Empress High Council

2022 Personal Year Forecasts with Jaz

Empress High Council Season 4 Episode 11

Hey, Royal Family. Keeping up with our tradition, the eleventh episode features, our very own in-house Astro-Numerologist who will take you through the 2022 year forecast for the universal year and your individual personal years. So if you want to get a jumpstart on the new year, you need to tune in to hear how you can plan for it, proactively. Tune in to get your free reading. Cheers.

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Thee Alchemist____
Great day royal family welcome to season four episode 11 don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share Button. You can follow us @trimpress on IG and Twitter or you can just google empress high council. We are everywhere. Before we start we have a whopping of an episode for you tonight. But before we start Let's just introduce our cast this is The Alchemist is coming to you in a frequency of energy to transmute your social spiritual and financial currency into abundance.

Jaz Afrodite
I and this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.

And this is Dannie giving you positivity and providing you inspiration to become your authentic self.

Thee Alchemist____
Pull up pull up pull up everybody pull up. There will be no setting of the table tonight. This episode is featuring our very own Astro numerologist Jaz Afrodite and she has a special number for you. Or should I say numbers lined up for your listening pleasure Roy Family So pull up, get your pen and paper I got my pen and paper right here hit that pull up, get your pen and paper as we feast from the buffet of strength and not the buffet of Weakness Royal family. Come On. It's time. But.

Jaz Afrodite
And thank you for that Beautiful introduction alchemist I am so pleased to be doing this episode today. Especially after our last episode where we said as The Alchemist. So eloquently said. Need to start helping our sisters out and that goes for you 2 kings queens and kings we need to start helping each other out and how timely was it that it was the same night that Chaka and Stephanie Mills had their verses and Stephanie Mills helped her sister out all night.

Thee Alchemist____
And facts and.

Jaz Afrodite
Long So in that vein we said we had to continue.

It was for real because it was just so ironic the the synchronicity of everything How how in essence the stars aligned when we did our last recording it was just it was kismet phenomenal.

Thee Alchemist____
Yes, yes, it was yes it was yes.

And I enjoyed talking to y'all after the um, the verses that just gave me such joy that was a good evening I Appreciate y'all too I really do i.

Thee Alchemist____
Stephanie represented the sisters that are helping sisters everywhere because she held a sister up literally and figuratively. Ah.

Jaz Afrodite
She sure did.

Jaz Afrodite
Hahahaha. Yes, she did.

And Wow this the the stuff going on during that verse so many layers so many so much subject matter that comes out of it. Not just like supporting your sister but just a lot of things you know the importance of mental Health your physical health.

Thee Alchemist____
Oh but wait.

Um, a lot of ah topics that we've covered here these seasons um with with the empress high council. You know, focusing on these factors so that versus has a lot of things that you could analyze and even use as a professional development workshop. I'm not going to lie I have been thinking about it and um I may be developing a professional workshop about that professional development workshop. Yes.

Thee Alchemist____
And well not only not only did Stephanie Mills help a sister out Stephanie Mills danced that whole entire stage I was proud of our very own Brooklyn born sister.

Thee Alchemist____
She held it down shaked her hips all up and down back and forth all across that stage. She did the thing.

Jaz Afrodite
She did for 64 year old she was holding her own. You couldn't tell she was beautiful, graceful just not humble but modest. She's definitely someone to be studied.

Thee Alchemist____
Yes, really she really is and.

Jaz Afrodite
So as we continue with this episode I am going to get into what we should expect for next year so I want us to channel some of that frustration some of that anger all of those energies into planning for next year in a proactive way because that's how we plan to set up our next series of episodes. Ways that we can help each other out to diffuse some of those frustrations. So for the year 2022 we are going to be in a sixth universal year and what does that mean it means that the entire world. Will experience the vibration of a 6 and how do we get to that 6 we add the 2 2 2 of 2022 we get 6 so in a sixth universal year. That means that our priorities will be around. Love. And it'll be around the family responsibilities around family members the household our complete or immediate communities and we will be looking at ways that we can go back to school increase our education. It'll also be a time for us to focus on. Pregnancies births marriages or divorces. Six may be a time that you want to change your appearance as well and kind of judge up your your look your image present yourself in a brand new way to the world and so 6 is all about. Beautifying beautifying yourself beautifying your home having social events going out to more artistic events as well and just enjoying things like music art photography really getting involved in all of the things that are beautiful. 6 is also. A money number because Venus rules money as well. So 6 is a time for us to be abundant in terms of our businesses managing our money. That's all a part of our responsibility for the home and 6 is a health cycle number. So the health numbers are four. six and nine so when we have a six universal year that means that we need to pay attention to the health trends so similar to how things were in 2020 when we had a four universal year and covid hit now we're going into 2022. We still need to watch our health. As 6 rules the respiratory system your heart your nose your sinuses all of your nasal areas your throat Venus rules the throat and so we need to watch all of that your breast area may have tender or soreness in the breast. So all of that is inherent.

