Empress High Council

The Moon Manifester & The Great Dane

Empress High Council Season 5 Episode 2

Hey, royal family. We're back to start the new year off right by discussing the importance of having a manifestation coach, a numerologist, and how Dr. Dannie used both services to manifest her Diversity, Equity, And Cultural Inclusion Consultancy, Great Dane 921. Check it out. You don't want to miss this. 

Follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter.

00:04.66 - Thee Alchemist

Happy New Year happy new year royal family and welcome to season 5 episode 2 don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council we are everywhere before we get started. Let's introduce our cast this is the alchemist coming to you in the frequency of energy to transmute your social spiritual and financial currency into abundance.


00:32.40 - Jaz Afrodite

And this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love, music, and numbers.


00:39.41 - Dannie

And this is Dannie giving you positivity and providing you inspiration to become your authentic self.


00:48.72 - Thee Alchemist

Happy New Year happy new you happy new perspective we are now in a 6 universal year this is your time time to tell your story write your book and Jaz provided you with the blueprint and epi episode 1 this is your season to tap into the person you are. We have consistently provided you with the tools in the blueprint to become your authentic self now. We're not going to set the table because that set the table right? There guys would you agree.


01:25.86 - Dannie



01:27.48 - Thee Alchemist

Ah, Thank you very much.. Thank you very much so gather round gather Round Royal Family Gather round roundtable and let's eat from the buffet of strength and not the buffet of weakness in this episode we will be talking about and speaking about our very own personal businesses. Where we are right now and just our road where we are what we're doing what we have for you What we can provide for you What we can provide to the masses to be able to move them head and shoulders above where they already are so let's get. Started everybody Ready. We ready Everybody got the seats got your pin your pieces of paper gathered around the roundtable and let's dine and dig in well ladies Well empresses.


02:23.10 - Dannie

Can I just say we made it to 2022 even though I'm still processing 2022 but that's neither here nor there y'all carry on look everything has been a blur in the past two years but


02:31.72 - Thee Alchemist

That went over my head.


02:38.71 - Thee Alchemist



02:42.00 - Dannie

When we think about what has transpired this past year I would say for myself I really appreciate, Empress High Council and this isn't just to give a plug but for the fact that I joined you the alchemist and Jaz. Back in January of 2021 where the title of the episode is when the universe calls and the conversation was for me. We were both of you were asking me and Adaryll um, who's not here with us at the moment of the light.


03:05.18 - Thee Alchemist

Wow that.


03:19.56 - Dannie

And need to just say that he is the light of discussing what motivated me to form my company. Great dane nine 21 consulting when I did it I was still waiting for clearance from the state for my l l c. I was working with people but not like aggressively because I want to do things the right way and you want you want to have that level of credibility and I know that we will discuss further in this episode. The dynamics of what happens with credibility especially for um, black entrepreneurs and having that level of support from our own you know to take to acquire business. Um, we as a community are very quick to give our our dollars and cents to major corporations and whatever based upon this mindset that it's more credible compared to the up-and-coming businesses that are being developed a lot of businesses as we all know have been developed during this time during the during this pandemic. It has been a space of creativity and it really does tie into that whole thought process of like the age of Aquarius like we're we're here and and people are waking up and understanding the importance of their worth. So for me. I. Started GreatDane921 as you both know I officially launched GreatDane921 before the i.



 Thee Alchemist

Um, I'm sorry I I don't have any sound effects tonight. But I'm gonna put in my own hand claps. Okay I'll put them my whole own hand clap. We've been waiting for GreatDane921.com.




I thank you? Yes, that is the web site. So my web site launched just days before um before the new year approached I did it quietly first on 1222 of 2021 just kind of doing a soft launch putting the web site out there and then um, tying all of my social media handles together and announcing and launching on social media platforms on 1229 2021 and that's the amount of services that each one of you empresses provide. It's been so beneficial to me. Um in my business. Ah the whole construct, especially during kwanza of Ujamaa of working together and collaboratively. You know to support each other's businesses and skill set and I can personally attest getting advice from tisha from the alchemist and and you know really like getting more disciplined and mindful about approach and what you want to do with your life from from a days.



Thee Alchemist

And your days don't forget about your days from jazafrodite.com.


