Empress High Council

The Richness of 2024 is Life Forever

Empress High Council Season 6 Episode 3

Hey, Royal Family! We're finally back after a long hiatus with the 2023 wind down and the 2024 forecast. Yep, Jaz Afrodite and Thee Alchemist come out of seclusion to share what it means to be in a 7 Universal Year of 2023 and 8 Universal Year of 2024. Jaz also breaks down each Personal Year vibration, so you can plan for your year ahead. Tune in to see what 2024 has in store for you. Cheers.  

Follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter.


Thee Alchemist

Great day row family and welcome to the empress high council. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us at try empress on I g and Twitter or you can just Google. The empress high council we are everywhere this is the alchemist coming to in a frequency of energy to transmute your spiritual social and financial currency into abundance.



Jaz Afrodite

Hey you guys this is Jaz Afrodite coming back to you on the 3 frequencies of love music and numbers the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers. We are happy to be back with shal. Yeah.



Thee Alchemist

We Amen to that We miss y'all I know y'all miss us. But we miss y'all just as much more than so but we're here and you know it's that time of year again where we provide you or what will Jaz Afrodite will provide provide you with the 2024 predictions some up. Our 2023 year and we're just going to just jump right in and get so started jazz what you want folks to know.



Jaz Afrodite

Well family. We are back just to let you guys know Jayphonnis will continue to be with us. We just wanted to do this episode as a sidebar because we always do it and it just makes more sense for the 2 of us to do it and knock it out real quick but next episode is moving forward. We will be back with the emperor in the room. But just looking at 2023 I wanted us to wrap up 2023 I know everybody's excited to get into 2024 but I don't think that everyone is doing their justice and their work that necessary to properly close out 2023 so looking at the universal year twenty twenty three that is a 7 so we have been in a 7 universal year and this year has been all about spirituality first and foremost topicist spirituality the vibration of the 7 is one. That's always looking for the truth. So if you haven't been doing that introspective work sitting down really trying to get to the root of who and what and why you are here then you have a lot of work to do in the last month before we get into 20 s 24 because the 7 talks about making sure that we have all of our ducks in a row. Making sure that we are one aware of our destiny 2 working towards that destiny and 3 getting the knowledge that we need to navigate many of us are navigating free but like navigating free freely I should say like a free fall just moving through life and.



Jaz Afrodite

Expecting things to work on their own and I know that the universe is working behind the scenes planets are constantly moving shifting changing retrograding but aside from that there are spiritual practices and knowledge that we need to have on our own. And so for instance, knowing what these numbers mean and how they influence your year is important but also putting in the spiritual work. A lot of us know the theory but don't know the practical work and that is not our fault many of us haven't been taught. Born into families who are practicing the wrong religions because we come into this lifetime and we don't really know who we are and so we are playing a game of survival and catch up at the same time we're trying to survive the day-to-day stress. Trying to survive the day to day of earning a living and making money to pay and supports yourself with your businesses your careers push your children through school. Whatever just keep a roof over your head just to very basics today and so you're not really concerned with.



Thee Alchemist

Um, and.



Thee Alchemist

Um, another.



Jaz Afrodite

Spirituality you haven't been taught the practices you haven't been said or shown who your ancestors are and so it has been a lot for us to really do and be aware of and so one. Become aware of who you are with these numbers become aware of what your name means become aware of what your life purpose is become aware of what you're here to learn become aware of your lessons and challenges and then become aware of the practices that you need to put in place to ensure that. Spiritual guides ancestors deities whomever it is that you pray to they are working on your behalf 1 to provide protection and 2 to make sure that you are on the right path both of them work together. Simultaneously they go hand in hand we cannot separate one without the other. Um, that's the confusion that people are having people are ready to jump into 2024 not realizing that nothing that we have or want to gain the material world can be done without the spiritual.



Jaz Afrodite

Now the issue is you might try to say well Jacquii who do I go to to make sure that I have all of these practices and I know who's doing the work for me and all of that I will just tell you the spiritual life is like dating you are going to kiss. Many frogs before you find the right people who are doing this work honestly know what they're doing who are not doing it to hurt you and 1 thing that you need to be aware of too is that when you do go get readings and such from people.



Thee Alchemist

I have.



Jaz Afrodite

Depending on who they are. You're opening yourself up and people can see you fully because whenever you allow somebody to do a reading on you, you are allowing them to tap into your aura and many people are powerful and they're powerful for the wrong reason So Long story short your enemies can see who you are before you are. Aware of who you are and that is something that you need to be aware of if you feel as though you have strong spiritual powers then you need to be very protective of them. You need to be very discerning about who you go to to get readings because people will see that you are strong and try to usurp. Your energy for their own purposes. They will see that you are strong and try to block all of your blessings and these are people that you will allow into your life and allow them to become family and meanwhile they were never your friends so you got to be very careful of who it is that you go to So you're probably saying well je Jack How do I know who to go to.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Follow your intuition. Follow your intuition and not just any voice that you hear really sit and follow your intuition if it's something that's pushing in this like constantly like we'll tap into this person. Go speak to this person you hear it over and over listen to it listen to how it feels in your body.



Thee Alchemist

And I have.



Jaz Afrodite

If your body is giving you any signs like you're feeling a bit of nervousness or some type of apprehension and you don't go with it because sometimes you hear a voice and it's some message that's coming from some evil transmission that's coming into your head as well in a 7 universal year understand that you are being bombarded by many spiritual influences.



Thee Alchemist

And here. Okay.



Jaz Afrodite

You have the good. You have the bad we are right now in the middle of a spiritual warfare if you haven't recognized that then I'm telling you what it is.



Thee Alchemist

If you have and if you haven't recognized that then ah, you're blind. Okay, what would you say? Jacquii eyes wide shut. Okay, okay because if you don't know everyone is feeling it.



