Empress High Council

Labeled: The Angry Black Woman

Empress High Council Season 4 Episode 10

Hey, royal family. We're back to talk about what it means to be labeled "the angry black woman". We discuss the term's definition, history, perception, portrayal in the media, and its reality. Let's get into the discussion, round table; as this is a timely conversation that needs to be had among women and men, alike. 

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Thee Alchemist
Great day royal family and welcome to season 4 episode 10 labeled the angry black woman. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share Button. You can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just google. Empress high council. We are everywhere before we set the table. Let's introduce our cast this is the alchemist coming to you on the frequency of energy to transmute your social spiritual and financial currency into abundance.

Jaz Afrodite
I this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.

And this is Dannie giving you positivity and providing you inspiration to become your authentic self.

Thee Alchemist
As we normally start out world family. Let me set the table with our divine blessing divine universe we deserve your intervention and expect for you to use all power to change. A universal consciousness and an unmitigated untruth about women of the death about women of the Diaspora particularly the black woman. They are unjustly titled the angry black woman as their counterparts. The Karen’s of the world are lauded continuously and openly as they demonstrate those characteristics without punishment. We. Thank you from a place of overflowing love for providing a platform to allow our hearts and minds to resonate. Into words of syndication to affect global change and shift paradigms. We ask that you continue to show us how to heal the world through our messages and bring awareness to make room for the interconnectedness that unites us all. Now that the table is set. Let's eat from the buffet of strength and not the buffet of weakness pull up pull up Royal family pull up this is going to be a fire cracker of an episode first. Hello royal family empresses roundtable queens and kings how y'all doing out there. y'all all right? hi ah doing I and done. We have an exciting topic for your listening pleasure. hello hello you there you hello ok because it's going to get live.

Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, we're here.

We're here. We're alive. I didn't know if you were talking to us.

Thee Alchemist
It's because it's going to get live well as I said we'll be discussing the stereotype and labeling of the black woman as the angry black woman. It is imperative that we continue to pick up the mic and tend to the airways to battle the negative stereotypes myths and prejudices. That build walls to prevent progress as these labels breathe life into Bias the stereotypes become the foundational beliefs that are simply not true. Before we provide the research that has been made public which I might add is untrue. Once again, insulting flaming negative I may add that this episode may spark much debate and conversation for weeks to come as it brings light to a sensitive demonizing Myth. Believed to be true tonight. We are talking about the labeling of black women. Let me start out by defining the label angry black woman. And a paper published in 2014 by Wendy Ashley she states that black women have become the victims of negative stereotyping in Mainstream American culture such stereotyping includes the myth of the angry black woman that characterizes these women as aggressive. Ill-tempered illogical overbearing hostile and ignorant without provocation in addition Wikipedia defines the stereotype as a racist trope in America that portrays black women as. Sassy ill-mannered and ill-tempered by nature. However, within stereotypes of groups in the United states the angry black woman is the stereotype that is less studied than the mammy and the jezebel. And that's because potentially researchers believe and accept those derogatory deep flaming characteristics as truth Carolyn West. Defines it as 1 variety and she calls it. The sapphire stereotype. So guys. You need to understand what the sapphire stereotype is the sapphire stereotype is sisters with attitude. That's what they call the sapphire stereotype. It's an insulting term associated with um dominant portrayals of black woman.

Thee Alchemist
The sapphire stereotype is perceived as women who are malicious stubborn, overbearing unnecessarily loud and violent with American men and I should say American men black men as their major targets. Ok so. Now that we have defined the role. Um and we have not defined that we have given you the definition guys you could look all this up on Google You could do your own research on the definition and the stereotypes of the angry black woman. So now that we have actually defined this and we look at as as a means to um to provide oppression. To black women where they are not able to express themselves because they move outside of the social norms of being um, ah, ah of being subservient to the dominant culture. So How do you feel about the label Angry black woman especially when. The definitions I have just delivered with you are the definitions that Mainstream America look at us as.

Thee Alchemist
Have you ever been labeled as such How do you feel about that label I mean guys, you heard all those words right? Queens empresses I know.