06:25.66 - Dannie

And well I was about to go I was about to go into that so Jaz has been so instrumental. Both of you all in in in your in your each respective ways of providing appropriate guidance for me. Like when I launched everything I didn't think about the numbers in essence I guess you can say it was serious divine intervention a divine order of my steps that was occurring um during this time period and seeing how everything played out. It's just like it blows my mind to this day as we're in a new year and I can say it is essential to have a positive mindset and to stay in your affirmations on a daily basis I know in this. You know, presently a lot of people abuse the whole word about manifest and manifestation all this all this type of stuff but you have to be it has to be within you and you have to believe it and practice it accordingly. To achieve these specific goals that you want to achieve can I just say like I had my planner done by Jaz I utilize my law of attraction planner I have mind mapped my steps for the next five to ten years still got to work on my daily mind map that I'm in right now for my business. The level of clarity that I have right now I there are no words but I can say that so far in this first. Official week of 2022. It has been fantastic. So I think you both empresses.


08:26.74 - Thee Alchemist

And well there you have it coming from someone who.


08:29.49 - Dannie

And oh yes, and wait a minute. Also the alchemist besides your financial and coaching ah capabilities shot out to Moon Manifestation Moon Manifestation dot com because. That's the other thing I got some wonderful bracelets that I wear I feel like I am empowered that I receive from Moon Manifestation I wear them on a daily basis I have them more right now there are times where I feel like I'm wonder woman you know one wonder woman had her. Um.


09:05.95 - Thee Alchemist

You are feel. Yeah, being here.


09:07.52 - Dannie

Ah, metal braces Chi King Ti Chi Cha Ching so I feel really empowered and energized in that regard of warding off whatever is coming at me that's negative energy. Um, there just aren't words. Um I I can definitely say that prior to being a co-host on here and listening to you both and the light Adaryll I learned a lot of things you all made me laugh. You all provided perspective but now to be a part of it. It has been very beneficial to how I operate as a entrepreneur and for that again I thank you both.



Thee Alchemist

Thank you Dr. Dannie we love having you a part of the empresses of the empress rat of ah, Empress High Council and at our roundtable and we're glad that what we. Speak about and what we've brought to the table has been beneficial to you. It has helped you grow and start your business.


10:06.62 - Jaz Afrodite

Yeah I definitely want to agree with that and I thank you for utilizing the tools that we have to offer this is just a testament for those who are listening that the things that we do push and speak about in the podcast are things that we use in real life. So nothing that we speak about is anything that is abstract everything is being tested. And used amongst ourselves so any feedback or testimonials that we give are true to form so this is just a message to all of you who are thinking about transitioning and moving out of the workspace into your own businesses that this is real life. And everything that we do. We use it and apply it to our everyday life in our personal businesses and if we happen to take on other assignments as well as we transition into this world of entrepreneurship.


10:54.62 - Dannie

I was so true and I would just say that over a year ago I don't think I would have been properly equipped to do what I just did without changing my mindset and. If you're familiar with the whole mindset coaching which has become very popular these days. Um, it's a focus on positivity and positive energy and looking at things under a very ah light uplifting. Way and that's hard. That's hard for a lot of people because everyone is born with that that that dosage of pessimism right? which can steamroll and evolve into negativity which can just leads to other things. So being able to utilize that mindset and balancing out the positive and the negative because there will always have to be a duality that can never just be 1 but just putting so certain exercises and things in place. It will just get you far and I know that definitely has been helpful for me.



Thee Alchemist

I Think that is a great segue into ah Moon Manifestation and kind of what my business is about because you know I've always been about digging deep to discover what your soul truly desires and. Then doing the work to make it a reality right? Jaz because that's what we do and a lot of you guys don't know that as a manifestation Coach I assist clients by helping them understand and foster deep rooted beliefs.


12:38.10 - Jaz Afrodite



12:39.23 - Thee Alchemist

In them that they have the tools that they need to live their best life I identify exactly what it is you want yourself limiting Beliefs learned behaviors that have become obstacles in your manifestation. And help you find answers. In essence I help people get from where they are to where they want to be everything is energy. Our mindset is the force. Behind the energy movement and growth and I'll talk to you a little bit later about how my clients can find me or how clients can find me and utilize my services as a manifestation coach coupled with more manifestation. But. We're going to get back to showcasing and highlighting Greatdane921.com because she is a true testament of how manifestation works and how manifestation coaching. Coupled with numerology and how all this worked for her and getting from where she was a year ago to where she is today.


