Empress High Council

Making Cryptocurrency Non-Cryptical with Portia Niles

Portia Niles Season 5 Episode 3

Hey, royal family. We heeded your requests and brought in a cryptocurrency expert, Ms. Portia Niles, from Kronos Digital Asset Group to discuss all things crypto: Where to buy; how to store and protect it; What’s an ETF? What's an NFT? And all things in between. Tune in now to be ahead of the crypto curve. 

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00:08.50 Alchemist

Great day royal family and welcome to season 5 episode 3 of The Empress High Council. Don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google The Empress High Council. We are everywhere. Before we set the table. Let's just introduce our cast. This is the alchemist come at you in a frequency of energy to transmute your social spiritual and financial currency into abundance.


00:34.04 Jaz Afrodite

And this is Jaz Afrodite coming to you on the 3 universal frequencies of love music and numbers.


00:41.03 Alchemist

And I know you guys expect to hear Dr. Dannie next Dr. Dannie is not going to be with us on this episode. She has a huge engagement that she is speaking in front of as of today. So we're just going to send her some great. Vibrations positive vibrations for her to be able to do what it is that she does. However, we do have a very special guest for you today. That's going to speak to you about 1 of the things that you guys has been asking us so much for so we found the expert. For you before we go on to introduce our expert let me give you a little bit of information about their background Kronos Digital Asset group it's founded by Rod Neil Harris and Portia Niles but the aim to educate and help everyday people understand what is cryptocurrency. That's right guys we have brought you a cryptocurrency team of experts to be able to explain what is cryptocurrency how to get involved and make informed decisions right? Rod Neil has Rod Neil has 20 years experiences software and desktop engineering and Portia's experience has taken her to work in private equity hedge funds and crypto funds combined they are in a unique position to help explain and educate beginners as well as advanced crypto. Currency investors right now. Kronos Digital Asset Group is purely an educational and consulting firm right now. Kronos Digital Asset Group is purely an educational and consulting firm but Rod Neil and Portia have big plans to take it to the next level. And start building investment portfolios for their clients into private equity I welcome Portia Niles to our syndicated airways of The Empress High Council to come speak to you about. All that you want to know when it comes to crypto currency welcome Portia, welcome.


02:36.58 Portia Niles 

Hello, hello! Thank you. Thanks for having me, ladies. I am so excited to be here.


02:43.03 Alchemist

We’re excited to have you.


02:44.78 Jaz Afrodite

Yes, we are.


02:45.32 Portia Niles 

Thank you so much guys. It's it's an honor it's an honor this is um I feel like a lot of people need to learn about crypto and get into this space. So I'm glad you guys offered this? um this opportunity to me and Rod Neil


02:57.22 Alchemist

Thank you so push it introduce yourself a little bit tell me tell us about you.


03:01.75 Portia Niles 

Well I am Portia Niles um of Caribbean descent. But I have my both parents are from Trinidad & Barbados. Um I born and raised in Flatbush, Brooklyn um I did the typical public school system went to 119 and you know went to the Hudde and went to high school then of course I decided to move away I went to Hampton University that's where I spent the best 4 years of my life and. And um I got my degree in accounting from there I decided to come back home and my accounting degree kind of took me a little bit more to the left than to the right? So when I tell people I got my degree in accounting they assume taxes they assume auditing first. Those were not my favorites. My favorites were financial management financial accounting. So I ended up going more towards financial services so started my career at Morgan Stanley you know working with mutual funds then I moved on to private equity. And then lastly the last fifteen years I have been in hedge funds and the last couple of years I've been in crypto hedge funds crypto hedge funds were so are still very new. They're not as regulated. It was very interesting to look at and to work with. And from there I decided that a lot of um, our people were not informed and I felt like this was the way for me to educate a lot of folks on crypto audit. There's a lot of people who still don't know what it is they hear about it. They hear about bitcoin they hear about Ethereum. But they're like what what is it like this is play money or like what is this so? What I do is I sit down and I educate and I talk and I research and I just help them understand and try to grasp the concept of what cryptocurrency is because it's a new It's a revolutionary monetary system is new. It's not going anywhere is here to stay. It's definite if it's not going to be adapted in our lifetime. It will definitely be adapted in our generations and next generations like timeline. Seriously I'm a lover of music. Um, I still played the piano here and there for you remember, Jacquii I used to play the piano. Um, and that's it. that's that's me.


05:28.34 Alchemist

Wow, that's amazing guys here we have Portia Niles right around from our own way talking to us about crypto currency the importance of it but more so she. Has provided a foundation to be able to understand cryptocurrency in her consultancy firm which is what we Love. This is something That's so needed like you said Portia crypto is not going anywhere. It's going to be here for a while so we might as well learn all that we can because.


05:58.44 Portia Niles 



06:02.24 Alchemist

When the color changes, the rules change. And we want to be ahead of the rules changing, right?


