking. So now when the camera is taken away from her. What does she have because it will be taken away, especially if you're presenting yourself like this to your fans. Your fans are not people who are making. ah ah millions of dollars yeah fans are the average order ordinary people making under $40000 a year. Those are her fans.

You have this thing called cancel culture right now so you could be. You could be making you could be making all these millions right? and a group of people say we want to cancel you guess what's gonna happen be done. It happens just that quick. So.

Thee Alchemist
Well, they need to cancel her culture.

Jaz Afrodite
I yeah I did her chart yesterday on social media broke down her numbers and so she is in a house where she's going to lose work partnerships because of what she's saying the message and the energy by which she delivered the message. So. But she fails to realize is that it's the energy in which she delivered the message that turned people off because she can rightfully say you know what? Iona my mother was a bus driver I saw her struggle I've worked hard to become a lawyer and I want to date somebody who I feel is equally yoked and a lawyer as well.

Thee Alchemist

Jaz Afrodite
And that would have been the end of the conversation but it was the way that she presented it like if he owns the bus so the energy was off and even as she was speaking to I young her energy was off and I know she revered her as an elder and as her aka Sorrer. But.


Thee Alchemist
And an elitist.

Jaz Afrodite
She was very masculine in the way that she was speaking and Presenting. You're not in a courtroom. You are not deposing her. You are not litigating anything. Why do you have all this force behind what you're saying even when she went to the Breakfast Club. She's coming with this defense like she's just ready to fight spitting facts. Figures Statistics nobody cares about any of that. What's going on in your heart space. This is what we're talking about right Now. Love what is going on in your heart space. Why are you so cold and Icy. That's the conversation that needs to be had. We need to break down all those legs of hurt.


Jaz Afrodite
And betrayal who was the black man who was tyrone who was the tyone that broke yard on because it had to be 1 It had to be 1

Thee Alchemist
She got no man exactly she got no man shein't got no man I said that I said that I said that.

It is the know I'm glad you said that because if if it was a man. Yeah, if it was if it was a man The ladies would be saying who hurt you you know what? I mean um, clearly something happened for her to maybe ah maybe a bus driver hit it and quit you never Know. You know I'm saying like hey let listen civil service people. That's another thing a them. Civil service Folks gets it in you hear what I'm telling you those people are sought after you understand women Chase Firefighters women Chase police officers.

Thee Alchemist

Women Chase bus drops. They get it in and those civil service workers who are listen. They know them talk about they they get it in and when I say they get it in they laying down some serious ah some serious sex down. You know I mean right.

Thee Alchemist
Um, the bus drive it in pay her tuition.

Jaz Afrodite
I There is pipe through his pipe going Listen you be surprised occupation that get plenty of ass cab drivers barbers. It's like what what are we doing right now serious.

Thee Alchemist
The ah pipe the pipe the pipe.

Ah, forever I'm telling you so that's right still they laid a smack down is serious. So here's the thing ah like what you were saying very wealthy men guess what hein got time has sex. You know I mean you might you you know they might get it in here and there but you ain't getting no more for the rest of the month prop. That's it you get like a half hour bless a month. This is I'm telling you how it goes but that bus driver what that that firefighter. A when he's off her yeah eye see that ceiling fan notice. It don't have no dust on it because because sometimes they have you swinging from the ceiling fan all right.

I So me personally I think if she got with the right bus driver she would change how I idea her mindset. Oh she probably did and she just misssed off. You know what? a man.

Thee Alchemist

Thee Alchemist
She did. He didn't pay the tuition she was in school getting that degree. He didn. She didn't pay come on. She got her thing. He didn't pay the tuition. He wound up taking her friend for a trip around New York and next you know they was bumping and grounding the bus. She was walking past the campus the bus was put park on the side of the campus I'm telling the whole story as she looked in the bus she was like that shaquaan is Sharif. So now she talking about the bus driver. She mad as fuck. Okay, so. Come on now we already know where this is where're going because she come on now we already know that her friend buck up but bus drop a friend that she was getting her meals her tuition and her books from as she does screwed up now she want talk about she doesn't.