Jaz Afrodite
In a six universal year so it's important that we watch our health and watch the health of our loved ones for next year do you ladies have anything to say in anticipation of 2022?

My goodness I'm happy I'm happy to have just survived these past nearly 2 years I mean for real. Um I mean I saw recently a meme talking about 2022

Thee Alchemist____

Thee Alchemist____

Is in 36 days and I'm still processing at the time when the meme came out was thirty six days right and the meme also said but I'm still processing 2020 that's true I'm still processing 2020

Jaz Afrodite

And I am getting through 2021 I would have to say that 2021 for me has been a very serious um introspective enlightening year ah Ah, really understanding my own personal piece. So for 2022 I want to continue that journey of exploring my peace my inner peace because I never had that before really acknowledging it and being calm and. Calm with any obstacles that come my way because life as we all know it isn't perfect right Um, and just continuing on the journey in expanding my business and being receptive to relationships. Personal and professional more so personal because I you know I got work on that so we work in progress. You know the love aspect of it all so 2022 I'm still processing 2020 but you know we gonna we gonna rock out.

Thee Alchemist____
I am here for all of it except for the health cycles and the health trends I should say and pay attention to the health trends because I I've already had the doctor call me back said oh you need to come back in here. We ran some tests and we need to see you asap. So. I'm here for all the money I'm here for the business growth. The love family household everybody getting back to school the marriages the pregnancies, the Beauty the social events you know music art but I'm not here for all our health stuff dent and dan. Okay, we can put that back where? Back there.

I But when wait like but wheres it um alchemist. Where's your sound effects because I'm saying to took turn where the drums? (Drum roll). Okay, okay.

Jaz Afrodite
Ah, put it back there.

Thee Alchemist____
Yeah, yeah, um, they listen they coming it’s coming. it’s coming. I gotta get it together.

Jaz Afrodite
Yes, so in that vein that is the universal year now. Let's get into our personal years and personal years are what we should expect as individuals and so we're going to do a little bit of math because I want you guys to figure out your personal years I'm going to give you an example. And normally I give you an easy example, but this time I'm going to give us a difficult one because I figured if it's difficult. You'll be able to do an easy one so to figure out our personal years. We're first going to take the month that we were born and so the example that I have is December and the numbers for December twelve. And when you add the 1 and 2 you get 3 so that's our month number 3 is our month number place that to the side then you have the day that you were born and the day for this example is the twenty Eighth so 2 plus 8 is 10 and then we have to reduce that again 1 plus zero is 1 so our day number is 1 and then the year is our 6 and how do we get the 6 we know that 2022 is six So we're just adding the 3 plus the 1 plus the 6 and that gives us a 10 which we reduced to a 1 so. This example is a 1 personal year which is great because that's exactly where we want to start and so I want you all to figure out your personal year numbers now alchemist what is your personal year number for next year?

Thee Alchemist____
I okay, okay, so my month is 8 then I have 31 which is the 31 is a four I have the 8 and the four and then of course the 2022 is the 6 so that's 10 that's Eighteen. I got a nine personal year next year, yo. Well I already started my nine personal year and that's hit hence loss because Rudy and stuff like that. My.

Jaz Afrodite
Yes, you do.

Thee Alchemist____
Grandmother who raised me also passed away in my nine personal year. So yeah.

Jaz Afrodite
I yes, that's correct and I'll get into that a little bit later on but the personal years you can get a snapshot of what's going to happen from like. October of the current year so October is a preview of what happens in the next year November the year after that and December the year after that. So it kind of gives you previews beforehand Dannie what is your personal year number?

My Birth month is 8 My birth date is 3 if we're going off 2022 That's 6 6 plus 3 is nine Nine plus 8 is seventeen pair that down more I'm going into my 8 Personal year.

Jaz Afrodite
Yes, you are and you said earlier that you wanted to pay more attention to your business. So you're gonna be minding your business next year and seeing about your money situation. So that's great. You're already in that vibration.