06:07.96 Portia Niles 

Yes, I feel like um, a lot of people in our community. They just they just they either. They don't have access to um, crypto so I feel like they need to learn more about it. They need to try to figure out how can I get my hands on this new system that is. Changing the world like it literally is and I don't want us to be the you know the ones on the bottom of the barrel then on the last man standing. So if I could reach as many people as I can about crypto if I could yell it from the rooftops like I've been doing for the last couple of years. Hopefully someone would listen. And get in you know, um I do focus on like long term I'm a long-term girl. So the whole quick fix Dodge coin she but you knows and those things not not for me.


06:57.84 Jaz Afrodite

That's interesting that you say that I think the problem with our people is that there's a disconnect with the technology and I know people get mad at me when I go into this spiritual and talk about astrology. But we can't avoid the planets and because we are moving into the age of Aquarius. Moving out of that slow moving earth energy and into fast-moving technology artificial intelligence the power lies in us as push just mentioned really understanding the value of this currency understanding that we don't longer have. Anything backing the paper money that we're currently using and so they're moving into this digital realm because it's just going to be easier for the transfer of money here and there, we're also not really exchanging cash that much right? So there's a shortage of everything that's happening in the world. But once we understand how to use it. And not let it use us I think we would be in a better position because technology as we know has its pros and cons this is where the world is moving but we also have to be smart enough so that we don't become enslaved by it and so I hope this conversation gives us a broader understanding of all of that.


08:06.02 Alchemist

Absolutely and Portia I can't say this enough that we're so happy to have you here because your background based on your background alone with private equity hedge funds crypto hedge funds combined makes you more than credible to be able to be here with The Empress High Council today speaking about cryptocurrency ah laying a foundation to be able to educate our listeners. Um, and those people who want to forward, you can hit the like subscribe and share button and you can you can share this actual podcast. With your friends and your family and people that you love so that they can have the education as well. So, Portia. Let me ask you a question: Why should people invest in cryptocurrency and and kind of like how can they invest in cryptocurrency?


08:55.50 Portia Niles 

People can invest in cryptocurrency in several ways. 1 of the main ways is to get it through an exchange so you see how when you used to buy stock you buy stock from a stock exchange. You could buy crypto. From a decentralized crypto exchange. So when people say oh I bought crypto on Weibo or Robinhood. Those are not crypto exchanges crypto exchanges are Coinbase, Gemini, Blockfi, Binance. Those are where you can get the thousands of different cryptos any day 24 hours a day 365 five days a year that's a difference between stock and crypto stock market. You know it's 9 to 5 Monday to Friday that's when they trade crypto 365/24 hours right um I would say that getting crypto right now is something that you should definitely have in your portfolio even if it doesn't have to be 100 % in your portfolio. Maybe. Ten fifteen if you are investing, I would definitely suggest that you diversify your portfolio with crypto because crypto is new. It is very new It's not going anywhere, and I so honestly think that you know this this realm that you were talking about. Is going this way. It's going more towards technology so when you say crypto I you know I explained to people. It's like computer money that would be like my best way to say it. It is like computer money, right? It's going to go between you and me not you me and the bank. The aspect and creation of crypto that's what came from to take out the banks. Satoshi, the guy who created bitcoin, he said he wanted the money for the people. The people only so with that. Came the elimination of the the middleman which would be the banks right? So if you and I let's say back in the eighteen hundreds you know when you think of money money is um, what you believe has value so back in the old times. We would trade cowrie shells, right? So I I need a hundred cowrie shells for this cow you know and then we'll exchange it through that it's the same thing with crypto The only difference is is there's no intermediator at all. There's no one in between I would say it is so technologically advanced and is still very new I would suggest that everyone get into crypto how you can invest you could like I said you could go on Coinbase which I'm quite sure everyone heard of Coinbase. Um. CashApp makes it super easy. Um, but CashApp only has a couple of um cryptos on there. Um, for folks in New York it's a little bit more difficult when it comes to different exchanges because of the rules and regulations. But um, you have the CashApp you have the Coinbase you have Uphold. So many different ones. There's Uphold. There's Weibo. There's Voyager. There's crypto like this Crypto.com. There's Gemini and that we talk that you want to talk about Etoro, Blockfi there's so many different exchanges but it's really just up to you and where you want to buy it from. I personally like Coinbase because it's very simple to use. Um you just attach your bank account to it. You know they do the the 2 key step identification. The verification. And it's easy breezy lemon squeezy.


12:57.44 Alchemist

I'm so glad you said that and the found of bitcoin is ah Satoshi Nakamoto, right? Satoshi Nakamoto is the founder of bitcoin.


13:07.19 Portia Niles 



13:07.30 Alchemist

And you said it's for the people so he wanted to take out the Banks. You know, take out the intermediaries and I well I was wondering because I know the dollar used to be backed by Gold then after 1971 it was backed by oil which is the petrol dollar and I was having a discussion with someone and they were saying well I said well what's backing Bitcoin. And he's and you know the person was telling me the people the people and I didn't understand what he was saying at that Time. So I'm so glad you definitely cleared that up because it's to remove the intermediaries and you know what this is the this is the currency of the people.


13:33.39 Portia Niles 

Community, Hm Mm.


13:35.02 Alchemist

Which is for the people. So I'm glad that you definitely cleared that up talk a little bit about your company and your research and the benefits of having a um consultant in this space.