I needed a minute I knew I needed a moment because you know that I recently experienced this in both areas of my life. Um. Professionally and academically and it is very frustrating because I think that I am a human being number 1 and number 2 Um, everybody is different in how they deal with things. And you cannot paint a broad brush of a particular demographic as being angry that is not fair. Everyone has the right to be angry to be happy to be frustrated to be confused that is everyone's. Individual right? So to have this broad brush painted in particular of black women as angry is very unfair personally for me I felt in a space of being very conflicted. Frustrated and constantly having to monitor how I say things to people how I engage How I my tone. Um. Making sure to restrict my level of emotion. So I don't come up as being emotional and that's not fair. That's really, um, debilitating us as black women to have the capability and ability. To have what all of our white counterparts would like to say psychological safety. So in Essence we are not given that grace or privilege to have psychological safety. And as such that affects how we how we engage and carry forward in this world. Um, there is ah an uptick of mental health issues and disconnect for us as black women because we deal with so much you know internally and externally so it's just not. Ah, it's not a good space to be in and the fact of the matter is people are forgetting.

That we are human beings as well. Like we're not human and that's that but that's disgusting and um. Is very frustrating and no matter how much education you have because it's always that that that stereotype that if you're educated. You're classified as the good black right? or the safe black it. It doesn't matter educated or not. Ah, fully educated you know coming from the hood or born in the suburb or raised in the suburbs. You're black and that's all that people see and especially as a black woman they expect for you to conduct yourself a certain way which is. Angry aggressive and hostile and we are so much more than that and.

Jaz Afrodite
Ase to that: So much more than that. This is a good topic for us to be having I think it's timely I'm very grateful that you guys proposed that we discussed this I have to take us a little on the deep end and I'll bring y'all right back. Just travel with me for a little bit and just go along with what I'm saying if you don't believe what I'm saying that's fine I don't expect everyone to be on the same wavelength which is good but you always have the opportunity to catch up so with the angry black woman. As we've been progressing along our spiritual path. We've been learning a lot of eye opening things particularly 1 that the day as we know we always say time is a false construct. So we know if to really quantify or define what that means and so there is no such thing as time. What we're learning is that it's 1 continuous day that goes on and on and on the day has never ended but the 1 percent the government. Whatever you want to call them have designed it so that they can manipulate the weather so that it seems as though it's day and night. And that we are progressing along a Monday through Friday or Sunday through Saturday progression throughout the week however it is 1 continuously long day now put that aside now we know that. We are the mothers of civilization and again we were told that many of us came across from Africa when in fact, many of us did not. We were already on this land in different tribes and so we were told that we were coming from different parts of the world so that we could not claim the land that we are on. No matter where your people are from where you are from. We are as black women. The mothers of civilization we have birthed everyone on this planet. So now. Everything that I've just said and if you want to double check what I'm saying you could always watch the Inside Job on Netflix it goes into a lot of detail about what's going on or what has been happening underneath our eyes. But the veil is slowly lifting us being the mothers of civilization. You wake up every single day. Programmed to believe that you're waking up in a new day. But you're going through the same progression every single day and every day that you wake up, you realize that you are ignored. You are not acknowledged. No 1 recognizes you as the mother.

Jaz Afrodite
No 1 is giving you your reverence or putting you on a pedestal. In fact, you are so displaced from society. You don't even know where you belong and so you start searching for yourself outside of self because as the alchemist spoke about earlier. The mammy the jezebel your shape is constantly ridiculed your taboo everybody wants to sleep with you because your butt is so big. Your breast is so large they make fun of your shape. You're here. Yeah naturally kinky beautiful here. Is made fun of because they don't want you to tap into your ancestral source and so they tell you that your beautiful natural here is not good enough to meld into society and so what do you? do you cut it off you permit you put weave on it. You hide your sexy figure with clothes because you said you know what I'm going to dumb down this appearance so that I can be Accepted. You go into the world. Still not good enough. You're ridiculed for that because now you look homely. Now as we stated earlier, you're the mammy you're the caretakers of the world people don't experience or really see the beauty and loveliness that comes from your aura again searching for yourself outside of yourself. They start to make your figure a caricature of you. So now you walk and you see. Caucasian counterparts with small waist and large breaths super exaggerated butts and they tell you this is beautiful and now you decide you're gonna run out and go and alter your body shape because this is the new Norm. This is beautiful. This is what's popping. Only to discover that the men that you're doing this for don't even want that on you because they preferred you in your natural state. But when you were natural. Nobody was checking for you and you were ignored and so now you lie to yourself. And you tell yourself I'm not even doing it for a man I'm doing it for me. We do it for the ladies we do it for ourselves stop lying. You do it because you want to be loved you. Do it because you think that finally somebody's going to see me I'm going to be worthy and when you do this, you realize shit. I'm not leaving worthy to these people that look like they're copying me and I'm still not worthy enough. So then you society you know what I'm going to go out and get 10 degrees most black women have at least five degrees I'm going to go out and get five degrees I'm Going to be doctor of the century.