I am I'm I'm an 8 baby.

Thee Alchemist____
What's your personal? yeah and hear you you was sounding very low. Oh oh okay, excuse me.

Jaz Afrodite
Ah. I love it. So the 1 personal year if we're going to start at beginning for all of you who have 1 personal years next year and 2022 let me just say this before I go into the 1 if you want to find out what's happening in any year in the in the future or in the past you can just Take the year number the only thing that changes is the year number at the end and just reduce that and add that to your birth month and birthday and you can get a snapshot of what's going to happen either in the past or in the future so with a 1 personal year. It is all about new beginnings. It is about taking a leap of faith stepping out. New beginnings being proactive taking the initiative to start new businesses new projects moving to a new location. New relationships. It's about having faith that everything will work out. It is a time for you to plant the seeds. But what is going to happen over the next nine years. It is also a time for you to reap benefits as 1 is usually coming from a ten and that is the wheel of fortune. So if you were doing things with good intent in the past expect to get good in return and vice versa. If your energy wasn't so great then things may not work out in your favor in a one personal year you'll also get assistance from somebody who is a Leo and Aquarius or an Aries as they vibrate with the number 1 so for all of you blooming into the 1 congratulations for new beginnings in a two personal year it's all about teamwork camaraderie knowing how to work as part of a team understanding that the seeds that you planted. In year 1 are now germinating all right? So the land was fertile and they have been planted so they're germinating this changes are going to be very slow. So do not expect a lot of change in a two personal year you will advance in a two personal year by asking favors of. Others because that is all about the teamwork. It is also a time for you to be tactful and diplomatic and watch the way that you speak and interact with others because you just want to be in a harmonious vibe. A 2 personal years also about relocating to a new state. So it's not just moving from where you're living right now into a different apartment or a different home. It's moving to a new location. There will also be changes in the home either people moving in or people moving out. And you may have changes in your relationships with the opposite sex. So if you are a woman you and your brother might either make up or fall out if you are a man you and your sister might either make up or fall out and in a two personal year you can expect to get assistance from someone who is.

Jaz Afrodite
A cancer any questions about that So far. Yes, all right.

Thee Alchemist____
I don't have any questions because I am taking copious notes. Okay, even though I can go back and listen I like to take notes as I'm listening so you know, just like you in class you learning? Yes I am I am being learned it right now learning. So ah, queens and kings kings and queens of the Royal family and at the Royal table and the roundtable please take notes because you're gonna need to know what your man or your girlfriend is up to in the new year

Jaz Afrodite
And that is the truth.

Thee Alchemist____
Ah, you want to be looking and you want to be looking for the Leos the Aquarius is if you in a one personal year to find your assistance or you know a 2 personal year. Um from a Cancer so pay attention be sharp, be sharp.

Jaz Afrodite
You and if you are looking for relationships in a one personal year it's all about new relationships of course in a two personal year 2 is the vibration of love but it’s love on the short term so it be short-term relationships. So if you want to have a lot of 1 night stands or quick flings that is prevalent in a two personal year as we move into the 3 personal year. This is your Jupitarian energy. So this is all about. Good luck, lots of opportunities the seeds that you planted in year 1 are bearing fruit in year 3 so this is where you start to see the fruits of your labor and this is important for people to take note of because oftentimes we start things and real like damn I'm waiting for things to pop off and it's taken so long. You have to be aware of your cycles because nothing happens before its time and so we need to know that in a 3 personal year is when you start to see the growth recently I got a reading from a psychic medium and my father came through and he was like I am slashing and burning slashing and burning. Meaning that he was toiling and taking care of the land so that it was fertile for whatever I was doing for it to grow so year 1 and 2 is all about slashing and burning so that year 3 your crops can grow everything that you've harvested. You will see growing. Right? So in a 3 personal year's all about artistic expression. So you may want to create something do some music write a book decides. You want to take up photography join some sort of acting group. It's all about creative expression and you sharing your talents and gifts with the world or with a small group of people. 3 is also about social events and being around people and exchanging ideas. 3 is also a very fun and young energy. It's a time to have a lot of flirtatious relationships and if you are traveling. It'll be very quick trips. So threes if you're in a 3 personal year. You should get assistance from somebody who is a Pisces or a Sagittarius.