13:55.75 Portia Niles 

Okay, well Kronos was created back in um, early 2020. we decided that the average person like I said needed to learn how to invest in crypto now. When it comes to having a consultant in this crypto space. You don't have the average person doesn't have hours on hours and hours on end to sit in front of a computer and do major major deep dives on different cryptocurrencies, right? So we do. The hard work for you so we discuss how to buy crypto where to buy crypto the different projects that we have if you have any that you've heard of and you wanted information on that's what we also do. Help you secure your crypto we teach you the difference between hot wallet and cold wallets which is something that you have to keep your crypto on right because at the end of the day. It's still computers and computers can always get hacked. So we suggest you know cold storage. Um, hard wallets that you could use to keep your keep your money on you right? Um, we also because like I said because of 24 hours 365 days a year we do the hard part. We would sit down. You. You know we'll sit down with you. We also have um, not zooms but like monthly meetings with our clients to just talk about the different types of cryptocurrencies that that's out there because you know there's Defi crypto those NFT crypto there's gaming crypto. There's there's so many different types of crypto. So when you want when you want to. Ah, a decent portfolio. We try to explain what those are and which ones are decent ones to invest in a lot of people do shop on price right? and it's not always about the price. It's about the utility of the coin. So perfect example I was telling you guys early about. Um, like the Dogecoin and the Shiba Inu’s of the world. Personally, I'm just saying personal I'm not a fan because they don't have any real world utility you know like what is the point of this coin. Now if I was to suggest something I would suggest something like Vechain right? Vechain you know they are a blockchain technology you know company right? and they work on the so they work on fixing the supply chain issues that's out now. Right? So that has a real-world value. A real-world solution, right? So those are type of cryptos that I like to. You know, research and discuss with a lot of people all the time. Um, and because I've been doing this for quite some time, for as long as I can remember I have been asked for years. Portia, what do I do how do I invest this is before I even looked before I even got into crypto. Just in general. How do I invest what should I invest what is a 401K how like all of these for years for years I've been getting that and I just never sat down and took the time and be like alight P, maybe you need to really think about. Going this route as far as like helping and educating folks about you know, just money and investing and just happens that crypto was the one  that catapulted me into that because I wasn't doing that for a long time I was not um I wasn't doing that. I was just a worker for years. So.


17:54.61 Alchemist

Well, you know here on The Empress High Council. We're all about our exit strategies, right? And how to build a a real like you said a real-world solution. For people and build your own company at the same time in addition to freeing yourself up for opportunities. Um, Jaz.


18:24.08 Jaz Afrodite

I wanted to ask I know we're speaking about crypto as it pertains to the people, and it being backed by the faith of the people now because the world is moving towards its digital currency. How do we know that the banks will not try to regulate, or the government will not try to regulate the use of crypto? And get in between the relationship between the currency and the people.


18:45.44 Alchemist

They already have Regulation A is called Regulation A.


18:46.70 Portia Niles 

So, yeah. Let's let's let's talk about that. Let's talk about that see now, I knew it was coming like we all knew everyone who was in this crypto space early. We knew it was coming. You know, um. When people talked about crypto they thought oh my gosh you know what's for criminals and you know it's for money laundering and all other stuff and I'm here like but criminals use cash and they use it for money laundering too. So what is why are we even talking about this? A lot of these governments are trying to regulate, and it is affecting the prices right now right? They just really want. They're trying to find a way to control it and but it can't it can't be controlled what they gonna do tell me that it's illegal to have crypto. They're trying to be like Theodore Roosevelt when he was doing the same thing with gold. Right? They're going to try but I don't think is's going to be as regulated as you know money because it's fiat. You know it. It's the greenback like then you know they did. Yeah, do they feel threatened by this mind you they're still buying. Don't sleep. Warren Buffett to me was a perfect example because he was like oh it's a rat poison. It's the worst thing to ever invest that he flipped the switch,  right? He has bitcoin he has Ethereum all these hedge fund guys. You know micro strategies. They're buying billions and billions of dollars of crypto every day like today's a perfect time to go shopping because right now bitcoin is down to like 36? Right, it’s shopping time and I could bet you bottom dollar in the news tomorrow when I go and I research you're gonna hear micro strategy PayPal, Visa all of these companies bought more bitcoin because they view it as digital gold as a store of value. So I would continue. Ah yes so I would not um, be too scared about that.


20:19.49 Alchemist

Yes, it’s down to 36,000. Ooh digital gold. That's what I'm talking about.


20:47.22 Portia Niles 

I would not be too worried about that I mean there's regulation everywhere. I mean it is what it is.


20:55.14 Alchemist 

Yeah, and they did come out with a Regulation A which is an exemption with bitcoin with crypto not bitcoin being an exemption from registration requirements with the FCC. Um, when it applies to um, the ah public offerings so we have the ICO. Which is an initial coin offering and we got the STO which is the security token offering and these are similar to IPOs when they get ready to introduce and introduce this cryptocurrency into the market and it can be regulated so you can. Moving on being able to hold your you being able to hold your crypto in your brokerage account in your regular brokerage accounts. That's what they're trying to do. That's what that's the plan. That's why Regulation A is there. That's exactly why Regulation A is there now.