Jaz Afrodite

Um, eyes wide shut. Ah, it's crazy. So it's been a hell of a year this the 7 is not for the faint of heart. That's why we haven't been. Doing these podcasts for like the entire year. The last episode I think was in may we are now in November that's that six months I mean we needed a vacation but aside from that things have just been really real in a 7 universal year and many of us are just trying to catch ourselves and so what I'm speaking to you about I'm speaking from experience. And so even those of us who are blessed with these gifts still have to toe the line and fight with demons and fight with enemies and realize who is for us and who are playing against us and so it's affecting everybody and so I say this because you have a month to really get your shit together.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

There's no other way to for me to say it.



Thee Alchemist

Let's that's me included y'all just want y'all to know that is me included because sometimes you like life just gets in the way you know this human physical existence gets in the way of your spiritual work that you're supposed to be doing. Every day and.



Jaz Afrodite

Life gets in the way. But what I'm realizing too is that if you're not doing the spiritual work. You will have no life to get in the way like that's how serious the spiritual warfare is like it can't be something that's on the backburn like oh I'll get to it.



Thee Alchemist

And that part is.



Jaz Afrodite

Something that you put in the forefront because without that then you're pretty much navigating blindly and allowing all of the forces to attack you and to come at any angle and they come in at any angle they're coming at you mentally they're coming at you physically they're coming at you spiritually they're coming at you financially any way that they can attack they are attacking.



Thee Alchemist

And Health wise all of that.



Jaz Afrodite

If I'm staying with it physically and so you may not even have the physical capabilities to move or to go to work or to do whatever it is that you need to do or to sit at a computer and think do work that naturally comes to you all of a sudden you're getting mental blocks. So. Understand that this is not a game. We are no longer in a world where we had the luxury of being dumb.



Thee Alchemist

We' dumb or blind or you know ignorant this it doesn't make it. We're no longer in that world at all. We're not our you know Grandmama you know we're not in that that that stage anymore at all I mean just you need to like take.



Jaz Afrodite




Thee Alchemist

take it back 300 years okay take it back 300 years and see that's where we are right now with all this new technology and everything spiritually take it back 300 years get it get connected.



Jaz Afrodite




Thee Alchemist

Get connected. A lot of people don't know what's going on in their lives like they it's like they're running into a a um, a brick wall. That's that's the that's the term running into a brick wall every time every turn you make everything you do and nothing is happening get grounded. But.



Jaz Afrodite

Get grounded and realize too like just said you know with the ignorant my friend I mean it always says ignorance of the law is no excuse. So if you say you didn't know that's not good enough. You got to figure it out. You gotta know. Have to want to know and understand too as long as you have the need and the desire to know despite everything that's coming at you if you have the determination to push through. You will find the right people but you got to continue to push through and you got to go through all of the trials. And tribulations and downfalls the same thing as love you get your heart broken. You pick yourself back up and you push on to the next relationship same exact approach so that is the 7 getting to understand who you are getting to know these sciences whether it be astrology.



Thee Alchemist

So absolutely. Okay.



Jaz Afrodite

Numerology cardiology get an understanding of who you are get your birth date and pull your natal chart to understand what your natal chart says about your astrological transits at birth and what's going on right now. Get your numerology chart done to understand what your name means but your purpose is what your passion is what your destiny is but your life lessons are what this year looks like understandable of that and then. If you want to jump into cartology understand who the players are in your life and how they influence you what thegies are at work working working for or against you like there's so many layers to it but I'm telling you right now we have to start investing our money in things that matter material things are great but spiritual knowledges.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Better than that. So that's the 7 and we are moving out of this energy and the reason why I'm harping on it is because if you haven't been doing this work and you expect to jump into the 8 and get material gains. You will be disappointed.



Thee Alchemist

Oh everyone loves that 8 huh but they don't want to do that 7 work. They don't want to do the 7 work. You can't get to the 8 without going through the 7 people. Okay row family come on come on and let me tell you something.



Jaz Afrodite




Thee Alchemist

I mean I love my jazz. Okay I love my jazz so much because she just you know make sure she keeps me in the know keep me grounded and help me look forward. You know and and just just just help. Thank you so much. Jazz. Thank you for everything and all that you do but guys if you don't know. Ok, what you do need to do is ah reach out to jazz go to her web site jazz aphrodite dot calm or Jacquii Levine Dot Com whichever one, you can go to either or and find her she has both sites get your numerology done. Okay, know what's going on. You can't tell me that your nails cost more than you need to know about yourself your life your hair all the wigs that everybody's wearing they're spending hundreds of dollars on wigs but they can't invest any money into themselves to know what's going on with you. Know what your name means know what your purpose is know what your karmic debt is you know Um, you know why you are here because it's is you're traveling with you're traveling through life without a Gps when you could have one you're traveling through life without a roadmap when you can just have 1 and let me tell you something jazz is amazing with the cardology as well. She will put that fire down and let you know what is going on who the players are because you could be sleeping with the enemy and not even know it. Okay, okay.



Jaz Afrodite

You talk about it. Talk about it alchemist I Say to that.



Thee Alchemist

True form true form and you wondering why everything is going wrong. You don't get what's going on you listen, just try it. Try it for yourself for Christmas just try it. Give yourself a give you give yourself. Ah, Christmas gift of life and get your numerology and your cardology done and you have it right here. Jazz aphrodite dot calm select the plan.



Jaz Afrodite




Jaz Afrodite

Um, thank you Alchemist.



Thee Alchemist

Add to cart. Okay, go right now is black Friday sal go right? But go right now is black friday cell come on.



Jaz Afrodite

Word and there is one and so when we move into the eight that's 2024 and so we know that that starts at the top of the year for everybody. This is the universal year. We're not getting into the personal years just yet. But the universal year everybody's going to be influenced by the eight as we are all influenced by the 7 and the eight talks about prosperity recognition in your career for work that has been done in the past it talks about status. All of that comes with the eight provided that you have done the work 8 is ruled by Saturn and saturn is a planet that is very strict. It's a strict disciplinarian and so if you have not been putting the work in. Do not expect to get the rewards 8 is a number of the occult as well.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And so understanding these sciences all the occult means is things that are hidden from view and so if you're not doing these sciences to understand how the 8 works then how are you going to reap those material benefits 8 is also a karmic number. So as you reap so sal. So shall you? So. So if you have been putting negative energy out into the universe. You're going to get that in return if you have been doing the work and putting positive energy out. You will get that in return. Do not expect good for bad actions. It just doesn't work that way.