Jaz Afrodite
And you go and you get this doctorate and you're still not good enough because now you're bossy. You're aggressive. You are inserting yourself and you want to be a man. You're manly. So are we angry. Absolutely we are Gone. We have gone from feelings of. Sadness distress resentment hurt and yes, finally anger. So yes, there are a lot of angry black women walking around this earth. And you cannot tell them that they are Wrong. You cannot tell them that they don't deserve the right to feel that way. We do not have a place in society at all. No 1 is checking for the black woman. No 1 is protecting the black woman. And because our men have been emasculated for so many years they don't even know how to uphold us and to support us in the right way. So when we speak to them out of love out of passion out of caring. They think of it as aggression. 1 of my clients told me this week that I really wish my man would. Stop paying attention to delivery and pay attention to the message. It is so urgent for us right now to find ways to communicate. But first of all black women we have to get back to ourselves. We have to stop lying to ourselves. Have to stop embracing these myths that everybody else's culture and look is better than our own we have to start getting back to the center so that we can reclaim the power that is ours everything that they have done is because they want to dumb us down it wants to dim our light. Take the magic away and we need to find a way to get that magic back.

Which makes me want to make this statement about the whole concept of black girl magic you know that hashtag that we have seen go around for years we I don't call it. Magic. We are a miracle we are black girl miracle. Miracle in a sense that we embody so much we uphold so much and that's not magic. That's instinct. That's something that we've already had so.

Jaz Afrodite
I alchemist but you have to say about that I know you don't like black girl magic at all.

Thee Alchemist
Oh no I you know what? I love exactly what Dr. Dannie said and um Dannie would you said you call you said is black girl miracle I actually love it. Black girl miracle um I just think that the.

And miracle.

Thee Alchemist
Pervasiveness of the angry black woman stereotype have led so many black women not to be able to express themselves for fear for so many fears and many of those fears Jaz you identified them. They cannot express themselves because they have been looked upon been judged and characterized as what is a good word for it and it's name so much as a is a good word for. Our den identity was believing that our identity was stolen I was going down this trip with you when you were just in it I feel like our identity was stolen. However, our identity was looked upon as disgusting. Right? It was looked upon as disgusting our natural hair our natural skin our natural you know, big Butts full breasts now we have all the Karen’s in the world who are getting tanned. Okay, they're going to get their BBL they get the everything done and all of a sudden that's now beautiful. Wait a minute it was sitting front of you the whole time and you shunned it. It's like you needed a dollar and the dollar was on the street you just kept kicking the dollar kicking the dollar kicking the got dollar down the street and all of a sudden it fell right through the drain pipe. So yeah, you would be mad and angry about your missed opportunity if that was something that you needed I think that we have been labeled unnecessarily um has been unjustified. Um, even when the anger is actually. Ah, the labeling is unjustified even when the anger is actually warranted and just like a client said I wish he would stop looking at the delivery and look at the message. Right? Because they when we have our concerns or issues as black woman and as black women. It's not so much as the anger. It's. So. It's more of the reaction itself. You know we we're not in it may be conscious a subconscious on behalf of the individual but the title is given to shift blame and responsibility.

Thee Alchemist
Okay, the title is given to shift blame and Responsibility. You know who you know your boss did some crap now if you go to actually Confront your boss Professionally. It's professional Now you look that as the Angry Black woman Karen goes to Confront her. Yeah, and you know what I'm using the word Karen to describe I'm using the word Karen to describe. Oh. There's not a problem. She's the victim.

Thee Alchemist
So they continuously display all of these qualities and get away with it. They get. They get applauded and lauded for these for these qualities that that that are so um, so Called. The characteristics of the angry black woman and the angry black woman I don't really like to use the word angry but that's the word that they're using ah in in this name. Angry. It's Misguided emotion. Maybe I should say that maybe it's a misguided emotion and it's a warranted emotion based on whatever her response is but I I want to ask you guys a question right? because when we tend to group people. Of this community into a particular social class we establish prejudices right? that mobilizes a slew of negative stereotypes. Um, and it affects our ability to be seen as bosses. Um, serious leaders in our respective industries because they're always looking at us like oh is she going to be that angry black woman. You don't even know me I'm just sitting down an interview. You don't even know me so every black woman out there I want you to know that you are seen as the angry black woman. It has nothing to do with what you have done. It has nothing to do with your work ethic. It has nothing to do with your level of education. It has nothing to do with how you how you were raised how your family is raised. Every black woman is seen as the angry black woman and we're going to use these airways to help to. Um, remove that stereotype helped to um, ah, ah, take that remove that myth so that everyone can understand as jazz so eloquently put it the foundation of why it's perceived that way which is a miss. Perception so dear kings and queens have you been labeled as such and kings I would like to ask you have you used this to label some sisters. Because men you know you do it all the time kings. Kings you do it all the time. Oh she the angry black woman. Why am I why do you think I'm the angry black woman because I defied the odds I defied the norms I refuse to be oppressed I refuse for my voice to be suppressed.