21:45.51 Portia Niles 

Um, that's the plan. That's the plan that is definitely the plan out because they want to get in. They want to get in. They see how much money is pouring into crypto they're like we are not about to be left behind On. It's no Way. So of course, of course all the big wigs and the investment elites are gonna want to regulate and shut all this down. They're like and we need our part.


22:04.06 Alchemist

They're gonna make themselves intermediary gonna make them. They become their elbows. We gonna make ourselves intermediary. We got Reg A we're gonna have the CEOs. We're gonna have the I sees were coming up with political freaks.


22:15.75 Portia Niles 

But but yeah, but you're doing so crazy All of these companies though. They're not doing it for us, though. They're doing it for the accredited investor. They’re not doing this for the regular, Joe Schmo.


22:28.62 Alchemist

Yes, and for you guys if you want to know what an accredited investor is and accredited investor is someone who has a million dollars liquid assets liquid cash $1,000,000 liquid cash and at least make $250,000 a year. That's an accredited investor.


22:45.95 Portia Niles 

Absolutely, I want to be an accredited investor. That's the goal.


22:47.87 Alchemist

Listen, there's a lot of accredited investors that they've been made overnight over the last two years you know? So.


22:52.79 Portia Niles 

Yeah, if to get on the right coin. They made the right investments. Yeah.


23:01.09 Alchemist

So what is hot wallet and cold wallets I Know you mentioned that.


23:05.09 Portia Niles 

Okay, hot wallet and coal wallet are um where you store your crypto right? So hot wallet is something it was where you use your exchange on your computer. So like let's say um. 1 of the wallets that I use is exodus now exodus is a wallet where you have to store your crypto at the end of the day anytime you buy crypto you have to make sure you have a hot wallet and this cold wallet is for extra security. Okay, so when you download let's say exodus. Download Xs on your computer you buy your crypto. It's saved on the computer.


23:46.95 Alchemist

So you were saying that you have the hot wallet in the cold wallet and that's how they save it on their computer and the cold wallet is the extra protection.


23:55.64 Portia Niles 

Right is the extra protection. It's a hardware. It's like it looks like a zip drive. So, you plug that into computer and you download your crypto onto that now that is where I have my That's what I would use my most security with so you have that you put it in your safe deposit box. You put it somewhere safer. You have your passports and your deeds because if you lose it you lose it forever. So that's why having? Ah. Hot wallet and a cold wallet are the best things to have because if your computer gets hacked. You lost all your crypto. But if you moved your crypto from your hot wallet to your cold wallet then you're good to go.


24:35.44 Jaz Afrodite

So let me understand this Normally how a flash drive works is I store my information on a flash drive I extract it is there now with the crypto does it have any updates. So I have to continually put my cold wallet into the laptop and update it as the crypto. Increases decreases. How does it adjust to the fluctuations of the market?


25:59.56 Portia Niles 

I well well like um, well it has nothing to do with the market I mean like most companies and most programs they have updates so that you're going to get an update every couple of months like no, you know you have a live update just updated. You're not going to lose your crypto. Not going to lose any of that. Um, on the computer. My issue with the computer is let's say you forget your password or if your computer gets hacked, you’re SOL. So, your best bet is to always have ah a cold wallet as well.


25:30.23 Alchemist

So that's like that millionaire who lost his hard drive or whatever it was and he lost the pack. The billions of dollars is oh wow wow she.


25:33.93 Portia Niles 

Yes, yes, yes, yes so.


25:34.48 Jaz Afrodite

Um, lost the password to it.


25:40.95 Jaz Afrodite

So, what is your suggestions about safeguarding your password? because from what I understand these crypto passwords are extremely long so that they have their unique identifier and so what do you suggest for somebody who is not tech technologically savvy because a lot of these users.


25:51.26 Portia Niles 



25:51.55 Jaz Afrodite

Converting into crypto are not technologically savvy. How do you suggest that they store their passwords without putting it on the cloud and then giving somebody else access to it or writing it in a black book that could be stolen like what do they do?


26:10.02 Alchemist

I I would think that I would get it tattooed on me, but ah, then the person who's doing tattoo. They have the passwords but that's not going to help and then I was thinking about maybe I'll go to a couple of different tattoo artists get them to do 3 characters at a time but then at the end of the day. The last person who do the last character. They actually have the password. So yeah, yeah, that's gonna yeah, how do we? How do we maintain that because I know even with crypto you you can't even set your own password. They actually give you a unique identifier.


26:41.41 Portia Niles 

Yes, they give you yes, they give you a 12 word. Um key phrase. Um, usually what I do is um, like what I did for my parents I would write it down. And like I said before where you have your passport your passport your deed all that stuff put that someplace super-duper safe but you don't have to use the 12 word passcode every single time you get on you create your own password. You just remember your own password if you have to write it down. We have um I don't know what these are called but Rod Neil bought them I wish I could tell you what they are. They're like these little metal plates and you get them automatically from whichever wallet. You're gonna use and they'll um. They'll put it on the wallet on this hard piece of plate so you'll have your 12 seed words here and this you could take and put it in your safe safe deposit box or wherever and keep it if you lose this. If you lose your 12 phrase. That's it. Um I was called a fearmonger when I first started this, I was called a fearmonger because I told this lady if you lose these words you lose your crypto that's just that's just what it is that's just what is that is one of the risks. In taking in investing in crypto. But then again, I mean with anything if you forget your password you forget your password you could reset it but with crypto is a little different. That's all I would suggest writing it down and putting away safe.