Thee Alchemist

A a.



Jaz Afrodite

And so yes, everybody's looking for the windfall for the prosperity to come in but you have to be aware of the energies that you're working with you have to be aware of the work that you were supposed to be doing 8 is karmic I cannot stress that enough for you. As well in an 8 universal year. You may be confronted with a lot of endings because 8 talks about in a minor way death. This is eighth house energy that we're dealing with and so you may have reunions.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Because people are getting married or having children or people are passing away so people from the past coming back into your life because of these events right? It always takes a funeral to bring people back together and so that will happen in an 8 universal year.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

So everybody's looking for the joy that the money brings but also be aware of these other things that happen in an 8 universal year.



Thee Alchemist

All you had to say to me is that 8 is ruled by saturn you guys they get you know I mean I'm not going to say that I am a um ah ah, astrologist because ah you know astrology is I know myself. That's what I know is myself but I know so I know Saturn is not the planet to be played with okay that is the mother of all mothers the disciplinarian mother father. Everything.



Jaz Afrodite

Um, the father is the father. So when you think about 8 you're thinking about other people's money. So you're thinking about taxes. You're thinking about any sort of joint business ventures that you have with people any loans. And he trusts anything where somebody is giving you money. That's the 8 house energy as well. When you think about astrology and so anything that you do get as far as money is concerned is coming from payouts of sorts. It could be coming from inheritances. So think about all of the things all of the ways that money can come to you and manifest that because 8 is the number of manifestations. Also the number of properties. So if you're thinking about moving this would be the great year for you to move and move into a new home because 8 is an earth number an earth rules property. There's also a year where people may be getting married or divorced or giving birth and giving birth doesn't have to be to a child a physical child. You can be giving birth to a business an idea a project something that is fruitful in the long run. And so you definitely want to think about how you're going to plan and structure your 8 because 8 is a very powerful number but it comes with a lot of discipline and hard work laws 8 rules government laws structures. All of those things.



Jaz Afrodite

And so don't just think about the money think about the work that has to be done in order to build the money because you have the spiritual aspect from the s 7 right? We're leaving the 7 with all of the spiritual work that we're doing but 7 also calls you to do work like you can't just put the spiritual work in and not put any effort but when the 8 comes the 8 is.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Forcing you to put that effort in to bring things into tangible form. So if you're a person who just wants to sit and kick back and not do the necessary work then you're going to get sit and kick back money plain and simple.



Thee Alchemist

Um, listen 2024 serious guys listen do to work due to work now. Keep it you at least? no.



Jaz Afrodite

So 2024 is serious.



Thee Alchemist

What you're walking into try like you said I'm going to say what about the ignorance of the law is is no excuse. It's no excuse you have resources.



Jaz Afrodite

No excuse. No.



Thee Alchemist

You have resources we all have resources right? now we have resources beyond resources. Okay, and and here's the other thing take a class. Do yourself a favor and take a class this year, please take a class take a class so you can understand it. So you could be able to understand the players that the players in your particular game. How you this your game and you don't even know to play is in a game your game life. You don't even know it plays in the game. Not even just walk it through it just just just walk it through it just blind. Eyes watch shut guys get in the game get in the game so that you can you know manifest what it is that you're supposed to manifest in 2024 okay is the manifestation here. You got it. All everything is a go except for you. Everything is a go. So it's open the door is open the door is open. That's I mean that's crazy to think about I want you to think of 2024 like the 2024.



Jaz Afrodite

That part that part.



Thee Alchemist

Is a room full of wealth you standing out here Poor broke hungry the doors open and you won't even go through it ain't got the tools.



Jaz Afrodite

And got the tools and I say this I shot out the men too because a lot of the clients are women women are always doing the work in terms of trying to figure things out but men not so much men just want to ground everything in the material world and I get it because you're so bogged down with trying to figure out who you are and. Be a man but you all have to start embracing your spirituality and get to know who you are as well because most of y allll are ah spinning like a top in mud barely moving and it's it's getting to be frustrating because it's only so much.



Thee Alchemist

Yeah, ah.



Jaz Afrodite

Ah, women can carry and support and I know that I'm one I'm for the men I'm not going to get here and bas y'all, but you'll have a lot of work to do a lot of work to do. It is becoming hugely disappointing on so many aspects.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

How much work you high have not done and put in and his spiritual work mental work physical work academic work now that doesn't apply to every single man out there. So I don't want y'all coming from you with the stupidness.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Reader. Ah.



Jaz Afrodite

But if you fall into one of those categories then you have work to do that's the 8 put in the work put in the work and stop making excuses and stop relying on women to carry you through life. We cannot do for you and do for us and then you turn around and you say. We are becoming like men. Yes, you're making a sentiment. The society has turned us into the men that we are.



Thee Alchemist

Um, oh.



Jaz Afrodite

So I'm coming at your heart because you'll have to start getting busy with this work. Spirituality is not a side Gig spirituality is life. It's everyone's job.



Thee Alchemist

Um, ah.



Thee Alchemist

Yes, and is everyone's job. You know they don't stop praying until they get hurt. Oh God Please they don't.



Jaz Afrodite

Comment into then.



Thee Alchemist

You know? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's when all of a sudden you get become spiritual so um has something drastic has to happen. Don't wait. Don't wait till that happens see because prevention is better than cure learn your lessons learn your lessons.



Jaz Afrodite

And I didn't cure.



Thee Alchemist

Figure out what is it that you want to learn this year so that you can see clearly going forward that you can apply to your life your entire life. Your family's life. I I know somebody is having a baby in and March I said listen you need to talk to me because I need to tell you what day's not to have that baby on you understand what I'm saying is they need there some days that you don't have that baby on that day that then that's ok, not that day.



Jaz Afrodite




Jaz Afrodite

Absolutely them Asian Asian people do it all the time Asian people Indian people that they picked specific dates for their children to be born on so I don't know why you all are sleeping on and these are your sciences.