14:04.06 - Dannie

Thank you? yes, manifestation coaching Numerologyy. They all work hand in hand and when you are utilizing both components you're you you can become a fine. Tuned focused well oiled machine and really being clear about what you want to do with your business how you want to engage with your potential clients. And when you're at networking events right now these days a lot of them are virtual as we all know but being able to communicate your vision your purpose your your mission for your company and your and your business. I can say that manifestation coaching and numerology has benefited what I'm doing my consultancy firm provides trainings, professional development trainings for executives midlevel management and up and coming professionals. Especially in the black and Brown Community we don't have access we don't have full scale access to executive coaching if your vision and goal is to be that Ceo at that company if you want to stay within the construct. Ok, um, we we don't have that and the only way you attain it is a good majority of the time if you are sponsored for a leadership development program at your job or you have. Been promoted or elevated to a VP or president or chief executive officer chief marketing office. Whatever chief chief chief chief chief right? you you don't see you don't have access to that until you reach those levels and you don't even have access. Says to mindset groups are mastermind groups of what they call a mastermind groups. Ok, ah they they reign supreme in other demographics. But for us, we're starting to kind of catch up. If that makes any sense. Um, and it's catching up slowly. Unfortunately, um, yeah, so my.


16:31.93 - Thee Alchemist

Makes a lot of sense and.


16:35.24 - Jaz Afrodite

So Dannie before you continue with the thought though what exactly are the mastermind groups that you speak of for those who don't even know.


16:41.70 - Dannie

Absolutely so with the mastermind groups these are set up usually by executives in respective industries to talk about. You know, strategies and tactics on how to move within their respective industry as a leader. So. This calls for improving improving their leadership capabilities and then also enhancing their financial um portfolio and wealth as Well. So wealth from an individual standpoint and then wealth for the respective company. Organization that they oversee now I'm not going to say that the mastermind groups are biased because there are people of color that are in the mastermind groups but not a lot of us and the only. Resemblance of of us kind of getting into a mastermind group thing is the type of minority groups that we may be affiliated with be it sororities fraternities, congressional black caucus and wcp like those type of big organizations. That's the that's the only way you kind of get a glimmer you know of it the Urban league all that type of stuff and I'm bringing this up because ironically enough a fellow cohort of mine who is a coach. Um, she did some research about mastermind stuff this past.Most our recent semester that we concluded and it was fascinating and I did say this to her I said I didn't know about appropriate mentorship or the existence of a mastermind group. Until I got to a certain level within my career now who knows where I could have been in my twenty s or even in my thirty s in my early 30 s if I was knowledgeable from jump. But if I'm not around it. If I did not like grow or be born into it. How am I supposed to know so it really shed light for her because you know she said you know that's really interesting because just my own observation of what the. Mastermind groups are comprised of there. They're they're not that diverse. You know it. It depends on what type of industry skill set level mastermind group that you're a part of I'm not that knowledgeable it it. But I know enough to know at a high level. That it needs to diversify and there needs to be a way to have access for all and the old and you cannot do that and you're not even going to be in essence a productive professional right. If You don't have those type of Acts. You don't have those type of access so there are there My focus with my company is empathetic. Leadership. So if you are working with. Someone like the alchemist who talks about manifestation coaching I would want to work with you on how to execute what you are learning from the alchemist so you can be an empathetic leader in the space that you're in so you're still mindful of emotions and. Feelings and culture because I also have a focus on cultural intelligence not just emotional intelligence which is E Q which everybody talks about but how those things tie together to not only make you and. Authentic leader but an authentic employee entrepreneur. Whatever you want to be but really being grounded in thought grounded in mind body and spirit in how you function in the professional Space And how that carries over also in the personal space because what everyone is realizing these days is that professional and personal are together. They're not separated how you function. In in whatever capacity that you that you deal in to make this money this this figurative money that we all. Um I don't paper right playing right? Whatever um it it plays it plays a factor. So What you learn.


21:22.53 - Thee Alchemist

Coin paper chaching and.