28:28.46 Alchemist

So once they give you to 12-character identifier. You can actually go in and change the password to something that you want?


28:38.22 Portia Niles 

One password so you have 1 password and the 12 phrases is just for you to get back in if you lose your password if you forgot your password, so they want to make sure that is you so let's say you go on your password is JanetJackson1, and you kept trying and you forgot it It's not JanetJackson1 then they're gonna be like all right? What is your 12-phrase password. That's when you use the 12 phrases and if you don't have that then they not letting you in.


29:07.22  Alchemist

Oh ok, ok I see I see I see I read remember remember when we were speaking before we got on the show Portia that you were talking to me so about something I'm I'm trying to remember what it is because I I thought that it was very important. You were talking about owning real crypto versus owning like just I guess owning like crypto shares. like like if I use Coinbase do I own real crypto or do I just own some phantom of crypto.


29:40.58 Portia Niles 

You own crypto when you get a wallet address. So when you go on Coinbase right? you say? Okay I want to buy XLM um, you buy XLM um, you go through your bank you press by you. You do the steps you're going to get a wallet address. That is your specific code for that crypto period if you go on Robinhood and you buy the same the same one. You're not getting a wallet address. You're not getting a wallet address. So that's technically that's not yours you know it's like an I Owe You. So, when you go on these exchanges every time you buy crypto make sure you have a wallet address at the end of the day make sure you have a wallet address at all times. I was never a fan of like when this whole debacle happened early on in 2021 with Robinhood and you know. All these um investors were you know complaining about them stopping trading and all other stuff and when it comes to cryptocurrency I would not suggest buying it on there I mean that's just my opinion I would suggest that you always buy crypto on a crypto exchange, with a wallet, period.


31:18.37 Alchemist

Well oh no, that's not I was gonna say I own some crypto but no, no wait a minute. No no, no, no, it's Phantom It's Phantom crypto I own I own an I Owe You Phantom crypto what is that. But he had sent me some money through CashApp, and I was like yeah we just put that money in the crypto on a CashApp.


31:18.37 Portia Niles 

Did you buy it. You bought it on cash app you bought it on CashApp. So when you go on CashApp, when you want to send it to your wallet, which I hope you have or decide to get one, you're going to see a little arrow or a QR code, And that QR code is going to have your wallet address on the bottom.


31:38.59 Alchemist

And see that's good to know. So so that's good to know see because now we have these I Owe You’s and the the I Owe You’s and the Phantom crypto and comparison to having the real crypto and having a a wallet right? A wallet address I don't have a wallet address I know that I don't have a wallet address I've never seen a wallet address. You know that cash at oh well.


31:59.85 Portia Niles 

You have a wallet address if you bought it through CashApp, you have a wallet address, for sure. 


32:06.59 Alchemist

Oh, well. They never mean they never sent me any 12-character password and all kinds of stuff like that I don't all that.


32:11.36 Portia Niles 

eah, you have what? yeah you have what ah yeah with CashApp with CashApp it’s super simple. So but if you were to get like I would suggest now that you download a wallet onto your computer right. From there you could move it from your cash app onto your wallet and you have an address. Trust me, you have one especially with with Coinbase cash app you know Gemini those are regulated. So I mean they're gonna make sure you have a wallet address, so you're good.


32:40.12 Alchemist

And guys I have a series 7, 63, and all these licenses and I don't even know that. So we're gonna shout out to Krono's digital Asset management group make sure that you go and get your consultation your crypto consultation with Portia Niles. She is awesome. Just know that you heard it from us First. We're bringing you all the information as we normally do, The Empress High Council. We bring the information to the people. So now we got that that plug in their Portia where can the people find you Portia, just in case and we're gonna continue this this interview but where can they find you, Portia.


33:13.62 Portia Niles 

So, I am on um Facebook, Instagram, Twitter um, it is called Kronos Digital Asset Group #kronosdigitalassetgroup, k r o n o s d i g i t a l a s s e t g r o u p, Kronos Digital Asset Group, @kronos_assets. You could also find us on www.kronosdigital.io


33:53.06 Alchemist

There you have it there you have it but just in case you didn't get it. You can rewind it and write it down. However, you can keep going because we're going to give it to you a few more times during this episode. So Portia, we were talking about um Exchange Trader funds, ETFs in the currency space and the benefits let's talk a little bit about um ETFs and Exchange Traded Funds in this you know currency space right now.