Thee Alchemist

Not that day. ah ah Asian India yeah India



Thee Alchemist

Yeah, and these are our sciences at that.



Jaz Afrodite

Crazy moving into the personal years now we are looking at your birthday your birth month and the current year so birth month birthday and current year. So normally. We're doing the personal year calculation. Some people will tell you that it starts in January I do not do personal years from January to December because as I said the formula is your birthday month plus your birthday plus the current year. So when January starts you're starting the universal year of 8 but you don't start your personal year number until your next birthday unless your birthday is in January so that not makes sense because your birthday is already from January to December but if your birthday's in the middle of year. Even in December you are using the 2023 vibration until your birthday comes.



Thee Alchemist

So absolutely.



Jaz Afrodite

Hope that's clear so going into the personal years. That's to say for an example, the birthday is March first and sya adding the three plus the one which is a four plus the Eight which is 12 and then I'm adding the one and the 2 to get a 3 so that person will be in a 3 personal year on March first



Thee Alchemist

And jazz 1 minute tell them where they got the 8 from because I you know some people they just so they don't they don't get it the 3 plus the one plus the 8 the eight is the.



Jaz Afrodite

So the 8 is 2024 so 2 plus 2 is 4 4 plus 4 eight so looking at the personal years we have the 1 personal year if you're gonna be in a 1 personal year in 2024 you are looking at brand new things to begin and so.



Thee Alchemist

There you go? okay.



Jaz Afrodite

Don't wait for things to start to happen haphazardly make plans. What do you want to create that's brand new. Is it a brand new business. Do you want to have a brand new job. Do you want to start a brand new relationship which means you have to end the one that you're currently in or it's ending because you're in a 9 personal year and you're moving into a one and so think about all of the things that you want to start brand new because one is all about new beginnings new projects the duration and the cycle of anything is usually 9 years 9 is the number of completion so you want to make sure that you are planning proactively for anything that is to begin. So you're excited about all of the new prospects because starting out brand new means that things will generally go well unless you're in a period and that is a four month period which I'll talk about another episode that is working against you and that can happen as well. But looking at the personal year. 1 new beginnings planting new seeds for things to come that will bring you joy prosperity creativity. There's a new way. A new perspective of living new attitudes and so think about that for your 1 personal. Year. What are you beginning if you're going into a 2 personal year for 2024 you are kind of slowing down 2 is a very slow moving energy and so do not expect much to happen in a too universal year because things are taking place.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Under the surface if you think about too. You're thinking about the moon and the moon has its full Moon This new Moon Some things you can see some things you can't the moon sometimes is eclipsed and so when it's in the dark and you can't see things Moving. It doesn't mean that things aren't happening. You just cannot see the full picture. And so the seeds that you have planted in their personal year One would be germinating in the soil in your personal year two and so things are growing in and the ground but they haven't sprouted out yet for you to see the fruit of the work that you're doing so kind of kick back.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

See that tact and diplomacy is the way to move through this year try to form partnerships with people because you'll get through the year by joining with other people as opposed to doing things on your own speaking nicely to people. Because 2 is all about mediation. It's all about cooperation. It's all about diplomacy and so you want to cultivate these relationships that you have and make sure that you are bringing your best self to the table that means being aware and cognizant of the way that you present the way that you speak.



Thee Alchemist

And wow.



Jaz Afrodite

Words that you say and how you may affect people with your attitudes and words and so too is all about peace having peace of mind and creating a peace peaceful atmosphere for everybody to be around in and to work together as a teen.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

As well as in a tool you may decide that you want to move to a brand new location. So two you're moving to a whole new state a whole new country or somebody in your family may be moving in with you or moving out of the home or you can have some. Change in relationship with a male in your family and so if you have a brother you and your brother can either stop speaking or start speaking if you weren't speaking before but just looking at those changes that come with the 2 but in the 2 personal year you want to make sure that you are. Communing with water as much as you can being around water to get inspiration because 2 is a water number and so you definitely want to be around water. It's for any counseling any sort of peace any sort of meditation to get inspiration.



Thee Alchemist

I I hope you guys are listening enough I really really really hope you guys are listening up and you are really getting this and writing it down figuring out what your personal year is for next year coupled with next year being a you know? ah 8 universal year. Pay attention guys pay attention I told you I always got my writing you know I got my pen I got my paper always got my right? My my my utensils come on you get you getting the good goods for free that doesn't cost you not and as a matter of fact, hit the like subscribe a share button and why you hear let your friends and family and other people know hey. This is what next year is gonna look like here is the things that we have to do to try to sum up this year okay hit the like subscribe and share button. It's free. It doesn't cost you anything go ahead. Jazz.



Jaz Afrodite

That part period. So if you move into the 3 personal year. The 3 personal year is all about social activity creative expression getting out and. Speaking acting writing singing dancing doing photography anything that brings your heart joy but does it in a way that other people can see and be a part of and so your authentic expression is very important in a 3 personal year. You need to speak your truth. Even if you are not somebody who is artistic speaking your truth is key in a 3 personal year. You have to get it out. You have to express yourself, talk it express it. Whatever is on your mind speak it speak it frankly so that people can understand exactly what you mean make it clear make it known. If. You're not a person who can articulate yourself well or you get caught up or choked up with words write it and burn it to alkamize that energy anything that is choking you up or in your body causing Dis ease causing blockages.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Write it with your hand and a pen and paper and burn that piece of paper because you have to transmute that energy into something where it can be released and it can get off and out of your body but the 3 personal year is all about. Expression is a time for social activities a time for fun. It's a time for dancing when you may want to go out and just have a good time and be with friends and be with family that is the year to do that. Also the seeds that you planted in year one that were germinating in year two are now starting to beer fruit in year. 3 and so don't expect to have like the cash cow windfall in 3 you will start to get some recognition people will take notice of you as long as you're putting yourself out there and people can see and hear who you are because oftentimes you create these projects we sit on them and we're afraid to share it with the world. Out of fear and fear comes in so many different forms for so many different reasons so we're not going to get and start to dissect what the fear is about but you want to let go of the fear and just put it out and allow the universe to do what it does and the people who are attracted to it are the people who will be attracted to it and that will be your tribe. Spars Tape is something that you hold close to your heart. It will attract your tribe and the tribe doesn't have to be big everything that we do I'm realizing from being in this entrepreneurship space for 5 years now. Things start off small.