21:30.39 - Dannie

And say from the alchemist or if you're doing the numerology piece from Jaz which is which is actually a necessity besides besides getting whatever mental health services. Be it if you want to do therapy but no.


21:39.70 - Thee Alchemist

Which is a necessity for.


24:06.24 - Dannie

Does help in understanding like the numbers and and what's your what's your energy levels and frequencies for specific for specific days. Is it a good day or a bad day. Are you gonna pop off or are you gonna be focused and be of positive energy to to to Function. So both. Components work hand in hand in really molding who you are as a person and I guess you can say now people are starting to realize that it's become on trend right?? um. But you don't want it to be on trend in a negative way like everyone's trying to latch on to numerology and be like oh yeah, yeah, no there there is this. There is a science to it. There is a respective meaning to it and the same thing with manifestation mindset coaching. There is a process to it. There is a beginning a middle and a end for both of these components and they should be respected.


22:53.33 - Jaz Afrodite

So then what is the natural progression? Do I if as somebody listening to this at the roundtable I want to get manifestation coaching and I do want to have my diversity coach. What is the the natural progression. Do I go to my manifestation coach First. Alchemist and then goes to you Dannie or how does that work. Yeah.


23:09.19 - Dannie

I Think you can do it both hand in hand for the fact that you go to the alchemist for manifestation coach and where you have a realization that I think I have a disconnect somewhere in regards to how I engage with individuals. And even engage with myself. You know like my full scale identity and then looking from my side of things with great day Nine Twenty one saying you know what I want to I want to take this a step further and go through exercises have conversations. You know map out my goals and objectives from a professional standpoint and how my how I relate to colleagues peers um those that um direct reports individuals who report to me how all of that goes hand in hand and how do I address that. And how do I operate in the space with the tools that you acquire from me from a professional coaching and development standpoint and then what you acquire from the alchemist in regards to looking at personal manifestation. But so even more in depth Private Goals. So It works hand in hand.


24:26.82 - Thee Alchemist

And as you guys know I do nothing without numerology. So the goal to and that point to pull everything together is Jaz Afrodite I believe in it wholeheartedly.


24:39.45 - Jaz Afrodite

Yeah, Tisha’s definitely been the pioneer of it and the alchemist I keep calling you tit is the alchemist ladies and gentlemen has been using it professionally for years and has seen the growth. Not only financially but has seen the growth in terms of getting her closer to her life path. So again, this is not something that me speak of in abstract because in order for you to even understand what you're manifesting you need to understand what your life purpose is. Know we speak a lot about the days and the frequency of the days but that's just a very small small component of it. Numerology is really about you understanding the contracts that you made coming into this lifetime. What life purpose. Did you say you were going to sign up for. That you may or may not be carrying out or abiding by so you need to understand your life path that is what you came to learn your life purpose what you came to teach and all of the lessons in between your lessons your pinnacles and your cycles as it pertains to the cycles of the years and the months and then the days so that's just the very last very small component of it. You need to understand better yourself and a lot of people are operating without a clear understanding of who they are on a spiritual level, and you don't have to go to a psychic necessarily to find these things out. Written in your name and in your birth date but because we have been so displaced from ourselves and not really understanding our own science. We don't even know where to go to learn about who we are and what we came to do so. It's definitely a process and it's something that you cycle through it's not something that you do. Once and then stop is a continual thing with all 3 of us because you're constantly getting in touch with yourself. You're constantly manifesting new things you're constantly interfacing with people whether it be professionally or personally so it's definitely an investment. And self but we are in the age of Aquarius so now it's the time for us to invest this money and this time into the knowledge.



26:46.59 - Thee Alchemist

I just want to say 1 thing to add onto that to help the mindset of our listeners and those that have forwarded this podcast to others and our subscribers when we talk about. Pulling all this together. A lot of folks start thinking? Oh they're talking about something spiritual. Um I'm only involved in the church right? So I want to break that down for you real quick I'm talking about something spiritual I want to be involved in the church. You won't get numerology so you won't you won't you won't get numerology. You don't want to do ah manifestation manifestation coaching you don't want to go upscale, an executive working with great day nine to http://one.com however, what you do. Is you will go see a prophet at the church or an evangelist and get prophesized over I mean really anything outside of the church. You call all kinds of names all kinds of names you call it all kinds of names that are not. Really good names. You're associated with all types of negativity but you will go on a Tuesday Thursday night. Let them lay hands on you and prophesy over you somebody that don't even know you you think that they've got divine intervention that jumped out. Out of the sky jumped into them. They know you and they could prophesy your whole life. Your life is in them numbers your name your date of birth in your mindset. Dr Dannie just wanted to put that in there to bring to a head. What. Jaz was saying so people could understand that you can't be here and then be there at the same time It's the same thing right.