Jaz Afrodite

You good. You could have a play you could have a point.

Jaz Afrodite
Siquana and gerri.

Thee Alchemist
She then the bus driver she the bus driver a messed her up bus driver if you know who you are please contact the empress high council find us we would love to hear your story. You know you dated this woman bus driver cab driver. Ems worker um, um, ah token boof clerk Bob of of the police officer whoever you are contact the empress high council. You know how to find us on Instagram and Twitter.

And train upward.

Thee Alchemist
We would love to hear your story because we know that there's another story behind this.

The is it goes deeper I believe so and can you know she she just said it was such resilience and you know her energy like you said was like basically I hate bus drivers only if he owns the bus. So I think a bus driver gave him a okakie doke.

Thee Alchemist
The is deep is deep.

It could be promised us some stuff and she didn't receive it. He's like now you getting none of this you know so a I'm telling so them civil work sold them Civil service workers hey you talk to male and female a it gets it in them. People don't be different.

Thee Alchemist

Thee Alchemist
Let me tell you something if she don't do her shit right? right? right? right? Now. She's gonna be worse off than a civil service worker at the end of the day and I'm gonna tell you why civil service workers have a penchion. Okay, once you retire you're gonna be set for you know the rest of your life gotip. God willing you live to retirement she has to work for the rest of her life to keep herself relevant and if she does not invest her money properly and if she does not find an investment advisor that's not going to Rob her and rape and pillage her like they do all the other athletes and all the other reality stars. She's going to be collecting bottles at the end of the day she to get together and and stop having this elitist you know because this is where she is right now she has this whole elitist attitude where now she can condone average and ordinary human beings. Who are working hard to take care their families and provide a legacy for their family I don't know what type of legacy she's going to be able to provide for her family but I want know one thing for sure and 25000 things with certain bus drivers are able to provide a legacy for them. Their wives. Their children and they're able to leave something for their children's children and that's what's stated in the bible the quran and everything else get out of here cis.

But but well said alchemist well said I'm interested in what's gonna happen I'm interested in what she would have to say about her yoga self 10 years from now. That's what I'm interested in.

Thee Alchemist
And I'm interested in that too and I'm loving that dog on reading that jazz just provided with us because we could see it happening because she was just too cocky and and yeah, let me tell you something the most high got something to say about being. Ah, about not being humble.

Jaz Afrodite
I it's true. It's true for those who didn't check out the breakdown that I did on I g now I'm not going to go through all of it york going just go to jazz dot aphrodite to see it but her name Ebony K Williams is a 44 8 and 40 fourth the number of the master healer. So I do readings with the numbers the cards and. Now my oracle deck and the oracle that came through and it said the number 44 or the healer card rather is both the disease and the cure though. Ebony K Williams is a disease she is what's inherently wrong with the sex but black women because they feel as though they are better than and so in order for her to go through the healing.

Thee Alchemist
And and.

Jaz Afrodite
She has to first go through the disease and so she's exemplifying what is wrong with us now she's going to have to lose she will lose a lot as a result of this because of the message that she's portraying is all over the cards. Her message is not delivered in the right energy in the right spirit. And so what she's not doing is her spiritual work right now she's in the house of saturn and that has the ace of spades ace of spades is the card of mystery the card of a cult, not seeing the full picture speaking like you're an authority but not seeing the full picture of what she's saying so she has to lose. And for her to lose she will have to rebuild and she may have to experience some of that mediocrity that she's speaking of from these civil service workers and through the rebuilding she will come through the other side of the healing and be the cure but spirit doesn't give you an assignment without putting you through the ringer. So this had to be done on a world stage because she's an 8 and 8 s display success and failure on a world stage. They don't get to have a middle ground and so she's going to fail now things are goingnna leave money's gonna slip away people are not going to mess but her she's gonna lose a line says I wouldn't even be surprised if the. Housewives of New York franchise is like you know what? we don't think you should come back for the season. Let this shit just settle down for a bit. Let the people you know mellow out and then you'll see if you'll bring you back. Things have to be taken away for her to see what it is to lose and then she'll come out on the other side of the healing but the spiritual work.