Thee Alchemist
I'm requiring fair treatment So I'm angry because I want to be treated fairly. Ah am I angry because I want respect common courtesy to be able to live decently. Think about that guys think about that So Queens and empresses have you ever been labeled as such as the angry black woman which I know Danielle I know you had an Dr Dannie You just had an experience and. You had to check some folks.

And I had to and I had to do it in a way that was still professional. But even when I did it in a professional manner I was still asked whether I can.

Thee Alchemist
Behave isn't that something you're going to ask a professional woman in a professional setting when she's trying to defend herself against some BS if she can behave. Did they ask Karen that?

Behave and.

Um, yeah, no and um I don't want to say no because obviously I don't I don't know that official answer but we can assume right allegedly.

Thee Alchemist
I bet you they didn't.

Right? Ah look I have to have to put have to put that in the front. Ok um, and this was in a space where there should be psychological safety. There should be and it really for a moment had me questioning. Why am I in the space. But then I had to look at the bigger picture that. Someone like me is needed in that space more of us like me black women and men need to be in the space because the level of institutional learning. Has been compromised so much and has been infused with a lot of biases and microaggressions which has made it very difficult for black and brown people. To be in academic settings and we as black and brown people need to change that narrative and unfortunately it's not going to be easy. So this is the journey. That I am on with what I experienced I just realized the importance of more and more the importance of what I'm doing right now and I didn't really think about going down the realm of of also incorporating. Teaching. But I've realized that it is imperative and important that I'm in that space. So others can see me and see that someone like me exists.

Jaz Afrodite
Yeah I have different emotions about that I think we need to remove ourselves from this space and go back to segregation. We need to start having our own. Let them miss us so that they can see how much they can't. Survive and thrive without us present. But yes I have been called the angry black woman and surprisingly enough I was called a.

Thee Alchemist
I wait I'm so sorry Jaz I got to give you um, some hand claps on that 1 remove ourselves and go back into segregation. Okay, um.

Jaz Afrodite
I Love it I like it I Love that. Yes I was called an angry black woman by a black woman.

You brought that hand clap, honey.

Thee Alchemist

I Love it. Love it.

Jaz Afrodite
I Remember I was working in the department of education and we were doing a training and we had principals coming in. You know if you have trainings for principals. They have a higher level of importance than any other trainings principles can sometimes be the worst people to have trainings for it because they have this arrogance but setting everything up. Doing the marketing putting the curriculum together providing the venue organizing the venue separating everybody into different groups. All of that is falling on me Meanwhile I'm a part of a team that has 3 other people all men doesn't even matter if they're black or white because they're men and I'm the only woman. But it matters that I'm a black woman and the day of the training 1 of the principals. A black woman came up to me and she's like why are you always so angry and I'm like what you see is not anger what you see. Is me being tired me being disrespected and me not having the support and help that I need but I need to voice every time I need assistance because for some reason people believe as Dr. Dannie said yes we are black woman miracles. This girl thing we are Beyond girls. Black woman miracles black woman wisdom they believe that we are Beyond help. Why is it that no 1 sees that we need help. Why do I have to voice that I need assistance and so that just took me for a loop like of all the people I would expect. You to understand why I feel the way that I feel right now you see me running up and down and you see them sitting down having a good time enjoying themselves and I'm managing everything and that's normal to you and so when we say that we need more of us in spaces. What are we coming to do are we coming to uphold the systems that we've been indoctrinated in and that we've been playing this race rat game in or are we coming into these systems to change things around and restore some level of Normality. Some level of normalcy some level of balance are we doing that because if we’re coming in the spaces just to uphold these ideals that we've been beat in the head with and brainwashed for over the years. we don't really need anybody else in the space 1 is good. 1 is good because at this point I see so many of us wanting to still belong so much so that we're putting the labels on each other and so that's why I say it's very important for us to really take a step back.