28:45.43- Dannie

So very true and on top of that based upon the numbers your birthday and in your name as Jaz has called out. You cannot avoid your destiny no matter how much you try. And I can say personally for myself I tried a lot and you just have to come to a point where you have to be honest with yourself either shit or get off the pot. That's that. And um I think for myself I was just like I I can't get off the pot I've tried to get off the pot I keep but um I can't deny this anymore or be fearful. Because that's another thing fear is is a serious mind killer so that is a definite thing that you want to tackle and address in your forms excuse me in your form of coaching be it mindset coaching life coaching professional coaching you know. Fear rears its ugly head and in in different aspects of your life I know for me I was afraid as to how my firm would be received. I was there were moments where I was just like do I honestly know what I'm talking about do I have anything to say and then I realize that over two years now I have been doing things that have built out. A repertoire of stuff and I literally shocked myself but it was for the fact that I didn't see it at the time because I was still afraid and I didn't fully understand. My own personal strength power and destiny. So once acknowledging that I'm in a space where I don't I don't have time for foolishness I I I I don't my tolerance level is so low. Stuff like that these days if you are not here with me I can't associate with you too tight and even pretty much and then you know I've been in ah in a seven seven personal year.


31:21.04 - Thee Alchemist

And that's what happens when you're rocking with the Empress High Council.


31:25.02 - Dannie

Of spiritual awakening and and and reasoning and realization about myself and what really matters to me and I and you kind of go into hermit mode during this phase and and that's what I've been in and I'm okay. With that I'm just going to talk to the people I need to speak to who are on the same wavelength as me about bettering yourself not just physically but mentally spiritually as well I just also just want to touch back in regards to what you mentioned regard. To spirituality each one of us here in this space respectively practices what we practice I can say for myself that I am a practicing Roman Catholic yes I am but there are there are mystic mystical components within. Catholicism that tie to African religion cultures numerology they're all connected so miss me in trying to label me a cook. Or whatever I am spiritual and respectively spiritual in my way and I understand how these things are connected.


33:00.88 - Thee Alchemist

I'm going to make you feel great Dr. Dannie because as a woman of the diaspora I am a practicing Israelite jew.


33:10.41 - Dannie



33:15.56 - Dannie

That's right I want you I wanted you to to say what you are because you know um I just had to I just had to put it out there. We we we we we all have our different things but we're it's all connected to.


33:24.68 - Thee Alchemist

Mmm Hmm


33:30.48 - Thee Alchemist

It's all connected and it's more connected I will tell people the greatest grimoire that has ever been is the bible I get all my herbs out the bible. The bible has over. 200 herbs that they talk about in the bible and what the purposes of them for I also have the Apocrypha I have some of the missing books of the bible I'm trying to collect them. So like I said the bible is the biggest grimoire and I am a practicing.


33:51.84- Dannie

And that's right, That's right that right.


33:53.02 - Thee Alchemist

Israelite Jew so and I still have my own spiritual practices had a whole spiritual practice and let's be honest, we had a whole spiritual practice over the new the new year and if you know anything go to the beach at the new moon go to the beach on a full moon and guess what you will see. They're praying.


34:22  .87


Yes, yes.



Thee Alchemist

When sun before sun go down all the Jews Hasidic Israelite everyone is at the beach saying there new moon or full moon prayers and I will touch on 1 other thing. A lot of people go to these other places and they say oh somebody beat you with a chicken blah blah blah blah blah is that and the other while the jews do it too. Okay, so don't get it twisted. And I'll just put a pin in that and I Also we we have silence now I said a pin in it not silence come more empresses.