Jaz Afrodite
Has to be done and that's something that we didn't speak about earlier through this but in every relationship. The spiritual aspect is there and we don't pay enough attention to it as both men and women coming together if you're joining with someone that is a spiritual connection and you have to nurture that relationship. Spiritually you have to practice. Spiritual Hygiene. How are you taking care of your body your mind your spirit cleaning yourself lighting candles setting intentions clean in the house to make sure that there's no negative energies around.

Thee Alchemist
Hallelujah Halleluja cool.

Jaz Afrodite
Might be bringing something in from outside that's just affecting the way your house is running and the 2 of you are arguing and you can't understand why you arguing so much smoke the house out wipe the things down wipe the doorknobs down. All of this has to be done in a relationship to stay together and a tool if you need to have an understanding even if he doesn't practice your spiritual work. He needs to be a part of it because he is laying with you and there's a transfer of energy and so you don't know what energy he's transferring to you and you to him.

Thee Alchemist
A here.

Jaz Afrodite
So all of that has to be taken into consideration and that's what she's going to learn through this process. Hopefully.

Thee Alchemist
And it and it has to be a mutual respect and a lot of people don't understand and the Chinese culture they have what's called the flying energies and that's why a lot of folks when they have construction done I Just recently had construction done in my house. That construction Just it's a whole it. It took it took my marriage to a whole another level.. There's flying energies in your home where they move where you're not supposed to do construction in certain areas of your home and when you do certain cause when you do construction in certain areas of your home Your your relationships. Winds up being affected Negatively. You guys gotta pay freaking attention and I'm gonna be honest with you. It's very hard to pay attention because there's a lot of facets. There's a lot of facets to it. But then you don't want to you want to be humility is everything and. This young lady lacked humility and offended a massive of people and households. Okay, not only did she do that she offended the masses of people in Households She there was a systemic bias in Education. She. Been that the educational system. Ah right? She talked down about hardworking men and women and she also talked about average people and not being able to support the average and ordinary people who.

Thee Alchemist
Are the same people who lifted her up to where she is right now she looked down upon essential workers. Could you imagine if she would have said something about nurses that could be next and she could be in the house and the hospital. Ah, waiting for a nurse or doctor to take care of her. Okay, she offended essential workers and hurt and and she took an elitist and she does not need to take in the least standpoint she is not the richest woman in the world. Oprah don't even take an Eli Standpoint she took a high ground higher than Oprah winfree. Okay, she was like oh um, she cannot connect to people. She took an an elitist standpoint. Where she put down everyday average and ordinary hard working people who go to work to take care of their families. You heard it here on the empress high council don't be fooled. We bring it to you first and we give you the real real real. We bring you our truth our authentic stories and we decipher the information for you guys.

But people on high horses eventually need real resources.

Thee Alchemist
What else do we got for them.

People on high horses eventually need real resources.

Thee Alchemist
Ah, say that again Louder please say that again louder.

Thee Alchemist
And there you go guys? Listen we gave it to you I hope that this was full for thought not only do we hope that this was full for thought we also hope that you are a that we were able to assist you. With your critical thinking skills and understanding who you need to follow? you don't need to follow nobody. Her level is unattainable and unreachable because she didn't even reach home level because she's an attorney on reality. She didn't even get to home. She went the college thinking that she was going to be some high class high power attorney and she wound up in on reality tv your views make her rich so guys just want to just let you know we're so glad to have you. Back on season 6 episode 2 of the empress high council. Don't forget to follow us on try empress and Instagram and Twitter you can also find us on some past episodes of Youtube at the empress site council. We are uploading those slowly but you can follow us at try empress on Instagram and Twitter. Girl by would you date a bus driver. We are greatly offended. We got the mta which for the rest of us is known as the a t m so at that point.

Thee Alchemist
We're going to leave you with our one final thought.