Thee Alchemist

I have her.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And then they snowball to be prepared and be happy with the small following so that you can work things out this is your testing space your testing ground to try new things see how people react to it see who the people that you're attracting to as far as your services are concerned.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And then you can start to build upon that and then be prepared for what's to come once the Bud starts to grow and you start to get a bigger following but don't expect to create something and then it just takes off immediately. That's fairy tale business.



Thee Alchemist

And here.



Thee Alchemist

Ah, okay.



Jaz Afrodite

But that's devil business like anybody that you see come out today and you just take off immediately. You know something that they did this spiritual work but it wasn't good spiritual work. Let's just say that. Okay.



Thee Alchemist

Um I ain't going to say nothing I Love I Love that fairy tale business. That's that's a new coin coined fairy tale business come on guys get real. Okay.



Jaz Afrodite




Thee Alchemist

Get real. Oh boy, that's a 1



Jaz Afrodite

But I have to say these things because these are the misnomers and the misconceptions that people have like I'm going to put this out and it's just going blow up. No, it's not.



Thee Alchemist

You know where they get that from Youtube and Instagram because the people come on say you know in a hundred and twenty days I made one hundred and twenty thousand dollars you know so they get the so so their sell they're being sold these fairy tales. You know on a daily basis and market and they're like well if you can do it. Why can't I do and it and they're saying that they're marketing. Well if I can do it. You can do it come on guys. It's fairy tell business. They don't tell you about how many businesses they started and failed and failed and failed over the last few years nobody just wakes up and you just know everything just like that.



Jaz Afrodite

Truth Ruth



Thee Alchemist

Okay, you got to do your work. Dont do you? These people did their work. They did their work. No, they're not because you got to take this class. No no, no no.



Jaz Afrodite

And and they're not divulging all of the steps that it took for them to get to this level either. You weary of that now if you're going into a for personal year this is the year of effort people think about 4 and they think about all of that the year of stability four is are not stable. Let me just come out with that for energy is not stable for energy The first thing that you think about when you think about a 4 is work so out of the fun with the 3 and the self expression and all of that. Now you're coming into the four personal year where you have to do work That's the first thing is should think about when you think about a 4 four s work hard. They have to because they understand that the energy that you put in is the energy that you will get out if you are not putting anything into the work. Nothing is coming out for you. So 4 means that once you do the necessary work. You're putting discipline in place you're putting systems in place. You have to structure an organization to codify the workflow meaning that. You are finding a way to systematize it in a way that makes sense so that you're creating a blueprint and you can hand it over to people to say this is how it is done. That's what force do fours are all about the management of things they come in. They assess what's coming on they look around and see well. This could be working better. You can streamline this you can add this over here.



Jaz Afrodite

And then they create the full system and show you how things should be running what a 4 and as you could do is innovate on something that is already in existence for is not coming to build something brand new. That's a one energy.



Thee Alchemist

Ah, efficiency Yeah efficiency effect they are the efficiency experts.



Jaz Afrodite

So 4 is all about efficiency force all about taking facts and figures analyzing processing synthesizing it and then giving you a product out like this is all the information. This is all how it should go. This is the process by which we should follow. Best for energy and so for is the energy of waste not want not and then Lloyd has a saying where he says lend not and borrow not because you exactly.



Thee Alchemist

I Want not. I I like that stop calling me'all.



Jaz Afrodite

Because this is not a time for you to spend frivolously because 4 is all about using your resources wisely so you cannot go on that shopping spree and blow all your coins in a for-personal year save as much as you can invest it as much as you can and prepare for. Years to come in a 4 energy for it's all about building. That's where they get the building from that's where the stability comes from after doing all of the work putting all those structures in place Now you have a solid foundation upon which you can stand. But. If you're coming in all willy- nily, no structural organization then you're going to fall into the low spectrum of the four which is depression mental illness worrying all of the things that come with for energy as Well. That's why I say 4 is not a stable energy. Because FourS can fall into mental depression very quickly and 4 is a mental health number or a health number in General. So any other health ailments that you may have can flare up in a 4 our-personal year Depending on the stress that comes with lack of organization and planning. So when you're in a forperson year make sure that you have your plan in place after the fun comes to plan and structuring. So The universe is giving you a break.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Right? Two you had a break you were kind of chilling a little bit waiting for things to happen 3 you were outside mixing having a good time party over here and we out here and then four you're like all right I got to get back to work.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Okay, you just spent all your money time to go back to work. Their inheritance is gone but and that's it. Ah, ah.



Jaz Afrodite

Gone blown alone a little bit of fruit that was hanging on the tree. You just grabbed the low hangger fruit and it ble all the that. So now for is like got to get back to rope you got us toil this land make sure that we can get some stuff sprouting out again when this money season comes around again. That's 4 live and you learn 5 personal years all about change right? 5 is.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Ah, you live in your life.



Jaz Afrodite

Midpoint between the one and the nine is your middle number 5 that means you're at a crossroads 5 is change change is coming now you have to decide which road you're going to take you have options. You can go here. You can go there. The destination ultimately is the same but they say the journey is the most important part of life. And so the journey that you choose is up to you but that's what you decide in the five because change is inevitable in a 5 personal year. It could be a change in your career change in your lifestyle changing your home changing your relationship change where you live. Any sort of change and can come from any direction but you need to be prepared and open and ready and willing to accept the change vibe also calls for you to be free. You want to travel you want to take short trips here and there you don't want to be somewhere too long. You want to do like short weekend trips. You can come right back and hang out and chill. 5 is also a mixing and sociable number. But you are mixing for the sake of making connections for selling for getting information for exchanging information 5 wants to teach and learn and so it has to get information and transmit that information to other people but 5 wants to be free. That's what 5 wants to be and so you have to allow yourself that freedom or if you're in a relationship and you are in a 5 personal year and that person is in a 2 personal year. You have to understand how your cycles are going to be different that person wants to chill things are slow.