Jaz Afrodite
In a 4 personal year. You are laying the foundation and four is all about setting up systems structures and being disciplined and organized around your work and so. 3 you saw the fruits of your labor. 4 You're putting some structures and systems in place so that you can continue this growth and continue to build a foundation for the future so that your money makes money for you. It is a year to waste not want not lend. Not. Borrow not you do not have the resources and funds to be letting everybody have and borrow and take this is your time to watch your budget and manage for is also the number of odd and unusual circumstances situations. Things that just happen out of the blue if you want an example look at last universal year we were in a four universal year and nobody was prepared for Covid so things coming out of the blue that are unexpected. 4 is also a health cycle. So if you are in a four personal year you need to watch your health and the health will be related to your personal numbers and so in a for personal year your four is also about mental stability and knowing how to protect your mind not overthinking not getting too depressed not getting despondent. Because that can lead to other dire situations that I will not articulate but definitely watch your fours. Fours can also be unexpected illnesses that you were not planning for so definitely look out. For the four personal year and in a four personal year you would get assistance from someone who is an Aquarius or a Leo as well. 4 is not necessarily a travel year so I would not plan to travel in a four However let me just make this disclaimer even though we are looking at the year understand that within each year there are months and the months also have these same number vibrations. So while you may not be traveling throughout the entire four-year. You may be traveling in a traveling month so if you are in a seven month and I'll talk about 7 later you would probably be traveling to exotic places in a seventh month within your 4 year so just be mindful of the months that they have number vibrations as well. But right now we're just focusing on the year because I just want to keep it really simple if you want to take care and really understand your months you can always hit me up at jazfrodite.com so I can do your calendar for you and show you how that goes now we are moving into your 5 personal year. And 5 is all about change. It is all about Freedom. It is all about travel. It is the halfway point between the numbers between 1 and the number nine is your five and so in a five personal year it's about you making a decision. Ah, decision to go either 1 way or the other that's when you have the fork in the road and you need to decide which route you're going to take understanding that the destination will always be the same just that the roads may differ from you getting to 1 place to the other. In a five personal year that's changed in your habits your environment your career your ways of life. But it's always changed for the better change also in your health so you have to be very careful about that as well. You may want to have multiple relationships in a five personal year because 5 is all about the sex energy as well. 5 is also about having fun and you want to exercise temperance in a five personal year because that's about. Balance and moderation. So if you are somebody who loves to have a good time loves to eat loves to drink loves to have sex loves to indulge in these other activities. You may want to kind of temper that for a bit just to have some balance in your life and if you are traveling you are traveling to places that are quick. And shorts like quick weekend trips here and there nothing too long because you just want to go and come back and you may have multiple weekend trips throughout the year and in a five personal year you will get assistance from someone who is either a Gemini or a Virgo.

Thee Alchemist____
I wow I ah listen listen you know how I feel about the whole thing. So I'm on it I am I am on it Royal family roundtable too bad you can't see my notes I got every.

Jaz Afrodite
How we all feeling so far?

Thee Alchemist____
Word Jaz wrote down. Okay and I'm here and here for it all and I continuously take copious notes take notes so you'll know what's going on because if you'll if your spouse or your significant others in a five personal year and they doing some things that they got no business doing. You can't figure out who it is. It's that Gemini and Virgo that'd be showing up that's who it is. That's who exactly who it is it’s that Gemini and Virgo but you know what I’m not one to gossip you didn't hear that from me.

You ain’t hear that from you. You ain't right.

Thee Alchemist____
I do gotta um you know I do have to give some some hand claps on that 1 Um.

Thee Alchemist____
Um, because we're not trying to turn you you know we're not um, um, look try to use a nice word for it. You know what? hey we're all grown here that 5 personally it could could turn you into a ho or a whore. You better, get yourself together. Okay and chill on those vices, especially if your vices is sex.

I. Well I will just say I was in my 5 personal year back in 2019 and it was a colorful time and that's all I got to say.

Jaz Afrodite
On colorful tie.

Thee Alchemist____

And look as as as Jaz was talking I kept reflecting back to 2019 I was like oh you do 1 of these that. Ah well yeah.

Jaz Afrodite
Yes, we ain't judging over here. We don't judge at the roundtable. We just live and experience life. Yeah yeah.

Thee Alchemist____
And exactly now now you know the cloth that you made of and you know that that cloth change every year you know exactly what you're gonna be doing so i'mma just leave it at that tap tap tap.

Jaz Afrodite
But wired up.