Jaz Afrodite
And do introspective work at this stage especially now at this stage. We definitely need to tap into self and do introspective work because we have been jumping on these stupid acronyms the word of the day the phrase of the day low hanging fruit black lives matter. Oh Micro aggression. What is the phrase of the day now is so many dumb phrases. Let's just get back to basics. Keep it simple. That's my thing keep it simple.

Thee Alchemist
Well in hearing that and in listening to you jazz Um, that is definitely 1 of the characteristics of the sapphire stereotype and let me read that the sapphire Sir. Stereotype is a domineering female hun can who consumes men and assumes their role. She is characterized as a strong masculine workhorse who labored with black men in the fields or whose overbearing this drove. Her family away so her assertive demeanor is similar to the mammy but without maternal compassion and understanding and the reason I read that and the words I want to focus on is strong Masculine workhorse. When we get to a certain level and we wind up working with teams and most times many black women who are executives are surrounded by teams of men does it make a difference. What color is surrounded by teams of men. And who winds up doing the bulk of the work because as I said earlier it has become a foundational belief that's simply not true, but it's become a foundational belief. That we that is just who we are and that's how the world sees us. Unfortunately, even though we're women so not only were you labeled. Buy another sister that sister didn't even look at your labor and decided to say let me help where was the help. Well let me get my hand clapped girl. Let me get my hand clapped because you know, um, sisters we got to help each other out there.

Jaz Afrodite
And hand clap for that girl.

Thee Alchemist
We got to really help each other out there. We cannot continue to um, cannot so I say that to say instead of using that to label our sisters. And this is queens and kings as well as our little princesses and princes instead of using that to label our family in our tribe when you start thinking about that I want you to shift your paradigm and say to yourself. How can I help this system shift your pair shift the label shift the parallel let the word of the day be how can I help this sister. How about that. Let the word of day be how can I help this sister. So we have all experienced a corporate culture where we have been stereotyped in this fashion or we know someone who has been stereotyped in this fashion but I want to talk a little bit about the sapphire stereotype. Being further replicated and in film and in the media. How about that so through media and social platforms this stereotype has been cultivated since the thirty s and has been sustained to day right now in the Bravo franchise. Ok, black women are allowed or perceived to be loud harsh to expressive more opinionated. Have bad attitudes. Um generally negative and rude in nature in these character these caricatures. Of women have been historically justified and exploited I'm going to start before I get to the Bravo franchise I'm going to start calling out some names and you tell me what comes to mind I'm going to start out with Esther from the Sanford is sons.

She sassy. She was sassy. opinionated. Um.

Thee Alchemist
And a lot of some of you guys don't know Esther from the Sanford The Sons googled Sanford and sons. Okay and look at a episode they have aunt Esther in there. Okay yes, and a hair loud.

They looked at her loud mouth. Yes, um, bold um that too miserable was perceived as miserable crotchety.

Thee Alchemist
Bold a have no man. Okay, ah, perceived as and.

And when I used to look at Esther on that show I loved her because she to me embodied Freedom. You know, just speaking her mind. And I guess I have that trait of speaking my mind and I do not see it as a misfortune to be a black woman speaking my mind.

Jaz Afrodite
Us Well none of us at the roundtable here. Do.

You that part right? there then there's that.

Thee Alchemist
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and yeah, and so ok I'm a go next I want to see if we could use the same the same words to describe this next ah character on television now this puts us up to I believe the. 80 s ninety s or just puts us into the nineties Pam from Martin. Yeah.

Jaz Afrodite
Definitely sassy old. She was ridiculed made fun of compared to a horse often even though she was the best looking women on the panel on set. She was often made to look like she was the ugliest. They made fun of her shape and she again was just considered to be rude and didn't have a man until I think like the last season or something where she finally got with Tommy before he died.

Thee Alchemist
I Ah before he died exactly? Okay, you get a man in next unity that you still buy yourself now. Now you want to be perceived as alone root and bitter. Oh okay.

A woman or even a black widow.

Thee Alchemist
I want to move up to I must stay the Ninety s a little bit I want to talk about um and “Living Single” you remember live I'm not living you remember living single with regime and um Queen Latifa. All of them was single up and there and Maxine.