Jaz Afrodite

They just want to sit and meditate you want to be outside you want to travel you want to be here there and everywhere you're looking for a change and you're like oh this person's so boring I want to be over here but they want to check to see what cycle they're in.



Thee Alchemist

I can't stress to you got you guys enough you you I can't stress enough to you guys. You have the resources ok jazz aphrodite dot com because you need to know you need to know just basic based on what she just said. Regarding you being in a person a 5 personal year and your mate being in a 2 personal year. There's a misalignment there needs to be a level of understanding come on guys and then you lose the love of your life because.



Jaz Afrodite

That part.



Thee Alchemist

Now you in the sixth personal year. Ok you to messed up your whole relationship in the 5 personal year. There're in that 3 person come on guys get it together. Get it together thinking the grass is greener on the other side. What your own lawn.



Jaz Afrodite

Um, that is absolutely right on the other side mind your business now in a 6



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Personal year. It's all about family and it's all about responsibilities of the home and so in a 6 personal year. You want to see that your home is properly furnished and it's comfortable and you are maintaining it. You may decide as you want to move out of a home and into a new home. 6 is all about going back to school getting that education as well. But it's beautifying your space and so you may decide if you want to functionctuate your space or to redecorated or to add some color to it. You may want to change your own appearance change your hair style change the way you dress but 6 is all about beautification. Family. Community and so wanting to be around people who you love and nurture and are not responsible for that is all of 6 energy. 6 is also a money cycle and so six is a time and money will come in as well.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And because 6 is ruled by Venus and so you're looking at your personal possessions and maybe a time that you are increasing your personal possessions because Venus wants you to go out and to an extent splurge 5 change in your career so you may have received that job that you wanted because 5 is a career number and now that you're in the 6 industry you want to spend some of the money that you've earned with these increased resources that you have and so just be mindful of that because 6 wants you to look at your personal possessions. And really make an assessment of it and now that we are older and wiser. You know that when this money comes in part of it is to spend the bulk of it is to invest. What are we investing in and you can think about creative ways to invest this money right? So a lot of people are going to.



Thee Alchemist

And absolutely. Absolutely.



Jaz Afrodite

Africa and all the places that have natural resources and gems beautiful things that can get money for you and really build a return. So are you investing in land are you investing in minerals.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Are you investing in stones like think about different ways that you can invest your money to bring that money in in its 6 energy still spending the money on beautiful things. But this these beautiful things are bringing you money in return got to get wise in the way that we spend our money now.



Thee Alchemist

I absolutely absolutely I have a friend that went to he's from Africa I think he's ah from ah Nigeria and he went back and took his money and bought a ton of land to build buildings on.



Thee Alchemist

Think he has about six acres now and and in different places and one portion he wants to do you know? Livestocks. So now he got some goats and some to heat and these days doing the dog on thing and I'm like you know what more power to you if you find some. I could have can you please just give a sister call I'd like to get in on that deal. Okay, so now you have so now you have access you have access to people right? which is a resource but then close mouth don't get fed. You got to say hey if you know anything or. Maybe 1 day. He'll need a business partner. He says you know what? Tisha did ask me about getting in on that deal. Let me call to see if she got you know 10 grand so she can get on this deal or even a thousand dollar whatever something keep stay open. Keep your options open your your resources open and your mind.



Jaz Afrodite

And that is the truth and I'm glad you brought that up with the land because six is an earth number and so 6 makes sense to buy land in a 6 personal year right? So just knowing the properties of of these numbers can let you. Really steer in the direction of how you should utilize its energy. So yes, purchasing property purchasing land is important in a sixth personal year as well as you may decide to get married or divorced and also as a birthing cycle may get pregnant. Give birth and remember giving birth can be to a child or to ideas and projects as we spoke about earlier but this is also a time for that six is a health number as well and so be mindful of any health ailments and you would generally know your health ailments based on your birthday number which is that completely. Other episode. But again you can always reach out to me jazz aphrodite dot com j a z a f r o d I t e dot com to understand all of that but it is a health cycle and so any health ailments that you have can flare up during this personal year now moving into the 7 spoke about the 7 if you did not do your due diligence in the seven universal year you have the added responsibility of doing it in your 7 personal year. So you're not escaping that energy. You're going to go back into it or because continue.



Thee Alchemist

Um, yeah.



Jaz Afrodite

And so this is definitely a time for you to do that quiet introspective work and 7 cycles are difficult yes, because 7 is going to throw at you all sorts of traps betrayals and it means coming out of the woodwork so that.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

It's going to push you closer to getting to your spiritual path and we are all spiritual beings having a human experience but many of us have gotten so trapped in the 3 d aspect of ourselves that we have lost sight.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Ah, hey.



Jaz Afrodite

What it is that we came to do on a spiritual level and so this 7 personal year is forcing you again to take stock of your spiritual stake your spiritual destiny. What are you here to do? How are you improving.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Humanity and so you want to get to the core of who you are This is a time when you are going to read a lot study a lot take spiritual classes learn about these sciences is a time when you want to be around water where you want to meditate do yoga.



Thee Alchemist

And then how.



Jaz Afrodite

Be out in nature to ground yourself because that'll be your saving grace being grounded in nature putting your foot in the grass and just visualizing that you're being anchored to the ground anchored to the roots of the Earth that'll keep you grounded hugging trees will keep you grounded so you have to do this on a.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Frequent basis so that you can constantly recalibrate because the ways of the world would get to be a lot for you and you need something to tether you so that you just don't fall out of space because 7 is a mental number as well. Seven is a number of worry mental exhaustion. And so you'll be worrying a lot in a 7 energy and so you have to understand that things are based on faith things will happen based on your belief that the universe has you your ancestors have you you the deities that you're praying to have you and they will work out for the best but you also have to put the work behind that in. And so 7 calling for all of that get to the root of who you are find the truth behind all things and so that is the 7 personal year.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

I even I'm just gonna shake my head if y'all don't get it iss being delivered to you want I what we're gonna just call it a non course platter. Okay for the foot for for all 9 numbers. It's being delivered to you you at this is michelin star right here. Okay and but you know what some people don't even know what Michelin star is I can't even say okay I'm not even gonna listen. It's being delivered to you. Okay, it's being delivered to you and it's right there at your feet and it doesn't make any sense. For us to go through the new year not knowing when you can now that that's all I could say and you know where to go to find you know where to go to get the information.