Thee Alchemist____
This thing on are you guys listening.

Jaz Afrodite
And all, right? So now we're going into our sixth personal year and again sixth personal year is just like the sixth universal year. So if you are in a sixth personal year. You have the double vibration of the 6 which means that this will be a great year for you. And again, it's all about family responsibilities duties obligations taking care of your immediate family as well as your community serving your home moving from 1 home into another deciding that you want to go back to a school and pick up a trade or another skill It's also a time for you to beautify yourself beautify your home. It's a time for pregnancies births marriages or divorces understand that as well. It's also about the vibration of money and getting money in as well money is the vibration of Venus. And you will get assistance from someone who is either a tourist or a libra in a six personal year in your 7 personal year. It is a time for you to just settle down. You don't want to be around people. You don't want to be around loud noises. You want to retreat into your own quiet domain. It is time for you to do a lot of introspective work getting to the bottom of what makes you tick what is your purpose in life. Why are you here when you ask yourself all of those deep. And hard questions is a time through you to be analytical soul searching questioning and private. You'll be more reserved about who you have around you because a lot of frequencies will bother you and you will ask yourself these questions you may also want to get more involved in Numerology astrology. Taro anything dealing with the occult or something that is scientific as 7 is also about the sciences 7 is also about religion so you may decide that you want to get back into your religious studies as well. 7 is a number for you to just do research for you to write writers and poets. Flourish in a seven as well as actors because 7 is ruled by the planet Neptune and it allows you to go in between the realms of reality and different realms of spirit world or astral planes. And so 7 is a time for you to just explore all that is spiritual getting to your crystals getting into your Reiki healing all of those things that get you closer to self and in a 7 personal year you would get assistance from somebody who is either a cancer or a Pisces and if you are traveling. You want to travel to far and exotic places because 7 is all about the exotic and so different places in the world will be calling you where you have so beautiful Sandy beaches and that is where you will be to retreat and just get yourself together.

And I am in my 7 personal year so that resonates very much with me because I am already looking at you know travel going to warm places obviously early in 2020 2 um and I have been very in tune with scientific and religious um Studies. So this is very interesting.

Thee Alchemist____
That 7 personal year is a mf’er y'all they being nice to y'all they being nice to y'all they being real nice to you all it is. It's its it's when it comes to you moving into that.

It is a task.

Thee Alchemist____
Spirit world and that astral plane my 7 personal year. It was beautiful but it was a m f because of the simple fact that I was constantly in a state where I I was lucid in my dreams. I was completely lucid in my dreams. It got to a it got to a point where if I wasn't home and my husband was having a conversation with his best friend on the phone I can come back and tell him what the conversation was about because I thought I dreamt it but he was like you weren't even here. How do you know and I was like I thought I was here I don't know where us then where was I so that seventh person year is a very very special Year. But it's a year that you definitely need to start to develop your. Metaphysical, toolbox as well as your spiritual toolbox.

And it's also the beginning of being receptive to that because you are very right. The dreams have been very lucid and the vibrational pull is. They're very strong and if you're not.

Thee Alchemist____

Properly grounded it can scare you and really take you off your kilter and you're wondering like am I normal um am am I really feeling these things and it's a normal space to be in. Um. Can say because I've been in that phase of preparing for it. I'm comfortable in being in this 7 personal year even though it is it is definitely a test It's not easy.

Thee Alchemist____
It’s a beautiful space to be in if you're prepared and if you have the right stuff in your toolbox and you're not Judgmental your 7 personal year as Jaz Afrodite said. You need to understand that. Maybe this is the time that you want to start looking at and getting into crystals hashtag moonmanifestation.com I got to I got to plug myself in moonmanifestation.com you can go find your crystals on there but you really want to get grounded. And start looking at what type of crystals you need to help you facilitate this transition where you can move into your next year and still have something that you learned from this transition to help you go forward. It's a beautiful space to be in when you are prepared and you know where you go to get prepared. You get prepared at the empress high council. We are giving you the information and you have your very own. Astro numerologist here Jaz Afrodite that you can reach out to at any time jazafrodite.com and she will work with you. Don't just let her be the astro numerologist to the stars you better, get plugged in now y'all.

Jaz Afrodite
That's right before I become inaccessible darling. (Laughter) Shoot.

Thee Alchemist____
Okay, you can be plugged in now because they is calling. They is calling. an 8 days call it? Okay now.