34:22.40 Portia Niles 

All right? So, the cryptocurrency space is vast. It is huge at this point and it's still getting bigger every day now if you don't know what a ETF is an ETF is an exchange traded fund right? It's based on a product. Right? That list is shares on a mainstream stock exchange but this one will be a crypto ETF. So, it's the same thing you have a basket of let's say I'm gonna use stock. For example, I'll do that first. Let's say you have a basket of.


34:55.48 Alchemist



34:56.93 Portia Niles 

Stock that invests in electric vehicles, right? instead of you’re buying one tesla you could buy Tesla you could buy Neo you could buy Lucid because they're all in this one basket so you could buy the basket. You don't have to buy the individual right.


35:19.57 Alchemist

So, it's like mutual fund investing.


35:21.26 Portia Niles 

Yes, yes, very very similar. So, what they have is they have different ones they have mining ETF they have DEFI ETFs they have NFT, ETF so these are all companies that invest in this specific group. And you could buy into that group. You could buy the arm the orange instead of just getting the seeds. You could buy the the whole orange and sometimes I think with some type of investors. They're still very leery on just buying crypto itself. Because an ETF is still regulated. It's still trade on the stock market so you could buy that specific crypto ETF on the stock market. You know so you feel a little safer you know, um, there's tons of them. There's there's a one called block. That invests in blockchain that invests in um, what did do they invest? Oh they also invest in like mining right? So there's several different ones. There's this block. There's Ledger. What's another one I could think of um BitQ, of course.


36:31.59 Alchemist

That's great I'm gonna stop you right there because if they want to know more they're gonna have to go to if they want to know more they're gonna gonna go if they're gonna have to go to Kronos Digital Asset Group getting have a consultation with Ms. Portia Niles so that you can go on and get all the rest of that information because guys she can't go on. She can go on forever. How how? however this is our intellectual property. She has done the research for you guys and you know what. You need to pay for information. Let's be honest here. We're giving you as much as we can, right? So, but yeah.


36:51.30 Portia Niles 

Yes, I could go on forever. Yes, I could go on Forever I'm sorry.


37:09.20 Portia Niles 

I get excited sometimes I'd be like oh yeah, you could do this and do that and do this and you know I apologize. Yeah.


37:16.61 Alchemist

You can you give away the baby with the bath water. Huh?


37:22.66 Portia Niles 

And so um, yeah, so for the um, the more conservative investor ETF's mutual funds. Those are really good to invest in, especially if you want to get into this space if you don't want to buy the crypto itself. You could buy. Technology behind the crypto right? So you could buy like like I said you could buy the orange. You. Do you know it has the seeds inside so you go have the orange, so you're good.


37:49.80 Alchemist

Its fantastic, fantastic. So just to wrap up on the exchange traded funds and and getting people to understand what the exchange traded funds are and what Portia explained to you guys. This is a way that you can diversify your assets instead of putting all your eggs in 1 basket like buying 1 particular crypto and having the fluctuation you get an opportunity to be invested in a basket of crypto funds right. So that that's what that's about, um, my next question is what are your views because I know you already talked about your views on the future of crypto and how it's not going anywhere right? You said that crypto is not going anywhere but what are your views on crypto as far as globally. For the future because we discussed here long time ago that we were moving to one world currency, and this is when we've got first few months in 2019 when we first came out talk about moving to one world currency. And here we are today, as we normally do, predict everything that happens in the world on The Empress High Council. But what? Where do you see us going as far as the future of crypto? Do you think it'd be the future of where it's just one world currency or just be 5 currencies or how do you think that will …?


39:04.70 Portia Niles 

Um I don't think it's going to be one currency because there's not going to be just one that could do everything so like a perfect example would be in Africa, they're using crypto currency a lot right? A lot of these businesses. They don't like a lot of folks don't in some of these countries. They don't have access to banks, right? or the dollar is hyper crazy inflated, right? So, a lot of people. They don't have any real faith in the monetary system at this point so with crypto. Makes a lot of things easier I could go to the local corner store and buy you know my fruit and my food or whatever with cryptocurrency because they accept cryptocurrency. They just use it as another form of money because they don't believe in the the government, they don't believe in the money that they had they you know. Super hyper inflated or they don't have access to banks and if you have a cell phone and internet. Anyone could have money. That's just another form of money and I don't think that it's going anywhere anytime soon because when I say mass adaption is here it is here the banks are using it. PayPal, Visa yeah I'm quite sure you hear about all the news about all these companies buying bitcoin and all these different cryptocurrencies because they believe that it is going to be used. They believe in the future and cryptocurrency to me is going to be in the future look at robelox look a Fortnite. They have cryptocurrency where you could you could play a game and win crypto money and you could use it right? Our children they're playing roblox they're playing Fortnite they're doing Minecraft. All these things are coming into play crypto isn't going anywhere. it's not is it's just it's just not I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. yeah I my views in a metaverse is something else so yeah yeah I mean


41:01.25 Jaz Afrodite

And I'm pretty sure they're gonna adapt it to the metaverse whenever that comes out as well because they've been trying to do that as well. Mine too' I've already knew anyway has a whole other topic a whole other day to get into that but the question I wanted to ask.


41:15.29 Portia Niles 

You could buy land there. You know that right, you could buy land in the metaverse, girl.