Jaz Afrodite

That that part definitely do you have it here. You've had it for years. So if you haven't done it for years. You can do it now you have a month left if this 7 universal and if you're in a step in personal or you have the rest of the year again coming. But.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

7 is a very serious energy. So if you are doing all of those things and you are still overwhelmed take up a craft start writing start singing start acting doing something but put that 7 energy in 7 wants you to hone a craft and become an expert in it.



Thee Alchemist

I have.



Jaz Afrodite

And 7 again is calls for creativity. But it's a lot of discipline and work as you move into the 8 personal year which we spoke about with the 8 universal so this is a time of recognition upgrades and. Career status achievement financial prosperity provided that you have done the physical and spiritual work is also a time of reaping what you have sown again. It is a time of births pregnancies marriages and divorces. And 8 is also a time of reunions based on people getting pregnant having weddings having family reunions or having funerals and so eight energy is a prosperous time for the seven years that preceded it. Provided that you have planted something. It took to the soil it bore fruit. You've been toiling the soil making the necessary changes and modifications investing those resources and things doing the spiritual work to ensure that it is protected and will continue to grow. And now you're getting your full harvest in the 8 personal year.



Thee Alchemist

I I remember 7 to 7 my I remember my 7 personal year you know and it felt like it lasted for 2 years honestly, it actually felt like it lasts for 5 years That's how that's how deep that 7 was you know, um, it's it's no joke. It's no joke. Yeah, ye see well there you go. That's why I felt like that.



Jaz Afrodite

That you had a step in pinnacle lesson so you had it for 9 years that got good. Had it for 9 years so it was real serious. 7 is no joke 7 is no joke you.



Thee Alchemist

Every day I woke up it was like Groundhog Day for years for years every day it was like Groundhog Day for years. You knew you were supposed to do something you had to do something but then you was like I did it I'm not going anywhere.



Jaz Afrodite

So was that here.



Thee Alchemist

Small steps baby steps baby steps skies. But at least take a step.



Jaz Afrodite

Yep, 7 wants you to be alone so thats but she said groundhog is very important because you go and be alone. It's a very lonely energy because you're going to do a lot of introspective work. So you're not going to want to be around people.



Thee Alchemist

Ah, ah.



Thee Alchemist

Listen Guys you heard it here Listen Oh um, I got a gift for you is free. It's free. Hit the like subscribe is share. Button guys is free if you woke.



Jaz Afrodite

Like that.



Thee Alchemist

Hit the like subscribe and share button I'm not woke I'm not talking about woke just being ah awake I'm talking about woke spiritually hit the like subscribe and share button and even if you're not woke hit the like subscribe is share button ok and ah and save the episodes. You can listen to it on your way to work. You know.



Jaz Afrodite

And because.



Thee Alchemist

When you're in the kitchen cooking or or something so you'll know what to do listen.



Jaz Afrodite

Guys right? So now we're going into the nine personal year and the nine personal year is the year of completion wish fulfillment and endings and so we went through all of the cycle from what happens from the number one 8 you got your harvest. And 9 you are wrapping this project business idea up is the completion of a cycle and so your wish has come true. You have realized it fully into existence and now you can start planning for the new that's to come. And so nine means that things that no longer serve people who no longer serve relationships that no longer serve jobs that no longer serve will leave you. This is not a time to fight that let it leave allow it to go nothing in this life is permanent.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And you should either allow it to go or you will die and you'll lose it anyway. So it doesn't make sense. You're not going to go with it. So allow it to go let it leave you so that you can prepare for the new and just be grateful for the lessons that it has brought.



Thee Alchemist

Um, ah.



Jaz Afrodite

Joys and even to extent the disappointments and sadness that it has brought to your life because that is a lesson and experience within itself and just look forward to what's coming so the 9 wants you to be universal and wants you to have global connections form those global relationships. It also wants you to think about people who are in need.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And for you to donate give your time give your services be a humanitarian of sorts giving to those who are in need and you know how I feel this doesn't mean people who are around you family members who can help them but those are not the people who I'm speaking about I'm speaking about people who. Really need really need and we are in a space right now where a lot of people really need people are in dire straits. The world is falling apart all around us and basic families families who had it.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Are now struggling so everybody needs and so if we could find a way to give please do in a nine personal year because that's the energy of the 9 giving of yourself.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

But just let it go and give if you haven't excessed an overflow of clothes money food give to those who can benefit from that give to shelters cook for shelters.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Do whatever you can so that you are putting things in flow and that you are receiving some of the blessings giving so that you can receive the blessings in return from somebody else because you never know when you may need or you're putting in a new intention into the universe and you want the universe to kickstart that. And put the resources behind it just you giving would be the currency that you need to get that project off the ground as the 9 personal year then you may be in an eleven personal year and eleven is one of those numbers master number energy right.



Thee Alchemist




Thee Alchemist

Ah, yeah, ah.



Jaz Afrodite

So you got that wounded healer coming to the rescue. Expect a lot of again, slow-moving energy because eleven is a 2 but also things that you cannot see coming to the surface. So eleven is a betrayal hidden danger.



Thee Alchemist

Oh man.



Jaz Afrodite

Not a time for you to really go out and be risky to really take any daring chances because you never know who the culprits are right? but 11 wants you to tap into spirit. And really be tapped in so that you can get those downloads because it's giving you information from ancestors from people in other realms who are assisting you. You're getting a lot of psychic information psychic downloads that can assist people that's the energy of the 2 very psychic. Yeah.