35:17.32 -Dannie

Well we wanted we wanted it to have that effect but Jaz. Um, if you want to chime in I didn't know if you had anything to say. But yeah, we just wanted it to have that effect because you know it it needed to be said gosh some of this. Stuff that you know that I see and I'm like no, that's not what it's about um, but I can say that I have observed on social media in in the respective industry that I'm in with development and training. More and more coaches or organizational psychologists really putting out like affirmations and you know saying talking about daily affirmations and how those things are are good to practice and have. Um, as you know it affirmations used to be clowned on Mark. What's wrong with you? Why you looking in the mirror saying I am worthy I am beautiful I you know those they work they work and. When when you when you when you shift your mindset first thing in the morning I know when I do do that. Do it for myself I feel good I feel like I'm able to take take on what ever is thrown at me during the day and I want to be able. To carry that forward with whoever I work with be it an individual or an organization or company. You know, bringing back that that that sense of self and and sense of of identity and and clarity and being like oh this is why I'm here this is why I work here I'm not just here to collect a check you know and there's obviously a difference between a career and a job I get that? Um, but being able to I think if. Individuals were able to demystify and really be um, identify career and job. We'd have a lot of millionaires in this world I think that's just me.


37:39.37 - Jaz Afrodite

So how you both of you feel about the insurgence of all of these coaches I know with the advent of the new year there's a lot of people coming out of the woodworks professing to be an expert in human development and mental development and Professional development. How do we feel about all of that?


37:54.97 - Dannie



37:58.50 - Thee Alchemist

And financial development as well. They got a lot of coaches out there. Nobody has no certification. No degrees a year of experience missing around with YouTube and Instagram a whole bunch of fake followers and because the followers don't even know what the heck they're following. No ah, never never paid for or been to a coaching program because I know I paid paid for been to and grant from a life coaching program and yeah and that I had to actually go away and stay Hotel and everything and pay tuition. Yeah.





And they're not cheap and they're not cheap. They're not cheap. They're not cheap right at somewhere and tell fight.




Like I I'm as you as you both know I'm in school that ain't cheap. There are days where I want to do I need to go on the poll but I need to hear not new. Yeah, that they to pay my tuition but it gets done right? and I am and I'm I'm in this I'm in this and I'm still working.





So even in the workspace people say to me that is so fascinating that you're in school and you're working I said well why not it can be done what I'm going to school for is focused on how how what the state of work is so it's imperative. That I'm in in the space. So I can see so you ask? How do I feel about all these different coaches popping up. It is concerning because I do look at people's background information. What? What do you have to make you a coach if you just have. A certification that you only did for less than 2 3 hree months we need to talk or you don't have like 1 right? or yeah and ongoing and like ah and and no ongoing like training or or enhancement I I don't know.


39:49.01 - Thee Alchemist

And the high school diploma.


39:47.84 - Dannie

If I want to get with you in in in having you coach me to get to the next level I quiet as kept have been in the workspace for over twenty years I may not look like I've been in the workspace for over twenty years but I have and I have seen some things.



Thee Alchemist

Black don't crack.


40:16.71 - Dannie

Good. But and then there's that good bad or indifferent right? and because of what I've seen and especially as a black woman as a black woman professional. That's what motivated me to be like you know what? you need to go get your doctorate and and do this work. Because there's not a lot of us really doing this work.. There's some of us but not a lot of us and I can say there are some of us but not a lot of us a lot of the the textbook literature about emotional intelligence cultural Intelligence. It's all written by white people so there needs to be the infusion of us in there have I seen companies or individuals that are doing this work to talk about culture. Yes, they're up and coming and they're rising. And they have something to say but what's beneficial is if you have that knowledge base as a foundational tool Solid Firm knowledge base. It will get you so far and you could do so much in what you're trying to address to. Educate the masses about the importance of the brown in particular brown and black culture in the workspace culture in general so.