Jaz Afrodite
Now we move into our 8 personal year talking about the stars and 8 is all associated with your money vibration. It is a year for achievement finances money accomplishment recognition. It is a time for again pregnancies and births. Also marriages and it is a time that is karmic and so you reap what you sow. So if your energy has been positive coming into this year you will reap the benefits if your energy has been Negative. You will also reap those negative circumstances. So you need to be mindful of the energy that you bring into an 8 personal year 8 is an earth Number. So it's really not about traveling far if you are traveling. It is some place that you are traveling by car or just going locally traveling within your country. Buy land. Okay, so 8 is all about your money and your business and bossing up. So if you are in an 8 personal year boss up boss up and bring all of that executive abilities to the table because that is what is expected. You will get assistance. From someone who is a Capricorn or a Libra in an 8 personal year. 

Thee Alchemist____
You right? I'm so sorry I'm so sorry guys you guys don't really understand the truth of what is being transmuted to you right now over these airwaves of syndication assistance from a cap on a Libra is about your money is about bossing up. It's about reaping what you so um, achievement this was I'm I'm just leaving out of my ah 8 personal year right? And so I'm in my nine personal year Now. My 8 personal year. My aid came from a Capricorn. Um I bossed up on a boss and I had to quit a job because of the simple fact that they did not want to pay me what I believed I was worth so I bossed up I quit but the Capricorn is the person that got me to the executives to get the doggone position guys 

Jaz Afrodite

Thee Alchemist____
live and direct real life live and direct real life commit. This Information to memory. It will serve you well and it will stop you from making some mistakes that do not need to be made.

Jaz Afrodite
That's right, especially when you go into the new year we've known a lot of us do our new year rituals and we’re sitting here praying that this year is gonna be a better year than last year and I remember just going into the years blindly not really having any direction just waiting for the years to happen to see how it unfolds. But we have our numbers here So we know exactly how it will unfold and so you just need to work with that vibration and maximize it to its fullest.

Thee Alchemist____
Absolutely absolutely I'm listen So I'm going to my nine person y’all this is about me be quiet y’all, be quiet I don't want to hear a pin drop I Want to hear everything.

Jaz Afrodite
That's right? so in your nine personal year. It is a time for you to be the humanitarian it is a time for you to give to others who are in need. It is a time for you to enjoy the. Arts and to donate to the arts or any artistic endeavors because you will benefit for it by giving to others who are in need nine is the culmination number. It is the end to people who no longer serve jobs that no longer serve. Relationships that no longer serve nine is the culmination of those things that you have to do away with so if people leave your life in a nine personal year allow them. The season is over if the job ends in a nine personal year allow it. The season is over. You are moving from your nine into your 1 for the next year so be mindful of that you never want to keep something that has to leave nine is always about international travel. So you may want to do some traveling internationally you may want to communicate. People who are in other parts of the world either for business or for some philanthropic any associations and you may also want to exchange ideas probably publish a book do something that deals with broadcasting and publishing as those are the nine frequencies and. Nine is also about getting help from somebody who is either an Aries or a Scorpio as those are your nine vibrations and again international travel is highlighted in a nine personal year it is also about wish fulfillment. So anything that you have been wanting to happen over the course of the year will happen in your nine personal year. This is a time when dreams come to fruition and the seeds that you planted in your 1 personal year definitely have rooted. They're sprouting. They've grown tall. And so you see the end result of that project that you started in your 1 personal year in your nine.

Thee Alchemist____
Wow Jaz international travel and exchanging ideas and communicating with people internationally um, ah the guy's name is Seth. Jaz when we went to Africa.

Jaz Afrodite
Uh Hmmm.

Thee Alchemist____
Years ago. The guy who helped us young black guy. His name was Seth and Seth just reached that we stay communicating for a long time and me and Seth just picked up our communication all over again from South Africa. Yep yeah.

Jaz Afrodite
From South Africa get out of here. My father told me when he came through in that reading that he said the South Africa trip. There's a part 2 to that so stay tuned.

Thee Alchemist____
I must stay tuned I must see with Seth working that there I mean like Seth where are you? So oh yeah, so um, I kept that connection I kept that connection open and we communicate on Facebook a lot. So because I am in my non personal year and I need to get this non personal year right? I'm going in it knowing what to expect and what is expected of me.