Jaz Afrodite

Um, and it wants you to use that information for something creative. What are you creating with that eleven energy. What are you presenting to the world or how are you stepping out on stage to present that are you singing? are you speaking you are bringing people's awareness to something greater than themselves in an eleven energy. You get this information to put it in a way that has to be consumed but it has to be creative in 11 the output of an 11 is creative. Output. So how are people benefiting from this information that the universe has trusted you with because only you can bring it to fruition in a way that you can though everybody gets their gifts. Everybody gets the information but there's something specific about the way that you do it that is necessary for people to benefit.



Thee Alchemist

I have.



Jaz Afrodite

On a large scale in that 11 energy remember everything that we create every piece of art is not our own. It did not come from us. It is a co-creation with our ancestors and spirit and so if you want to get there and say well yeah I created that you're.



Thee Alchemist

Nice. A man.



Jaz Afrodite

Ah, damn lie. You did not. You are the vessel through which it came and you have a specific way of speaking singing writing presenting putting together drawing that people will love it. Because it's your flair that you're adding to it. But again all of that is influenced by spirit. So that's what 11 is learn that.



Thee Alchemist

Ah, well you guys know that I will be listening and listening and listening back to this episode as you should as well. So that you can figure out.



Thee Alchemist

You're 2024 and um, bring ah ending a proper ending and closure to your 2023 okay her



Jaz Afrodite

Um, now the last year personal year is the 22 if you're in a 22 personal year. This is all about that master builder energy that we spoke about with the effort that comes with the four now you're getting that on a larger scale. So. Again, getting that download from spirit inspiration in your sleep of vision something that comes to you a message that comes in your dreams or you can see the full plan in your dreams and you have to wake up write it down. Put it in action because you are gifted with an idea that's going to build something. That can benefit humanity 22 energy is the energy of bringing something into existence that can assist in a structural way. Humanities evolution. So it could be a school a hospital a healing center. Something that brings people's awareness to something greater than themselves with that 22 but you have to build you have to have a team twenty two four means that you are the executor of that idea and you are giving those details plans to other people to carry out. For you. You're definitely managing because that's the energy of before managing all of the days daily ins and outs of that but you are the co-creator with spirit of that for an instance so I know somebody who is a 22 life path and life path means what you're here to learn.



Jaz Afrodite

And she created her own school was teaching at a school for children. She didn't like the way things were going and she started the school out of her house and built it year by year into something now that she has her own building got all unnecessary permits and everything she has her own building so that is what the twenty two four energy is.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

And so if you have something that you've been working on you wanted to bring out a brand a new brand of glasses that you wanted to revolutionize the way people see but make it fashionable as well. 22 4 think about what it is that you want to build put it into practice. Do not waste these energies. And because we're giving it to you a month and a half you have the opportunity to plan and structure how you want to use these energies do not allow the energies to use you I always tell students Once you're aware of what these numbers do and what they are planned for them. If you know you want to write a book and a certain energy. Okay so I know my 3 personal year is coming up or I have a 3 personal month I'm gonna start and get busy during this time and then you have the added bonus of if you know the cards the cardtology to know what card is working at that time to say well I can pull on that card's energy and really put this book into practice.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

So you have to be aware of these numbers and what they mean so that you can utilize these energies to your benefit everybody around us who knows this is doing the same thing. So why aren't you tapping into these energies to do that for yourself. That's why we're doing it.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

Not just to give you the knowledge and to show you that Oh we know and you don't know to teach you. This is how we use it everything that we're doing has to be put into practice and so it's no longer. Do we have the luxury of us saying Well I'm go give you your information and you're going to call me up. Yes, call me up to get this knowledge but I rather you call me up to learn it.



Thee Alchemist




Jaz Afrodite

So that you can have everybody around you learn it as well and we can all be planning and using it accordingly.



Thee Alchemist

Yes, more? Yeah listen the I was listening to um, somebody interviewed Jay Z and he asked to they asked Jaye some question about um. Um, if you what is the greatest advice that you can give someone he said oh man I gave it to y'all already. The blueprint is on the album you understand what I'm saying he says I give you he says I give you guys everything in that I'm doing in the music. You're not listening. You're just sitting there jumping around crazy. Everybody's enamored by their wealth or their status and he's telling you that they use spirituality in order for their in their business and in their life. He says all men gave it to you. The blueprint. And okay, he did something with Beyonce. He was like man. My wife told me that this spiritual shit really worked. Oh not even listening.



Jaz Afrodite

I yep asked the interview with Gail King if you haven't seen him and he was speaking about the exhibit at the Brooklyn public library and Grenomy Plaza and she asked him that question he was like take the $500000 because everything and I can teach you was already in the music and he's born on the fourth.



Thee Alchemist

Um, yes, and.



Jaz Afrodite

Of December aa diamonds like myself born on the fourth of December so four he gave it to you in what the blueprint that's what fors do they create the blueprint.



Thee Alchemist

What will.



Thee Alchemist

The blueprint. So ah, you know my thing is I I think we listen to the wrong things or we listen and don't get the message.



Thee Alchemist

Right? So guys Kings and queens queens and Kings of the empress high council. Please get this message. We will be so grateful and thankful and great. If. You can get this message I'm gonna put the gratitude out there get the message.



Jaz Afrodite

I absolutely get the message and look me up jazz aphrodite JAZAFROD I t e dot com as the alchemist said there is a black friday sale that's ending on Tuesday or right 10% off I believe 11% off



Thee Alchemist

And I have.



Jaz Afrodite

On the consultations and 15 on the teaching packages I teach you 2 to 1 and I prefer to do the teaching 1 to one because we need to start getting this information and so you can do both or either or but now is the opportunity and the time for you to do it. Yeah, playing games.



Thee Alchemist

Um, absolutely I'm taking me a cardiology class another one? Yep so guys you better jump on it jump on it make it happen. Listen. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us at try empress on Instagram and Twitter or you can just Google the empress high council. We are everywhere jazz are we bringing this episode to a close right now. Well okay Kings and queens and queens and Kings we are so thankful.



Jaz Afrodite

We Yes, we are.



Thee Alchemist

Um, to our viewers and I will I just say viewers of viewer listenership and um and we just like to thank our listeners and subscribers and we want to wish you a wonderful close out of 2023 and a. Miraculous beginning to 2024.