41:43.26 - Thee Alchemist

I'm going to give you an example of that Dr Dannie and roundtable as well as our listeners and subscribers and those who have been forwarded this particular episode. Don't forget that the like subscribe and share button. But an experience where I worked working for 1 of the major financial houses and I had gotten the opportunity to go and sit on a think tank panel. I didn't even know this room existed in the I didn't even know this floor existed and the type of access on this floor in the world financial center where there was a ah there was elevator keypad you go up. You come out into this floor. There's a waitstaff and waitstaff uniforms with the napkin over their arm you get escorted into a personal dining room. The silverware is real silver polished up tea teacups and in a. Ah, ah, tea dispensers and all kinds of stuff they ask you what it is. You would like there's a chef that prepares all this stuff and I am the only my I'm sorry I'm the only woman and the only person of the diaspora. At the end of the meeting so we will pose the question we had to all get together and provide a solution. Everybody is from all these ivy league institutions dressed up in they suits. Another persuasion and who comes up with the best answer to the solution me and I made sure to let them know I graduated from CUNY I sure did and they were like that's the type of thinking that we need right? there. Why none of you thought of that. Because they stay inside the box and if you want to move move your business you want growth you want not even so much as you want the cultural diversity that you were talking about Dr. Dannie but you want the diversity in. Business growth and ideas and mindset so you want to be inclusive. And that's what you're talking about educating corporate America about that inclusivity where they understand that people from other cultures can bring real world live decisions that can move them head and shoulders above where they already are. There's only. But so much that we can continue to be e q in the head we've been beaten eq in I'm sorry e I in the head for 30 years now and people still haven't gotten it. Yeah and they haven't gotten it 30 years and they haven't gotten it. And we're still doing it. Yeah.


44:42.16 - Dannie

You no you said correct you said it correct this a Q you are correct that the the emotional dimmer the emotional potion but here's his his's the kicker here's the kicker. Diversity is not just a statement on matters that are so going on in this day and age diversity is not just issuing a statement from the company. We need a company statement. What's our stance? What's our stance. It is more than that. Having a d I person on staff in your company is not just about issuing a statement It's about the continuance of training and awareness within the company and how that plays out in. The overall mission and values of the company and how you're going to function and operate more and more when businesses do businesses with each other b to b the questions are being asked. Well what is your culture and how is that how does the culture. Portray out project out in the services that you provide to me, you know as a business or as a consumer and what's happening is companies and organizations are really struggling with that because they never took the time. To really do the internal work to define what their employee brand is and what their employee identity is it was kind of like we just hire people do the work and that's it. Really falling under that whole um color if you look at color organization mindframe of like red red organization classification red orange organization classification. Um, and now I'm I'm kind of gonna go a little bit deep for a second Frederic Lalu  wrote a book called reinvent an organization where he first um introduces the whole idea of teal organizations, red organizations orange all of the levels and how it it was touched upon by previous like um psychologists and o d practitioners. But not as indeff as the way how he took it and he just read and he just did this about ten years ago so the goal of a lot of organizations and companies is to be what we classify as a teal organization. Prime example is Patagonia. Which gets high praise in in publicity these days in the media for their how they operate as a company and and and their awareness not only with the consumer with that but their awareness for their employees as well. So what is happening right? now is. A lot of organizations have to play catch up hard real hard and aggressive and they're not doing it the right way so you see a lot of organizations thinking. Well I'm have this event on D I And that's. Just go answer everything like just an event not not like not like a training not like a series of trainings that's ongoing to keep the conversation going I have heard of organizations creating D Out D I counsels and that's it and not you heard me.



Thee Alchemist

And that's it.




DEI Counsels and and that's it not really doing I don't want to say events but it it's twofold you do events. But then you do very comprehensive programming that includes training as well. So Everyone in your organization is on the same page but I am I have heard. A lot of organizations just developing these D I councils and that's it. We did our part case closed party done.



Thee Alchemist

You and there's no resources going forward to for the succession. There are no resources going forward or even though evaluative measures to be able to analyze you know synthesize and evaluate the effects of these programs is almost like set up to fail. So I'm going to say this and I'm gonna manifest this for you that you become the czar of cultural intelligence. So we putting it out there universe we put it out there. Dr Dannie is the czar Of Cultural intelligence.



49:12.17 - Dannie

I will and I will and I am.



49:23.98 - Dannie

Thank you The alchemist and thank you Jaz.



Jaz Afrodite

I love that that's dope.



Thee Alchemist

So on that note I'm going to lead with this and then Dr Dannie I want you to follow this lead right? So how do my clients find me and I'm going to talk about. How clients find me so you could talk about how clients find you fair enough? Ok and we're going to talk about some of your clients as well. But we're not going to mention who they are so some of my clients are upscale. And they have been exclusive only to attorneys and senior executives and some public relations industry professionals at the Empress High Council. We have all and Jaz has been a Stewart in this.