41:17.67 Jaz Afrodite

I know.


41:22.60 Jaz Afrodite

So I wanted to ask in terms of the bitcoin I know that there is a limited amount of bitcoin. So how are we addressing that for those who want to jump into the bitcoin pool If is it even possible and then can you also explain more the Ethereum and what that means?


41:42.50 Portia Niles 

Okay, bitcoin like you said has a limited amount that was for a reason, right? So when you buy bitcoin when you buy any crypto. You don't have to buy it at. Current price, right? You don't have to buy once because I tell my people. Oh you know you should buy some bitcoin. You don't have to look for 30 something thousand dollars and buy 1 you could dollar cost average so you could buy $50 every day $50 every week as long as you get a piece as long as you get a piece of it right. That's what I would highly suggest for anyone. You don't have to have a whole one if you could afford a whole one kudos to you, but if you can't you could buy in fractions. You could buy a hundred dollars hair $200 here. As long as you have a piece of one. You're good and hold I'm a big “Holdr” as they see says hold on for dear life. So, I'm holding on to my bitcoin for a minute. Okay Ethereum now. It is very interesting because Ethereum is. Has an ecosystem that means there's other blockchains being built on top. So, the developers for all these other cryptos that you hear about are built on that Ethereum blockchain personally I think Ethereum got it on lock right now right? But their competition is coming fast and heavy right? So, like developers they're dealing with gas fees. These are like fees that you have to pay every time you do anything on that Ethereum blockchain right? There are other ones like Solana who are just as fast or faster. And cheaper. So. There's a lot of crypto being built on their platform stick they have. They're running competition. But right now, I feel like they they kind of have a monopoly on um on the crypto space because a lot of these developers could build on it. But on Coinbase you're only getting Ethereum-based crypto if you well the average person wouldn't know that part but a lot of the crypto that you buy on Coinbase are Ethereum backed cryptocurrencies. There are thousands of different types of cryptos. So when I say Coinbase you could use Coinbase is Gemini. This's finances tons there's tons of different um case you could buy crypto but Ethereum, Ethereum ain’t going nowhere really, you know Ethereum I mean is one of the is one of the OGs in the crypto space. So they're they're in it. They're in it.


44:28.61 Alchemist

Ethereum is the blue chip of the world. The new blue chip old boys.


44:34.37 Portia Niles 

They got they got some hot in their tails though. They got some hot on their tails. I could tell you that.


44:39.63 Alchemist

But guys you got to tune in to hear about it and you got to contact Kronos Digital Asset Group and get you an appointment with Portia Niles in order for you to find out what it is … period. So Portia, I got one  more question to ask you then I think we're going to kind of like wrap this up so that people get a chance to listen to the episode again in their cars make their cars their big their crypto library with this episode. Um, then the other question that I have to ask you ... do you think that banks are going to be obsolete?


45:14.31 Portia Niles 

That’s a good one. Wow um now I don't think so I don't think so they just don't want to. Um, share the market. That's what it is but they're not going. Ah, they're not going anywhere. You know banks that's old old money. That's a generations that's countries that is no I don't think it's going to. Um. Banks are not gonna be obsolete I just think that they're not going to be used as much if this crypto if this crypto comes into play like how they say it is. We're not gonna be going to the banks and applying for checks and looking for debit card and all type of stuff when it's it's just not gonna happen. I don't think they're going to be obsolete though I don't because you know the young generation will definitely be using crypto more than you know, like my parents like my parents still go to the bank I haven't stepped foot in a bank in forever. It not I mean so um, real world. It's definitely. Here to stay banks are right now they're catching up right? because you know they were listening to you know the old folks about oh you know crypto isn't real and it's fake money so they weren't really paying attention. It wasn't until I ... It sounds weird but I think covid catapulted crypto into the stratosphere covid because when you think covid at the time you don't want to touch people. You don't want to be around right? So this right here this whole situation pushed crypto. Into the main space like it just did I saw it I was just like Rod Neil is about to be a wrap. It's about to be because you know it's computer money now everyone's home you know covid is here everyone's home inside they're not exchanging money. They're not exchanging you know. Paper not exchanging objects. They like they're not around people so with crypto you don't have to touch it. You know it's like you said it's in the cloud. It's in the computer so you don't have to come into interact with anyone else personally, right? um. I would say these banks have decided now that crypto is on the move they are going to offer custody for their clients, right? But like I said before it's for the institutional clients then don't sleep. They’re, they’re, they’re in it. They’re in it. Um, there's a couple there's tons of other topics I could talk about with banks in crypto. But if you want to find out more www.kronosdigital.io or you could look me up on Instagram @kronos_ assets or @kronos_cryptogirl.


48:20.11 Alchemist

And you got it, period. Ah we love it. We love it. But I know you said just things that you can talk about when it comes to banks but you and when we talk about the crypto space and having this new panorama move people in having this new panorama actually heightened the the effects the need and the utility and access to crypto here's the other thing we know that banks are not going anywhere. They're trying to be able to move position themselves to be able to offer crypto to the average and ordinary person in there and that whatever space that will keep them alive. But if crypto is for the people …


48:53.75 Portia Niles 



49:03.93 Alchemist

And the people don't need the banks and when they figure out they really don't need the banks and the banks are just trying to muscle themselves in there. We're going to have to have less and less banks just like we did in the 90s you know the 80s and 9 s with the banking merges came with the chemical banks the Manny hannies you know the Salomon Smith Barneys you know merging together to become one company. So those are the things that we're going to see happen. So, the banks are going to die.