Jaz Afrodite
I just want to say for the nine since you're going to be in your nine personal year alchemist as nine is also a health number. You don't necessarily have to watch the health as it pertains to the Nine. It just means you need to be aware of any accidents accidents by car. Or accidents with anything with the fire or explosives or any weapons or knives or anything like that. So just be mindful of den nine his accident prone a year so

Thee Alchemist____
Damn, so I need to limit my doggone visits to the gun range. You know, ah man come on I was just about to put my app in.

Yes, yes.

Jaz Afrodite
Yes, yes.

Jaz Afrodite
Put it in just make sure that you are definitely exercising that safety button and latch on the gun so you don't have any.

For real she given me fair warning because you know I'll be in my nine in a 2023 and I'm like I'm a need all of blessings for I need the blessings to fall upon my right hand. Okay.

Thee Alchemist____
Okay, and you being young now is very shortly after and what.

Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, only 23


Thee Alchemist____
Right? Hand left in right eye dominant left eye dominant whichever way. Ok, hey you gone we just cover us just cover us

Jaz Afrodite
That’s right? An 11 person year is all about illumination. It is the year of the visionary so you will have a lot of psychic downloads is a time when you are communicating with Spirit spirit is giving you a lot of spiritual messages that you will have to take and use to enlighten and help others. You are the waist shower and the light-bearer for others in an eleven personal year. There's a time that you are going through a lot of spiritual awakenings as well. So definitely you. How quiet time like in your 7 spirituality like in your 7 but this is for you to share with others is also a very creative time as well. So definitely take those psychic downloads and apply it to anything artistic and eleven you would get assistance from someone who is a Leo. And also a Cancer so tap into your eleven personal years because these are very rare and it's really about your spiritual awakening during your eleven personal year.

Thee Alchemist____
Guys we are taking copious notes and the great thing is I will give you an example of every year not right now. But for this eleven person a year so I got married. And 2015 which was my eleven personal year and I married its all on Leo come on how can you get? Okay, talk about it. Got to know what to expect? um.

Jaz Afrodite
Wow. talk about it.

Leos not the best we the best. we the best y'all we the best.

Jaz Afrodite

Thee Alchemist____
Go ahead. Danielle go on Brush your shoulder off. Go ahead. Dr. Dannie ladies could do it too. Go on Brush your shoulders off. Um.

Just you you know you look you you you? you know you love us, you got your husband and you got me why.

Thee Alchemist____
Can't get away from it and Leo's all around me all around me just Leo is all around. Yeah, so your assistance will come from a libra I mean Ah, ah you said Leo Leo a cap Leo or or cancer.

Jaz Afrodite
All around surrounded by them.

Thee Alchemist____
And I'm so glad you spoke about the eleven personal year because that was gonna be a question that was gonna be 1 of my questions about the eleven personal year.

Jaz Afrodite
And the last personal year is the 22 personal year. 

My God Oh how you get hot. How do you? let's go oh here.

Thee Alchemist____
Oh fantastic, Let's go. Okay.

Jaz Afrodite
So the 22 personal year is all about the master builder and Twenty two is a number for you to not just visualize what it is that you want to build but bring it to fruition so it is a time for you to get the psychic downloads from spirit and also put it into action and build something great. Something monumental. So 22 is that master number energy just like the eleven but Twenty two is not artistic. It's more about building and managing so you bringing something to fruition and gathering all the people around you to help you build and to also that you can manage and they can help you grow. That business that is also a four 26 so you would get assistance from somebody who is an Aquarius or a Leo Leo s again, so 22 personal years are very very rare. So if you have one it is time for you to build something That will last for a lifetime.


Can I just say what y'all know about that Leos what you'll know about these Leos What you know what? you? what a girl and and no we have no facts upon facts because I was gonna say that because every single time Jaz was saying you'll get assistance from.

Thee Alchemist____
No Danielle you got to be real tired running through this whole all the numbers helping everybody.

Such and such and such Leo such and such Leo such and such Leo and I really started thinking about aspects of my life. How folks text message call me and be Like. Dannie Do you know how you get Dah da Oh yeah, bet here you go like be in that connector and I have to be careful of my energy and who I expend that out to and being in my seventh personal year. I Have become very introverted. You know it just hang out with the the same people and not wanting to ah ah get to know new people. It takes me a minute I'm I'm realizing that and I've actually enjoyed. Being in the quiet and being in my space and just talking to the same people I like to talk to so preserving my energy and being very careful with it. But yeah and I'm a triple Leo too As y'all know so we fire all day every day we set the blaze.