Thee Alchemist
Which was the feisty lawyer that always walked around with an attitude single and Kyle and what's his name used to always talk about her like ah, you'll never find a man you are they call to every name in a book. So you see where I'm going with this right? You see the portrayal of how black women are seen in the media where not move out. And we can talk about every woman in the Madea fat franchise. We could talk about every woman in the Madea franchise every single woman in the Medea franchise even Medea. I want to fast forward to. 2020-2019 2020-2021 ah maybe I should started like 2017 I want to fast forward to Nene Lekes can anybody describe her personality.


Jaz Afrodite
And overbearing rude disrespectful abrasive violent.

Thee Alchemist
And we're gonna have a moment of silence on that you know why because those that's what we're trying to kill.

Thee Alchemist
Those myths archetypes negative stereotypes about the black woman where she is seen as angry only because she's fighting for. Her dignity and her right to be respected as a woman in America and raise her family. Hell you can't even walk through the park and cameras walk through the park. She think you're gonna get it. You get somebody call look she caret close the cops on you. Okay. All we do is try to speak up for ourselves I want to keep moving on and discuss a little bit about what is before I continue to discuss that do you guys. Have anything else you want to say because everybody look like they have like a mouthful of water. You guys look like you guys have a mouthful of water. You're just ready to blow I see like it looks like the top your heads is just like expanding It's like yeah um I want to put it out there. But um. let me be let me be careful and guys. We don't want to be careful in this episode. We do not want to be careful. We are sick and tired of the media reinforcing the angry black woman stereotype. Which leads to negative interpretations of us and our self-expression and I'm going to ask that a lot of these um actors and actresses. Stop portraying these roles.

Thee Alchemist
Stop taking the roles see if they need to make their money. Go ahead I'm saying go ahead Jaz.

Jaz Afrodite
Yes, when they're gonna argue go ahead. Yeah they're gonna argue that nothing else is getting funded and in order for them to get the bag they need to over exaggerate these characters. Which is crazy because it's quote unquote reality tv and at the end of the day this is your life and people are associating this with you. So it's not like you're acting a character in a movie or sitcom like you're portraying yourself. So even if you tell someone. This is just for tv this is reality tv this is not real these beefs carry on for seasons and then you take it off the platform and put it on social media on Twitter and so you definitely know. It's not It's beyond the show because you're feuding and you can feel it in the reunions. The amount of. Tension and hate and vitriol they have toward each other so this is Beyond reality tv this is your life being played out. This is you being rewarded for very bad behavior and this is acceptable for you.

It is very true, very true and it's ironic that you bring it up about the reunion shows because there was just 1 on this week and I actually watched it and it actually dealt with. Another aspect of the angry black woman which we did not like touch upon especially with the with the quote unquote characters. We were describing that the alchemist described. Of the whole issue I'm not gonna say issue. That's not it. It's an issue but subject matter of a colorism and how that plays. Within the black community and outside of it and I watched 1 of these reunion shows this week and witnessed the exchange and was very frustrated with how we. As black women were conducting ourselves speaking to each other and also not having a full understanding of the impact of that aspect colorism how it affects. The way we engage amongst ourselves and how that is projected outside of our community and I wish that there could be a. Better more constructive comprehensive conversation had about that because what I've been seeing as of late is sheer trash.

Thee Alchemist
There you have it trash just share trash and that's it. That's what you guys put out there. However, I'm going to say definitely I'm going back to jazz and that's why. I Believe in segregation see because if you have to take the people money you got to do what the people want you to do and then if that's outside of your character than who you're representing as a nation of people. I wish you guys could see my eyes right now. This is who we are perceived to be Amos and Andy that was 1 of the shows back in in the thirty s that depicted us as. Ah, what I want is as the sapphire woman amison they can't find ah a minority do that back then because of segregation so 2 white men had to do it. These stars are greedy. They have enough money to pull together. And produce something I don't understand why we got to continue to go to warner brothers and Disney and this company and that company and we do have 1 person that has something. Ah, Tyler Perry and he's still he's still and he's still he's still in the mammy culture Every woman is a mammy to jezebel and is an angry black woman. So ah you know ah Tyler Perry I know that you can do Better. You have the resources please do make us look good. I know you mad at the black woman I'll know what happened but please everyone is not like that and you are 1 of the biggest. Reasons currently why we're still being portrayed that way you did not use your money. You did not use your influence or anything to help us out to make us look any different out there in the eyes of the world. Not even not even America.

Thee Alchemist
The world I'm sorry they make sure I say that world because I know it sound like I put a t on that at the end because you know some you know to people like world. Maybe I should say world I'm talking Tyler Perry World The world on out there in the world. Ok.