49:29.01 Portia Niles 

But I don't think the government is gonna let them die. They got too many lawmakers, too many lobbyists. Please they're not going anywhere. They're not.. They're not I don't think they're going anywhere Personally I mean they just won't be utilized as Much. Um. People already know that you don't need a bank for crypto I mean but you see you know you're right? They might actually be on their their last leg they hold on they will try anything to hold on.


49:56.16 Alchemist

Yes, this and and and we'll see we'll we're gonna to guess what and you heard it here first. We're gonna look next thing what we're going to see in the next five years given this crypto thing goes up is the great banking merge. The great banking merge. All the banks will go to be merging because the banks are actually dying and once the baby boomers are gone which may only be like another you know 15 to 20 years maybe what does the bankings and this generation is not using it.


50:23.69 Portia Niles 

The next generation just not using them I know.


50:28.82 Alchemist

So we're gonna have great banking merge is going to happen. So now all these you know young people who are in who are inheriting the assets of their parents and grandparents. It's gonna go in a couple of places the metaverse land in the verse. Okay, we told.


50:44.59 Portia Niles 

Um, true to NFT's big time. Yep.


50:45.26 Alchemist

NFTs exactly and crypto.


50:55.35 Jaz Afrodite

And that was the next question I had in terms of the NFTs with this whole big fiasco between Jay-Z and Dame Dash with Dame Dash trying to sell off his NFTs to one of Jay-z's records the whole NFT conversation came up and people were confused as to what an NFT was.


51:14.82 Portia Niles 

NFTs are what you call Non-Fungible Tokens right? So, you can own an NFT by you create something and you put it on the blockchain and you could sell it I think that's what this guy did right is that what? Okay so Jay Z's issue is when you do sell an and NFT every single time it gets sold. You will always get a percentage like royalties always forever I don't know what I'm not sure exactly the story between the whole Jay Z and um and dame dash thing is but a perfect example, a guy sold a red box a red box for $600,000 a red box I could make a red box. You could a red box. Okay.


52:22.60 Alchemist

Child, moon manifestation is going up on the NFT next week. Haaaa.


52:28.58 Portia Niles 

We could talk about NFTts all that's a whole I would say NFTs are great, um, are great for people to invest in as well because anyone can literally create an NFT and sell it and make money off of it. That's just another investment vehicle. Um some people in the art world, like my daughter, she was like oh you know NFTs they um they devalue art I'm here like no, it's just another. Form of art. It is just future of art. You know like a lot of us are still stuck in the eighteenth century. You know, right now I could go take a picture of Mona Lisa give her a mustache sell it as an NFT and they'll get sold. Um, trust me right? exactly. And yeah in he and they have crypto they have crypto. Um.


53:22.53 Jaz Afrodite

That's dope. So, then artists will have to rethink the way that they market their products and their artwork even with musicians as well. So, you can put music out and as an NFT and sell it in that space. Whoa.


53:38.26 Portia Niles 

That's backed by those and NFTts like they have engine and audience There's all the ones that you could buy like I said just book a consultation. There's tons this tons of different types of cryptocurrencies out there. You know you have the NFT cryptocurrencies you have to Defi currencies you have. Um, the supply chain cryptocurrencies. There's so many different ones out there is just you know different projects that you're interested in. So, like if you tell me oh you know Poche I heard about x y z coin like what is it? Oh but I don't really have time all right. So then that's where I come in. You know Kronos Digital Asset Group what we do is. We'll do the research for you. We'll tell you you know we'll give you our advice on whether it's a good buy or not. You know we look at certain things as far as um. As far as the developers you know the roadmap the projects and that's just and that's what it is. That's what we do.


54:40.55 Alchemist

Wow, that's awesome, Portia. Thank you so much for visiting with us today. We'll make sure that we have you come back on another episode to talk about NFTs in addition to that guys if you want any information or you want to start your own NFT make sure you hit up Kronos Digital Asset Group with Portia. Make sure you get an appointment with Portia you guys know how to find her um, don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. We want to thank you once again, Portia and just thank Kronos Digital Asset Group for educating us our people on digital currency in crypto currency and this whole currency space and and we just we're just thankful for your consulting firm where you're out there and you're in Brooklyn right in Brooklyn. Ok great. And Brooklyn on its own the borough of Brooklyn on its own is so big that it could be 1 of the third largest cities and there's a lot of money and a ton of wealth in Brooklyn so but guys if you want to get into this new space for your wealth to be able to grow for you. You know where to go. So guys you heard it here on The Empress High Council. Please don't forget to hit the like subscribe and share button. You can follow us @triempress on IG and Twitter or you can just Google The Empress High Council we are everywhere. We're going to leave you with our one final thought: Know your worth.