Yeah, you got that right? Let's go.




Thee Alchemist

And providing her services throughout the Empress High Council multiple seasons and has seen exponential business growth in her business and people have actually seen changes in their life in dealing. With her and utilizing her services as she continuously follows up with them so we're going to say that this message is for you right here and right now and if you are looking for. A manifestation coach you could reach me at ceo@moonmanifestation.com or you could just send me a text message to 347-790-4755 and I will call you and schedule a half an hour consultation and I understand the constraints. That you may have but dependent on what your numbers are I will work them out with Jaz Afrodite and we will help you so Dr Dannie how do we reach you? What's your email address.




Yes, yes. You got it Now. We all about now.



Thee Alchemist

Can they text you okay, well yeah, so let us know sorry wait a minute. Let us know czar of cultural intelligence Dr. Dannie.


51:48.21 - Dannie

So just so we're clear my clients include nonprofits companies I have been working with them I've done a lot of speaking engagements and retreats for specific industries. Ah be it in the nonprofit social sector world and also. Private sector as well and then individuals so executives and burgeoning ah creatives I love working with creatives what I call the creative exec very creative into their into their own thing organic work. Being done but they're not organized. That's like a challenge for me but a good one because I do deem myself as a creative analytical analytical person and being like ok I see it I get you let's put it in order. Um, so I enjoy doing that and I've had the. Great opportunity to work with some very interesting clients and individuals these these these recent years you can find me at WWDot great dane d a and e nine. Number 9 number 2 one dot com on my web site. There is a link to I have an Instagram page if you want to follow me on Instagram where I where I just show you how I live the humanistic side of me. And how that ties into what I do with great day nine to one I have my LinkedIn so you get to see what I've done in the past and like oh so she does know a thing or 2 yeah do and even a link to previous blogs that I've written about community. And how that ties into how you function as a individual community in politics and you can email me at info@greatdane921.com and there you can um, send me an inquiry and. Have all that whole good stuff call and let’s set up when we could set up either a 30-minute free consultation if you need more if we go go into an hour than I have to charge you so because now now we really we we really getting to the crooks of the things and don't do not be surprised. With the charge fee that is at the end for an hour consultation so info@greatdane921.com this is a business I have to respect my business I have to love my business which I do do and we we we must as a people be Respectful and and and be respectful of what the end of what the person is doing with their business There are no, there are not unfortunately there's there's no freebies. There are no constant freebies. However, you know. You have to obviously have a humanistic side and if you do see the capability and ability and of of a potential client you can work something out, but. You got you got to feel that vibe out when that in that first initial conversation like is this a person that you can really work with. So yeah.


55:14.82 - Thee Alchemist

Absolutely. Well guys. Well guys, we're going to start to wrap up this episode with our herb of the episode as well as our crystal. Of the episode.


55:30.69- Jaz Afrodite

So Today's crystals there are two pyrite and clear quartz generators set an intention for your business with pyrite and place it on your desk over your business card so that the energy is a constant reminder of what you need to do to achieve success. Amplify it with clear quartz generator as we know quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for focusing and amplifying your intention how to spot a crystal generator well generator crystals are crystals ending in 6 facets all coming to a near perfect point at the top of the crystal. Always trust your intuition if you take time to invest in yourself as well as your business. Your bottom line will continue to benefit.


56:15.13 - Dannie

Our herb for this episode. We actually have to the first one is Patchouli a rich, earthly smell put truly is on the list of herbs to bring in the dinero the dinero the money. Being an ardent believer in needing a little bit of luck on your side to fulfill or successfully complete anything for those who believed their luck to be down fill your garden balcony or just have a plant in your home with Patchouli and see how luck favors you our next herb. Is a revisit sassafras this herb it is a most important to mention given the episode a masculine herb with an astrological sign in Jupiter and a fire element sassafras is one of your go to money herbs. Burnt sassafras or place it in your purse slash wallet or cash registered to attract money the herb can also be used to aid in healing practices so herbs or this episode Patchouli and Sassafras.


57:27.30 - Thee Alchemist

Happy New Year roundtable and royal family. We hope you enjoyed this episode. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You could follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google the Empress High Council. We are everywhere. But going to leave you with our one final thought.