Thee Alchemist____
Oh Wow Sorry to hear that rising. Ah, ah.

Jaz Afrodite
When she said Triple Leo she means Leo Sun Moon and rising.

Thee Alchemist____
Well I can just say I don't allow my husband help nobody I'm so sorry I'm no fool. 

Well he can’t help nobody. He gotta help you.

Thee Alchemist____
You got that right? I need I need all the help. Okay, any guy to help you got wait a minute hello hello. Let's check. Let's up. Let's be humanitarian about this? Okay, that's spots at home. So ah, yes, you' help coming from the law and the first place it goes is to your wife before I go to anybody else they get what’s left. So Queens and Kings Kings and Queens you have everything that you need you don't even need to go listen to any other podcasts if they're not explaining to you how to get your coin. Otherwise all you need is just us and whoever your your favorite is to teach you how to get that coin but you don't need to listen to anybody else because they're not giving you the information and stop spinning your ah coin on other things and just promote.

Jaz Afrodite
Agreed. Agreed.

Thee Alchemist____
The empress high council and take your coin that you have and get your book because it's that time of year Jaz we we supposed to get our calendar our books for the year right with our best days are good days and.

And I'm very excited I got minus coming soon is um and I got a purple on this time know I.

Jaz Afrodite
Yep it sure is.

Thee Alchemist____

Thee Alchemist____
Oh I stayed with my champagne I Love my what is the champagne or rose champagne something like that This is Rose Gold Rose gold.

Jaz Afrodite
I got a black one.

I have yeah I have the rose gold 1 right now but I wanted to change it so I have the differentiation of Year. So I got so I got a purple 1 but they'll have all of this in gold like so I'm so excited.

Jaz Afrodite
Mmmm Hmm.

Thee Alchemist____
Mmmm Hmm.

Jaz Afrodite
Yeah, I had that last year.

Thee Alchemist____
Oh Wow I didn't even see that I wish I would have saw that I would have gotten that. So, but I hope you guys really took away a lot of great information from this particular episode featuring our very own astro numerologist Jaz Afrodite. Hit her up on her site jazafrodite.com make sure you get your book and as well as get your um astro numerology. what what we call your numerology reading make sure you get your numerology reading and forecast for the year get your numerology forecast for the upcoming year your own personal numerology forecast for the year don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button share Button. You can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just google us the empress high council we are everywhere. We're going to conclude our episode with our herb of the episode as well as our crystal of the episode. I'll start with our crystal of the episode and our crystal of the episode is Phenacite Phenacite is a highly sought after stone because of its high energy frequency and vibration it is 1 of the most powerful and intense stones. That you can own it stimulates the light body by radiating pure and clear light Phenacite can open your chakras and help you with psychic work. It can stimulate your third eye. And it can open your visionary intuition and awareness of the spiritual realm. It can also facilitate deep and powerful meditation. It is a very important stone that can bring you to a higher level of consciousness. And open the interdimensional doorways for inner travel and understanding. It will make you aware that there are lots of things that cannot be seen by the naked eye that everyone in this world is just part of another dimension. in the grand scheme of things this stone can help you in your personal and spiritual growth. It will open your mind to different truths mindsets and perspectives it will make your vision more positive. And elevate your aspirations for bigger and better things phenacite being the highly spiritual stone that is that it is will bring your ah life to a new direction. It will enhance your intuition and give you an amazing flow of energy Phenacite is the stone of this episode.

The herb of this episode is Mugwort Mugwort spiritual meaning is 1 of a visionary. The herb helps us to greater self-expression and deeper awareness of the self. Visionary herbs open and expand one’s mind having metaphysical and mental effects that release our all natural psychic energy mug wart is most effective when used in dreamwork or trance states. This is best taken as a herbal infusion before bed. So. Could sleep well and sleep enlightened Mugwort releases. Its powerful healing properties through heat roll up a mug wart leaf hold it over a flame until smoke appears then begin to wave the herb over the body for purification of the spirit drinking. Mugwort tea just before sleep will aid in the process of prophecy and lucid dreaming placing the dried herb inside your pillow will induce astral travel mug wart lucid dreaming. And pleasant dreams and also protects against nightmares Mugwort holds a fierce but reassuring energy that can be helpful when making realizations and facing difficult truths our herb of this episode is Mugwort.

Thee Alchemist____
Guys and you could roll up some Mugwort and smoke it too. We're gonna leave you with our one final thought. Know your worth.