Jaz Afrodite
I Here that's when I thought he said good morning.

Thee Alchemist
You continuously to reinforce that in all your movies. All your shows everything you reproduce and sisters we got to do Better. We have to do better. Um I remember having an experience at 1 of the corporate bank banks that I was at. Where I was I was I perceive I don't think I was perceived as the angry black woman into the end. However, all of the minorities perceived me as the angry black woman because I was the only black woman in my department so they saw me as Stush. Um. Ah, ah, not being able to communicate and relate to them until they got to know me they was like man we didn't know that you was so cool. You know after a while so at work. Yes, you played a role but your role doesn't mean that you have to be mean hard angry. Um, oppressive to other people and minorities and the other role is when you start thinking that someone is angry. Black woman I want you to shift your paradigm in your thought to say to yourself. How can I help a sister out. Ah so many sisters have been burned by so many other sisters I haven't experienced with that too. Not my own personal experience. Another friend's experience where she got another friend a job and the friend burned her down to the ground.

Thee Alchemist
Guys we got to stop doing. We have to do Better. We have to do better. Do you guys have any other experiences when we talk about the angry black woman. Um, and this sapphire stereotype that. They're giving us now as as far as the um, um, sister. Ah the sassy sisters.

Jaz Afrodite
And I don't really have an experience again I mean there's tons of them. We can go down this rabbit hole all night. But what I would love to speak to and speak about in regards to this whole movement that they call feminism which to me is a bunch of crap and I'm like what the hell.

Thee Alchemist

Jaz Afrodite
Is feminism I don't understand why women of color particularly black women jump on this bandwagon of feminism that is not a movement that was designed for us like we are the divine feminine. Walk into a room our mere presence and confidence is intimidating and that's really what alchemist was describing when she was speaking about people not perceiving her in that work environment until later on that she was an actual likable affable human being because they were intimidated by her presence. But my confidence has nothing to do with how you feel like I'm not responsible for the way that you interpret my presence and I'm going to be confident every time I step into a room and by sheer confidence and sheer knowledge and sheer wisdom and as we said earlier black woman miracles. That is feminism I am the movement I don't need everything behind I don't need a whole group of women behind me I am the movement so Karen’s please stop employing us to be the face of your flimsy movement because you want to reap the benefits of our labor of our voice of our power. We cannot jump on this feminism Bandwagon. We do not reap the benefits of it. They do. So why are you calling yourself a feminist? By sheer force. You come into a room you decide and you design what it is that you want as a black woman you say this is how it's going to be and you make it happen. What more do you need? You've already said you're equal. You've already made it. Plain and clear everybody knows that so again, this movement is not for us. We don't need to be a part of that we need to separate ourselves from all and any movements unless it's 1 of our own.

Thee Alchemist
You wait Wait wait wait. Did you say that I am the movement? Oh could you say that again say that again, please.

Jaz Afrodite
I sure did. I am the movement.

Thee Alchemist
Now that's the black girl miracle right? there Boom okay, that is the black girl miracle. So as we get ready to bring this episode to a close and I'm pretty sure next. I'm pretty sure next time we're going to bring we're going to talk about this a little more we're going to have this episode in the time this time we're gonna the next time we're going to have ah some guests to help spark off their experiences that they have had um, being in corporate America. Ah, we have some ah we'll have an attorney um couple of people in the banking industry some folks in the music industry possibly few folks in the board of education this is going to be a long running ah program that we will actually run with you guys so that everyone could get to understand the experiences and. And understand why we have been labeled that way and the label is we are aggressive ill-tempered illogical overbearing hostile and ignorant without provocation epic fail wrong wrong we're not going to take light to this um demonizing myth that is so untrue about who our sisters are. We're going to be able to provide a platform. Where they're able to express themselves find help and we also have to be careful about finding help. And I don't know if I mentioned this in another episode or not we have to be very careful about finding help I do know someone who has found help and just going to just therapy being ah an executive a mother you know a wife you know, ah a supporter. Financial supporter of her entire family sometimes we need to go to therapy and just talk to somebody. Now that therapy is being used against her. So now we got to be careful. Being used to against her as she's the angry black woman. She's you know the black woman with issues and all kinds of stuff like that Karen go to therapy is everything is all right.

Thee Alchemist
So guys. We're gonna keep this going. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share Button. You can follow us at try empress on ig and Twitter or you can just google the empress high council we are everywhere. Thank you for listening to season 4 episode 10 and continue our episode jazz you want to say something else. You want to go somewhere else with this before we give them our herb and crystal of the episode.

Jaz Afrodite
Yeah I just wanted to say that as we were having this conversation you were saying that we were going to continue with the stories with the different women coming on to share their testimonies. Iyanla came into my head and she's always saying that many of us are men in Skirts. And I have to agree with her like a lot of us have we do have a lot of aggression and I just want to say that we don't have to dim our power and our light by being aggressive by assuming the role of a man we can still be very feminine and we can still get our points across I have learned. As an executive to make myself clear by speaking exactly as how I'm speaking to you right now and honestly I've gotten better results because when people hear you speaking calmly and softly and still cutting them with a knife. The effects are so much more redeeming.

Yes, yes.

Jaz Afrodite
And it works. People understand that you mean business because you're not coming from a head that is hot. You're not coming from a place of anger and frustration. You're very calm so you had time to think and reflect on what it is that you're saying.


Jaz Afrodite
And so we have to find different ways to express ourselves whether it be with your man whether it be with your employees or your boss but we definitely need to find ways to channel that energy so that people can hear the message.

I agreed.

Thee Alchemist
Agreed, agreed. I have experiences on both sides and you are absolutely right? So guys. We're here for you. You've heard it first here at the empress high council. Bring you the truth our authentic cells and we bring you current issues to be able to provide you with resources to overcome your current situations. And right now this is a current situation on a whole that has plagued us for almost eighty years and more longer than that I'm just going back to the 80 years of being portrayed in the media that of such from the nineteen thirty’s tv so.

Longer than that.


Jaz Afrodite
Now Remember what I said we have been living a very long continuous day. This has been going on for billions of years.

Thee Alchemist

So that part.

Thee Alchemist
Like I said labored in the fields next time men The see is workhorses What is if anybody know what can oh Kar seen as a princess oh with the workhorses as shes the princess on. Ah.

Jaz Afrodite
Oh, absolutely.

Thee Alchemist
Well, we got to change that narrative because that revolution that princess hot mess is being televised that princess hot mess is being televised so guys. Thank you for listening. We're going to leave you with our. Herb of the month and our crystal of the month.

Jaz Afrodite
So Today's crystal is shungite and shungite is linked to our chakra and this is the energy. We associate with mother earth and the core foundation of both physical and spiritual evolution. So the spiritual meaning of Shungite is that of a neutralizer so it balances the left and right size of your body or your yin and yang and it's a stone for those who wish to feel more balanced in their masculine and feminine energies in case, 1 is overcompensating for the other. So for 1 to really awaken to new levels of consciousness and ascend to a higher chakra there comes a lot of healing work that has to be done on the earthly realm through the root chakra so shungite is an excellent stone to connect with as part of your spiritual practice as it amplifies your psychic power in general. And you can use it in conjunction with other stones or magical objects in order to strengthen them shungite has been used for health and healing so some drink water with it to improve their health and it cleanses and purifies your psychic aura you can use it to remove negative people or bad luck from your life. Because the color is black shungite is said to suck up negative energies. It also removes negative energy that is within you and it cloaks you and protects you from bad energy finding you and on a more practical note it can help in easing anxiety insomnia inflammation. And even acne so get you some shungite immediately.

Thee Alchemist
Dr. Dannie you're gonna be talking about our crystal of the I mean our herb of the episode.

And bear with me.

Our herb of the of this episode is dandelion root every day our liver deals with digestion metabolism of toxins hormonal control and numerous other important activities. It has a lot of body tasks to accomplish which may overwhelm it the liver stores frustration anger resentment. We've compiled over the years a dandelion root tea liver cleanse can help the liver stay healthy and do its job more efficiently dandelion root. Is 1 of the best herbs available for a liver cleanse as it aids the liver flushes out toxins and makes it easier for the liver to digest food and promotes healing dandelion is used as a diuretic and a tonic. The diuretic properties of dandelion are well known it improves the appetite and will stimulate the stomach liver and gall bladder a stimulant to the immune system and is used to treat kidney and liver disorders. It can also be used for the skin externally. Dandelion is used to treat skin disorders including acne and eczema additionally dandelions are a rich source of vitamins minerals and it even has antioxidants to start. Your emotional healing process detox with dandelion root tea for 3 days and let it all go.

Thee Alchemist
And remember sisters before we leave you without 1 final thought we are the conversation. Know your worth.